Zhang Zhaorui, a Taiwanese teacher, promoted the cross-strait handball game "from a child"

2022-02-17 14:40 China News Network


On the 16th, the "Hands' Dream Moves" cross-strait handball exchange interactive class was held in Fuzhou. Photographed by Zheng Jiangluo

China News Network, Fuzhou, February 16 (Zheng Jiangluo) On February 16, the "Hands' Dream Moves, Cross Strait Handball Exchange and Interactive Class" was held in Fuzhou. It is reported that this is the first time that a Taiwanese PE teacher, Zhang Zhaorui, has opened an open class for children's handball in Fuzhou. "To promote handball, we should start with children," said Zhang Zhaorui.

Zhang Zhaorui is from Taichung, Taiwan. After graduating from Beijing Sport University as a doctor in 2020, he came to Fuzhou for development. At present, he is teaching at the School of Sports Science of Fujian Normal University, and is committed to promoting handball.

At the scene, Zhang Zhaorui shared the development history and competitive rules of handball with the children and conducted demonstration teaching.

"Handball, originated in Northern Europe, is a ball game that combines the characteristics of basketball and football to play with hands and score goals with the ball. It became an official event at the 11th Olympic Games in 1936 and has been an important event in previous Olympic Games." Zhang Zhaorui said that he hoped that through a little effort, Let the small handball become the "ambassador" to greatly promote cross-strait exchanges, and let the children on both sides of the strait increase a way of interaction and contact through handball sports.

In Zhang Zhaorui's opinion, in the past, handball had a certain popularity only in the first tier cities in the mainland, but was rarely known in Fujian. In recent years, Fujian Province has also gradually promoted handball.

"We introduce young handball talents from Taiwan through the cross-strait handball exchange forum or competition held every year." Zhang Zhaorui said in an interview that there are more handball sports teachers in Taiwan, but there is a shortage of handball teachers in Fuzhou. He hopes to build a bridge for handball education and exchange between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. The mainland "has a platform and space", It is a good opportunity for Taiwanese youth.

Zhang Zhaorui hopes to bring this sport into the physical education curriculum of kindergartens and primary schools in Fuzhou in the future. "Next, we will carry out cooperation with kindergartens and primary schools in Fuzhou to promote handball." In addition to providing handball equipment, we will also provide handball training for kindergarten teachers.

He is also preparing to introduce handball into the university campus curriculum. He is customizing the handball curriculum and promoting the construction of handball venues. It is expected to officially open classes in the university in September this year. It is planned to introduce handball from public physical education classes, and then develop into an optional course or even a required course in the sports college in the future.

As one of the series activities of "2022 Taiwan Talents' Rooting in Rongcheng Integration and Development" Series Exchange Activity Exhibition ", this exchange and interaction class aims to show the achievements of Rong Taiwan education exchange and cooperation, enhance the friendship between compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and enhance the sense of belonging of people in Rong Taiwan. This series of activities was jointly organized by the Talent Office of Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Office, the Municipal Education Bureau, the Municipal Taiwan League, Fujian Institute of Engineering, the Municipal Taiwan Investment Enterprise Association, Fuzhou Huiju and other units, and was successfully launched on January 25. (End)

[Editor in charge: Zhang Ning, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Fujian Province]

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