The west mountain is declining

On Father's Day, I will give you a back garden. The garden is planted with a wisdom tree, flowing with a spring of sorrow, opening free flowers, and building a bridge of luck. I wish you good luck and a good mood. Happy Father's Day.


It has been ten frosts since the guest house merged with the state, and I recall Xianyang day and night. For no reason, I have to cross the mulberry and dry water, but I hope Bingzhou is my hometown.  

shed streams of tears and snivel

There is no luck in the world, only hard to challenge—— American TV series Sister Bankruptcy

count as one of the very best

The happiest and sweetest thing I can think of is being loved by you every day I like you

Turn back one's labour to one's leisure

Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

Kuang Ding Jie Yi

My heart is a bubbly fungus, a soaked mushroom, a rain soaked bamboo shoot. Because of your arrival, it is surging.

Therefore, the poem "Yu"

My dear husband has remembered that if he doesn't send flowers to his wife on Valentine's Day after marriage, his wife will put a handful of vegetables in the vase at home.

M deer zero

Ignorance will help no one at any time and will not bring benefits—— Marx

Don't change your name until you get to Hong Kong

The reason why people speak with certainty is that they know too little—— Francois Zocky

Mo Xiaoci

Give your heart and you will get it, but you may be hurt completely; Keep a distance to protect yourself, but also doomed to be lonely forever.

Dynamic pictures of men and women intersect (I Ching) - Red Tiger No.1

The Book of Changes is a magical book, which covers all aspects of our life, even love. The Book of Changes discusses the origin of heaven and earth, including

Gray mood picture (Wallpaper Pavilion) - Red Tiger No.1

Today's weather is rarely cloudy. The gray sky reflects gray clouds. I have a hunch that it is bound to rain this afternoon, whether in torrential rain,

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Guide: Which of the 14 genera and 38 species of cats has the strongest comprehensive strength? Cats have always been our favorite words for wildlife lovers

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What are herpes zoster and eczema respectively? The night before yesterday, a sister from another place called me in the middle of the night and cried to me that she had herpes zoster, which had spread

Picture of symptoms of tongue infection with hpv (after diagnosis) - Chi Hu No.1

Some time ago, I met a case, a beautiful woman in her 20s. Because her boyfriend was diagnosed with condyloma acuminatum, she also came to the hospital for examination. through

Jump - Red Tiger One

JUMP, a Japanese comic magazine, has always been famous for its enthusiastic youth. Although it is a juvenile comic, female characters are also an indispensable part of the work

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"The most excellent high school graduation certificate of the Republic of China" was stamped with the seal of 8 universities! Recently, the ID card of Du Yuesheng, a legendary figure, was pulled out

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Ninja is a position with a long history in Japan, and it is also an important symbol of Japanese traditional culture. Many Japanese overseas people are not necessarily

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In case you can't find me next time, click the blue word to follow me quietly! I'm sure you will like the content of this article today. Try the manual homework often assigned by kindergartens

Photo album of giant Castro dog (world-famous giant dog) - Red Tiger One

A small share every day will increase pet knowledge. Today, I would like to share with you the world famous giant dogs. Giant dogs are generally popular in the West, but in China

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Wen | 60 points Education After going to college, sweet love begins. What proportion of girls in college do boys like? College life

Photo album of man's morning glory (morning glory disappeared for a while and suddenly reappeared) - Red Tiger One

Specially invited expert: Chen Shanwen, Deputy Chief Physician and Associate Professor of Urology Department of Shanghai Huashan Hospital woke up in the morning and saw that his bottom was "hardened", some men

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As a food lover, @ Meishang Pinshi likes to see all kinds of food photos. Some time ago, the most popular among friends was

Circle of friends, functions, forwarding, do you have, people, online

Do you have the qualification to launch new functions of the circle of friends- Xinrui webmaster network

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