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Where is the "stuck" in the reconstruction of Jinsong Road?

2021-10-11 15:02:44   Author: Feng Xu   Source: Direct to Pingshan    Editor in charge: Lin Jinxing    Let me say something

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Sanming Feicuicheng Community has delivered houses for 8 years and has gathered thousands of people, but the bus has not been connected yet, making it inconvenient for the surrounding residents to travel. After receiving the message, the reporter visited and investigated carefully, and found that the root cause of the problem was the difficulty in promoting the relocation and reconstruction of Jinsong Road, which had been planned for a long time. On July 9, 2019, "Where is the" Card "of Sanming Jinsong Road Reconstruction?" was simultaneously published in Fujian Daily and Southeast Network, and tracked continuously, which attracted the attention of local government departments. The governments of Sanming City and Meilie District have successively held special meetings and on-site coordination meetings, and formulated a series of short-term, medium-term and long-term measures to solve problems. On July 31 and August 2 of the same year, Fujian Daily and Southeast Net continuously published tracking reports, "Progress! Sanming Emerald City will open buses next month" and "Sanming Emerald City welcomes buses to buy vegetables, see a doctor, go to school, and go shopping". Residents of the Emerald City called for the public transportation problem for many years to be solved in a short month, which benefits one side of the people.

Detailed report:

There is serious ponding on Jinsong Road in rainy days. Pictures provided by netizens

There is no bus station on Jinsong Road for turning around. Photographed by Du Yongqiang

On July 9, 2019, Southeast Network (our reporter Feng Xu and Cai Xiaoqing) bought a school district house for the children to go to school. However, after many years of living in the school, the promised road building and bus connection has not been realized. Recently, Mr. Weng, the owner of Feicuicheng Community in Meilie District, Sanming City, appealed through the Southeast Network's "Direct Access to Pingshan" to complete the reconstruction of relevant sections as soon as possible and solve the travel difficulties of surrounding residents [Message Details]

It is understood that the permanent population of the Feicuicheng Community is up to 5000 or 6000, and the residents of the surrounding communities, such as Senlin Family, Linyuan Garden, and Lvyan New Village Resettlement Housing, also travel through Jinsong Road. Why is it difficult to get a bus in such a location? The reporter found that it is the road conditions that limit the entry of buses, while the relevant road reconstruction planning has been delayed for many years.

The last mile is still a problem

Mr. Weng told the reporter that the house price of Sanming Experimental Primary School in the Feicuicheng Community is not low. There are many old people and children in the community, and they rely on buses when going out. However, the nearest bus stop to the community is at the Jinsong intersection about 1km away, and it takes more than 10 minutes to walk to it. It is inevitable to sweat all over in summer and get wet in rainy days. "It rained heavily every day a few days ago, and the road was full of water. It was very painful for the elderly and children to wade up and down!" Mr. Weng said worriedly that this section of the road was often mixed with people and vehicles, which had great potential safety hazards and often caused congestion.

"Young people can drive and ride motorcycles, while old people can only rely on public transportation." Ms. Zhang, who lives in Building 7 of the Feicuicheng Community, said that although the supermarket and grocery store downstairs in the community can meet the basic needs of life, there are relatively few dishes. Her mother in her 70s has to walk for more than 10 minutes every day to the Erzhong East Bus Station down the slope, and then take a bus to the nearby food market to purchase fresh products, The round trip takes more than an hour. "If there is a bus stop at the entrance of the community or at the foot of the slope, it will be more convenient," said Ms. Zhang.

The reporter learned from the property of Feicuicheng Community that there are 14 high-rise residential buildings in the community, 1389 of which have been occupied, and 140 of which are being renovated. According to an average of 4 people per household, the permanent population is 5000 or 6000. Around Jinsong Road, residents of Senlin Family, Linyuan Garden, Lvyan New Village Resettlement Housing and other communities travel by this road. At present, the construction of buildings 15~17 in the Feicuicheng Community is about to start. With the opening of the two child policy, the population will further increase.

Seeing the construction of greenways in Sanming City one by one, and the recent construction of an elevated plank road near Jinsong Road leading directly to the greenway, Mr. Weng said with deep feeling that "poetry and distance are beautiful, but daily travel is the necessity of life." He hoped that the government would pay more attention to the public transportation problem in the Emerald City and give everyone a convenient and fast way home as soon as possible.

Road conditions "blocking" buses

With such a dense population, why are there no buses?

Mr. Liu from the Production Information Department of Sanming Public Transport Company told reporters that the absence of public transport on Jinsong Road was not due to the inaction of the public transport company, but the road conditions did not allow it. It is reported that the bus company, together with relevant departments, has carried out field surveys on Jinsong section for many times, and found that the section has a large slope, narrow pavement, and serious parking of private cars on the road, which has exceeded the bus standard. At the same time, the other end of the road cannot drive out in a circular way, and there is no station for large buses to turn around. "At the beginning of the construction, the developer did not fully consider the problem of public transportation, which has caused this embarrassing situation." Mr. Liu told reporters that only after the road has been rectified and the bus conditions have been met, can the public transportation network be arranged here as a whole.

Recently, the reporter of Southeast Net made a field visit. From Jinsong Road to Feicuicheng Community, the terrain became more and more steep, and the road became narrower. The wide two-way five lane road gradually "slimmed down" into three lanes. Many private cars are parked at random on the roadside, which further shrinks the road surface. From the gate of the Emerald City, a wall "cuts" the three lanes into two lanes. A passer-by elder sister told the reporter that there was a refrigeration plant going up, and there were often large trailers carrying goods back and forth. "There were always traffic jams, and it was really difficult for buses to drive in".

Ms. Deng, the relevant person in charge of Fujian Yongda Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., the developer of Feicuicheng Community, said that the problem of public transportation in Feicuicheng was mentioned every year at the two sessions of the city. The municipal housing construction bureau, the municipal maintenance and management center and other relevant departments have taken some measures, but the thorough road reconstruction has not been solved.

Widening and transformation are difficult to implement for many years

On the "12345" platform, Sanming Urban and Rural Planning Bureau, Sanming Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, Sanming Urban Management Bureau and other departments have responded to the complaints of traffic inconvenience in Emerald City. All departments mentioned that the Sanming Municipal Government had formed the Minutes of the Site Office Meeting of the Emerald City Project, replied to the Request for Instructions on Land Requisition and Demolition of the Urban Jinsong Road (Xinshi North Road to Emerald City) Widening and Reconstruction Project, and requested the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau to be responsible for the implementation of the widening and reconstruction project of Jinsong Road (Xinshi North Road to Emerald City), Meilie District Government is responsible for land acquisition and demolition of the project. The section from the intersection of Xinshi North Road to the Armed Police Detachment has been widened and reconstructed in 2017, and the remaining sections have not been completed due to 11 units involved in land requisition and relocation, which has led to the failure of normal progress of the project.

Chen Weikai, the Meilie District requisition and relocation headquarters, told reporters that the requisition and relocation tasks of Meilie District were all assigned by the city. This year, the city assigned 10 tasks related to requisition and relocation, 27 tasks related to urban double repair, not including Jinsong Road. As for why the task of requisition and relocation of Jinsong Road has not been assigned, a staff member surnamed Huang from the Sanming Municipal Government Office said that there is more than one road that needs to be widened and reconstructed in Sanming City. The functional departments determine which road reconstruction should be included in the plan every year, and then the territory will implement the requisition and relocation. "The widening and reconstruction project of Jinsong Road was initially implemented by the housing and construction department. After the institutional reform, the relevant functions have been assigned to the Urban Management Bureau. The urban management department should first include the relevant projects in the plan, and report to the municipal government if it can't be determined, before the government can assign the task of requisition and relocation," said the worker.

However, Sanming Urban Management Bureau does not agree with this statement. In the reply of the "12345" platform, the bureau pointed out: "The overall widening and reconstruction of Jinsong Road must be completed after the land acquisition and demolition along the line. The municipal government will determine the implementation subject, and after the funding channel is clear, the implementation subject will start the widening and reconstruction of Jinsong Road." In a recent reporter interview, Wu Guoqiang, the office of the bureau, revealed that, The widening and reconstruction of Jinsong Road was only reflected in the meeting minutes of the municipal government, and the project was not really approved; As a construction and maintenance unit, the Urban Management Bureau will only take over the construction of the project after the planning department has carried out the planning and establishment of the project, the city has assigned the task of land acquisition and relocation, and the Urban Management Bureau has confirmed the construction through bidding. Wu Guoqiang believes that the widening and reconstruction of Jinsong Road is a road planning and construction issue and should consult Sanming Natural Resources Bureau.

When the reporter interviewed the Natural Resources Bureau of Sanming City, Huang Shirong, the approval department, said that as early as 2016, the planning department had learned about the situation of Jinsong Road and prepared a plan, which planned the width of Jinsong Road after widening and reconstruction to 20 meters; Then the design scheme of Jinsong Road was reviewed, and the width in the design scheme was also about 20 meters. Huang Shirong pointed out that the tasks within the responsibility scope of the bureau have been completed and the municipal government has learned about the relevant situation.

The problem falls into an "endless loop". No one has given a clear answer about where the "card" of this feasible project confirmed by experts is. Southeast Net will continue to follow and report.

Follow up report:

Progress! Sanming Jade City will be open to public transportation next month

Sanming Emerald City welcomes the bus to buy vegetables, see a doctor, go to school and go shopping

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