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Zhangzhou New Social Stratum Volunteer Service Group was established

In order to carry forward the spirit of volunteerism, create a new brand of work for people of social strata, serve the people in an all-round way, and constantly improve social satisfaction and people's sense of gain. On May 9, the establishment and unveiling ceremony of Zhangzhou New Social Stratum Volunteer Service Group was successfully held. 70 people, including Huang Wenlong, Deputy Director of the United Front Work Department of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee and a first-class researcher, Chen Lei, President of the New Federation of Zhangzhou, Cai Lixian, Chief Supervisor, and Lin Jianmin, legal representative, attended the event. Zhai Xinbing, Chief of the New Knowledge Section of the United Front Work Department of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee, presided over the event.

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The relevant leaders are Ma Xingxu, the head of the online agriculture assistance service group, Ye Lisong, the head of the e-commerce training service group, Dai Wen, the head of the industry docking service group, Lin Minghui, the head of the cultural volunteer service group, and Chen Guocheng, the head of the financial and tax affairs service group.

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Vice Minister Huang Wenlong expressed his hope for the establishment of the five service groups. He pointed out that first, we should strengthen the staff and work hard around the word "Lian".

In accordance with the spirit of the document Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Improving the Volunteer Service System in the New Era, we should strengthen the ideological and political mobilization, guide the vast number of new social strata to actively participate in volunteer service, gather all forces of society, and build a strong volunteer service team for civilized practice in the new era. We should absorb outstanding talents in the whole industry in a timely manner, and select representatives from the four categories of personnel to join our team. We should attach equal importance to training and scientific use, establish and improve the database of five service groups, and strive to create a service group with firm politics, good quality, sufficient number and reasonable structure. The heads of the service groups should play a leading role, regularly carry out business exchanges, drive the members to move closer to the organization, and promote the overall improvement of the political and professional quality of the five service groups.

Second, we should build a good platform carrier and focus on the word "education".

We should actively build a platform carrier, innovate the characteristic work mode, strengthen the radiation and driving role of the service group, constantly deepen the practice and innovation of the united front work of new social strata, and strive to build a "strong platform" in the field of social volunteer service module. We should promote the docking of supply and demand of volunteer services, adhere to the demand orientation, goal orientation, and effect orientation, accurately grasp the people's urgent needs, and combine meeting needs with leading needs to achieve the normalization, facilitation, and accuracy of volunteer services. It is necessary to plan and deploy carefully, cooperate closely, improve the working mechanism, clarify the division of responsibilities, do a good job in organizational guarantee, actively innovate the activity form of the service group, and constantly improve the work effect of the service group. Each service group should be honest and innovative, make bold attempts, carry out rich and diverse service activities and solidify some activity brands, The service group has been effectively built into a well-known event brand that gives full play to the advantages of people from new social strata, and has played a role in exploring ways, providing experience, and demonstrating.

Third, it is necessary to highlight the public welfare function and focus on "using" words to seek effectiveness.

It is necessary to focus on the central work of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, such as the "Year of Efficiency Enhancement in Industrial Development Project Construction" activity, the "Three Comparisons and One Look" competition, and combine the action of "deep learning and striving for excellence, daring to strive for excellence, and doing and striving for efficiency", adhere to the overall situation of the service center, and unite efforts to promote the high-quality development of the five service groups. We should strengthen overall coordination, link with various parties, integrate all forces and resources, give full play to the advantages and expertise of new social strata in the five major modules of cultural volunteer services, industry docking, online agriculture assistance, fiscal and tax affairs, and e-commerce training, give full play to their unique advantages in rural revitalization, civilization creation, poverty alleviation and other aspects, and truly deliver services to the masses, Send love to the masses. We should adhere to the idea of guiding in the service and help, carry out various social public welfare activities at the grass-roots level, further demonstrate the new responsibilities, new actions and new forces of people from new social strata, practically do practical things for the masses, and contribute new wisdom and strength to building a social governance pattern of joint construction, common governance and sharing.

People from new social strata who attended the meeting expressed their desire to carry forward the spirit of volunteerism of dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress, promote the construction of a community of social governance where everyone has a responsibility, everyone is responsible and everyone enjoys, and rally the masses of the people to work together to comprehensively promote the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization.