Zhangzhou Implements the Round Mountain Plan of "Famous Doctors in Zhangzhou"

2024-05-17 14:47 Fujian Daily

News from our newspaper (by Pan Yuanyuan and Du Zhenglan) As an important birthplace of Minnan culture, a major ancestral home of Taiwanese, an investment intensive area for Taiwanese businessmen, and a national experimental area for the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine, Zhangzhou City has recently formulated and implemented the Action Plan of Zhangzhou City to Implement "Famous Doctors in Zhangzhou" to Promote the Integration and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine across the Taiwan Straits (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as the "Round Hill Plan"), We will actively explore a new way of integrated development across the Taiwan Straits in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and health care by introducing famous doctors, leading people to flow and gathering popularity, cultivating and strengthening the industry of medical medicine, medical care, medical tourism and other measures.

"There is Yuanshan in Zhangzhou, and there is also Yuanshan in Taiwan. Zhangtai is of the same origin, close to each other, close to each other, and has the same voice, so we call this action plan Yuanshan Plan for short." At the special press conference of Yuanshan Plan held by the Information Office of Zhangzhou Municipal Government on the 16th, Zhu Xuesen, Deputy Secretary General of Zhangzhou Municipal Government, said.

It is reported that the main content of the Yuanshan Plan is to implement the "five major projects", namely, "famous doctors in Zhang", "famous hospitals in Zhang", "famous drugs in Zhang", "famous enterprises in Zhang", "famous products in Zhang" and other projects, mainly to build "five bases" and "one destination", namely, to build a cross-strait Chinese medicine talent exchange and training base, a gathering place for famous doctors and teachers, and a "teacher led apprentice" inheritance base Famous prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine and scientific research achievements transformation base, bio pharmaceutical base, traditional Chinese medicine trading base, and medical tourism destination.

From 2024 to 2028, Zhangzhou Municipal Finance will allocate at least 30 million yuan of special funds every year to support the promotion of the Yuanshan Plan. By 2025, we will strive to open 100 famous medical centers (National Medicine Hall) in Zhangzhou, gather more than 150 famous doctors, and reach more than 400000 person times of medical care and medical tourism in Zhangzhou every year. The annual output value of the city's traditional Chinese medicine industry will exceed 20 billion yuan. By 2035, it is expected that there will be 500 famous medical centers (national medicine halls) in Zhangzhou, gathering more than 700 famous doctors. The number of medical and nursing tourists to Zhangzhou in the whole year will reach more than 2 million, and the annual output value of the Chinese medicine industry will reach 50 billion yuan.

"We sincerely invite friends in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, especially Taiwan compatriots, to actively participate in the Yuanshan Plan, promote it to take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit as soon as possible, and provide people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits with high-quality Chinese medicine health services at home." Zhu Xuesen said that after 10 years or so of hard work, Strive to build Zhangzhou into a famous city of medical care, medicine, medical care and medical tourism in southern China.

It is understood that Zhangzhou has a complete TCM service system. At present, there are 11 TCM hospitals, including 4 three-level TCM hospitals. The construction units of TCM hospitals in grass-roots medical institutions have achieved full coverage. The number of beds in the city's TCM medical institutions reached 3735, with 7.3 beds per 10000 people, higher than the provincial average. In April this year, Zhangzhou was approved as a national experimental zone for the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine.

According to relevant supporting policies, if high-level hospitals from both sides of the Straits come to Zhangzhou to run hospitals, and local medical institutions carry out strategic cooperation with "national brand" high-level hospitals, Zhangzhou Municipal Finance will grant subsidies of up to 30 million yuan; Each national and provincial specialty alliance will be given a subsidy of 2 million yuan and 1 million yuan respectively for building a specialty alliance with advantageous characteristics; A one-time reward of 1 million yuan will be given to the public hospital that flexibly introduces the academician expert team to establish the academician workstation in Zhangzhou.

At the same time, Zhangzhou will focus on building the brand of "TCM health care+cultural tourism", relying on rich resource endowments, build five classic tourism belts, namely, ocean blue, ecological green, ancient city style, tulou rhyme, and Minnan red, guide and encourage social capital to gather in TCM health care resources, and transform the natural endowment advantages into the development advantages of medical care and tourism industry. Build famous medical centers, national medicine halls, health care bases, etc. in the ancient city of Zhangzhou, South Fujian Water Town, Dongshan Island, High tech Zone and other places, so that the health care of traditional Chinese medicine will become the golden signboard of Zhangzhou.

[Editor in charge: Taiwan Affairs Office of Fujian Province]

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