(Heard in the Spring Festival) "New Villagers" from Taipei: pick up their mothers to celebrate the New Year across the sea

2024-01-25 17:22 China News Network

China news agency, Ningde, Fujian, January 25, by wire: "New Villagers" from Taipei: pick up mother for the New Year holiday

Author: Lv Qiaoqin, Lin Rongsheng

"I'm going to pick up my mother to spend the Spring Festival in the mainland, and I also invited many Taiwanese relatives to visit and experience the strong atmosphere of the Spring Festival in Nanyan Village." As the Spring Festival approaches, Chen Bojing chooses to stay for the Spring Festival.

Nanyan Village, located in Tantou Town, Fu'an City, Ningde, Fujian Province, is an ancient village where Chen Baijing settled to carry out cooperation in rural construction and innovation. This Spring Festival will be his third Spring Festival in Nanyan Village.

Chen Bojing told the China News Service that during the Spring Festival, a small tea making activity is planned to be held, adding some festive New Year elements to the milk tea shop, "pounding" some new drinks and Taiwan snacks to attract tourists.

With the implementation of rural cultural and creative milk tea shops, north and south Taiwan goods shops, light food shared space, corridor loft culvert water bar, heavy motorcycle club, backpacker cultural post station and other projects, Nanyan Village has now become a "popular online" card punching place in the surrounding eight villages.


The buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Nanyan Village are well arranged. Photographed by Lv Qiaoqin, a reporter from China News Service

"Now I have my home in Nanyan. I stay in the village for more than 20 days a month, which is regarded as the 'new villager' of Nanyan Village." Chen Bojing from Taipei, with multiple identities such as director, teacher, musician, and rural construction and entrepreneurship teacher, is the "slash uncle" in the eyes of Nanyan villagers.

In 2018, Chen Baijing "landed" to pursue his dream, "hoping to bring my experience of cultural and creative work in Taiwan to this place, adjust measures to local conditions, and help the revitalization of rural areas in the mainland". When he first arrived in Pingtan, Fujian Province, he founded a cultural and creative team called by Furen. Taking cultural and creative exchanges between youth on both sides of the Straits as the main axis, he opened cultural and creative workshops, built a rural music and culture square, and set up a rural homestay group to build the cultural and creative base called by Furen into a local "online celebrity" punch in point.

The next year, Chen Baijing and Furen called on the cultural and creative team to visit Nanyan Village. Nanyan Village, built near the mountain, has a history of more than 700 years and is known as the "Museum of Ming and Qing Architecture in Eastern Fujian". Standing at the entrance of the village, he was attracted by more than 40 Ming and Qing buildings with different shapes. Since 2020, he and his team have been stationed in the village to carry out escort type township construction and innovation services.

How to add "literary style" to the "local style" of Nanyan Village? Chen Baijing started from a milk tea shop. An old and dilapidated house in the village, after re planning and design, has become the "online red card punching shop" in the village - Furen called on the cultural and creative milk tea shop, which operates milk tea, longan red jujube tea, lattes, American brewed coffee and other drinks, which are famous in the ancient village post station.

"The milk tea shop is on the original foundation of the old building, and does not damage its own structure for renovation and reinforcement, giving people a sense of the original ancient milk tea shop." Chen Bojing said.

On the second floor of the milk tea shop, you can have a panoramic view of the cultural and natural scenery of Nanyan Village. Mr. Zheng, a tourist from Shanghai, said that it was very pleasant to walk through the ancient villages and tile roofed houses, stopping to take photos; If you order a cup of milk tea or coffee at the milk tea shop, you can also enjoy a quiet afternoon away from the noise of the city.


The picture shows the "addiction of Nanyan" created by makers who settled in Nanyan. Photographed by Lv Qiaoqin, a reporter from China News Service

In Chen Baijing's opinion, the township construction and innovation of Nanyan Village should not be hasty, nor too conservative; We should not only adhere to the principle of "repair the old as the old, and ensure the best", but also combine protection and development with activation and utilization.

In more than three years, Furen has called on the cultural and creative team to build more than 10 projects, which not only protect and activate the use of traditional buildings, but also enrich the tourism industry, making Nanyan, once a "shell village", realize transformation and rebirth.

According to the villagers, in the past three years, there have been more than 100 "new villagers" in Nanyan Village and entrepreneurs returning home, with an average annual tourist reception of more than 100000 person times.

On the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival in 2023, Chen Baijing will receive his mother who is over 80 years old to Nanyan Village. He said that in addition to letting his mother see his own achievements in pursuing dreams in the mainland, he also wanted to fulfill his mother's wish.

It turned out that Chen Bojing's mother left the mainland to Taiwan with her parents when she was 6 years old. After 70 years of separation, she always wanted to return to the mainland. "When young people leave home and old people return home, their hometown voice will not change, and their hair will grow old." Chen Baijing described her mother's mood in this way. "More than 70 years have passed quickly, but it's good to be close to people and people."

This year is my mother's first Spring Festival back to the mainland. Chen Bojing said that she planned to make two or three Taiwan stir fry dishes for the New Year's Eve dinner, and then prepare some ingredients to eat hot pot. "Both sides of the Taiwan Straits share the same root and origin, so the New Year customs are similar, including setting off firecrackers and visiting relatives. But the New Year flavor of the mainland is much stronger than that of Taiwan."

"The mainland is the place where I dream to set sail." After more than six years of "landing", Chen Baijing said, "There is a vast world and great achievements here", from being alone to having an 18 cultural and creative team.

Nanyan Village has been listed as a model village for cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan in 2024. Chen Baijing said that he hoped to build Nanyan Village into a "hot money" in the new year, so that more people would return to their hometown to start businesses and attract more tourists to visit; It is also hoped that in the future, more rural construction and innovation cooperation will "blossom and bear fruit" to promote the integration and development of the two sides. (End)

[Editor in charge: Taiwan Affairs Office of Fujian Province]

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