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Nginx Lua Redis prevents CC attacks


The implementation principle of Nginx Lua Redis to prevent CC attacks: if the same Internet IP, the same Web address (ngx. var. request_uri), and the same client (http_user_agent) visit a certain Web address (ngx. var. request_uri) more than a specified number of times (CCcount) in a certain period of time (CCseconds), the Internet IP+the same client (md5 (IP+ngx. var. http_user_agent) is prohibited Visit this website (ngx. var. request_uri) for a period of time (blackseconds).

This script is written in Lua (depending on nginx+Lua) and writes information to Redis (depending on Redis. lua).

Nginx lua module installation

Recompile nginx, install the lua module, or use it directly《 OneinStack 》Install the OpenResty native modification module

  1. pushd /root/oneinstack/src
  2. wget -c  http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.10.3.tar.gz
  3. wget -c  http://mirrors.linuxeye.com/oneinstack/src/openssl-1.0.2k.tar.gz
  4. wget -c  http://mirrors.linuxeye.com/oneinstack/src/pcre-8.39.tar.gz
  5. wget -c  http://luajit.org/download/LuaJIT-2.0.4.tar.gz
  6. git clone  https://github.com/simpl/ngx_devel_kit.git
  7. git clone  https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module.git
  8. tar xzf nginx-1.10.3.tar.gz
  9. tar xzf openssl-1.0.2k.tar.gz
  10. tar xzf pcre-8.39.tar.gz
  11. tar xzf LuaJIT-2.0.4.tar.gz
  12. pushd LuaJIT-2.0.4
  13. make && make install
  14. popd
  15. pushd nginx-1.10.3
  16. ./configure  --prefix =/usr/local/nginx  --user = www   --group = www  --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_v2_module --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_realip_module --with-http_flv_module --with-http_mp4_module  --with-openssl =../ openssl-1.0.2k -- with-pcre =../ pcre-8.39 --with-pcre-jit  --with-ld-opt =-ljemalloc --add-module =../ lua-nginx-module  --add-module =../ ngx_devel_kit
  17. make
  18. mv /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx{,_bk}
  19. cp objs/nginx /usr/local/nginx/sbin
  20. Nginx - t # Check syntax

Load redis.lua

  1. mkdir /usr/local/nginx/conf/lua
  2. cd /usr/local/nginx/conf/lua
  3. wget  https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-redis/raw/master/lib/resty/redis.lua

Add in/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx. conf http {}:

  1. #the Nginx bundle:
  2. lua_package_path "/usr/local/nginx/conf/lua/redis.lua;;";

Prevent CC rule waf.lua

Save the following content in/usr/local/nginx/conf/lua/waf.lua

  1. local  get_headers  =  ngx .req.get_headers
  2. local  ua  =  ngx .var.http_user_agent
  3. local  uri  =  ngx .var.request_uri
  4. local  url  =  ngx .var.host ..  uri
  5. local  redis  =  require  'redis'
  6. local  red  =  redis .new()
  7. local  CCcount  =  twenty
  8. local  CCseconds  =  sixty
  9. local  RedisIP  =  ''
  10. local  RedisPORT  =  six thousand three hundred and seventy-nine
  11. local  blackseconds  =  seven thousand and two hundred
  12. if  ua  == nil then
  13.      ua  =  "unknown"
  14. end
  15. if ( uri  == "/wp-admin.php") then
  16.      CCcount = twenty
  17.      CCseconds = sixty
  18. end
  19. red:set_timeout(100)
  20. local ok,  err  =  red .connect(red, RedisIP, RedisPORT)
  21. if ok then
  22.     red.connect(red, RedisIP, RedisPORT)
  23.     function getClientIp()
  24.          IP  =  ngx .req.get_headers()["X-Real-IP"]
  25.         if  IP  == nil then
  26.              IP  =  ngx .req.get_headers()["x_forwarded_for"]
  27.         end
  28.         if  IP  == nil then
  29.              IP   =  ngx .var.remote_addr
  30.         end
  31.         if  IP  == nil then
  32.              IP   =  "unknown"
  33.         end
  34.         return IP
  35.     end
  36.     local  token  =  getClientIp () ..  "." ..  ngx.md5(url .. ua)
  37.     local  req  =  red :exists(token)
  38.     if  req  == 0 then
  39.         red:incr(token)
  40.         red:expire(token, CCseconds)
  41.     else
  42.         local  times  =  tonumber (red:get(token))
  43.         if times  > = CCcount then
  44.             local  blackReq  =  red :exists("black." .. token)
  45.             if ( blackReq  == 0) then
  46.                 red:set("black." .. token,1)
  47.                 red:expire("black." .. token, blackseconds)
  48.                 red:expire(token, blackseconds)
  49.                 ngx.exit(503)
  50.             else
  51.                 ngx.exit(503)
  52.             end
  53.             return
  54.         else
  55.             red:incr(token)
  56.         end
  57.     end
  58.     return
  59. end

Nginx virtual host loads waf.lua

In the virtual host configuration file/usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost/oneinstack.com.conf

  1. access_by_lua_file "/usr/local/nginx/conf/lua/waf.lua";


Within one minute, a page can be quickly clicked more than 20 times to log in to Redis, and access to the key opened by Black is disabled (nginx 503)

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