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The exhibition of "Fuk Hang the World - Cultural Mark of the Maritime Silk Road" entered the final review
2024-04-10 19:40:45  Source: Southeast Net Editor in charge: Chen Na

On April 10, the Southeast Network (Guo Bin, a reporter from Fujian Daily) learned from the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism yesterday that the preliminary evaluation meeting of the 21st (2023) National Museum's Top Ten Exhibition and Exhibition boutique promotion activities was held recently, and the exhibition of "Fujian Airlines World - Cultural Mark of the Maritime Silk Road" declared by Fujian Museum entered the final evaluation list. A total of 38 exhibition projects nationwide were shortlisted in the final evaluation.

Fujian is an important starting point, transit hub and destination of the ancient Maritime Silk Road. Last year's "May 18 International Museum Day", the main venue of China was located in the Fujian Museum, and the exhibition "Fuhang Tianxia - Cultural Mark of the Maritime Silk Road" was grandly launched as the original theme of this event.

According to reports, the exhibition was jointly guided by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the People's Government of Fujian Province, and co sponsored by the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the Provincial Administration of Cultural Heritage, the Fuzhou Municipal People's Government, and the China Museum Association. A total of 36 cultural and museum institutions, including the National Museum of China and the Palace Museum, participated in the exhibition. The exhibition is divided into four parts: "Green Waves, Sailing Shadow", "Oriental Gathering", "Distant Things" and "Harmony and Symbiosis". From the dimensions of cultural connotation and spiritual world, the exhibition presents the magnificent historical scroll of the Maritime Silk Road from a more diversified perspective.