Pointing out the right direction for cross-strait relations -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech encourages compatriots on both sides of the Straits to work together to create a bright future

2024-04-12 16:32 Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, met Ma Ying jeou and his delegation in Beijing on the 10th and delivered an important speech, which attracted great attention at home and abroad and aroused warm responses on both sides of the Straits. People from all walks of life on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, experts and scholars have said that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech focuses on the overall interests and long-term development of the Chinese nation, highlights the deep feelings of national family and country, is full of deep affection for Taiwan compatriots, injects stability and positive energy into the current complex and severe situation in the Taiwan Straits, and points out the way forward for the development of cross Straits relations, It is the fundamental adherence and action guide for the work on Taiwan in the new era, and will certainly encourage compatriots on both sides of the Straits to work together to create a bright prospect for national reunification and national rejuvenation.

   Firmly protect the common homeland of the Chinese nation

"The compatriots on both sides of the Straits belong to the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation is a great nation in the world. It has created a long history, brilliant and unparalleled Chinese civilization, and every Chinese people are proud of it." At the meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping stood at the height of the history of the Chinese nation, facing the vast number of Taiwan compatriots, made an important speech with clear and philosophical ideas, It is full of warmth and arouses strong resonance among compatriots on both sides of the Straits.

"I am deeply honored to witness this historic meeting." Li Liangyi, a student of Yangming Jiaotong University in Taiwan, who was one of the young people led by Ma Ying jeou during this trip, listened to the important speech on the spot and could not calm down for a long time.

During the 11 day trip to the mainland, 20 Taiwanese youths, including Li Liangyi, visited Guangdong, Shaanxi and Beijing, deeply connecting the history, reality and future of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. "We have learned more about the struggle history of the Chinese nation and felt the greatness of the nation, which is destined to be unforgettable in this life," she said.

This was the first time that General Secretary Xi Jinping met with Taiwan compatriots and delivered an important speech after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which attracted great attention from all walks of life in Taiwan.

"It is full of affection, sincerity and goodwill towards Taiwan compatriots." Wu Rongyuan, chairman of the Taiwan Labor Party, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed "four firmnesses" for compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, guiding them to work together towards peaceful reunification and family reunification.

Zhao Jianmin, director of the Mainland Research Institute of the "University of Chinese Culture" in Taiwan, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed "four firmnesses", which are all based on the history and culture of the Chinese nation. This is very important and plays an important role in easing the current tension in the Taiwan Strait.

"With irrefutable historical facts, General Secretary Xi Jinping has revealed that Taiwan is a part of China, and Taiwan's history is a part of China's history and the history of the development of the Chinese nation. The history recorded in a large number of ancient books provides sufficient and powerful proof." said Liu Chengyong, curator of the National Edition Museum of China.

Ma Yingjiu and his delegation visited the Xi'an branch of China National Edition Museum, and Liu Chengyong made a special trip to the site to explain. He said that Ma Ying jeou and his entourage "strongly resonated with the ancient books and records, indicating that compatriots on both sides of the Straits are imbued with the blood of the Chinese nation and the breath of Chinese culture in their bones".

"The compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits all speak Chinese and write Chinese characters, and share the same blood, culture and history." Zhu Songling, a professor at the Institute of Taiwan Studies of Beijing Union University, said that the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping was extremely powerful in refuting the absurd and confused historical view of "Taiwan independence", and also added a "Chinese history lesson" for Taiwan compatriots. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized "firmly safeguarding the common homeland of the Chinese nation", and declared the firm will and determination of the mainland to promote anti independence and reunification.

Qi Jialin, a Taiwan historian and chairman of the United League Party, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping was particularly moved by his important statement on the history of the Chinese nation. He said that the fact forged with iron and blood has written the inseparable history of both sides of the Taiwan Straits, proving that no force can separate us, nor can it change the objective fact that both sides belong to the same country and nation, nor can it stop the historical trend of reuniting our family and country.

   Firmly create the lasting well-being of the Chinese nation

"General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that working for the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits is the starting point and end result of our development of cross Straits relations, proposed the grand goal of jointly creating the lasting well-being of the Chinese nation, and demonstrated the goodwill and sincerity of the mainland to unite Taiwan compatriots and strive for the hearts and minds of Taiwan people," said Li Yihu, president of the Taiwan Research Institute of Peking University.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech made Taiwanese youth more confident in pursuing the dream of the mainland. "The mainland market is huge, and we have great care for Taiwanese people. Here we can see a broader world and achieve higher ideals." As the "master", Xu Minshan, a Taiwanese student of Sun Yat sen University in Guangdong Province, participated in the exchange activity of Ma Ying jeou and his delegation to visit the school, sharing experiences and feelings with young people in the island. Having studied in the mainland for three years, he is planning to take the postgraduate entrance examination and continue to pursue his dream.

During this trip, Ma Ying jeou and his delegation visited global heavyweight enterprises such as Dajiang, Tencent, BYD, visited the "Century Project" Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, and felt the pulse of economic and social development in the mainland at a close distance.

Lin Xinyue, a student of Taipei University, was deeply impressed by UAVs and new energy vehicles. "What you hear is false, what you see is true. I saw and felt the leap of science and technology in the mainland with my own eyes, which is very different from what I used to know." He said that after returning to Taiwan, he would share what he saw and thought with his classmates, hoping that more young people in the island would cross the strait and see the real mainland.

"I am very lucky to feel the rapid development of the mainland through this trip." Su Weien, a student of Taiwan Shixin University who aspires to become a film director, said, "The mainland film industry is booming. I want to come and develop in the future. I believe this era is the era of the Chinese Dream."

Li Yihu said that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has mapped out a grand blueprint for building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. The mainland has significant institutional advantages, broad market space, and continuous improvement of new quality productivity, which will create more opportunities for Taiwanese enterprises, especially Taiwanese youth, to develop in the mainland. The mainland continues to deepen the integration and development of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the Taiwan compatriots have great prospects in the hot land of the mainland.

Taiwan Qing Liu Tianting has been working in Shenzhen for many years. His bread sculpture works have won awards in the world competition, and now his career is booming. When Ma Yingjiu and his delegation visited Shenzhen Ping An Financial Center this time, he acted as an interpreter, introducing his own works and sharing entrepreneurial experience.

"We have received a lot of care and support for our work and entrepreneurship in the mainland." He said that he felt the enthusiasm of the visiting Taiwanese youth to come to the mainland to develop in the exchange, and welcomed more young people from the island to join the ranks of "dreamers on both sides of the Taiwan Straits".

   Firmly cast the consciousness of the Chinese national community

"General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the importance of strengthening the mutual trust, mutual assistance and cultural identity of compatriots on both sides of the Straits, which is of positive and far-reaching significance," said Zhu Songling.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits have always been a family and should come and go frequently. The closer they go, the closer they become. Ding Ning, the Olympic table tennis champion and lecturer in the PE Teaching and Research Department of Peking University, has deep feelings about this.

Ding Ning visited Taiwan last year as a member of the faculty and students group of mainland universities. This time, he met Taiwan students at Peking University with great joy. "The youth on both sides of the Taiwan Straits understand each other, enhance friendship, expand cooperation, and share their aspirations. This kind of exchange is precious. We are inseparable," she said.

Attend the Qingming Festival Ceremony for Emperor Xuanyuan, visit the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum Museum, the Badaling Great Wall, and the Palace Museum... This mainland trip is an in-depth Chinese cultural journey for visiting Taiqing. General Secretary Xi Jinping's words, which are simple and meaningful, have given them a deeper understanding of what they have seen along the way.

"Seeing the geography, humanities, customs and history of the mainland, this trip to Chinese culture has shocked and moved us." Liu Bingrui, from Taiwan's Chenggong University, said that as a descendant of the Chinese people, it is a mission to inherit Chinese culture.

"Youth on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should take action to build a strong sense of the community of the Chinese nation." Yang Chen, a doctoral student from Peking University who also participated in exchanges in Taiwan last year, said that he hoped to read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles with Taiwan students, enhance historical and cultural resonance, and tighten the emotional ties between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.

  Firmly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

"Youth is the hope of the country and the future of the nation. The future of both sides of the Taiwan Straits will be better if the youth on both sides of the Straits are good. Youth on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should enhance their ambition, backbone and confidence to be Chinese people, jointly create the lasting well-being of the Chinese nation, and continue to write new glories in the history of the Chinese nation." The concern and ardent expectations of General Secretary Xi Jinping have inspired the youth on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

"When the students shared their experience of this trip, General Secretary Xi Jinping nodded and smiled frequently, which made me feel particularly kind and warm," said Xiao Siyuan, a student of Taiwan University of Political Science.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping encourages the youth on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to help each other and cooperate more." Li Liangyi said that today, the Chinese nation has made remarkable achievements. The youth on both sides of the Taiwan Straits stand on the basis of their predecessors and work together to make more contributions to the Chinese nation's standing among the nations of the world.

Huang Yuzi, from Hsinchu, Taiwan, is studying for a master's degree at Peking University and participated in the exchange activities of Ma Ying jeou and his delegation to Peking University. "The youth on both sides of the Taiwan Straits' joint efforts' can more stimulate the strong development potential of the Chinese nation than their respective efforts," he said.

The country prospers when young people thrive, and the country is strong when young people are strong. Looking ahead, young people on both sides of the Straits expressed their expectations.

"It is hoped that youth across the Straits will deepen exchanges, explore new modes of cooperation, and inject new vitality into the development of cross Straits relations," Ding Ning said.

"The youth exchanges and exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are unstoppable, and we hope that we can melt the ice to build a bridge and jointly welcome the fragrance of the flower of cooperation," said Liu Bingrui.

"The youth on both sides of the Straits should actively respond to the call of General Secretary Xi Jinping, shoulder the mission bravely, move forward hand in hand, and continue to struggle for national reunification and national rejuvenation." Yang Chen said.

This time Ma Ying jeou and his delegation visited the Memorial Hall of Sun Yat sen's Former Residence in Zhongshan City. Jin Xin, deputy director of the Publicity and Education Department of the Memorial Hall, who attended the reception, said that Mr. Sun Yat sen has always been deeply attached to Taiwan compatriots and has devoted his life to national reunification and rejuvenation of China. The compatriots on both sides of the Straits should work together with one heart and one mind, and work together to bring together the great power to achieve national reunification and national rejuvenation.

Li Peng, president of the Institute of Taiwan Studies of Xiamen University, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly explained how to think about and solve the Taiwan issue and realize the complete reunification of the motherland in the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, so that the Chinese people on both sides of the Straits have strengthened their faith and confidence. The national rejuvenation has entered an irreversible historical process. The compatriots on both sides of the Straits have worked together to think and work together, Will surely realize the great dream and share the great glory.

[Editor in charge: Taiwan Affairs Office of Fujian Province]

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