Xiaxikeng Village, Dongshan County: Good harvest of asparagus has been obtained. The villagers are busy collecting

Recently, on the sea surface of Xiaxikeng Village, Qianlou Town, Dongshan County, villagers collected asparagus and shipped it back to the port wharf. [Detailed]

Shunchang: Green and astringent have faded, golden and all over the mountain branches

Not long ago, Shunchang Fair · Citrus "Holy" Meeting in 2023 ended successfully. Through scientific and technological planting, green planting, brand building, and platform construction, Shunchang citrus has obtained the "green food" ID card, and has been sold all over the country, even making great strides [Detailed]

Liancheng is pleased with the "news", sweet potato is popular, and the "potato" lights up the road to prosperity

Longyan Liancheng "00" girl Lianxun, how did she use the wings of e-commerce platforms to successfully make local agricultural products "fast" [Detailed]

Youxi Biao "Bing", full of fruit fragrance, and the "citrus" in Zhendi Village becomes gold

Golden citrus fruit fragrance makes farmers smile. On November 15, the reporter walked into Laohulong Family Farm in Zhendi Village, Guanqian Town, Youxi County, Sanming City [Detailed]

Jin An was diligent in "learning", and the goose nosed turnip "went out of the circle", making Huanxi rich

At the beginning of winter, the chill gradually rises. The fields in the quiet mountains have a different kind of bustle, which is a hot harvest picture, and the growers [Detailed]