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Scout said directly when he was interviewed that he would find a job in an industry unrelated to E-sports in the future
 Sweeping Monk Lv4
Just look at the owner
4 months ago Quick reply

Today is the eighth anniversary of Scout's LPL campaign. The official blog of LNG e-Sports Club released the interview script for Scout's eighth anniversary.

Ruican Li is a pure player.

Love life, love nature, will greet the dogs on the roadside, applaud the small fish swimming hard in the pond, want to go to any corner of the earth, sing loudly in the wind when climbing down the mountain after the white line, and send off the sunset in the golden wheat field

"What do you think is your greatest weakness?"

"Not social."

When asked "Do you want to continue working as a coach in the future?", Li Duo replied:

I will consider more life, which has nothing to do with e-sports.

Not very sociable, so the inner world is more abundant. The quiet little fox has its own universe. In the wilderness of life, there is a persistent desire to continue to pursue the championship, and there is always a vision of unknown distance.

Ruican Li is also a very determined player.

"When do you want to go back?" "I don't want to go back." Most of the time, Scout players are calm. Hidden under this calm expression is a soft and powerful core. "The mentality will not change too much" and "keep practicing". He chose to keep looking forward and forget about the past.

"What about life that has nothing to do with e-sports?"

"But don't think about it now."

Because I still choose to be Scout, and firmly follow the path that has been taken for eight years. I hope to hear the echo of my dream again one day.

Then go ahead.

Happy eighth anniversary! I wish Scout and Ruican Li a complete and healthy life.

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