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Liao Shangbin: the "security guard" guarding the blue sky of the network
Date: August 11, 2022 Source: Life · Creation

Author: Chen Peipo


In the information age, the communication network has brought great convenience to people's production and life, but at the same time, there have also been network hackers, network viruses, telecommunications fraud and other issues. The blue sky of the network cannot be separated from the arduous protection of countless "security guards". Liao Shangbin of Sanming Branch of China Mobile Fujian Branch is a "guard" who is deeply involved in the field of network security and protects the blue sky of the network.   
Liao Shangbin, the "young boy" from Youxi, Sanming, has a plate cut head, is medium height, strong, and smiles when he speaks. He looks low-key and simple. Maybe Liao Shangbin didn't expect that he had little contact with computers before he went to college, but now he will continue to contribute his wisdom in the fields of network security, 5G new technology and so on.   

10000 hour law   
After graduating with a master's degree in 2011, Liao Shangbin joined Sanming Mobile to engage in data analysis. Data analysis is to "track" the use behavior of a large number of mobile users and find "potential customers" for mobile companies to promote quarterly new products. This job is like looking for a needle in a sea of people. It requires patience and care. Liao Shangbin has been working for more than four years.
Although not his own professional expertise, Liao Shangbin knows the "10000 hour rule" - "If you repeat simple things, you are an expert."
When he first joined the company, in order to get familiar with and adapt to the job requirements as soon as possible, he never let go of the old technicians in the company's network department. Once, in order to clarify the key points of data modeling, he even did not miss the meal time. He followed the teacher to the canteen all the way, accompanied the master to eat while fully understanding the details of problem solving.
In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of big data analysis, automated tools must be used instead of manual analysis. Liao Shangbin learns from his master when he doesn't understand something. If he doesn't understand something, he turns to books. If he doesn't understand something in books, he looks up information online.
Once, in order to find the method of data analysis, classification and programming, he went to the city library to search for information. Liao Shangbin, who was absorbed in the world of knowledge, not only forgot to eat lunch, but also forgot the time. Finally, the staff who left work at noon accidentally locked him in the library, which was temporarily rumored as "laughing talk".
In the eyes of colleagues, Liao Shangbin is an "IT maniac". He has independently learned theoretical knowledge such as data warehouse and big data, and specialized data modeling software such as SPSS. His practical operation ability has been constantly improved. He has also independently completed a number of thematic analysis materials to help the company make business decisions.
"Only by studying hard can we make continuous progress." Over the years, with the spirit of hard study, Liao Shangbin has also won many good results in various competitions at the national, provincial and municipal levels, and has won 30 awards and honors in various competitions.

Securing the "safety net"   
"Do you need to apply for a loan?" "Do you need to buy a house recently?"...... You must have received similar strange calls, and you may wonder: how to prevent and combat the leakage of personal information?
Once, on his way to work, Liao Shangbin saw an old man crying to passers-by in tears at the gate of the community. He was cheated out of the pension money he had saved with difficulty by that hateful telecom swindler. The experience of the elderly made Liao Shangbin secretly determined to use what he learned to build a firewall for people's network security.
In 2017, Liao Shangbin took the initiative to jump out of the "comfort zone" and enter the unfamiliar field of network and information security to meet new challenges.
"Those who are smart hear in silence, while those who are bright see in the unseen". In Liao Shangbin's opinion, the prevention of network security issues is particularly important. Therefore, it is a part of his work to filter suspicious numbers by analyzing the user's call duration - "If a phone card is used, the user's call duration is up to thousands of minutes and the called duration is only a few minutes, which is obviously abnormal, we will 'lock' the user."
However, there are problems such as high difficulty, long construction period, inaccurate data research and judgment in building a harassment fraud identification model. Liao Shangbin soon thought of combining his previous work experience - big data analysis technology, to build a zero foundation, low threshold, transplantable and quickly built identification model, which can not only identify new types of fraud numbers such as young, low package, and carrying numbers, It can also accurately lock a number of risk terminals, assist the public security to solve more than 10 cases, and recover millions of direct economic losses for the people.

Guard the "lifeline"   
If network hackers and communication fraud are influenza viruses in the network world, then communication network transmission lines are the lifeline of the network. Therefore, keeping the network unblocked is the most basic but also the most critical work of network security operation.
On February 21, 2022, the sudden low temperature, cold wave, rain and snow weather will cause the interruption of many municipal power lines. After the emergency standby battery is started, the wireless base station must realize the power supply of the oil engine as soon as possible to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the base station. After receiving the urgent task, Liao Shangbin rode his motorcycle to the office at three o'clock in the morning, braved the cold wind and cold rain, organized 8 emergency teams, 10 vehicles, 30 oil engines, and took spare diesel to 10 towns and villages in a short time.
In the face of danger, Liao Shangbin always rushes to the front line. He took the initiative to lead the team to Gaizhu Village, Taixi Township, Youxi County, which was the hardest hit area. Along the way, it was full of ice and snow. Big trees and broken branches under the pressure of snow blocked the road. Affected by continuous rainfall, the mountain road was constantly covered with mud, and there was a danger of road collapse at any time. These difficulties did not scare Liao Shangbin. When the tree fell, the tree was cleared, and the road was broken, they took turns to carry the oil engine forward. They walked 3.2 kilometers. They walked for more than two hours until they reached the base station on the mountain. When they heard the roar of the oil engine, and the alarm was eliminated one by one, Liao Shangbin was relieved.
Sanming is an area prone to floods and secondary disasters. In the flood season of 2021, 126 base stations and 76 optical cables in the city will be blocked due to flood, debris flow and power interruption. At that time, Liao Shangbin, who was on a business trip in Zhangzhou, immediately asked the leader of the team for leave when he learned of the danger. He arrived at Sanming from Zhangzhou overnight. It was already afternoon when he arrived at the county seat. He ate a few meals casually. Despite the tiredness of the long journey, he did not enter his home. He braved the heavy rain and rushed to the scene with the repair team to join the fight for the route.
On those days, Liao Shangbin set out at 5:00 every morning, and didn't rest until 2:00 in the evening for rush repair. He only rested for two to three hours every day for four consecutive days and nights, and didn't go home for rest until all the backbone optical cables were recovered. At that time, Liao Shangbin had become hoarse and haggard with fatigue.


Liao Shangbin Led the Team to Participate in the 2020 National Telecommunication and Internet Industry Network Security Management Professional Skills Competition

Dare to innovate technology   
Liao Shangbin always believes that "there is no wasted effort in life, and there is no chance of success". Over the years, he has actively engaged in technological innovation in production practice
In 2019, Liao Shangbin led an emergency communication vehicle to Baziqiao Township to take part in the communication guarantee of road access, but when the vehicle was almost in the township, something went wrong. There was a section of road in the village that was only 2 meters wide, and heavy emergency communication vehicles could not pass at all. Seeing that it was only a few kilometers away from the rescue site, we had to work in a hurry, which left Liao Shangbin with a deep regret.
After the rescue, Liao Shangbin quickly set up a technical research and development team. It took nearly a year to independently develop the "5G all-purpose emergency communication box", which thoroughly solved the problems of large size, single function, poor trafficability, etc. of the emergency communication vehicle.
Liao Shangbin introduced that the "5G all-purpose emergency communication box" realized the integrated scalable platform in the box without changing the original vehicle's function, shape and circuit, and could quickly open the station within 20 minutes. In addition, the on-board emergency communication box can be separated, and the box can be easily disassembled, which is applicable to all pickup trucks, saving about 3 million yuan in the purchase cost of special bicycles.
"The emergency vehicle integrates 2G, 4G, 5G+transmission+satellite emergency package+oil engine and other equipment, which basically meets various emergency situations in the emergency repair, and is very practical." In August of that year, Typhoon 6 "Mikla" landed in the coastal area of Zhangpu, Zhangzhou City, causing 1103 base stations of China Mobile to lose power and 535 base stations to withdraw service. The "5G all-purpose emergency communication box" played a major role in the rescue.
   "With the continuous development of network power and digital China, digital and intelligent life has entered all levels of society, not only for the strategic needs of national security, but also for the basic needs of people's network information security. As a Communist Party member, I have the responsibility to fully protect the people in building a high-quality 5G network and ensuring that all kinds of emergency communication guarantees are met " Liao Shangbin smiled and said, his warm smile was as bright and bright as the "blue sky" he guarded.