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Bosera CSI 2000 ETF Fund Contract Effectiveness Announcement

2024-05-29 06:22:19

Bosera CSI 2000 ETF

Announcement on the Effectiveness of the Fund Contract

Date of sending the announcement: May 29, 2024

1. Basic information of announcement

Fund name Boshi CSI 2000 ETF

Fund abbreviation: Boshi Zhongzheng 2000ETF

Fund main code 159533

Fund operation mode: transaction oriented open-ended

Effective date of fund contract May 28, 2024

The name of the fund manager is Bosera Fund Management Co., Ltd

Name of Fund Custodian Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited

The announcement is based on the Fund Contract of Bosera CSI 2000 ETF, Prospectus of Bosera CSI 2000 ETF, etc

2. Fund raising

The fund raising application was approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission with the document number of ZJXK [2023] No. 1935

The fund raising period is from February 23, 2024 to May 22, 2024

Name of capital verification agency Ernst&Young Huaming Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership)

Date of transfer of raised funds into the special fund custody account: May 28, 2024

Total number of effective subscription households raised (unit: households) 1365

Net subscription amount during the raising period (unit: RMB) 214439000.00

Interest of subscription fund during the raising period (unit: RMB) 20179.39

Raised shares (unit: shares) Effective subscription shares 214439000.00

Share of interest carried forward 19785.00

Total 214458785.00

Of which: Fund shares subscribed by the Fund Manager when subscribing for the Fund with its own capital during the raising period (unit: share) 0.00

0.0000% of total fund shares

Other matters needing explanation None

Including: Fund shares subscribed by practitioners of the Fund Manager during the raising period (unit: share) 0.00

0.0000% of total fund shares

Whether the fund at the end of the raising period meets the requirements of the laws and regulations for going through the fund filing procedures:

Date of obtaining written confirmation for handling fund filing procedures with the CSRC May 28, 2024

Note: (1) Information disclosure fees, accountants' fees, lawyers' fees and other fees during the fund raising period are not disbursed from the fund assets;

(2) The senior management of the Company and the head of the Fund Investment and Research Department do not hold the Fund;

(3) The Fund Manager of the Fund does not hold the Fund.

3. Other matters needing prompt

(1) Open Day and Opening Hours

The investor shall handle the subscription and redemption of fund units on the open day, and the specific handling time shall be the trading time on the normal trading day of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, except when the fund manager announces the suspension of subscription and redemption in accordance with laws and regulations, the requirements of the CSRC or the provisions of this Fund Contract.

After the Fund Contract comes into force, if there is a new securities/futures trading market, a change in the trading time of a securities/futures exchange or other special circumstances, the Fund Manager will adjust the aforesaid opening days and hours accordingly, but shall make an announcement on the specified media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures before the implementation date.

(2) Start date of subscription and redemption and business handling time

The Fund Manager shall apply for subscription within 3 months from the effective date of the Fund Contract, and the specific time for handling business shall be specified in the announcement of subscription commencement.

The Fund Manager shall handle the redemption within 3 months from the effective date of the Fund Contract, and the specific business handling time shall be specified in the announcement of redemption commencement.

After determining the start time of subscription and redemption, the Fund Manager shall announce the start time of subscription and redemption on the specified media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures before the opening day of subscription and redemption.

Risk tip: The fund manager promises to manage and use the fund assets in the principle of honesty, credit, diligence and responsibility, but does not guarantee that the fund will be profitable or the minimum return. The past performance of the Fund does not represent its future performance. Investors are kindly advised to pay attention to investment risks.

It is hereby announced.

Bosera Fund Management Co., Ltd

May 29, 2024