
Jointly plan and promote high-quality development to create a new situation of exchanges and cooperation between the two provinces

From June 5 to 6, the party and government delegation of Guizhou Province visited Fujian. On the 5th, the two provinces held an exchange forum on economic and social development in Fuzhou to jointly plan and promote high-quality development. secretary of the provincial Party committee... [Detailed]

Excerpts of speeches at the Reading Club of Running Chinese Grass

Recently, the "Running Chinese Grass" reading conference jointly sponsored by the Party History and Local Chronicles Office of Fujian Provincial Party Committee, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University and Fujian Federation of Literary and Art Circles was held in Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. At the reading party, save [Detailed]

Five groups of Fujian Provincial Party Committee patrol to the provincial Party history research and local chronicles compilation office

On February 1, the Fifth Inspection Group of the Provincial Party Committee fed back the inspection situation to the Provincial Party History Research and Local Chronicles Compilation Office (hereinafter referred to as the Provincial Party History and Local Chronicles Office). The feedback meeting conveyed and learned the provincial party committee's letter [Detailed]

Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee Party History and Local Records Office held the awarding ceremony of Shanglin Community "Historical Records Posthouse"

In order to make good use of red resources, enrich the forms of Party discipline learning and education, promote the normalization and long-term effect of Party history learning and education, deepen and expand the action of "striving for excellence through deep learning, daring to compete for excellence, and striving for effectiveness through hard work" [Detailed]

Party History and Local Records
  • Copyright: Party History Research and Local Chronicle Compilation Office of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee
  • Technical support: Southeast Network Min ICP record number (Min ICP Bei No. 20005811, Min ICP Bei No. 20005811-2)

Party History and Local Records of Fujian Province
Copyright: Party History Research and Local Chronicle Compilation Office of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee
Min ICP Record No. (Min ICP Bei 20005811-1)
Technical support: Southeast Network
Party History and Local Records of Fujian Province