The spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council made a statement on the "May 20" speech of Taiwan leaders

2024-05-20 17:35 Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 20 Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on the 20th that the current situation in the Taiwan Straits is complex and serious, which is rooted in the Democratic Progressive Party's stubborn adherence to the separatist position of "Taiwan independence", its refusal to recognize the "1992 consensus" embodying the one China principle, and its continuous efforts to seek "independence" in conjunction with external forces Aggression. In today's speech, leaders of the Taiwan region stubbornly adhere to the "Taiwan independence" position, vigorously promote the fallacy of division, incite confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and attempt to "seek independence by relying on outside" and "seek independence by force". Peace rather than war, development rather than recession, exchange rather than separation, cooperation rather than confrontation are the mainstream public opinion in the island. Taiwan leaders ignored public opinion and acted against the current, releasing dangerous signals of seeking "independence" provocation and undermining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, fully exposing their nature as "Taiwan independence workers".

Chen Binhua pointed out that the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China, and Taiwan is an inseparable part of China. "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace in the Taiwan Strait. Our will to resolve the Taiwan issue and complete national reunification is rock solid, our ability to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity is impregnable, and our actions against the "Taiwan independence" split and foreign interference are firm and forceful. We will never tolerate or tolerate any form of "Taiwan independence" secessionist acts.

Chen Binhua said that the motherland must be unified and must be unified. No matter how the situation in the island changes, no matter who is in power, it will not change the fact that both sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to one China, change the basic pattern and development direction of cross Straits relations, or stop the historical trend of the eventual reunification of the motherland. We will fully implement the Party's overall strategy for solving the Taiwan issue in the new era, unswervingly adhere to the one China principle and the 1992 Consensus, unite Taiwan compatriots, work hard to promote the peaceful and integrated development of cross Straits relations, and unswervingly advance the great cause of national reunification.

[Editor in charge: Taiwan Affairs Office of Fujian Province]

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