Long and short

Never give up, never give up, never die, never give up, never lose heart, and persevere

Xi Zi's Heart

With a wisp of spring wind, two drops of summer rain, three autumn leaves and four winter snow, it is made into a colorful gift box, with colorful and fluttering ribbons, and with nine points of sincerity and enthusiasm, it is packed with countless blessings for you. Wish you good luck on Father's Day.

Tight and hanging handcuffs

I immediately got serious: "OK, Dad, you can ask if you don't understand anything."

be extremely cruel and merciless

I miss you because of love, and I will always be happy because of you.


I hope you can live like this: laugh happily (^ o ^) sleep gently (- _ -) stare innocently (* _ *) and feel safe and intoxicated (@ _ @), and enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival with you!

Clear tears into throat_

The present effort is to go further and see the scenery that others cannot see. The purpose of working hard now is to let the elderly not have to be exhausted—— Carnegie, Women's Pattern Determines the End

Exploring Science in 2018 College Entrance Examination

I don't know what I'm talking to you about. I just hope you are happy. There is a person beside you all the time.

Autumn is limited

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

Meat shaking 12138

When I stare into your eyes, when I hear your voice, when I smell the faint fragrance on your hair, when I feel my intense heartbeat, I understand that you are the most beautiful in my heart, and you are my only one!

Boya Breaks the String

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