China News Network Fujian News text

There is new news about Xiamen Jinqiao Bridge! New progress has been made in a number of transportation projects in Fujian


A batch of transportation projects in Fujian

Make new progress

Let's see——

The first pile foundation of the main tower of Liuwudian suspension bridge (Xiamen section) was drilled formally

At about 8:00 a.m. on May 12, the first pile foundation of the main tower of Liuwudian suspension bridge of Xiajin Bridge (Xiamen section) was officially drilled, marking a breakthrough in the project control project and laying a solid foundation for the construction of the main tower of Liuwudian suspension bridge.

Liuwudian Suspension Bridge is a plane cable suspension bridge with five span continuous composite pylons. The pylon is 178.1 meters high and the maximum span length is 928 meters. It is the largest span bridge in Fujian Province and the first offshore suspension bridge in Fujian Province. This spud in pile foundation is located in the west main tower of Liuwudian suspension bridge in Section A1 of Xiajin Bridge (Xiamen Section). The pile is 47.8m long and 3m in diameter. The impact hole forming process is adopted

The granite in the west main tower area of Liuwudian suspension bridge is unevenly differentiated, and spherical boulders are randomly distributed, with large differences in shape and size. It is difficult to master the rules, which brings many challenges to the platform erection and pile foundation construction. For this reason, the construction party has fully prepared for nearly two months from hole by hole drilling to rock sample test and research, from the selection of drilling rig to the formulation of disposal plan, and solved the construction problems to ensure the smooth drilling of pile foundation.

As a key project of our province, the completion of the Xiamen Golden Bridge (Xiamen Section) will become the most convenient channel for Xiamen Island to contact Xiang'an Airport, effectively relieve the traffic pressure on the Xiang'an access road and the new airport area, and greatly improve the traffic efficiency from Xiamen Island to Xiang'an Airport. The landing of the project means that Xiamen has taken another solid step forward in cross island development.

Anjiang Tunnel of Sha'nan Expressway (Nanping Section) was successfully completed

On May 12, Anjiang Tunnel left tunnel of contract section A5 of Sha'nan Expressway was successfully completed, achieving another major breakthrough.

Anjiang Tunnel is a two hole four lane tunnel with a maximum burial depth of 152 meters, and the average length of the left and right tunnels is 1239 meters, which is a long tunnel. The entrance of the tunnel is steep and close to County Highway X864. There are two geological fault fracture zones in the tunnel site area. The joint fissures in the surrounding rock of the tunnel body are developed and the overall geology is poor. In the face of complex geological conditions, all parties involved in the construction plan ahead, clarify the division of labor, go deep into the field survey and research, and focus on breaking all kinds of blocking points and difficulties in the construction process. After more than one year of hard work, the left hole of Anjiang Tunnel was successfully opened.

Sha'nan Expressway is a key project in our province. The completion of the project will greatly shorten the travel time from Shaxian County to Nanping, which is of great significance for strengthening regional cooperation and complementarity, implementing the rural revitalization strategy, and promoting the revitalization of the old Soviet areas.

A national and provincial trunk line project in Quanzhou will be open to traffic at the end of the year

Recently, with the last precast beam on the bridge erecting machine falling steadily, the erection of precast beams along the whole line of G356 Yongchun Shiguqingyuan Dapu Qianfeng Highway Project was successfully completed. At present, the project has entered the pavement construction stage in succession, and is expected to be open to traffic by the end of December.

The total investment of the project is about 1.789 billion yuan. The total length of the main route is 16.48 kilometers. The design adopts the standard of secondary highway and urban trunk road, with a design speed of 60 km/h, two-way six lane (slow lane on both sides), and asphalt concrete pavement.

G356 Yongchun Shiguqingyuan Dapu Qianfeng Section Highway Project is a part of the seventh horizontal line of the national and provincial trunk highway "eight vertical, eleven horizontal and fifteen connected", and is also the need to build the main transportation skeleton network of Yongchun County. The project connects the longitudinal expressways and horizontal main roads in the west of Yongchun County, giving full play to the role of grid shaped road network skeleton, and providing basic conditions for the development and utilization of the planned land in the west.

Wuping County G358 Line Surface Reconstruction Project (Phase II) Starts

Recently, the inter provincial channel project - G358 line Wuping County Zhongshan Longji to Guangdong border pavement reconstruction project (Phase II) started.

The total length of the project is 14km, the pavement width is 8.5m, and the main work amount is 119062.8m2 of asphalt pavement reconstruction. The section from Zhongshan to Guangdong boundary of G358 line in Wuping County is the exit channel from Fujian Province to Guangdong Province, and also an important tourist route to the 4A level scenic spot of Wuzhi Mountain in Chagan Town, Pingyuan County, Guangdong Province. The project is expected to be completed by the end of August. After the completion of the project, the operation capacity of the national trunk road will be enhanced, the travel quality of residents will be improved, the transportation and economic links between regions will be strengthened, and the coordinated development of regions will be realized.

The passenger cargo mail integration service station in Huangzhen Town, Minqing Province officially opened

Recently, the passenger cargo mail integrated service station in Huangzhen Town, Minqing County, Fuzhou was officially opened. The mainstream express brands in the area, such as postal service, "three connections and one arrival", and Deppon, have settled in the service station to provide the "one-stop" service for people to pick up and send parcels, which has solved the problem of the villagers nearby picking up and delivering parcels at multiple points for a long time.

The passenger cargo mail integrated service station in Provincial Huang Town was originally a rural passenger station in Provincial Huang Town, Minqing County, covering an area of 2100 square meters, with a building area of 350 square meters and a parking lot of 1750 square meters. The old passenger station has been renovated, and the original waiting room has been adjusted to accommodate enterprises such as postal service, "three connections and one arrival", Jitu, Jingdong, Shunfeng, Debang, Tmall, and some brand logistics express. Monitoring probes, express shelves, fire extinguishers and other facilities have been added, and a comprehensive service area for delivery, passenger waiting A township passenger cargo mail integrated service station integrating parking, charging and other convenient services.

According to statistics, there are more than 1100 pieces received and more than 100 pieces sent every day in Huang Town, Sichuan Province. The original rural passenger transport lines were used to send express delivery to the village, which solved the problem of "the last kilometer" for express delivery to the village.