"Come to the Mainland more often" -- Invite Taiwanese youth in Fujian and Taiwan

2024-05-17 14:55 Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua News Agency, Fuzhou, May 16 (Reporter Li Haoze) At the opening ceremony of the 26th Cross Strait Economic and Trade Fair and the cross-strait exchange and communication sharing meeting held on the 16th, several Taiwan compatriots walked onto the stage to tell about their entrepreneurship and business in the mainland. From the landing of the first Taiwan funded enterprise in Fuzhou to the exchange and cooperation of youth across the Straits in more fields, stories about struggle, inheritance and innovation won warm applause on the scene.

"Forty years ago, I was also a young man, and I realized my dream in the mainland. Young Taiwanese should come to the mainland more often!" When stepping off the stage, Huang Yijian, 70, was still excited.

In 1984, Huang Yijian went to Beijing to visit his relatives, and then went south to investigate. Finally, he chose Fuzhou, a city across the sea from Taiwan, as his "dream building place". In April 1986, with the approval of the former Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, a certificate of approval for a foreign-funded enterprise numbered "Wai Jing Mao Zi Shen Zi [1986] No. 001" was handed over to Huang Yijian. The Mintaihang Co., Ltd., which was mainly organized by him, became the first Taiwan owned enterprise in the mainland.

Pursuing dreams on the mainland is a common memory of the old generation of Taiwanese businessmen. For Weng Yingmin, the deputy general manager of Fujian Wengcaiji Food Co., Ltd., this struggle is a kind of inheritance.

"I have been the third generation since my grandfather set up a factory in Fuzhou." In the 1990s, Weng Yingmin's grandfather gained a foothold in the mainland with a unique black melon seed. More than ten years ago, Weng Yingmin officially took over and led the company to embark on the road of transformation and upgrading. The products have moved from traditional fried goods to desktop braised dishes and room temperature prepared dishes, and the sales mode has also moved from traditional offline sales to the Internet.

"We hope to become an example for Taiwanese youth to come to the mainland to develop, and we are also willing to provide a stage for more Taiwanese youth to realize their dreams," Weng Yingmin said.

"If you want to ask why a girl is willing to take root in the village, it is because I have gained a sense of identity, security, happiness and belonging in this land." The experience of participating in the beautiful rural design competition of the Taiwan Strait Youth Day made Zeng Zhiying, a Taipei girl, determined to devote herself to the cause of rural revitalization in Fuzhou. Over the past six years, she has led her team to help rural development with modern design thinking, inject vitality into each village and at the same time gain sincere feelings with local people.

"Now, every village has my 'grandparents' and villagers' friends who regard me as their family. I want to invite young friends from Taiwan with my own experience to come to the mainland to experience life, create more lifestyles, pursue dreams, and realize dreams together." Zeng Zhiying said.

[Editor in charge: Taiwan Affairs Office of Fujian Province]

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