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Oupai Home Furnishings Closes, Dozens of Consumers Spend Millions on Water Drift?

2021-10-11 15:10:23   Author: Feng Xu   Source: Direct to Pingshan    Editor in charge: Lin Jinxing    Let me say something

Event playback:

The dealer of Oupai Home Furnishings in Zhangpu has closed down, and dozens of consumers are facing poor decoration. Millions of yuan will be wasted. Seeing that the dealer was unable to deal with the situation, the consumer firmly held the "thigh" of the Europa headquarters and was unwilling to cooperate with the headquarters to call the police. When the negotiations reached an impasse, the reporter of Southeast Net coordinated from them and fully spoke for both sides with the help of reports. In the end, Europa headquarters and failed dealers made positive efforts and the matter was successfully resolved. The reporter also asked lawyers to analyze and interpret the dispute between "alarm" and "holding the thigh" in the event, so as to provide reference and inspiration for consumers and even the judiciary.

Detailed report:

On February 4, 2021, Southeast Network (our reporter Feng Xu), "There are families, love and European style!" For Ms. He, a consumer in Zhangpu, Fujian, this slogan has become her sorrow, because she spent more than 400000 yuan to order the whole house decoration and home customization in the European style residence in Zhangpu, but now she is facing the situation of business closure and uncompleted decoration. She and several other victims left messages on the Southeast Net's "Direct Access to Pingshan", hoping that the media would help safeguard their rights. Message details

 Oupaijia Zhangpu Store. jpg

Oupai Home Furnishing Zhangpu Store Closed (photo provided by netizens)

After paying 410000 yuan, Oupai store closed

Ms. He told the reporter that she participated in a promotional activity in Zhangpu Oupai Home in July 2019 and paid a deposit of 30000 yuan in advance. In September, December and July 2020 of that year, she successively paid more than 380000 yuan in the store, and signed contracts for the whole house decoration and home customization. The payee of 240000 yuan is Zhangpu Oupai Cabinet Store, which is used to customize cabinets, kitchen appliances, wardrobes, wooden doors, sliding doors, bathroom doors, wall panels, TV background walls, beds, curtains, etc. The remaining 172987 yuan was used for the overall decoration of the family, but the seal unit on the receipt was Zhangzhou Jiangneng Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. "The staff said that the bosses of the two companies were the same, and the contracts were signed in Oupai stores," Ms. He said.

After Ms. He paid the last sum of money, Oupai's supply gradually failed to keep pace with the progress. She began to urge for orders, and the store explained that there were many orders. During the period, the merchant sent a small program. Ms. He found that her order could be found on it, indicating that production was being scheduled. She felt a little relieved. By December 2020, under her repeated urging, the store owner promised to send the money from the wardrobe to the headquarters. In January this year, the wardrobe was delivered to the home, but the accessories were not complete and no one installed it. "The rest of the cabinets, kitchen appliances, wooden doors, sliding doors, bathroom doors, TV background walls and so on have not arrived, because the store only placed orders with Europa headquarters, but did not pay for them. The furniture and curtains have not even placed orders, and the whole decoration part still needs to be closed." Ms. He told reporters that by January this year, both Europa stores and Minneng Company had announced their closure, Her decoration has been put aside as a half finished project, which makes people worried.


Ms. He ordered a series of products in Oupai store (pictures provided by netizens)

Millions of yuan will be spent on water rafting, and consumers expect the headquarters to deal with the aftermath

"There are fifty or sixty consumers who have suffered losses, involving one or two million yuan." Ms. He suggested that at present, the store owner said that he has no money, still owes a lot of debt, and consumers have no choice; She had called the Oupai headquarters several times to complain about the late delivery of products, but the headquarters did not reply. She believes that Europa headquarters has an important regulatory responsibility.

"My order is also signed by the regional manager of the headquarters!" Another commenter, Ms. Liu, told the reporter that when Europa's Zhangpu store was doing activities, the head of Europa's headquarters also came to the scene, saying that the activities were welfare for the headquarters; Moreover, according to the legal representative of the head office, the head office has found abnormalities and warned dealers three months ago, but has not taken more effective action to avoid damage to consumers' interests, and the responsibility cannot be shirked.

According to Ms. Liu, after the incident, the headquarters of Europa sent people to Zhangpu. However, week after week, the statements were just feedbacks, investment needs, order statistics and so on. "They said that the headquarters didn't receive any money, so they asked us to go through legal procedures and sue the store owner. They also said that the headquarters would solve the problem, but the specific solution could not be explained. The wording was ambiguous, and it felt like it was a drag on time." Ms. Liu said that the store claimed that Oupai home customization must be paid in full in advance, so consumers paid in full, which caused great losses, I hope the headquarters can come out to deal with the aftermath.


Oupai headquarters has previously sent warnings to dealers (pictures provided by netizens)

Oupai promises to solve problems and expects consumers to support and cooperate with rational rights protection

The reporter contacted the person in charge of Zhangpu Oupai Store and Jiangneng Company for many times, but no one answered the phone. Mr. Liu, the person in charge of Oupai Fujian, was interviewed and said that Zhangpu Oupai Dajia is the dealer of Oupai Home Furnishing Group Co., Ltd., while Jiangneng Decoration is a full decoration company registered by the store owner in his own name. The current situation has also caused losses to the headquarters, because many orders have been scheduled but the store has not yet paid.

It is reported that Oupai stores usually make more than 20 payments to the headquarters every month. However, in November 2020, Zhangpu stores only made four payments. So at the end of November, the headquarters made a telephone return visit to the store staff to ask whether there was a capital gap, which was denied by the other party. From November 30 to December 30, the Zhangpu store did not give a penny to Europa headquarters, nor did it place an order. To this end, the headquarters sent a warning letter to the Zhangpu store on December 30.

Subsequently, the reporter saw the warning letter from relevant materials. The letter pointed out that Oupai Zhangpu dealers failed to place orders on time after receiving customers' money, defaulted on employees' wages for a long time, received payments for low price promotions, and transferred funds. According to the cooperation agreement between the two parties, it has constituted a fundamental breach of contract, requiring them to correct their behavior within five working days and stop receiving new payments and deposits from consumers before doing so. The letter also requires that the store should make a written copy to the headquarters after correcting the behavior, otherwise the cooperation between the two parties will be terminated.

Mr. Liu told the reporter that the flow of Zhangpu store in three months was more than 3 million yuan, but only 250000 yuan was paid to the headquarters. At the same time, more than 1 million yuan of employees' salaries, more than 1.5 million yuan of rent, and more than 200000 yuan of logistics costs were all transferred. During the return visit of the headquarters, the company also concealed the truth from the headquarters through its shareholding employees; More importantly, it is subjective fraud that it knows that the account is empty and unable to perform the contract, and it is still taking orders to collect money. "In this case, the consumer just held on to the headquarters, refused to call the police, and pulled up the banner for rights protection to negotiate with the headquarters, while the dealer drank tea next door to watch the excitement!" Mr. Liu said that the headquarters of Europa sent six principals to Zhangpu, which took more than ten days to investigate the flow of water and collect data, which was enough to show the sincerity of solving the problem. "We should support each other to promote the settlement of this matter, rather than face it by means of illegal imprisonment and intimidation, let alone by chilling the headquarters with the words, 'It's OK for the boss to run away, the group has money, and it's worth the millions'."

As the Spring Festival is approaching, Mr. Liu said that the follow-up matters would not be resolved until years later. He solemnly said to reporters: "The headquarters will solve the problem, please rest assured!"

Follow up report:

"Call the police or" hold your thigh "to provoke controversy. Progress in the bankruptcy of Oupai Zhangpu dealers"

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