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Xi Jinping Sends Congratulatory Letter to the 2024 "Guling Rim" China US Youth Exchange Week
Zhou Zuyi went to Nanping Ningde to inspect and guide flood control, disaster relief and post disaster reconstruction
Xi Jinping stressed the construction of a pilot area for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin in Ningxia during his inspection, and wrote a good chapter of Ningxia in the construction of Chinese style modernization
Xi Jinping stressed continuous promotion of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau during his visit to Qinghai, and worked hard to write a chapter of Chinese style modernization of Qinghai
The Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission Held in Yan'an Xi Jinping Attended the Conference and Delivered an Important Speech
The provincial flood control and disaster relief video conference was held
Xi Jinping made important instructions on flood control and drought relief
The 22nd China Strait Innovation Project Achievement Fair was held in Rong
Xi Jinping sent a letter to congratulate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy Students Association
Zhou Zuyi Meets with Taiwan's Guest Representatives Attending the 16th Straits Forum
The 16th Straits Forum Conference was held in Xiamen, Wang Huning attended and delivered a speech
Seeking Truth magazine published the important article of General Secretary Xi Jinping, "Creating a New Situation of High Quality Development in China"
Wang Huning Attends the Special Promotion Meeting for the Construction of Cross Strait Integrated Development Demonstration Area
Zhao Long investigated the work of human society and presided over the special meeting
Provincial CPPCC Special Political Standing Committee Meeting Held
Xi Jinping delivers a video address to the opening ceremony of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Provincial Party Committee Foreign Affairs Work Conference Held in Rong
Xi Jinping Chairs the Fifth Meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform
The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting
Zhou Zuyi went to Fuzhou University to teach ideological and political courses
The theoretical learning center group of the working committee of the provincial organs concentrated on studying and discussing the spirit of the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee of the CPC Political Bureau The Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government Organs issued the Work Tips on Organizing and Mobilizing Party Members and Cadres of Provincial Government Organs to Actively Participate in the Creation of "Epidemic free Community" in Fuzhou Vivid Practice of the Important Requirements of "New, Live, and Practical" for the Party Building in Government Offices -- A summary of the art party lesson activities of the provincial government organs to welcome the Party's twenty major themes Loud Singing for the Party -- A summary of the singing competition activities of provincial organs welcoming the twenty major themes The Party Branch of the Office of the Working Committee of the Provincial Organs continued to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress Experience of the Party Construction Supervision and Inspection Office in Learning the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress Study and implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Group to preach in provincial organs The Party Branch of the Organization Department of the Working Committee held a "forum for organizing work" to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress The Provincial Party Committee and the Working Committee of Provincial Organs printed and distributed the Work Plan for Provincial Organs to Carefully Study, Publicize and Implement the Spirit of the Twenty National Congress of the Communist Party of China The working committee of provincial organs carried out an inspection on the implementation of the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party
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Sponsored by: Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China Address: Working Committee of Provincial Government Offices, No. 80, Hualin Road, Fuzhou, Fujian
ICP Record No.: Min ICP Bei 19024762 - 1 MGGNB: No. 35010202001271