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Doinb: Xinyi apologized in private. The reason why we didn't play in the rebroadcast was that we were afraid of being rhythmic when we said something wrong
 Sweeping Monk Lv4
Just look at the owner
4 months ago Quick reply

Yesterday evening, Doinb formed a rehearsal with Xinyi in the live broadcast. Doinb revealed that Xinyi had apologized in private for a long time. The reason why we didn't play together in the replay was that we were afraid of being rhythmic when we said something wrong!

Don't brush the screen again. Why do you always brush the screen again? (Doinb and Xinyi form a platoon), I seriously suspect that most of the screen swipes now are marketing numbers, which is why I didn't play with Xinyi some time ago, didn't mention him, and that's why I didn't mention him some time ago. Basically, the marketing number is staring at us, and really says the wrong thing every time. I didn't play games with him some time ago because of this, because I didn't want to give them this opportunity.

He had already apologized to me for the last time he broadcast the event. I don't know that. I'm not a fool, brother. I just didn't play with him some time ago. Yxh always stared at us. Especially at that time, you also knew that everyone stared at me. He might have said something that should not be said. There were many fishermen during that time.

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