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 Bank of Communications Schroeder

Online transaction security tips

BOCOM Schroeder attaches great importance to the security of your online account. Our website adopts advanced security measures to protect your personal data and online transaction information.

This online trading system adopts the web server certificate (SSL certificate) provided by VeriSign, the most trusted network infrastructure provider in the world. Tianwei Chengxin can provide VeriSign's brand certificate products with the most complete types of certificates. The company provides digital authentication services for more than 93% of Fortune 500 enterprises, 97% of the world's top 100 banks, and 47 of the world's 50 largest e-commerce websites. In China, 95% of the VeriSign certificate market share comes from Tianwei Integrity. It is a legitimate third-party electronic certification service agency approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, specializing in technology and product services such as digital certificates, and has great influence in the industry. See: http://verisign.itrus.com.cn/

If your browser only supports 40 bit or 56 bit encryption, you can download the 128 bit confidential upgrade from your browser provider for free. If you don't want to upgrade, the system will automatically increase your encryption level to 128 bit when you log in to our website.

Please try to avoid registering or logging into the website and online trading system on computers in public places such as Internet cafes, so as to prevent the untrusted computers from installing Trojan viruses and intercepting your account and password information.

Please ensure that the browser address of the online trading system is: https://etrading.fund001.com/...

When you register, you can choose your user name and password. You are the only person who knows your password and can change it at any time. But please take care of your password and change it regularly or irregularly. Any login, inquiry and transaction using your current user name and password will be regarded as your own behavior.

When you register, you must fill in your email address correctly and ensure the privacy and validity of the address.

There are time limits in the private areas of the website. If there is no response for more than 20 minutes, you must log in again.

BOCOM Schroeder reminds you to keep your personal login information properly. After you check your account, please exit the website safely.