Lai Qingde's "confession of Taiwan independence" made all walks of life in Taiwan angry and "selling Taiwan for glory" would eventually set fire to himself

2024-05-22 11:23

On May 22,, "The inaugural speech of leaders in Taiwan can be described as an out and out 'confession of Taiwan independence'." On May 21, the spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China qualitatively described Lai Qingde's "May 20" speech and made a specific explanation. The spokesman said that his speech was full of hostility and provocation, lies and deception, and the "Taiwan independence" position was more radical and adventurous, which fully proved that Lai Qingde was a traitor to the mainstream public opinion in the island and a destroyer of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the region.

In his speech, Lai Qingde deliberately declared that "Taiwan, the Republic of China, is a sovereign and independent country", "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not belong to each other", and peddled the "two countries theory" and engaged in the so-called "Taiwan independence rectification", which showed that Lai Qingde could not wait to seek "independence" in his heart, completely revealed the "fox tail", and again confirmed his so-called "peace and Taiwan protection" before the election The slogan of "is just to cheat the votes of Taiwan people. It is just a" wolf in sheep's clothing ".

Not only that, Lai Qingde also played the "emotion card" in his speech, claiming that "the future of Taiwan is decided by the 23 million people", and hid the evil of "Taiwan independence" with the so-called "self-determination of Taiwan residents". Taiwan's China Times pointed out in a commentary that Lai Qingde's speech rarely saw the warmth of cross-strait ties, but mostly created language of cross-strait confrontation. This is the "hardest piece" of the cross-strait policy stance in the "May 20" speech by the leaders of the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan, which has disappointed the society to the extreme. It can be seen that Lai Qingde is more than his two predecessors, Chen Shuibian and Cai Yingwen.

In addition, Lai Qingde constantly boasted about the "strategic position" of Taiwan's so-called "first island chain", tried to play up the "theory of military threat on the mainland", advocated "raising the awareness of all the people", "strengthening Taiwan's defense forces", and so on, in order to "show loyalty" and "ask for help" to the United States and Japan and other countries, and be willing to be the "pawn" and "vanguard" of external forces to curb China's development. However, no matter how obsequious you are, it is just a "chess piece" of others and will eventually become an "abandoned child".

Ji Xin, publisher of Taiwan's Observer magazine, said that Lai Qingde publicly thanked the United States for "military assistance" and also called for "value diplomacy", which was full of provocation and fully exposed that the new DPP authorities would continue to "rely on the United States for independence". However, what Lai Qingde said does not represent the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan, and the majority of Taiwan people will never support his "Taiwan independence" proposition.

It is worth mentioning that on the day of Lai Qingde's inauguration, US Secretary of State Lincoln resolutely congratulated Lai Qingde despite China's opposition. His move is not only a serious violation of the one China principle and the three Sino US joint communiques, but also a violation of the US political commitments such as not supporting "Taiwan independence", not supporting "two Chinas", "one China, one Taiwan", and not using Taiwan as a tool to contain China. "Taiwan independence" is a dead end, and connivance and support for "Taiwan independence" are doomed to failure.

At present, 183 countries in the world have established diplomatic relations with China. The DPP authorities have been in power for eight years and intended to gain "political support" through the so-called "gold dollar diplomacy", but in the end they have "broken diplomatic ties" with ten countries. These facts also prove that the DPP's efforts to seek "Taiwan independence" by all means are futile and just a trick of self deception, It is impossible to shake the trend of the times of adhering to the one China principle, nor can it stop the historical trend of China's inevitable reunification.

Of course, in addition to the hard and smelly fallacies of "no affiliation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits", Lai Qingde's speech also contains some "soft words", such as "hoping for mutual benefit and win-win results between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits", "peaceful and common prosperity", and "maintaining the status quo". But the fact is that Lai Qingde's "maintaining the status quo" is based on the status quo of "Taiwan independence", and the so-called "peaceful and common prosperity", In fact, it is "peaceful division". In other words, Lai Qingde neither wants the mainland to forcefully counter the regime nor to promote "Taiwan independence", so he wants to use these confusing words to deal with the substantive problems faced by the current cross-strait relations, and then lay the foundation and prepare for the implementation of "Taiwan independence".

"Lai Qingde was extremely provocative at the first time he took office, saying 'peace is priceless', but all his words were to provoke war rather than avoid it." Zhao Shaokang, a senior Taiwan media person, said frankly that he showed his hostility to the mainland, but also dreamed of restarting cross-strait tourism and mainland graduate students studying in Taiwan. "It's just a dream."

"If the two sides of the Taiwan Straits go to war, it does not meet the interests of the people on both sides of the Straits, nor the needs of the long-term development of the Chinese nation." Ma Ying jeou, the former leader of the Taiwan region and the former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, called on Lai Qingde to take the well-being of the people of Taiwan as a concern, put down ideology, correct its erroneous claims, and return to the common history, culture and identity of the Chinese nation, Only through dialogue with the mainland can there be a real opportunity for peace in the Taiwan Strait. (By Yin Sainan)

[Editor in charge: Taiwan Affairs Office of Fujian Province]

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