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Quanzhou Development Zone Enterprises Cross border Incubation Drama Works Online Boost Cultural Tourism Boom
2024-05-14 15:47:43  Source: Southeast Net Editor in charge: Chen Na

On May 12, the Southeast Network (correspondent Ye Jianbao, reporter Xie Yumei) recently launched the 2024 "Haisi New Space" drama incubation plan. As the representative of the signing entity of the plan, Quanzhou Shile Network Technology Co., Ltd., an enterprise invested in Quanzhou Development Zone, appeared at the launch ceremony to help the development of Quanzhou intangible cultural heritage. This is also the first time for the Development Zone to make efforts online to fuel the culture and tourism boom in Quanzhou.

The 2024 "Haisi New Space" Drama Incubation Plan is an important part of the second "Haisi Quanzhou Drama Week" and 2024 National Southern Opera Exhibition, which aims to explore, cultivate and incubate innovative forms of Chinese opera works, provide practical opportunities for young artists in the field of opera and cross-border works containing opera elements, and provide industry professionals, audiences The media and all sectors of society show the rich imagination and creativity of young artists, which will lay a good foundation for the interaction of the cultural brand of "Quanzhou Opera" and actively help the construction of Quanzhou cultural brand.

The plan was jointly initiated by Kaiying Network Company, the parent company of Quanzhou Shile Network Technology Co., Ltd. As a well-known Internet listed company in China, Kaiying Network has long been committed to building a "game+" matrix and building a digital cultural ecology. In recent years, we have explored the cultural connotation of multiple original cross dimensional IPs, such as Age Seasons and Bai Gongling, to make the game more warm and qualitative.

In the case of a relative lack of cultural and tourism resources, Quanzhou Development Zone actively participates in the development and utilization of Quanzhou's "intangible cultural heritage" resources through investment attraction and network data. Next, Quanzhou Shile Network Technology will deepen the practice of digital cultural creativity research, digital planning, digital tourism, live broadcast incubation and other projects to build a digital cultural ecology. At the same time, further explore and utilize the rich intangible cultural heritage, cultural and tourism resources in Quanzhou, develop high-quality original IP matrix with Quanzhou characteristics, help the inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage, and promote traditional culture.