How to select anti-counterfeiting label printing manufacturers?

How to select anti-counterfeiting label printing manufacturers?

Classification name: anti-counterfeiting knowledge published on 2021-05-21 Read (10146)

This issue of Authentic Anti counterfeiting Center shares an article about anti counterfeiting label printing manufacturers. For businesses looking for professional anti-counterfeiting label printing and production, we can learn the following:

 How to prevent counterfeiting of auto parts?

How to prevent counterfeiting of auto parts?

Classification name: anti-counterfeiting knowledge published on 2021-05-15 Read (8824)

If you pay attention to this industry, you will find that some bearing brands with good sales have anti-counterfeit labels. How is the anti-counterfeit label that can be queried made? What are the benefits of making anti-counterfeit labels? It is very simple for bearing manufacturers to make anti-counterfeit labels. First, you need to determine some qualifications. Authentic anti-counterfeit products accept cooperation with any legitimate business with trademark registration certificate and three certificates, and refuse to cooperate with any counterfeiter who cannot provide the above three qualifications

 How to make the anti-counterfeiting label of clothing tag?

How to make the anti-counterfeiting label of clothing tag?

Classification name: anti-counterfeiting knowledge published on 2021-05-15 Read (10583)

If a fashionable dress becomes a popular model, you will find that there are many versions on the market, of course, there is only one authentic one. Do not respect others' design property rights and plagiarize at will. They don't respect other people's brands and imitate them at will. This is not a good thing. If this goes on, there will be no innovation. It is consumers who suffer from fake goods all over the world.

 Two dimensional code anti-counterfeiting solution for liquor

Two dimensional code anti-counterfeiting solution for liquor

Classification name: anti-counterfeiting general knowledge published on 2021-05-15 Read (10677)

Liquor is strongly branded and has high added value. The cost of a bottle of brand liquor mainly consists of the liquor itself, packaging, operating costs and taxes. The cost of wine itself is very low. A bottle of good wine may cost several yuan or more than ten yuan, and a good package may cost several yuan or more than ten yuan. Taxes are charged according to the price of wine, and the operating costs are also uncertain. What is the cost for a counterfeiter to counterfeit liquor? The cost of fake wine itself and packaging, that's all.

 How to make two-dimension code anti-counterfeiting logo of tea?

How to make two-dimension code anti-counterfeiting logo of tea?

Classification name: anti-counterfeiting general knowledge published on 2021-05-15 Read (10164)

What can tea enterprises do? It is a good way to improve product anti-counterfeiting packaging technology and use anti-counterfeiting QR code to facilitate consumer identification. The anti-counterfeiting packaging is easy to understand. The one-time anti-counterfeiting design packaging is adopted, which can be destroyed immediately after opening and can not be recovered, so as to prevent the packaging from being used interchangeably. The anti-counterfeiting QR code logo is also a very good form of anti-counterfeiting, and many businesses are using it.

 How to make two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting label?

How to make two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting label?

Classification name: anti-counterfeiting knowledge published on 2021-05-15 Read (13028)

We know that the anti-counterfeiting QR code is not the same as the QR code. The anti-counterfeiting QR code is one kind of the QR code and has the anti-counterfeiting function. The QR code itself has no anti-counterfeiting function. How to make anti-counterfeiting QR code? We know that the anti-counterfeiting QR code is a password, one thing, one code. Each QR code is an irreversible unique code.

 How to prevent counterfeit drug label code?

How to prevent counterfeit drug label code?

Classification name: anti-counterfeiting knowledge published on 2021-05-15 Read (10964)

Drugs and cosmetics are very important items in our daily life, and also products that we often contact. Because of its extensive use base, its sales volume is often very large, and there are many economic factors involved. How to scan the anti-counterfeit code of drugs. These products are very important to our physical and mental health, but cruelly, many counterfeiters are obsessed with their interests and are willing to make and sell fake products

 How to make anti-counterfeiting labels for pet food?

How to make anti-counterfeiting labels for pet food?

Classification name: anti-counterfeiting knowledge published on 2021-05-15 Read (4389)

This article will introduce to you how to prevent fake liquor two-dimensional code, and through the new technology of two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting to combat counterfeiting and safeguard the interests of businesses and consumers. The two-dimension code of liquor anti-counterfeiting is to put a two-dimension code anti-counterfeiting label on the seal of the bottle or the seal of the one-time anti-counterfeiting package. After purchasing the product, consumers can scrape off the coating, obtain the anti-counterfeiting QR code, and identify the authenticity of the product by scanning WeChat.

 What is the production process of anti-counterfeiting labels?

What is the production process of anti-counterfeiting labels?

Classification name: anti-counterfeiting knowledge published on 2021-05-15 Read (4308)

Anti counterfeiting labels are not new to people nowadays. In the face of the increasingly flooded market of counterfeit goods, the importance of anti counterfeiting labels is becoming increasingly prominent. Many enterprises will consider how to make a small anti counterfeiting label before making it. Let's study the production process of anti counterfeiting labels in depth.

 Customization process of anti-counterfeiting labels for glasses

Customization process of anti-counterfeiting labels for glasses

Classification name: anti-counterfeiting knowledge published on April 30, 2020 Read (7518)

The application of anti-counterfeiting label technology in all walks of life has become a major trend. When consumers buy products, they usually identify anti-counterfeiting labels to prevent counterfeiting. For glasses manufacturers, once the lenses are counterfeited, it will not only damage the interests of regular manufacturers, but also pose a threat to consumers' eye health. Therefore, it is imperative to customize anti-counterfeiting labels for glasses, The following authentic anti-counterfeit products introduce the process of customizing anti-counterfeit labels for glasses?

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Copyright © 2010-2020 Authentic Anti counterfeiting Verification Center YGZAB No. 44010602002662 Yue ICP Bei No. 12040229

Guangzhou Genuine Anti counterfeiting Technology Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the production of anti-counterfeiting labels and the development of big data precision marketing system of one thing, one code. Provide various anti-counterfeiting labels, two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting marketing systems and other industry wide marketing solutions.

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