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Strive to create a provincial youth civilization number Southeast Network Public Opinion Center held a propaganda lecture on rumor refutation

2022-10-20 10:59:36     Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Chen Wei    

On October 20, Southeastern Network reported that "You can join the training class of Tsinghua University after paying 20000 yuan? You should cry after paying the money!" On the morning of October 8, a lively and interesting publicity lecture of "refuting rumors and knowledge into the masses" was held in Fujian Daily Building, Hualin Road, Fuzhou City. This is one of the series activities of the Youth Civilization Open Week of the Southeast Network Public Opinion Center, and dozens of people from Pingdong Community, Huada Street, Fuzhou City participated in the activity.

In the information age, all kinds of rumors often disturb the audio-visual and cause social panic. It is particularly important to carry out scientific popularization in a timely manner and improve the ability of the masses to know and debate rumors. Taking the opportunity of creating a provincial youth civilization number, the Southeast Network Public Opinion Center actively assumed social responsibility and took advantage of the advantages and convenience of the media to hold this lecture on rumor dispelling knowledge. At the event site, the reporter from Fujian Rumour Rejection Platform revealed and analyzed the different types and characteristics of rumors for everyone. For example, seasonal rumors such as "people who do not return home during the Spring Festival can receive a thousand yuan subsidy" and "admission notice is lost" often appear "seasonally"; "There are people robbing children on the street", "The inspection will start tomorrow" and other "graft" rumors often lack clear place names or units; "The rice cooker is the catalyst for liver cancer", "the fish bone gets stuck in the throat and raises both hands when angina pectoris can save lives" and other rumors can be found true or false by checking the Internet... The lecture aimed at various types of rumors, carefully dissected them, uncovered their propagation routines and interest chains, and helped participants improve their ability to identify rumors in a simple way, And further strengthened the scientific concept of "treating network information with caution", "not trusting gossip", "not believing rumors and not spreading rumors". After the lecture, everyone said, "Yes, it's very practical!"

Since this year, the Southeast Network Public Opinion Center has actively participated in the creation of Youth Civilization and held a series of activities in various forms and rich contents. In the series of activities of Youth Civilization Open Week, the center took the Youth Civilization should know and should know manual, the brochure of striving for provincial youth civilization number, the service card of youth civilization number, etc. as the media, actively demonstrated the work achievements since striving for youth civilization number to the masses, and led the young people to visit the history museum of Fujian Daily and clean calligraphy and painting exhibition, to feel the great power of thought, and draw on the strength of progress, Translate the effect of improving spiritual quality into the actual action of making contributions to youth posts.

"Next, we will continue to base ourselves on our own positions, deepen the creation of civilization, strive to become a model pioneer, and show the image of youth with a better spiritual outlook and work performance, demonstrating the media's responsibility!" said the person in charge of the creation of the provincial youth civilization account in the Southeast Network Public Opinion Center.

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