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Many people were injured due to two years' failure to repair after pipe laying and road excavation. Southeast Network promoted pavement repair

2021-10-12 16:09:57   Author: Jin Jingjing   Source: Direct to Pingshan    Editor in charge: Lin Jinxing    Let me say something

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The road condition has a bearing on the travel safety of the masses. Pedestrians who have "stumbled" due to the road condition often have no right to complain. Ms. Lin, from Meizhou Town, Xiuyu District, Putian City, told the story of her experience to "Direct Access to Pingshan" - the cement road in the village was dug up because of burying sewage pipes, and no one repaired it in the next two years. The potholed road caused many villagers to fall and even fracture. Ms. Lin limped and limped for several months in a row. After the Southeast Network intervened in the interview, all relevant roads were repaired.

Detailed report:

Putian, Southeastern. com, May 26, 2021 (our reporter Jin Jingjing) "Four months ago, I still limp..." "Two years ago, many villagers fell and injured here, but could not attract the attention of the relevant departments, and the road has not been restored..." Recently, Ms. Lin, a netizen, reported to Southeastern. com's "Direct Access to Pingshan", The cement roads in Ganglou Village and Houxiang Village, Meizhou Town, Xiuyu District, Putian City have been excavated due to the buried sewage pipes, but they have not been repaired so far, so there are great potential safety hazards. Message details


Road pit not repaired pit Depression Depression (Courtesy of Ms. Lin)

Ms. Lin told Southeast Net that she was a villager in Houxiang Village, Meizhou Town. Two years ago, the local government called on all villages to bury sewage pipes, so they dug up the cement pavement to bury sewage pipes. Who knows, the pipeline has been buried, but the road has not been repaired for a long time. It is simply covered with loess. Once it is windy and rainy, there will be many potholes on the loess pavement, which makes it very inconvenient for villagers to travel.

"At noon on January 12, I went to Meizhou No. 2 Central Primary School by motorbike to pick up my children from school. When I passed the unremended road section in Ganglou Village, I slowed down, but still fell down and caused fractures." Lin, a female morale indignant, said that the road was full of pits, but no warning signs were placed. Now, four months later, she is still limping. She has not only spent a lot of medical expenses, but also affected her life and delayed her work. However, the relevant departments have been ignoring her.

Under Ms. Lin's complaints, the relevant departments restored all the roads in Houxiang Village to their original state, but the roads in Ganglou Village were still "ignored". Ms. Lin said, "Coincidentally, I am a villager in Houxiang Village. When the villagers complained, they repaired the roads in the village, and other places were covered with thick loess. There are many storms in Meizhou Island, and when it rains, the pits are still the same."

Ganglou Village is the only way from Houxiang Village to Meizhou No.2 Central Primary School. Nowadays, people and vehicles must be careful when passing. There are great potential safety hazards in the face of bumpy roads for villagers and students. "My injury and fracture are not unique. Over the past few months, many villagers have been injured. I hope relevant departments can repair them as soon as possible," Ms. Lin said.

The buried road has been repaired (photographed by Chen Lijuan)

In this regard, Southeast Net sent an interview letter to Meizhou Town People's Government to learn about the relevant situation. For more than a month, there was no reply. On May 25, the reporter called again to inquire, and the Meizhou Town Government replied to the Southeast Network in a letter that the full coverage project of sewage collection in Ganglou Village and Houxiang Village needs road breaking construction, and the road surface restoration construction in the village has been completed. In addition, the reporter noted that the letter of reply from Meizhou Town Government was signed on April 22.

Later, the reporter contacted Ms. Lin for verification and confirmed that the relevant departments had repaired all the roads with buried pipes after the intervention of Southeast China Network.

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