AliCloud disk mounted locally - technology follows the wind

A very simple software. After installation and registration, select the drive letter, click Mount, and use APP to scan the code to log in. The transmission speed is related to your network speed. CloudDriveSetup-1.1.67 x64.exe https:www.aliyundrive.comsDRUNSzvZDgR Click the link to save, or copy the content of this section and open the "Alibaba Cloud Disk" APP.

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Loneliness is being in the wilderness, loneliness is a lonely cemetery, loneliness is looking at the moon when there is no sound.

Splash water in front of the horse - AliCloud disk is attached to this

 AliCloud disk mounted locally-

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 AliCloud disk mounted locally-

If love makes a boy become a boy, then the boy can make a boy become a man.