What does impetuosity mean and what kind of emotion is it?

What does impetuosity mean and what kind of feelings

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Wen: Xiang Shangkan (a history reading columnist) In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, there were two scholars, Guan Ning and Hua Xin. They study in the same place, inseparable. Once, Guan Ning and Hua Xin weeded together and suddenly found a piece of gold. At that time, Guan Ning still waved his hoe and looked at it like a stone. But Hua Xin was moved, and immediately picked up the gold and looked at it before throwing it away. Another time, Guan Ning and Hua Xin were sitting on the table reading together, and suddenly
You are my joy to buy a bunch of flowers at dusk.

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What does impetuosity mean? - Jiao Jinliu Shi

When I was young, you were my crutch, giving me the strength to walk; Big, you are my shoulder, no matter what difficulties you will help me fight; Dad, thank you for illuminating my life!

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 What does impetuosity mean and what kind of emotion is it?  What does impetuosity mean and what kind of emotion is it?
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