Helping New Quality Productivity | Financial Times: The Export Import Bank provides policy based financial support for the development of new quality productivity


   Not long ago, XCA4000, the world's first "Big Mac" XCA4000 wheeled crane with more than 400 tons, 11 axles and 22 tires, independently developed by China, completed the first hoisting operation of wind turbine units, which means that Chinese enterprises have once again set a new record in the global research and development of kiloton cranes. Intensifying R&D and innovation, strengthening independent manufacturing and new quality productivity have become a must for the development of Chinese enterprises.

The successive introduction of relevant policies and measures has also provided support for enterprises to develop new quality productivity. For example, on April 7, the People's Bank of China announced the establishment of a 500 billion yuan credit line for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation; The Ministry of Commerce issued the Three Year Action Plan for Digital Commerce (2024-2026) and launched 20 specific measures; The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology proposed to build major demonstration projects to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

A number of financial institutions are also taking active action to move towards "new", putting more financial resources into the new quality productivity intensive track, and accumulating energy for the development of new quality productivity. According to the data of the People's Bank of China, in the first four months of this year, the growth rate of green loans and medium and long-term loans in the manufacturing industry in China remained at a high level of about 30%, and the growth rate of loans to specialized and new enterprises was nearly 20%, both higher than the average growth rate of all loans.

Policy finance has played an important role in supporting the development of new quality productivity. Focusing on better serving the new quality productivity, the Export Import Bank focused on the development priorities and practical requirements, based on the functional positioning of policy oriented finance, gave play to the advantages of professional characteristics, continued to innovate financial products, accelerated the supply of high-quality financial services, vigorously developed science and technology finance, green finance, and opened up obstacles and injected power into the development of new quality productivity. Data shows that by the end of April this year, the balance of manufacturing loans of the Export Import Bank had exceeded 2 trillion yuan, and the balance of green credit had exceeded 550 billion yuan.

   How to transform and upgrade traditional industries?

At present, for some enterprises, product upgrading is very urgent. "The original electromagnetic wire products cannot meet the existing market demand, and enterprises must upgrade their products if they want to develop better." Chen Xi, general manager of Datong (Fujian) New Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Datong New Materials"), said in an interview with the Financial Times reporter.

In order to produce high value-added products, the production equipment must be updated. In 2023, based on the judgment of the market direction of the new energy vehicle industry, Datong New Material decided to produce high PDIV electromagnetic wire suitable for high-pressure fast charging equipment, and the key step is to upgrade the original production line.

"For us, the transformation of production line is a complex systematic project, which requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Among them, raising funds is our biggest problem. It is gratifying that we have received strong support from the Export Import Bank," said Chen Xi.

It is reported that after learning about the capital needs of Datong New Materials, the Export Import Bank quickly set up a special work team to develop a financing plan tailored to the enterprise, rapidly complete the first batch of loans of 20 million yuan according to the actual situation, and continue to meet the various financial needs of the enterprise. At the same time, the Export Import Bank gave full play to its professional advantages to help Datong New Materials apply for subsidies for technological transformation, further reducing the financing costs of enterprises.

Now, when we enter the dust-free workshop of Datong New Material, four new production equipment of high PDIV electromagnetic lines are running at high speed. One by one, the electromagnetic lines emitting metallic luster flow down from the equipment and are automatically wound and packaged. The technology level of this special flat electromagnetic wire is in the leading position in the industry according to the inspection of the authority.

Products with strong professionalism, high technology content and guaranteed quality are quickly favored by the market. In the month when the new equipment was put into production, Datong New Material not only obtained a large number of domestic orders, but also exported the flat electromagnetic wire to South Korea, achieving a new breakthrough in "going to sea" of products.

Providing financial support for Datong New Material is a microcosm of the support of Exim Bank for equipment upgrading and promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Recently, the Export Import Bank issued the Work Plan for Supporting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Reducing the Logistics Cost of the Whole Society, which will provide financial support for equipment renewal in key manufacturing, transportation, remanufacturing and echelon utilization industries by using low-cost capital policies, implementing differentiated pricing policies, optimizing credit approval processes, etc, It will help strengthen the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry and add momentum to forging new quality productivity.

   How does the development mode move towards "green"?

Green development is the background of high-quality development, and new quality productivity itself is green productivity. To cultivate new quality productivity, it is necessary to optimize the economic policy toolbox to support green and low-carbon development, and draw fresh water through green finance.

"At present, for every three new wind power gears added in the world on average, one of them is made by us." Ji Qin, a staff member of the wind power market department of Nanjing High Speed Gear Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nangaochi"), told the Financial Times, "Take a 6-megawatt wind turbine as an example, its annual power generation can meet the power demand of 2000 families."

Nangaochi is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the R&D and production of wind power gear transmission equipment. Many of its products have 100% independent intellectual property rights and are sold in more than 30 countries around the world. However, the enterprise also encountered problems in development.

In the critical period of "rush to install" in the wind power industry, enterprises need to invest a lot of money. Without sufficient financial guarantee, enterprises will lose the best opportunity to become bigger and stronger. After learning this situation, the Export Import Bank took the initiative to lend a helping hand to enterprises. In combination with the enterprise's development strategy of "integration of production, supply and marketing", it customized a package of comprehensive services such as credit and trade finance for enterprises. At the same time, it provided consulting services such as country risk and foreign exchange rate risk aversion in the enterprise's "going global".

With the joint efforts of both banks and enterprises, Nangao Teeth has survived a difficult period. "Thanks to the Export Import Bank for helping us tide over the difficulties. In the past three years, our orders have been in an 'oversaturated' state, and one third of them are export orders," said Chao Xiangong, a staff member of the marketing department of Nangaochi Company.

Enterprises are developing at a high speed, and financial support is still continuing. Recently, when we learned that Nangaochi needed financial support again due to its production expansion, the Export Import Bank extended a helping hand again. According to the person in charge of the enterprise, the project will produce 4800 4 to 6 MW wind power gearboxes annually after reaching the capacity, and will be widely used for onshore and Shanghai wind power equipment in China, which will help promote China to accelerate the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system.

With the proposal and continuous promotion of the "dual carbon" goal, the Export Import Bank has been increasing its efforts to layout green finance. The Bank established a diversified financial product system including green credit, green investment and green consultation, promoted the issuance of green bonds, and continued to increase support for energy conservation, environmental protection, new energy and other industries. Green requirements will be put through the whole process of business development and customer service, and the monitoring and management requirements for environmental and social risks will be strengthened. Strengthen supporting mechanism guarantee, guide financial resources to lean towards green and low-carbon fields by setting green approval channels, introducing green credit FTP reduction policies and other ways.

   How can specialized and new enterprises break through through innovation?

Specialized and new enterprises with strong innovation ability and good growth ability are important forces to accelerate the development of new quality productivity. The rapid growth of specialized new enterprises can not be separated from the irrigation of financial "timely rain".

Shared Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shared Intelligent Equipment") is a specialized and new enterprise that develops, manufactures and sells industrial grade casting 3D printing equipment. At present, it has more than 1500 patents at home and abroad, and its comprehensive integration technology is at the world's leading level. For such enterprises, continuous R&D innovation is the source of their survival and development.

"Our product end market involves many fields, and many downstream customers have demand for product customization and maintenance improvement." Wang Zhihong, financial director of shared intelligent equipment, said, "This also means that the company needs to carry out long-term high investment research and development, and the development cycle is long, so we have high requirements for financing costs, cycles, conditions, etc."

In the face of enterprises' differentiated and diversified financing needs, the Export Import Bank allocates manufacturing R&D innovation loans, supply chain special loans and other special products by category, and provides differentiated support in access, authorization, credit and other aspects, and continues to increase financial support for enterprises' daily R&D, technology innovation, information construction and other aspects.

"Without the worries about funds, we are more determined to innovate. Compared with the world's mainstream peers, our production process now has two thirds lower material costs and equipment costs, and the printing efficiency has increased by three to five times." said Na Jianhong, a staff member of the shared intelligent equipment production department.

It is worth mentioning that the financial service team of the Export Import Bank comprehensively combed the financing pain points on the shared intelligent equipment industry chain and found that its upstream supplier Ningxia Shared Machine Tool Auxiliary Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "shared machine tool auxiliary") also had financing problems. Subsequently, based on the real transaction between the two enterprises through supply chain finance, the Bank helped to share machine tool auxiliary equipment to obtain sufficient loan support, help this small and micro enterprise to revitalize funds, accelerate R&D and innovation, and grow into a national specialized and new enterprise.

It is reported that in order to better stimulate the innovative vitality of specialized, special and new enterprises, the Export Import Bank has also carried out joint research with government departments to comprehensively meet the financing needs of various small, medium-sized and micro enterprises; Carry out business linkage with local city commercial banks, financing guarantee institutions, etc., and effectively expand the scope of policy funds to support SMEs; Research and develop credit products such as "Factoring E-loan", "Guarantee Win loan" and "Trade Win loan", and realize the whole line processing, and gradually improve the ability and efficiency of serving small and micro foreign trade enterprises.