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About us / About

Fanputang is committed to carrying forward Chinese culture

Fanputang Traditional Chinese Culture Communication Website is operated by Ganjing Culture Communication Studio in Guandu District. The main business includes baby naming and renaming, company naming and renaming, home geomancy layout adjustment, office geomancy layout adjustment, geomancy house selection, civil day selection, gossip prediction, Zhouyi divination, number lucky or unlucky, question answering and doubt solving, etc. Fanpu Hall is committed to carrying forward the traditional Chinese culture, and welcomes people who like to study the Book of Changes, the Book of Changes, divination, and the Plum Blossom Changes
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  • Knowledge of traditional Chinese culture
  • Company News
Fanputang Traditional Chinese Culture Communication Website is operated by Ganjing Culture Communication Studio in Guandu District. The main business includes baby naming and renaming, company naming and renaming, home geomancy layout adjustment, office geomancy layout adjustment, geomancy house selection, civil day selection, gossip prediction, Zhouyi divination, number lucky or unlucky, question answering and doubt solving, etc. Fanpu Hall is committed to carrying forward the traditional Chinese culture, and welcomes people who like to study the Book of Changes, the Book of Changes, divination, and the Plum Blossom Changes
Address: Building 5, District 3, Xinluosiwan Boutique, Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan Tel: 18088245313 Mobile phone: 18088245313, Fanputang Traditional Chinese Culture Communication Network, promotes traditional Chinese culture and rejects superstition.      XML Map   Classified catalogue