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PHP provides four kinds of loop control statements, namely while, do while, for, and foreach. This section only explains the for loop. For the other three loops, please click the following link to learn: PHP while and do while loops PHP foreach loops Structure of the PHP for loop syntax

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In the last section "C Language Compilation and Linking", we have explained the concept of C language compiler. Because C language has a long history, and there is no standard in its early days, the entire computer industry is also in the era of pioneer, so many C language compilers have emerged. They have their own characteristics and are suitable for different platforms

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What we have


PHP provides four kinds of loop control statements, namely while, do while, for, and foreac

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The animation app download source code with bullet screen is very suitable for those who are doing the secondary animation website or the app download page of the blog website. The most important thing is simplicity

C language editor

In the previous section "C Language Compilation and Linking", we have explained the concept of C language compiler. Because C language has a long history, and there were no rules in the early days

Community Forum

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