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How to solve the problem of cracks and water seepage on the external wall of the resettlement house?

In case of multiple cracks on the external wall of the resettlement house causing water seepage, the cracks shall be repaired in time and waterproof treatment shall be strengthened. Professional waterproof materials can be considered for repair to ensure the integrity of the external wall structure and effectively prevent water seepage.
ask5250783357 | 2024-06-27 14:45 | From Beijing

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The problem of cracks and water seepage in the external wall of the resettlement house can usually be solved by the following methods. First, the cracks shall be cleaned to remove sundries and old coatings; Secondly, fill the cracks, select appropriate caulking materials for repair, to ensure that the filling is full and firm; In addition, waterproof treatment can be carried out after caulking, and professional waterproof materials can be used for painting or covering to enhance the waterproof performance of external walls. In the construction process, attention should be paid to the selection of materials and construction technology to ensure standardized operation, so as to improve the repair effect and waterproof effect.
2024-06-28 08:06
From Beijing

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