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Recently, due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, people involved in relevant key places will be given yellow codes. If you find yourself given yellow codes, please do the following: 1. People with yellow codes should report to their communities immediately. 2. Yellow code personnel implement 7-day home health monitoring, and do not go out unless necessary. 3. Yellow code personnel must go to yellow code inspection points to complete three inspections in seven days (1, 3..., Jiuyun Blog

Platform advantages

Exclusive advantages of the whole network

If you don't understand the relationship between the random number generated by Python and the functions most commonly used in the random module, the following article is about the relationship between the random number generated by Python and the functions most commonly used in the random module. I hope you will learn something. Here is the introduction of this article. Random. random() is used to generate Used to generate a specified range, Jiuyun Blog

Station Master's Experience

Honest old station

How do clouds, rain and snow form? Every morning when the sun rises, the ground temperature gradually increases, and the water vapor will slowly evaporate into the lower atmosphere. We know that with the increase of altitude, the temperature will decrease, and the water molecules in the air will also decrease. This is the reason why we go to places with higher altitude in our daily life and have nosebleeds and dry skin. At this time, there is more water vapor in the air near the ground due to the high temperature, Jiuyun Blog

System advantages:

Guangzhou Yellow Code Management Regulations (Guangzhou Yellow Code Management Policy) - Jiuyun Blog

Python Method for Generating Random Numbers | Generating 100 Random Numbers python - Jiuyun Blog

Geography Cloud (Geography Cloud Classroom High School Geography Classroom) - Jiuyun Blog

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Guangzhou City Huang

Recently, due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, people involved in relevant key places will be given yellow codes. If you find yourself given yellow codes, please do the following


If you don't understand the relationship between the functions most commonly used in Python generating random numbers and random modules, the following article is

Geographic cloud(

How do clouds, rain and snow form? Every morning when the sun rises, the ground temperature gradually increases, and the water vapor will slowly evaporate into the lower atmosphere

Deed tax rate

The calculation formula of deed tax 2022 Contributor of this article: "the little fairy selling cucumbers", question key word: deed tax rate, let's let Jiuyun edit for you


Codeegg 753rd tweet Author: Sun Qiang Jimmy Original text: https://www.jians


When we use IDEA DEBUG to debug code, we often see the console output a sentence like this: "Connect