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Summary of Fund Product Information of Advanced Manufacturing Hybrid Securities Investment Fund of ABC Huili

2024-04-25 06:03:41

ABC Huili Advanced Manufacturing Hybrid Securities Investment Fund

Summary of Fund Product Information

Prepared on: April 24, 2024

Date of delivery: April 25, 2024

This summary provides important information about the Fund and is part of the Prospectus.

Please read the complete prospectus and other sales documents before making an investment decision.

1、 Product Overview

Fund Abbreviation: ABC Advanced Manufacturing Hybrid Fund Code: 020416

Subordinate Fund Abbreviation: ABC Advanced Manufacturing Hybrid A Subordinate Fund Transaction Code 020416

Subordinate Fund Abbreviation: ABC Advanced Manufacturing Hybrid C Subordinate Fund Transaction Code 020417

Fund Manager ABC Huili Fund Management Co., Ltd. Fund Custodian Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited

Effective date of fund contract - listing exchange and listing date-

Fund type Mixed transaction currency RMB

Operation mode: ordinary, open, open, frequency: every open day

The date when Chen Fuquan, the Fund Manager, began to serve as the Fund Manager of the Fund-

Securities practice date: April 1, 2008

Date when Gao Han, the fund manager, began to serve as the fund manager of the Fund-

Securities practice date: October 31, 2018

Note: The fund type of the Fund is mixed (mixed partial shares).

2、 Fund investment and net worth performance

(1) Investment objectives and strategies

Investment Objective The Fund strives to achieve long-term stable appreciation of fund assets by actively seizing investment opportunities related to advanced manufacturing, selecting relevant listed companies, and under the premise of strict risk control and maintaining good liquidity.

Investment Scope The investment scope of the Fund is financial instruments with good liquidity, including domestic legally issued and listed stocks (including the main board, GEM and other stocks approved and registered by the CSRC), national bonds, financial bonds, local government bonds, corporate bonds, corporate bonds, subordinated bonds, convertible bonds, exchangeable bonds, central bank notes, medium-term notes Short term financing bonds, ultra short term financing bonds, bond repo, asset-backed securities, inter-bank certificates of deposit, bank deposits (including negotiated deposits, time deposits and other bank deposits), money market instruments, stock index futures, treasury bond futures, and other financial instruments permitted by laws and regulations or the CSRC for fund investment, provided that they comply with the relevant provisions of the CSRC. If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities allow the fund to invest in other varieties in the future, the fund manager may include them into the investment scope after performing appropriate procedures. The proportion of the Fund's investment portfolio is: the proportion of stock assets in the Fund's assets is 60% - 95%, and the proportion of investment in "advanced manufacturing" related stocks defined by the Fund is not less than 80% of non cash fund assets. At the end of each trading day, after deducting the trading deposits required to be paid for stock index futures contracts and treasury bond futures contracts, the cash or maturity date is

Summary of Fund Product Information of Advanced Manufacturing Hybrid Securities Investment Fund of ABC Huili

The government bonds within one year shall not be less than 5% of the net asset value of the fund, of which the cash does not include the settlement provisions, deposits and subscription receivables. If laws and regulations or the CSRC change the investment proportion limit of investment varieties, the fund manager may adjust the investment proportion of the above investment varieties after performing appropriate procedures.

Main investment strategy 1. Allocation of major categories of assets. 2. Stock investment strategy: (1) definition of advanced manufacturing theme (2) industry allocation strategy (3) individual stock investment strategy. 3. Bond investment strategy: (1) reasonably predict the interest rate level (2) flexibly adjust the portfolio duration (3) scientifically allocate investment varieties (4) carefully select individual bonds (5) convertible bonds and exchangeable bonds investment strategy (6) credit bond investment strategy. 4. Stock index futures investment strategy. 5. Treasury bond futures investment strategy. 6. Asset backed securities investment strategy.

Performance comparison benchmark: yield of CSI high-end equipment manufacturing index * 80%+yield of CSI full bond index * 20%

Risk return characteristics The Fund is a hybrid fund, and its expected risk and expected return level is higher than that of money market funds, bond funds, and lower than that of equity funds.

3、 Expenses involved in investing in the Fund

(1) Fund sales related expenses

The following fees are charged in the process of subscribing/subscribing/redeeming funds:

ABC Advanced Manufacturing Hybrid A

Cost type share (S) or amount (M)/holding period (N) charge method/rate

Subscription fee M < 500000 1.2%

500000 ≤ M < 1000000 0.8%

1 million ≤ M < 5 million 0.6%

M ≥ 5 million 1000 yuan/transaction

Subscription fee (pre charge) M < 500000 1.5%

500000 ≤ M < 1000000 1.0%

1 million ≤ M < 5 million 0.8%

M ≥ 5 million 1000 yuan/transaction

Redemption fee N < 7 days 1.5%

7 days ≤ N < 30 days 0.75%

30 days ≤ N < 1 year 0.5%

1 year ≤ N < 2 years 0.25%

N ≥ 2 years 0%

ABC Advanced Manufacturing Hybrid C

Cost type share (S) or amount (M)/holding period (N) charge method/rate

Redemption fee N < 7 days 1.5%

7 days ≤ N < 30 days 0.5%

N ≥ 30 days 0%

Note: The Fund implements a specific subscription rate for pension customers who purchase Class A fund shares of the Fund through the counter of the Company's direct marketing center: through the Company

If the direct marketing center subscribes Class A fund units of the Fund, the applicable subscription rate shall be 10% of the original subscription rate applicable to the corresponding subscription amount; Subscription fee

If the rate is a fixed amount, the original rate will be applied and no rate discount will be enjoyed. Among them, pension clients include the National Social Security Fund

Local social security funds, enterprise annuity single plans, collective plans, and specific customer asset management entrusted by the enterprise annuity council for investment funds

Management plans, basic pension insurance funds, pension products in line with the provisions of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, occupational pension plans, pension target funds. If in the future

Summary of Fund Product Information of Advanced Manufacturing Hybrid Securities Investment Fund of ABC Huili

Housing provident fund that can be invested in the fund, personal pension account enjoying tax preference, and new pension fund approved by pension fund supervision department

The fund manager will include them in the scope of pension customers according to relevant regulations.

(2) Fund operation related expenses

The following expenses will be deducted from the fund assets:

Fee category Charging method/annual fee rate

Management fee 1.20%

Custody fee 0.20%

Sales service fee of ABC Advanced Manufacturing Hybrid C 0.40%

Note: The expenses and taxes incurred by the Fund in trading securities and funds shall be deducted from the Fund assets according to the actual amount incurred.

4、 Risk disclosure and important tips

(1) Risk disclosure

The Fund does not provide any guarantee. Investors may lose their investment principal.

The investment is risky, and investors should carefully read the Prospectus and other sales documents of the Fund when purchasing the Fund.

The Fund is a hybrid fund, whose expected risk and expected return are higher than those of money market funds and bond funds, and lower than those of equity funds.

The portfolio risks faced by the Fund mainly include market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, etc. In addition to portfolio risk

Jin also faces operational risk, management risk, compliance risk, investment in stock index futures, treasury bond futures, investment in asset-backed securities

The risk of investing in restricted securities in circulation, the unique risk of the Fund, the expression of the risk return characteristics of the Fund's legal documents and the risk assessment of the fund of the sales agency

A series of risks, such as the risk of price inconsistency and other risks.

The Fund's unique risks:

(1) The Fund is a hybrid fund whose assets are mainly invested in the stock market and bond market, so changes in the stock market and bond market will affect

To fund performance. The Fund's stock assets account for 60% - 95% of the Fund's assets, and invest in "advanced manufacturing" related stocks as defined by the Fund

The proportion of votes shall not be less than 80% of non cash fund assets. When adjusting the asset allocation proportion, it cannot completely resist the risk of overall market decline

Value performance may therefore be affected. The Fund Manager will give full play to the advantages of professional research to strengthen the fundamental and fixed income of the market and listed companies

The in-depth research of Class A products and continuous optimization of portfolio configuration to control specific risks. In addition, as the Fund can also invest in other varieties

The price of varieties may also fluctuate to a certain extent due to various changes in the market, resulting in specific risks and affecting the investment of the overall fund

Capital gains.

(2) Risk of termination of fund contract

After the Fund Contract takes effect, the number of fund share holders is less than 200 or the net asset value of the fund is less than 5000 for 50 consecutive working days

In the case of ten thousand yuan, the Fund Manager shall terminate the Fund Contract and conduct liquidation in accordance with the agreed procedures of the Fund Contract, without calling for foundation

Deliberated by the general meeting of gold share holders. Therefore, investors will face the uncertainty risk that the fund contract may be terminated.

(2) Important tips

The registration of the Fund raised by the CSRC does not indicate that it makes substantive judgments or guarantees on the value and income of the Fund, nor does it indicate that

It is clear that there is no risk in investing in the Fund. The Fund Manager shall manage and use the Fund assets in accordance with the principles of due diligence, honesty, prudence and diligence,

However, it does not guarantee that the fund will be profitable, nor does it guarantee the minimum return. Fund investors acquire fund shares according to the fund contract, that is, they become fund share holders

Someone and the parties to the fund contract.

The offering application of the Fund has been approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as "CSRC") on December 7, 2023

[2023] No. 2770.

The registration of the Fund's offering application by the CSRC does not indicate that it has made a substantive judgment on the investment value and market prospects of the Fund or

The guarantee does not mean that there is no risk in investing in the Fund.

The Fund invests in the securities market. The net value of the Fund will fluctuate due to the fluctuation of the securities market and other factors, and investors will enjoy it according to their shares

Fund income, but also bear the corresponding investment risk. Risks in fund investment include: due to the overall political, economic and social environment

Summary of Fund Product Information of Advanced Manufacturing Hybrid Securities Investment Fund of ABC Huili

The systematic risk caused by the influence of factor changes on the securities price, and the non systematic risk unique to individual securities, due to the fund share holders

The liquidity risk arising from the continuous massive redemption of funds, the fund management risk arising from the fund manager's implementation of fund management

Specific risks, etc. The huge redemption risk is a unique risk of open-ended funds, that is, the net redemption of fund units on a single open day of the Fund

If the application exceeds 10% of the total fund shares on the previous open day, the investor may not be able to redeem all the fund shares held in time. The Fund

It is a hybrid fund, whose expected risk and expected return are higher than those of money market funds and bond funds, and lower than those of stock funds. Investment is risky

When subscribing (subscribing) funds, investors should carefully read the Fund's prospectus, fund contract, fund product information summary and other information

Disclose documents, judge the investment value of the fund independently, make investment decisions independently, and bear investment risks independently.

When the Fund holds specific assets and there are or potential large redemption applications, the Fund Manager can start the side pocket machine after performing the corresponding procedures

For details, please refer to the relevant sections of the fund contract and prospectus. During the implementation of the side pocket mechanism, the fund manager will make special remarks on the fund abbreviation

Identification, the subscription and redemption of side pocket account are not handled. Please read the relevant content carefully and pay attention to the side pocket mechanism of the Fund

Specific risks.

After the Fund Contract takes effect, the number of fund share holders is less than 200 or the net asset value of the fund is less than 5000 for 50 consecutive working days

In the case of ten thousand yuan, the Fund Manager shall terminate the Fund Contract and conduct liquidation in accordance with the agreed procedures of the Fund Contract, without calling for foundation

Deliberated by the general meeting of gold share holders. Therefore, investors will face the uncertainty risk that the fund contract may be terminated.

The Fund Manager shall manage and use the Fund assets in accordance with the principles of due diligence, honesty, prudence and diligence, but does not guarantee that the Fund will be profitable,

There is no guarantee of minimum income, nor is there any guarantee that the principal will not suffer losses. The past performance of the Fund does not predict its future performance

The performance of other funds does not constitute a guarantee for the performance of the Fund. The fund manager reminds investors of the "buyer's conceit" of fund investment

In principle, after making an investment decision, the investor shall bear the investment risk caused by the change of the fund's operation status and the fund's net value.

If the summary information of the fund product information changes significantly, the fund manager will update it within three working days. If other information changes,

The Fund Manager shall be updated once a year. Therefore, the content of this document may lag behind the actual situation of the Fund. If it needs to be timely and accurate

To obtain the relevant information of the Fund, please pay attention to the relevant temporary announcements issued by the Fund Manager.

5、 Other data query methods

After the prospectus is prepared, it will be stored at the location of the fund manager and the fund custodian for public reference. Investors in

After paying the cost of production, copies of the above documents can be obtained within a reasonable time. Investors can also check on the specified website.

For details of the following information, please refer to the fund manager's website ( com) and customer service hotline: 4006895599, 021-61095599

1. Fund contract, custody agreement, prospectus

2. Regular reports, including quarterly, interim and annual reports of the Fund

3. Net value of fund units

4. Fund sales agency and contact information

5. Other important information