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Dance training organization closed down, netizens refused to complain about refund

2021-10-12 16:40:44   Author: Feng Xu   Source: Direct to Pingshan    Editor in charge: Lin Jinxing    Let me say something

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A netizen from Longhai, Zhangzhou, paid tens of thousands of yuan to participate in dance training in an organization under Xiamen Lezhishang Media Co., Ltd., but the organization went bankrupt halfway, and the remaining class hours were transferred to another dance training organization. Due to the disparity between the two institutions in terms of location, brand and fees, netizens asked for a refund of the fees, but the training institutions refused. Complaints were made to functional departments. Both the Market Supervision Bureau and the Education Bureau said that the field of dance training was special and not under their own jurisdiction. After Southeastern Network made an in-depth investigation and published a report that "There is no way to complain about the failure of a dance training institution in Longhai, Zhangzhou." The Cyberspace Office of Longhai District Party Committee urged the three departments of market supervision, education, and cultural tourism to jointly intervene and coordinate, and the refund requirements of the netizen and its remaining students were successfully resolved. In order to promote the relevant departments to clarify their rights and responsibilities, the Southeast Network also published a tracking report, "It is difficult to refund fees for the bankruptcy of a dance training institution in Longhai, Zhangzhou": the three departments jointly coordinate to solve the remaining doubts about the subsequent division of rights and responsibilities, to remind the government departments to straighten out the relationship.

Detailed report:

On May 10, 2021, Southeast China. com (our reporter Feng Xu, intern Lai Yeshi) reported that the training institution was in trouble and closed down. The netizen asked for a refund without success, but he was "kicked" for asking for help from relevant departments. Recently, Mr. Lan, a netizen from Longhai, Zhangzhou, reported his worries about SUP International Hip hop Club to Direct to Pingshan. Message details

Netizen: The dance training was transferred to another organization and refused to refund

Mr. Lan told the reporter that on June 28 last year, he purchased adult jazz dance training courses and children's hip-hop dance training courses at a dance training institution called SUP International Hip hop Club on the first floor of Meiyicheng Square, Longhai District, at a total cost of 11000 yuan. The institution arranged a weekly class. Now half way through the course, Mr. Lan received a phone call from the training organization, informing him to sign the transfer agreement. On April 26, Mr. Lan came to SUP International Hip hop Club. The staff told Mr. Lan that the shop they rented on the first floor of Meiyicheng Square had expired and would not renew the lease. Mr. Lan's remaining courses in the organization would be transferred to "sd Pop Dance Studio".

"Doesn't this mean going out of business in disguised form?" Mr. Lan said that when he chose SUP International Hip Hop Club, he was interested in this organization's location in Meiyicheng Square. It has a good geographical location, complete surrounding facilities, and is a Xiamen chain organization with good reputation. "Now let me transfer to a remote unknown training institution, and the difference in training fees is too large, I can't accept it." Mr. Lan told reporters that he spent more than 5000 yuan to buy adult jazz dance training courses at SUP International Hip hop Club, and only 2000 yuan at sd Pop Dance Studio. He asked SUP International Hip hop Club to refund the remaining class hour fees, However, the staff refused to refund and took a tough attitude. Later, Mr. Lan found that he had been removed from the WeChat course group of SUP International Hip hop Club. Mr. Lan called the store manager, who said he had left and was no longer responsible for follow-up matters.

Training institution: the education quality remains unchanged after the transfer, and there is no reason to refund

The reporter inquired about the network and found that SUP International Hip Hop Club was operated by Xiamen Lezhishang Media Co., Ltd. There are 7 stores in Xiamen and only 1 in Longhai. At present, the in store business hours of SUP International Hip hop Club in Longhai Meiyicheng Square have not been shown on

Yang Yunfei, the relevant person in charge of Xiamen Lezhishang Media Co., Ltd., told the reporter that the store rent of Meiyicheng Plaza was high, and Longhai SUP International Street Dance Club had been losing money since its opening, which was difficult to sustain, but the organization did not "run away". Now, it has reached a strategic partnership with sd pop dance studio, and students and teachers are transferred to sd pop dance studio together, "It's just a change of venue and signboard, and the original teacher takes the students to class."

Yang Yunfei proposed that SUP International Hip Hop Club, based on the attitude of being responsible for consumers, guarantees that the teaching quality will not change after the transfer, The sd pop dance studio is only 700 meters away from the original store in Meiyicheng Square, so there is no reason to refund students

As for moving Mr. Lan out of WeChat group for chatting, Yang Yunfei explained that it might be because of the change of personnel due to the re opening of classes. "We are fully communicating with students, and the market supervision department has also intervened in mediation," Yang Yunfei said.

Municipal Supervision Bureau and Education Bureau: the dance training field is special and not under its own jurisdiction

Mr. Lan told the reporter that he had called the 12315 complaint hotline to ask for help from the market supervision department. The staff told him that the training institution was not under the management of the market supervision bureau, and he would go to the district education bureau to complain. The staff of the Education Bureau of Longhai District said that the institution was not registered with the Education Bureau, and the Education Bureau could not take charge of it. It should be under the jurisdiction of the Market Supervision Bureau if it has obtained an industrial and commercial business license. "Isn't it playing football?" Mr. Lan was very angry.

When the reporter learned about the situation, Ms. Gao from the Consumption Complaint Reporting Center of Longhai District Market Supervision Bureau also told the reporter that the bureau had received relevant complaints before, and the market supervision office in the area under its jurisdiction went to verify that the agency did have an industrial and commercial business license. However, because training institutions belong to the special field of consumption and are not under the jurisdiction of the market supervision department, "this is the same reason that disputes in medical consumption are not mediated by the market supervision department." Ms. Gao believes that education and training should be under the jurisdiction of the Education Bureau.

However, Mr. Wang, the general manager of Longhai District Education Bureau, believes that training institutions under the jurisdiction of the education department prefer cultural courses, while dance training institutions strictly belong to the art and sports category and should be under the jurisdiction of the cultural and sports department. Yang Yunfei of Xiamen Lezhishang Media Co., Ltd. also explained to the reporter that they had consulted the Education Bureau and learned that the nature of dance training institutions was the same as that of gyms, so they did not need to file with the Education Bureau.

Follow up report:

Tracking of "Difficulty in Refund of a Dancing Training Institution in Longhai, Zhangzhou": Three Departments Work Together to Solve the Doubts of Subsequent Division of Rights and Responsibilities

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