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Summary of Fund Product Information of Guolian Smart Select Pioneer Equity Securities Investment Fund (Class A Shares)

2024-05-08 06:03:10

Summary of Fund Product Information of Guolian Smart Select Pioneer Equity Securities Investment Fund (Class A Shares)

Prepared on: April 26, 2024

Date of delivery: May 8, 2024

This summary provides important information about the Fund and is part of the Prospectus.

Please read the complete prospectus and other sales documents before making an investment decision.

1、 Product Overview

Fund abbreviation: Guolian Intelligent Selection Pioneer Stock Fund code: 020748

Subordinate fund abbreviation: Guolian Smart Select Pioneer Stock A Subordinate fund code: 020748

Fund Manager Guolian Fund Management Co., Ltd. Fund Custodian Guosen Securities Co., Ltd

Effective date of fund contract - listing exchange and listing date not listed yet

Fund type Stock transaction currency RMB

Operation mode: ordinary, open, open, frequency: every open day

Date when the fund manager starts to serve as the fund manager of the fund Date of securities practice

Chen Xinyu - August 1, 2015

2、 Fund investment and net worth performance

(1) Investment objectives and strategies

Under the premise of reasonable risk control, the investment objective is to pursue investment returns that exceed performance benchmarks and strive to achieve steady appreciation of fund assets.

Scope of Investment The investment objects of the Fund are financial instruments with good liquidity, including domestically issued and listed stocks (including GEM and other stocks approved or registered for listing by the CSRC), depositary receipts Bonds (including treasury bonds, central bank bills, local government bonds, short-term financing bonds, ultra short-term financing bonds, medium-term notes, financial bonds, corporate bonds, publicly issued subordinated bonds, convertible corporate bonds (including separable trading convertible bonds), exchangeable corporate bonds, government backed bonds, government backed agency bonds, short-term corporate bonds of securities companies, etc.) Asset backed securities, bond repurchases, bank deposits, inter-bank certificates of deposit, money market instruments, stock index futures, treasury bond futures, stock options and other financial instruments permitted by laws and regulations or the CSRC for fund investment (subject to the relevant provisions of the CSRC). The Fund will participate in financing business in accordance with laws and regulations. If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities allow the fund to invest in other varieties in the future, the fund manager may include them into the investment scope after performing appropriate procedures. The Fund's investment in shares and depositary receipts accounts for 80% – 95% of the Fund's assets. At the end of each trading day, after deducting the trading deposits required to be paid for stock index futures contracts, treasury bond futures contracts and stock option contracts, the total proportion of cash retained by the Fund or government bonds with a maturity date of less than one year shall not be less than 5% of the net asset value of the Fund, of which cash does not include settlement reserves, deposits and subscription receivables.

The investment proportion of stock index futures, treasury bond futures and stock options shall be implemented in accordance with laws and regulations or the provisions of regulatory authorities. If laws and regulations or the CSRC change the investment proportion limit of investment varieties, the fund manager may adjust the investment proportion of the above investment varieties after performing appropriate procedures.

Main investment strategy 1, asset allocation strategy 2, stock investment strategy 3, bond investment strategy 4, convertible bonds, exchangeable bonds investment strategy 5, asset backed securities investment strategy 6, treasury bond futures investment strategy 7, stock index futures investment strategy 8, stock option investment strategy 9, financing trading strategy

Performance comparison benchmark China Securities All Index return rate × 95%+bank demand deposit interest rate (after tax) × 5%

Risk return characteristics The Fund is an equity fund, and its expected risk and expected return are higher than those of hybrid funds, bond funds and money market funds.

(2) Portfolio Asset Allocation Chart/Regional Allocation Chart


(3) The net value growth rate of the fund every year since the fund contract came into effect and the comparison chart with the benchmark performance of the same period


3、 Expenses involved in investing in the Fund

(1) Fund sales related expenses

The following fees shall be charged in the process of subscribing/subscribing/redeeming funds:

Charge type share (S) or amount (M)/holding period (N) Charge method/rate remarks

Subscription fee M < 10000001.20%

1000000 ≤ M < 3000000 0.80%

3 million ≤ M < 5 million 0.60%

M ≥ 5000000.00 yuan/transaction

Subscription fee (pre charge) M < 1000000 1.50%

1000000 ≤ M < 3000000 1.00%

3 million ≤ M < 5 million 0.80%

M ≥ 5000000.00 yuan/transaction

Redemption fee N < 7 days 1.50%

7 days ≤ N < 30 days 0.75%

30 days ≤ N < 180 days 0.50%

N ≥ 180 days 0.00%

(2) Fund operation related expenses

The following expenses will be deducted from the fund assets:

Fee category Charging method/annual fee rate

Management fee 1.00%

Custody fee 0.20%

Other fees Information disclosure fees related to the fund after the fund contract takes effect; Accounting fees, attorney fees, legal fees and arbitration fees related to the Fund after the Fund Contract takes effect; Expenses for the general meeting of fund share holders; Transaction expenses for securities, futures, stock options, etc. of the Fund; Bank transfer fees of the Fund; Fund account opening fees and account maintenance fees; Other expenses that may be disbursed from the fund assets in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and the provisions of the fund contract.

Note: The expenses and taxes incurred by the Fund in trading securities and funds shall be deducted from the Fund assets according to the actual amount incurred.

4、 Risk disclosure and important tips

(1) Risk disclosure

The Fund does not provide any guarantee. Investors may lose their investment principal.

The investment is risky, and investors should carefully read the Prospectus and other sales documents of the Fund when purchasing the Fund.

1. Specific risks of the Fund:

(1) The Fund is an equity fund, and the investment in stocks and depositary receipts accounts for 80% - 95% of the Fund's assets, which will maintain a high

The proportion of stock positions. If the stock market falls, the Fund will not be able to fully resist the risk of stock market decline, and the net value of the Fund will

There is a decrease. Many links in the investment process of the Fund will rely on the quantitative model, and the failure of the quantitative model will lead to poor performance of the Fund

Good risk; (2) Investment risk of asset-backed securities; (3) Treasury bond futures investment risk; (4) Investment risk of stock index futures; (5)

Stock option investment risk; (6) Investment risk of depositary receipts; (7) Risk of participating in financing transactions; (8) Risk of termination of fund contract


2. Systematic risk. Mainly including: (1) policy risk, (2) business cycle risk, (3) interest rate risk, (4) purchase

Force risk, (5) exchange rate risk, (6) other risks.

3. Non systematic risk. It mainly includes: (1) management risk, (2) transaction risk, (3) liquidity risk, (4) operation

Risk, (5) moral hazard.

(2) Important tips

The registration of the Fund raised by the CSRC does not indicate that it makes substantive judgments or guarantees on the value and income of the Fund,

It does not mean that there is no risk in investing in the Fund.

The Fund Manager shall manage and use the Fund assets in accordance with the principles of due diligence, good faith, prudence and diligence, but does not guarantee that the Fund

Fixed profit, and no minimum income is guaranteed.

When a fund investor acquires fund units in accordance with the fund contract, he or she becomes the holder of fund units and the party to the fund contract.

If the summary information of the fund product information changes significantly, the fund manager will update it within three working days, and other information changes

Moreover, the fund manager is updated once a year. Therefore, the contents of this document may lag behind the actual situation of the Fund, such as

It is necessary to obtain the relevant information of the fund in a timely and accurate manner. Please also pay attention to the relevant temporary announcements issued by the fund manager.

5、 Other data query methods

See the official website of the League of Nations Fund [www.glfund. com] [Customer service hotline: 400-160-6000; 010-56517299] for the following information

Fund contract, custody agreement, prospectus

Regular reports, including quarterly, interim and annual reports of the Fund

Net value of fund units

Fund sales agency and contact information

Other important information

6、 Other information

The parties agree that all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Fund Contract shall be negotiated by one party in writing

If the dispute cannot be settled through consultation within 60 days from the date of settlement of the dispute, it shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

The arbitration shall be conducted according to the effective arbitration rules at that time. The place of arbitration shall be Beijing. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on all parties concerned

power. Unless otherwise specified in the arbitration award, the arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.