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Xingzheng Global Dividend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund Unit Offering Announcement

2024-04-24 06:02:47

Xingzheng Global Dividend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund Unit Offering Announcement

Fund Manager: Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

Fund Custodian: Industrial Bank Co., Ltd

Sale time: May 20, 2024 to June 14, 2024

Important tips

1. The raising of Xingzheng Global Dividend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund") was approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) in ZJXK [2024] No. 488 on March 26, 2024. The registration of the Fund raised by the CSRC does not mean that it makes substantive judgments or guarantees on the investment value, income and market prospects of the Fund, nor does it mean that there is no risk in investing in the Fund.

2. The Fund invests in the securities market, and the net value of the Fund will fluctuate due to factors such as fluctuations in the securities market. Before investing in the Fund, investors should carefully read the prospectus, fund contract, fund product information summary and other information disclosure documents, fully understand the risk return characteristics and product characteristics of the Fund product, and fully consider their own risk tolerance, Reasonably judge the market, make independent decisions on the willingness, timing, quantity and other investment behaviors of subscribing (or subscribing) the fund, obtain the investment income of the fund, and bear all kinds of risks in the fund investment. The possible risks of investing in the Fund include: systematic risks caused by the overall environment of the securities market, unique unsystematic risks of individual securities, liquidity risks caused by massive redemption or collapse, operational risks generated in the process of the Fund's investment, and unique risks caused by the Fund's investment objects and investment strategies, etc.

3. The Fund is a hybrid fund, whose expected risks and returns are higher than those of bond funds and money market funds, and lower than those of equity funds.

4. In addition to investing in A-shares, the Fund can also invest in stocks listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in accordance with laws and regulations. In addition to undertaking general investment risks such as market fluctuation risks similar to domestic securities investment funds, the Fund is also faced with overseas market risks, risks of large stock price fluctuations, exchange rate risks, limit of Hong Kong Stock Connect, risks arising from the adjustment of the scope of investment objects of Hong Kong Stock Connect, risks set by the trading day of Hong Kong Stock Connect, fund liquidity risks arising from the settlement system The risks arising from the handling rules for equity distribution and conversion of Hong Kong Stock Connect, the risks arising from institutional differences such as the suspension and delisting of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, the risks arising from changes in the rules of Hong Kong Stock Connect and other Hong Kong market risks and other special investment risks faced by overseas securities market investment. In addition, the Fund may choose to invest part of the Fund's assets in Hong Kong stocks or not to invest the Fund's assets in Hong Kong stocks according to the needs of investment strategies or changes in the market environment of different allocation places. The Fund is not necessarily investing in Hong Kong stocks.

The stocks listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board are domestically listed stocks according to law, which belong to the "listed stocks" specified in Item 1 of Article 72 of the Fund Law. The investment scope in the fund contract of the Fund includes stocks issued and listed in China according to law, and the investment in science and technology innovation board stocks conforms to the investment objectives, investment strategies, investment scope, asset allocation ratio, risk return characteristics and relevant risk control indicators agreed in the fund contract of the Fund. The Fund may choose to invest some of its fund assets in science and technology innovation board stocks or not to invest its fund assets in science and technology innovation board stocks according to the investment objectives, investment strategy needs or changes in the market environment, which is not necessarily the case. The fund manager will make investment decisions and manage risks according to the principle of prudence in the process of investing in the stock of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, maintain the consistency of the fund's investment style, and do a good job in liquidity risk management.

5. The fund units of the Fund are divided into Class A and Class C, and Class A fund units are charged with subscription (application) fees instead of sales service fees; Class C fund units do not charge subscription (application) fees, but accrue sales service fees.

6. When the Fund holds specific assets and there are or potential large redemption applications, the Fund Manager can start the side pocket mechanism after performing the corresponding procedures. For details, see the Fund Contract and the relevant sections of this Prospectus such as "side pocket mechanism". During the implementation of the side pocket mechanism, the fund manager will mark the fund abbreviation specially and will not handle the subscription and redemption of the side pocket account. Please read the relevant contents carefully and pay attention to the specific risks when the Fund uses the side pocket mechanism.

7. The statements on risk return characteristics in the investment section of the Fund's legal documents are general descriptions based on the investment scope, investment proportion, general laws of the securities market, etc., representing the long-term risk return characteristics of the Fund in general market conditions. Sales agencies (including fund manager direct sales agencies and other sales agencies) conduct risk assessment on the Fund in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Different sales agencies adopt different assessment methods, so the risk rating assessment of sales agencies may be different from the expression of risk income characteristics in fund legal documents, When purchasing the Fund, investors should complete the matching test between risk tolerance and product risk according to the requirements of the sales agency. The risk rating of the Fund by the Fund Manager is R3.

8. The Fund will be publicly offered from May 20, 2024 to June 14, 2024 through the Company's direct marketing center (counter), online direct marketing platform and other sales institutions. For the specific list, see the list listed in the "Parties or Intermediaries of the Fund Unit Offering" of this announcement and other relevant announcements.

The Fund Manager may appropriately extend, shorten or adjust the selling time of the Fund within the raising period according to the sale of the Fund, and make an announcement in a timely manner.

For details of account opening and subscription, please consult the relevant sales agencies, or call the customer service hotline of the Company and each sales agency. The Company may also add new sales agencies before the expiration of the offering period. Investors can pay attention to the relevant announcement information or call the Company's customer service telephone for inquiry.

For investors in places without sales outlets, please call the company's customer service telephone (400-678-0099, 021-38824536) or direct sales contact telephone (021-20398706, 20398927) to inquire about purchase. The Fund Manager may make appropriate adjustments to the raising arrangements in light of various circumstances and make an announcement.

9. The raising objects of the Fund are individual investors, institutional investors, qualified foreign investors who can invest in securities investment funds in accordance with laws and regulations, and other investors who are permitted by laws and regulations or the CSRC to purchase securities investment funds.

Individual investor: refers to a natural person who can invest in securities investment funds according to relevant laws and regulations.

Institutional investor: refers to an enterprise legal person, public institution legal person, social organization or other organization that can invest in securities investment funds according to law, is legally registered and exists in the People's Republic of China, or is established and exists with the approval of relevant government departments.

QFII: refers to the foreign institutional investors who comply with the Measures for the Administration of Domestic Securities and Futures Investment by Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors and RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors and relevant laws and regulations, and have been approved by the CSRC to use funds from abroad for domestic securities and futures investment, It includes QFII and RMB QFII.

10. The total number of units raised by the Fund shall not be less than 200 million, and the amount raised by the Fund shall not be less than 200 million yuan.

The Fund Manager may control the size of the Fund's sale according to the Fund's sale. See the Fund Unit Sale Announcement or other relevant announcements for specific provisions.

If the cumulative number of fund units subscribed by a single investor of the Fund reaches or exceeds 50% of the total fund units, the Fund Manager may restrict the subscription application of such investor by means of proportion confirmation. If the Fund Manager's acceptance of a certain subscription application or some subscription applications may lead investors to evade the above 50% ratio requirement in disguised form, the Fund Manager has the right to reject all or part of such subscription applications. The number of fund units subscribed by investors shall be subject to the confirmation of the registration authority after the fund contract takes effect.

During the fund raising period, subscription applications on non working days will be regarded as subscription applications on the next working day. Investors are kindly requested to properly arrange subscription matters.

11. Investors can subscribe for fund units for many times during the raising period, but the subscription application accepted by the registration authority is not allowed to be revoked, and the subscription rate is calculated separately for each subscription application.

The acceptance of the subscription application by the sales agency does not mean that the application is necessarily successful, but only that the sales agency has actually received the subscription application. The confirmation of subscription shall be subject to the confirmation result of the registration authority. After the fund contract comes into effect, investors can inquire about the final transaction confirmation and subscribed shares through the sales agency. For subscription application and confirmation of subscription shares, investors shall timely inquire and properly exercise their legal rights.

12. In the Fund Manager Direct Marketing Center, investors apply in amount. The minimum amount of the first subscription of each fund account is 100000 yuan (including subscription fees), and the minimum amount of each additional subscription is 100000 yuan (including subscription fees). When subscribing in the online direct selling system of the Fund Manager, the investor applies in the amount. The minimum amount of the first subscription of each fund account is 10 yuan (including subscription fees), and the minimum amount of each additional subscription is 10 yuan (including subscription fees). Except for the above circumstances and other announcements, the Fund Manager stipulates that the minimum amount of the first subscription of each fund account is 0.1 yuan (including the subscription fee), and the minimum amount of each additional subscription is 0.1 yuan (including the subscription fee). Each sales institution may set the minimum subscription amount and additional subscription amount according to its own situation, which shall not be lower than the above minimum amount limit specified by the Fund Manager unless otherwise announced by the Fund Manager. When investors invest in each sales agency, the official announcement of the sales agency shall prevail.

The Fund Manager may adjust the minimum amount of subscription and additional subscription of the Fund according to market conditions.

The Fund Manager may limit the cumulative subscription amount of a single investor during the offering period. Please refer to the relevant announcement for specific restrictions and handling methods.

13. An investor who subscribes to the Fund shall first go through the account opening procedures and open a fund account (clients who have already opened a fund account of Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd. need not re open an account), and then go through the fund subscription procedures.

For the documents to be submitted and the procedures to be handled by investors for subscription, please refer to this announcement or the relevant business handling rules of each sales agency in detail.

14. This announcement only explains the matters and regulations related to the Fund raising. For details of the Fund, please read the Prospectus of Xingzheng Global Dividend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund and other documents published in the information disclosure media required by the CSRC.

15. The fund contract, prospectus, product information summary and this announcement of the Fund will be published on the Company's website at the same time. Investors can also visit our website( )Understand the issues related to fund raising.

16. Risk warning

The securities investment fund (hereinafter referred to as "the fund") is a long-term investment tool, whose main function is to diversify investment and reduce the individual risks brought by investing in a single security. Different from bank deposits and bonds and other financial instruments that can provide fixed income expectations, investors who buy funds may not only share the income generated by fund investment according to their shares, but also bear the losses caused by fund investment.

There are different types of funds, such as stock funds, hybrid funds, bond funds, and money market funds. Investors who invest in different types of funds will obtain different income expectations and bear different degrees of risk. Generally speaking, the higher the expected return of a fund, the greater the risk that investors will bear. The Fund is a hybrid fund, whose expected risks and returns are higher than those of bond funds and money market funds, and lower than those of equity funds.

The Fund invests in the securities market, and the net value of the Fund will fluctuate due to factors such as fluctuations in the securities market. There are risks in investment. When subscribing (or subscribing) the Fund, investors should carefully read the Fund's prospectus, fund contract, fund product information summary and other information disclosure documents, independently judge the investment value of the Fund, fully understand the risk return characteristics and product characteristics of the Fund's products, fully consider their own risk tolerance, and rationally judge the market, Make independent decisions on the willingness, timing, quantity and other investment behaviors of subscribing (or subscribing) the fund, and bear the investment risk. While obtaining the investment income of the Fund, investors also bear various risks arising from the investment of the Fund. The possible risks of investing in the Fund include: systematic risks caused by the overall environment of the securities market, unique unsystematic risks of individual securities, liquidity risks caused by massive redemption or collapse, operational risks generated in the process of the Fund's investment, and unique risks caused by the Fund's investment objects and investment strategies, etc. The Fund Manager reminds investors of the principle of "the seller is responsible and the buyer is responsible" for fund investment. After investors make investment decisions, investors are responsible for the investment risks caused by changes in the fund's operating status and net fund value.

The statements concerning the risk return characteristics or risk status of the Fund in the Fund Agreement, Prospectus and other legal documents are only general statements mainly based on the investment direction and strategic characteristics of the Fund; In accordance with the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Appropriateness Management of Fund Raising Institutional Investors (for Trial Implementation) issued by the China Securities Investment Fund Association and the internal rating standards, each sales agency of the Fund has assessed and classified the risk level of the fund products in the order of risk from low to high. The risk rating results may be based on more evaluation elements and a wider range, It is not necessarily consistent with or corresponding to the risk return characteristics or risk statements in the Fund's legal documents. At the same time, due to the differences in the specific evaluation standards and methods adopted by different sales organizations, the risk level of the same product may be assessed differently; The sales agency may also timely adjust the risk rating of the Fund according to regulatory requirements, market changes and the actual operation of the Fund. Investors are kindly informed that when purchasing the Fund, they should complete the matching test between risk tolerance and product risk in accordance with the requirements of the sales agency, pay attention to the adjustment of the risk rating of the Fund by the sales agency in a timely manner, and make prudent investment decisions.

The Fund is sold at the initial face value of fund units of 1.00 yuan. Under the influence of market fluctuations and other factors, the net value of fund units may be lower than the initial face value of fund units.

The Fund Manager promises to manage and use the Fund's assets in the principle of conscientiousness, honesty, prudence and diligence, but does not guarantee that the Fund will be profitable or the minimum return. The Fund's return is volatile. Investment is risky. Before making investment decisions, investors should carefully read the fund contract, fund prospectus and other information disclosure documents, independently judge the investment value of the fund, understand the risk return characteristics of the fund, and judge whether the fund is suitable for the risk tolerance of investors according to their own investment purpose, investment period, investment experience, asset status, etc, Make investment decisions and bear investment risks independently. The Fund's past performance and its net worth do not predict its future performance. The performance of other funds managed by the Fund Manager does not constitute a guarantee for the performance of the Fund.

The investor shall purchase and redeem the fund through the fund manager or other institutions with the qualification of fund sales business. The list of fund sales institutions is detailed in the Prospectus, the Fund unit offering announcement and relevant announcements.

17. The Fund Manager reserves the right to interpret this announcement.

1、 Basic Information of the Offering of Fund Units

1. Fund name: Xingzheng Global Dividend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund

2. Fund abbreviation and code

Xingzheng Global Bonus Mix A, 021247

Xingzheng Global Bonus Mix C, 021248

3. Fund type: hybrid securities investment fund

4. Fund operation mode: contractual open-ended

5. Duration of the Fund: irregular

6. Fund share category setting

The Fund divides the Fund units into different categories according to the different collection methods of subscription, subscription fees and sales service fees. When an investor subscribes to or subscribes to a fund, he or she collects subscription and subscription fees without drawing sales service fees, which are called Class A fund units; When an investor subscribes or subscribes to fund units, it does not charge subscription or subscription fees, but withdraws sales service fees from the fund assets of this category, which is called Class C fund units.

Class A and Class C fund units of the Fund are set with codes respectively. Due to the difference of fund fees, the net value of fund units will be calculated separately for Class A fund units and Class C fund units of the Fund.

7. The par value of each fund unit is RMB 1.00.

8. Investment objective of the Fund: The Fund mainly invests in listed companies related to dividend theme, and strives to achieve long-term steady appreciation of net asset value under the premise of effective control of portfolio risk.

The investment scope of the Fund includes financial instruments with good liquidity, including domestically issued and listed stocks and depositary receipts (including the main board, GEM and other stocks and depositary receipts approved or registered for issuance by the China Securities Regulatory Commission), Hong Kong stocks Bonds (including government bonds, local government bonds, financial bonds, corporate bonds, publicly issued subordinated bonds, convertible bonds, pure bonds of separately traded convertible bonds, exchangeable bonds, central bank bills, medium-term notes, short-term corporate bonds of securities companies, short-term financing bonds, ultra short-term financing bonds, etc.), bond repurchase, money market instruments, bank deposits Inter bank deposit receipts, asset-backed securities, stock index futures, treasury bond futures, stock options, and other financial instruments allowed by laws and regulations or the CSRC to be invested by the Fund (subject to the relevant provisions of the CSRC).

The Fund will participate in financing business in accordance with laws and regulations. If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities allow the fund to invest in other varieties in the future, the fund manager may include them into the investment scope after performing appropriate procedures.

The proportion of the Fund's investment portfolio is: the proportion of stock assets investment is 60% - 95% of the Fund's assets (of which the proportion of stocks invested in Hong Kong stocks is 0-50% of the stock assets); The proportion of investing in dividend themed stocks defined by the Fund in non cash fund assets shall not be less than 80%; At the end of each trading day, after deducting the trading deposits required to be paid for stock index futures, treasury bond futures and stock option contracts, the Fund shall maintain cash or the total investment proportion of government bonds with a maturity date of less than one year shall not be less than 5% of the net asset value of the Fund, of which cash does not include settlement reserves, deposits, and subscription receivables.

9. Raising scale: the total number of units raised by the Fund for the first time shall not be less than 200 million, and the amount raised by the Fund shall not be less than 200 million yuan.

During the offering period, the Fund Manager may extend or terminate the offering in advance according to the sale of the Fund, and the specific announcement issued by the Fund Manager shall prevail.

During the fund raising period, there is no limit on the cumulative subscription scale of a single investor (except those exceeding the upper limit of the fund raising scale). If the cumulative number of fund units subscribed by a single investor of the Fund reaches or exceeds 50% of the total fund units, the Fund Manager may restrict the subscription application of such investor by means of proportion confirmation. If the Fund Manager's acceptance of a certain subscription application or some subscription applications may lead investors to evade the above 50% ratio requirement in disguised form, the Fund Manager has the right to reject all or part of such subscription applications. The number of fund units subscribed by investors shall be subject to the confirmation of the registration authority after the fund contract takes effect.

10. The raising objects of the Fund are individual investors, institutional investors, qualified foreign investors who can invest in securities investment funds in accordance with laws and regulations, and other investors who are permitted by laws and regulations or the CSRC to purchase securities investment funds.

11. Sales organization

The subscription of the Fund will be publicly offered through the Fund Manager's direct sales center (counter), online direct sales and other sales institutions (see the announcement "Parties or Intermediaries in the Offering of Fund Units" for details). The Fund Manager may, in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, select other institutions that meet the requirements to sell the Fund and make timely announcements.

Unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, any party concerned with the sale of fund units shall not sell fund units in advance.

12. Timing of Fund Unit Offering and Effectiveness of Fund Contract

According to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the raising period of the Fund shall not exceed three months from the date of sale of the Fund units. The Fund units will be raised from May 20, 2024 to June 14, 2024, and will be sold to both individual investors and institutional investors.

Before the Fund Contract comes into effect, the subscription funds of the investors shall be deposited into a special account and shall not be used for other purposes. The interest generated from the effective subscription funds during the raising period will be converted into fund units and owned by the fund unit holders, of which the transfer of interest units shall be subject to the records of the fund registration authority.

The Fund Manager has the right to extend or shorten the raising period according to the actual situation of the fund raising in accordance with relevant procedures, and such changes are applicable to all sales agencies. If the fund raising period is extended, the maximum period shall not exceed three months from the date of sale of the fund units. If the Fund fails to meet the fund filing conditions specified in the Fund Agreement upon the expiration of the three-month raising period, the Fund Manager will bear all the raising expenses and return the raised funds plus the interest of bank current deposit for the same period to the Fund Subscriber within 30 days after the end of the raising period.

13. Fund subscription method and rate

(1) Subscription method: fund subscription adopts the method of "amount subscription and share confirmation"; When subscribing, investors shall pay in full in the way specified by the sales agency.

Investors may subscribe for the Fund units for many times during the raising period, and shall be charged separately according to the corresponding rate grade for each subscription. The subscription application accepted by the registration authority cannot be revoked.

(2) Subscription limit

In the Fund Manager Direct Marketing Center, investors apply in amount. The minimum amount of the first subscription of each fund account is 100000 yuan (including subscription fees), and the minimum amount of each additional subscription is 100000 yuan (including subscription fees). When subscribing in the online direct selling system of the Fund Manager, the investor applies in the amount. The minimum amount of the first subscription of each fund account is 10 yuan (including subscription fees), and the minimum amount of each additional subscription is 10 yuan (including subscription fees). Except for the above circumstances and other announcements, the Fund Manager stipulates that the minimum amount of the first subscription of each fund account is 0.1 yuan (including the subscription fee), and the minimum amount of each additional subscription is 0.1 yuan (including the subscription fee). Each sales institution may set the minimum subscription amount and additional subscription amount according to its own situation, which shall not be lower than the above minimum amount limit specified by the Fund Manager unless otherwise announced by the Fund Manager. When investors invest in each sales agency, the official announcement of the sales agency shall prevail.

The Fund Manager may adjust the minimum amount of subscription and additional subscription of the Fund according to market conditions.

The Fund Manager may limit the cumulative subscription amount of a single investor during the offering period. Please refer to the relevant announcement for specific restrictions and handling methods.

(3) Fund subscription fees

Subscription fees are charged for Class A fund units of the Fund, and no subscription fees are charged for Class C fund units.

The subscription rate of all investors subscribing Class A fund units of the Fund decreases with the increase of subscription amount, as shown in the following table:

Subscription amount (M, including subscription fee) Subscription rate

M < 5 million 1.2%

M ≥ 5 million RMB 1000 per transaction

The subscription fees for Class A fund units of the Fund shall be borne by the investors of Class A fund units. The fund subscription fee is not included in the fund property and is mainly used for various expenses incurred during the raising period such as the marketing, sales and registration of the fund. Information disclosure fees, accountants' fees, lawyers' fees and other expenses incurred during the raising period shall not be disbursed from the fund assets. If an investor subscribes for the Fund units repeatedly, the subscription fee shall be calculated separately at the rate corresponding to the amount of a single subscription.

(4) Calculation of subscribed shares

The calculation of subscription units shall be reserved to two decimal places, and the part after two decimal places shall be rounded off. The gains or losses arising from the error shall be borne by the fund property.

1. If investors choose to subscribe for Class A fund units of the Fund, the calculation formula of the subscribed units is as follows:

Subscription fee=subscription amount - subscription amount/(1+subscription rate)

(Note: for subscription with applicable fixed amount subscription fee, subscription fee=fixed amount subscription fee)

Net subscription amount=subscription amount - subscription fee

(Note: for subscription with applicable fixed amount subscription fee, net subscription amount=subscription amount - fixed subscription fee amount)

Subscription units=(net subscription amount+interest)/selling face value of fund units

For example, a client invests 10000 yuan to subscribe for Class A fund shares of the Fund during the subscription period, and the subscription rate is 1.2%. Assuming that the interest generated during the subscription period is 5.00 yuan, the number of fund shares available to him is calculated as follows:

Subscription fee=10000 - 10000/(1+1.2%)=118.58 yuan

Net subscription amount=10000 - 118.58=9881.42 yuan

Subscribed shares=(9881.42+5.00)/1.00=9886.42

That is, investors who invest 10000 yuan to subscribe for Class A fund units of the Fund, plus the interest earned by the subscription funds during the subscription period, can get 9886.42 Class A fund units.

2. If investors choose to subscribe for Class C fund units of the Fund, the calculation formula of the subscribed units is as follows:

Subscription unit=(subscription amount+interest)/selling face value of fund unit

For example, a customer invested 10000 yuan to subscribe for the Fund's Class C fund shares during the subscription period, and the subscription generated an interest of 5.00 yuan. Then the subscription shares available to them are:

Subscription shares=(10000+5.00)/1.00=10005.00

That is, an investor who invests 10000 yuan to subscribe for Class C fund units of the Fund, plus the interest earned by the subscription fund during the subscription period, can get 10005.00 Class C fund units.

14. Treatment of interest during the raising period

The interest generated from the effective subscription funds during the raising period will be converted into fund units and owned by the fund unit holders, of which the specific amount of interest transferred into units shall be subject to the records of the registration authority.

15. Confirmation of subscription

For the subscription application accepted during the trading hours on T day, the registration authority will confirm the validity of the application on T+1 day, and the investor should go to the sales outlet counter or inquire about the confirmation of the validity of the subscription application in other ways specified by the sales agency after T+2 day (including that day). The acceptance of the subscription application by the fund sales agency does not mean that the application is necessarily successful, but only that the sales agency has actually received the subscription application. The confirmation of the subscription application shall be subject to the confirmation result of the registration authority. For the subscription application and the confirmation of subscription shares, the investors shall timely inquire and properly exercise their legal rights, otherwise, any losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the investors themselves.

16. Management of raised funds

Before the end of the Fund raising, the subscription funds of investors can only be deposited into the raising account and may not be used. After the end of the subscription period, the registration authority shall calculate the fund shares that investors should obtain for subscription, and the fund manager shall employ an accounting firm to verify the subscription amount within 10 days.

2、 Account opening and subscription procedures for individual investors

(1) Direct selling mechanism

● Direct sales center (counter)

1. Business opening and subscription time:

9:30~16:00 from May 20, 2024 to June 14, 2024

2. Account opening and subscription procedures:

(1) When applying for opening an account, an individual investor shall provide the following information:

1) Account Business Application Form (Personal Version) completed and signed by myself;

2) Completed and personally signed Fax and Electronic Document Entrusted Transaction Agreement;

3) The completed Questionnaire on Investors' Risk Tolerance (Personal Version) with my signature and seal;

4) Instructions to Investors' Rights and Interests completed and signed by myself;

5) Completed and personally signed Declaration Document of Individual Tax Resident Status

6) Copies of the front and back of my valid ID card;

7) Copy of the front and back of the bank card of the designated customer's own bank account (signature in the signature column on the back of the bank card);

8) Completed investor suitability supporting form with my signature and seal:

9) Other materials required by our company when opening an account.

Note: The designated bank account referred to in 7) refers to the bank account opened by the individual investor who subscribes to the fund in this direct marketing center (counter) and needs to designate a commercial bank as the account for capital settlement and remittance of redemption, dividend distribution and refund of invalid subscription (purchase) of investors. This account can be the investor's deposit account in any commercial bank. The account name must be strictly consistent with the customer name. Account certificate refers to bank passbook, debit card or account opening certificate issued by designated bank.

(2) Procedures for individual investors to open accounts

1) The investor may send the account opening materials to the direct sales counter on the spot, and the direct sales counter will review the integrity of the customer materials;

2) Complete the Investor Risk Matching Notice and Investor Confirmation Letter according to the client's information;

3) After confirming the successful account opening, the direct sales center (counter) sends the account opening confirmation form to the customer.

(3) Remit the full amount of subscription funds to the special account for direct selling funds designated by the Company. The specific information is as follows:

Special account for direct sales 1

Account name: Special direct account of Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

Opening bank: Shanghai Pudong Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd

Account No.: 216230100100028777

Special account for direct sales 2

Account name: Special direct account of Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

Bank of deposit: Business Department of Shanghai Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Account No.: 1001202919025737248

Direct sales special account 3

Account name: Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

Opening bank: Shanghai Pudong South Road Branch of China Construction Bank Corporation

Account No.: 31001520362052500752

Special account for direct sales 4

Account name: Special direct account of Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

Bank of deposit: Shanghai Pudong Branch of Bank of Communications

Account No.: 310066580018170108244

When handling remittance, investors must pay attention to the following matters:

① The investor shall fill in the "remitter" column with the name registered when opening the fund account in the company's direct marketing center (counter);

② Marked transaction account number that has been opened; If no account has been opened, indicate the purpose of the fund "to purchase Xingzheng Global Dividend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund", and ensure that it is received before 16:00 on the closing date of the raising period;

③ The subscription amount applied by the investor shall not exceed the remittance amount;

④ If the investor fails to make the transfer in accordance with the above provisions, resulting in invalid subscription, the Company and the opening bank of the direct sales special account will not bear any responsibility.

(4) Individual investors shall provide the following information before 16:00 on the deadline of the offering period when they go through the subscription procedures:

1) Completed and signed Application Form for Transaction Business;

2) Receipt of payment voucher stamped with bank acceptance seal;

3) Copies of the front and back of the client's valid ID card;

4) Copy of the front and back of the customer's bank card (signature in the signature column on the back of the bank card);

5) Investor appropriateness supporting form, in which ordinary investors should cooperate with the Company to complete the whole process of recording or video recording of investor appropriateness related risk tips before purchase;

6) Individual investors who purchase public funds need to sign on the Summary of Public Fund Product Information for confirmation;

7) If the risk level of the fund product applied for subscription by the client is higher than its own risk tolerance, the client shall sign and confirm the Risk Mismatch Warning Letter and Investor Confirmation Letter; (Customers should not belong to the lowest risk tolerance category)

8) Other materials required by the company.

3. Precautions

(1) An investor may apply for subscription before opening a fund account is confirmed. If the fund account opening fails, the subscription application fails, and the subscription fund is returned to the investor.

(2) Investors cannot subscribe directly in cash. Individual investors who open accounts in the direct marketing center (counter) must designate a bank account as the only settlement account of the investment fund. In the future, investors can only use this account for capital settlement such as redemption, dividend distribution and refund of invalid subscription/purchase.

(3) At the end of the fund raising period, the following subscription will be deemed invalid:

1) The investor transfers the capital, but fails to handle the account opening procedures or fails to open an account;

2) The investor has transferred funds, but has not handled the subscription application or the subscription application has not been confirmed;

3) The subscription fund transferred by the investor is less than the subscription amount applied for by the investor;

4) The funds fail to reach the special direct selling account designated by the fund manager before 16:00 on the deadline of the fund raising period;

5) Other invalid funds or failed subscription funds confirmed by the Company.

● Online direct selling

(1) Applicable objects

Online direct selling platform (including micro website and APP)

Trading website: 、

(2) Online account opening and subscription acceptance time

May 20, 2024 to June 14, 2024 (end at 15:00 on the last day of subscription)

(3) Online account opening and subscription procedures

1) Please refer to the online trading business rules and account opening and transaction demonstration published on the company's website (www.xqfunds. com) to handle relevant account opening and subscription businesses;

2) Individual investors who have never opened online transactions of the Company can first apply for any of the above bank cards, and open online banking services and fund direct sales related services of the corresponding bank cards according to the requirements on the Company's website, then enter the online trading system of the Company's website (www.xqfunds. com), and open an account according to the prompts on the page. After the account opening application is submitted successfully, you can log in to the online trading platform to subscribe;

3) For individual investors who have opened online trading of the Company, please directly log in to the online trading system of the Company for online subscription.

4) Precautions

① The above cards are currently limited to individual investors.

② Please open the relevant services of the bank card handled or sign the relevant agreement on direct sales according to the prompts on the company's website.

③ Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the transfer fees charged by UnionPay and the bank when an individual investor conducts fund transactions through online trading shall be borne by the investor.

④ In case of any change in the relevant provisions and business rules of online trading, the Fund Manager will make adjustment and timely announcement.

(2) Special tips

1. Individual investors who are interested in subscribing to the Fund should ask the Direct Sales Center (counter) for the application form for opening and subscribing the open-ended fund account as soon as possible. Individual investors can also download relevant forms of direct selling business from the fund manager's website, but they must ensure that the submitted materials are consistent with the format required in the downloaded documents when handling business. Or log on to the online direct sales website( ,

2. If the individual investor fails to transfer the full amount of funds to the account before the application time of the day, the subscription application submitted on that day will be postponed.

3. At the end of the subscription period, the following circumstances will be deemed as invalid subscription, and the funds will be returned to the capital settlement account designated by the investor:

(1) The investor transfers the capital, but fails to go through the registration or account opening procedures or fails to do so;

(2) The investor has transferred in the capital, but has not gone through the subscription application procedures or the subscription application has not been confirmed;

(3) If the subscription funds transferred in by investors are less than the subscription amount applied for by them, they have not been supplemented at the end of the subscription period;

(4) Other circumstances that lead to invalid subscription.

3、 Account opening and subscription procedures of institutional investors

(1) Direct sales center (counter)

1. Business handling time

9:30~16:00 from May 20, 2024 to June 14, 2024

2. Account opening and subscription procedures

(1) The institutional investor shall provide the following information when opening an account:

1) Fill in the Application Form for Account Business (Institutional Version);

2) If the account is a product of a financial institution, it is required to fill in the Registration Form of Basic Product Information and relevant supporting documents: confirmation letter of annuity, notice of establishment of trust product or collective asset management plan, etc. (with official seal);

3) Complete the Agreement on Entrusted Transaction of Fax and Electronic Documents;

4) Complete the Power of Attorney;

5) Fill in the Seal Card;

6) Complete the Questionnaire on Investors' Risk Tolerance (Institutional Version);

7) Complete the Instructions to Investors' Rights and Interests;

8) Complete the Registration Form of Beneficial Owner Information of Non natural Person Customers;

9) Non financial institutions need to provide the Declaration Document of Institutional Tax Resident Identity. If the institutional customer is a passive non-financial institution, it needs to submit the Certificate Document of Controller's Tax Resident Identity at the same time;

10) A copy of the business license (including the business license loaded with the unified social credit code), and the registration certificate issued by the competent department (stamped with the official seal) provided by the institutional legal person, group or other organization;

11) Bank account opening certificate of the designated institution; If the basic account is provided with an Account Opening Permit, if the general account is provided with an Application Form for Opening a Bank Account (with official seal);

12) Copies of the front and back of the valid ID cards of the legal representative (or person in charge) and the authorized operator (with official seal);

13) Complete the investor suitability supporting form;

14) Other materials required by the Company for opening accounts.

Note: The "designated bank account opening certificate of the institution" in Item 11) above refers to that institutional investors who open an account and subscribe at the direct marketing center (counter) must designate a bank account as the capital settlement and remittance account for redemption, dividend distribution and refund of invalid subscription/subscription of investors. This account can be the investor's deposit account in any bank. The capital bank account, the fund share holder and the designated redemption capital bank account are the same identity.

(2) Procedures for institutional investors to open accounts:

1) Investors may send account opening materials to the direct sales counter on the spot, and the direct sales counter will review the integrity of customer materials;

2) Complete the Investor Risk Matching Notice and Investor Confirmation Letter according to the client's information;

3) After confirming the successful account opening, the direct sales counter sends the account opening confirmation form to the customer.

(3) Remit the full amount of subscription funds to the special direct sales account designated by the Company:

Special account for direct sales 1

Account name: Special direct account of Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

Opening bank: Shanghai Pudong Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd

Account No.: 216230100100028777

Special account for direct sales 2

Account name: Special direct account of Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

Bank of deposit: Business Department of Shanghai Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Account No.: 1001202919025737248

Direct sales special account 3

Account name: Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

Opening bank: Shanghai Pudong South Road Branch of China Construction Bank Corporation

Account No.: 31001520362052500752

Special account for direct sales 4

Account name: Special direct account of Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

Bank of deposit: Shanghai Pudong Branch of Bank of Communications

Account No.: 310066580018170108244

When handling remittance, investors must pay attention to the following matters:

1) The investor shall fill in the "remitter" column with the name registered when opening the fund account at the direct sales counter of the Company;

2) The remittance purpose filled in by the investor must be marked with "purchase of Xingzheng Global Dividend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund", and ensure that it is received before 16:00 on the deadline of the offering period;

3) The subscription amount applied by the investor shall not exceed the remittance amount;

4) If the investor fails to make the transfer in accordance with the above provisions and the subscription is invalid, the Company and the bank of the special account for direct selling will not bear any responsibility;

(4) Investors who handle fund subscription procedures must provide the following information:

1) Fill in the Application Form for Trading Business;

2) The receipt of bank payment voucher stamped with the bank acceptance seal or the supporting document proving that the account has been transferred;

3) Investor appropriateness supporting table, in which ordinary investors should cooperate with the Company to complete the whole process of recording or video recording of investor appropriateness related risk prompts before purchase;

4) If the risk level of the fund product applied for subscription by the client is higher than its own risk tolerance, the client shall sign and confirm the Risk Mismatch Warning Letter and Investor Confirmation Letter; (Customers should not belong to the lowest risk tolerance category)

5) Other materials required by the company.

3. Precautions

(1) Investors cannot subscribe in cash. Institutional investors who open accounts in the direct marketing center must designate a bank account as the only settlement account for investment funds. In the future, investors can only use this account for fund settlement such as fund refunds for redemption, dividends and invalid subscriptions/subscriptions.

(2) At the end of the offering period of fund units, the following subscriptions will be deemed invalid:

1) The investor transfers the capital, but fails to handle the account opening procedures or fails to open an account;

2) The investor has transferred funds, but has not handled the subscription application or the subscription application has not been confirmed;

3) The subscription fund transferred by the investor is less than the subscription amount applied for by the investor;

4) The funds fail to reach the designated direct sales account before 16:00 on the deadline of the fund raising period;

5) Other invalid funds or failed subscription funds confirmed by the Company.

(2) Special tips

1. Institutional investors who are interested in subscribing to the Fund should ask the direct selling counter for the application form for opening and subscribing the open-ended fund account as soon as possible. Institutional investors can also download relevant forms of direct selling business from the company's website, but they must ensure that the submitted materials are consistent with the format required in the downloaded documents when handling business.

2. If the institutional investor fails to transfer the full amount of funds to the account before the application time of the same day, the application for subscription submitted on that day will be postponed.

3. At the end of the subscription period, the following circumstances will be deemed as invalid subscription, and the funds will be returned to the capital settlement account designated by the investor:

(1) The investor transfers the capital, but fails to handle the account opening procedures or fails to open an account;

(2) The investor has transferred in the capital, but has not gone through the subscription application procedures or the subscription application has not been confirmed;

(3) If the subscription funds transferred in by investors are less than the subscription amount applied for by them, they have not been supplemented at the end of the subscription period;

(4) Other circumstances that lead to invalid subscription.

4、 Clearing and settlement

1. Prior to the capital verification of the Fund, all subscription funds will be deposited in the special fund raising account. The calculation of the interest of the investor's subscription funds shall be subject to the calculation of the registration authority, which shall be converted into fund units at the end of the fund raising period and registered in the name of the investor.

2. The registration of the rights and interests of the Fund shall be completed by the fund registration agency after the end of the offering.

5、 Capital Verification of the Fund and Effectiveness of the Fund Contract

The Fund Contract shall not come into force until the Fund raising period expires and the conditions specified in the Fund Contract are met.

1. After the end of the fund raising period, the bank shall issue the deposit certificate of the special account for fund raising, and the fund manager shall entrust a qualified accounting firm to verify the subscription capital.

2. The Fund Manager shall, according to the data confirmed by the registration authority, transfer the effective subscription capital of the Fund and the interest generated by the subscription capital during the subscription period, after deducting the subscription fee, into the fund deposit account. After the deposit bank of the fund deposit account issues the certificate of the fund deposit, the fund manager entrusts a qualified accounting firm to verify the fund assets and issue a report, and the registration authority issues the certificate of the number of subscription accounts.

3. If the Fund meets the requirements for fund filing, the Fund Manager shall go through the fund filing procedures with the CSRC according to law, and the Fund Contract shall come into force from the date of the written confirmation of the CSRC. If the Fund fails to meet the requirements for fund filing, the Fund Manager will bear all the fund raising expenses, and the raised funds, together with the interest of bank demand deposits in the same period, will be returned to the Fund Subscriber within 30 days after the end of the fund raising period.

6、 Parties or intermediaries involved in the sale of fund units

(1) Fund manager

Name: Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

Registered address: No. 368, Jinling East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

Office address: 28-29/F, Kerry City Office Building, 1155 Fangdian Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Legal representative: Yang Huahui

Date of establishment: September 30, 2003

Tel.: 021-20398888

Fax: 021-20398858

Contact: He Jiayi

(2) Fund Custodian

Name: Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Industrial Bank")

Registered address: Industrial Bank Building, No. 398, Jiangbin Middle Avenue, Taijiang District, Fuzhou

Office address: No. 167, Yincheng Road, Shanghai

Postal code: 200120

Legal representative: Lv Jiajin

Date of establishment: August 22, 1988

Approval authority and approval document number: Head Office of the People's Bank of China, Yin Fu [1988] No. 347

Approval No. of fund custody business: CSRC Zhengjian Jiji Zi [2005] No. 74

Organizational form: limited liability company

Registered capital: 20.774 billion yuan

(3) Sales organization

1. Direct selling mechanism

(1) Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd. Direct Sales Center (counter)

Address: 13/F, Building 6, Lujiazui Century Finance Plaza, 308 Jinkang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Contact: Qin Yangyang, Shen Bingxin

Tel: 021-20398706, 021-20398927

Fax No.: 021-20398988, 021-20398889

(2) Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd. Online direct marketing platform (including micro website and APP)

Trading website:

Customer service hotline: 400-678-0099; (021)38824536

2. Agency

The Company has signed a fund sales agreement with the following sales institutions (in no particular order). If the investor handles relevant business through the following sales institutions, the relevant provisions of the following sales institutions shall prevail.

Name Legal

Representative address Customer service telephone website

Industrial Securities Co., Ltd. Yang Huahui No. 268, Hudong Road, Fuzhou City 95562

Zhu Jian, Aijian Securities Co., Ltd. 4001-962-502, Floor 32, Building 1, No. 1600, Century Avenue, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Bohai Securities Co., Ltd. An Zhiyong Room 101, Office Building, No. 42, Second Avenue, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone 956066

Northeast Securities Co., Ltd. Li Fuchun No. 6666, Ecological Street, Nanguan District, Changchun, Jilin Province 95360

Chen Zhaoxing, Dongguan Securities Co., Ltd. No. 1, Keyuan South Road, Guancheng District, Dongguan City 95328

Wang Wenzhuo, Donghai Securities Co., Ltd., 95531, Floor 18, Investment Plaza, No. 23, Yanling West Road, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province

Everbright Securities Co., Ltd. Liu Qiuming, No. 1508, Xinzha Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai 95525

Guodu Securities Co., Ltd. Weng Zhenjie, Floor 10, Floor 9, Guohua Investment Building, No. 3, Dongzhimen South Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 4008188118

Ran Yun, Guojin Securities Co., Ltd. No. 95, Dongchenggen Street, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan 95310

Guosheng Securities Co., Ltd. Xu Lifeng No. 1589, Zishi Road, Xinjian District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province 956080

Guotai Jun'an Securities Co., Ltd. He Qing, No. 618, Shangcheng Road, Pudong New Area Free Trade Zone, Shanghai 95521

Duan Wenwu, SDIC Securities Co., Ltd. 95517, Anxin Financial Building, No. 119, Fuhua 1st Road, Futian Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Guosen Securities Co., Ltd. Zhang Nasha 16th to 26th floors of Guosen Securities Building, No. 1012, Hongling Middle Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong 95536

Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. Zhou Jie, No. 689, Guangdong Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 95553

Huatai Securities Co., Ltd. Zhang Wei, No. 228, Jiangdong Middle Road, Jianye District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province 95597

West China Securities Co., Ltd. Yang Jiongyang No. 198, Tianfu Second Street, High tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan 95584

Nanjing Securities Co., Ltd. Li Jianfeng No. 389, Jiangdong Middle Road, Nanjing 95386

Ping An Securities Co., Ltd. He Zhijiang 95511, Floor 22-25, Building B, Ping An Financial Center, 5023 Yitian Road, Futian Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Wang Yili, Shanxi Securities Co., Ltd. East Tower 95573, Shanxi International Trade Center, No. 69, Fuxi Street, Xinghualing District, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province

Xu Chaohui, Western Securities Co., Ltd. Room 10000, Building 8, No. 319, Dongxin Street, Xincheng District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province 95582

Southwest Securities Co., Ltd. Wu Jian Southwest Securities Headquarters Building 95355, No. 32, Jinshamen Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing

Xiangcai Securities Co., Ltd. Gao Zhenying 95351, Floor 11, Building A, Xinnancheng Business Center, No. 198, Xiangfu Middle Road, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

Wang Sheng, China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd., Floor 7-18, Building 1, Yard 8, Xiying Street, Fengtai District, Beijing 101, 4008888888, 95551

Changjiang Securities Co., Ltd. Jin Caijiu No. 88 Huaihai Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province 95579

China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. Huoda No. 111, Fuhua 1st Road, Futian Street, Futian District, Shenzhen 95565

China Resources Building L4601-L4608 95532, 2666 Keyuan South Road, Haizhu Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Zhongtai Securities Co., Ltd. Wang Hong No.86 Jingqi Road, Shizhong District, Jinan City, Shandong Province 95538

Chen Keke, CITIC Securities South China Co., Ltd. Room 901, No. 395, Linjiang Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (position: self edited 01), Room 1001 95548

Wang Changqing of CSC Securities Co., Ltd. Building 4, 66 Anli Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 4008888108

Dou Changhong, CITIC Futures Co., Ltd. 1301-1305, 13/F, and 400-990-8826, 14/F, North Block, Excellence Times Square (Phase II), No. 8, Central 3rd Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

CITIC Securities (Shandong) Co., Ltd. Xiao Haifeng, Building 1, No. 222, Shenzhen Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao, 2001 95548

Zhang Youjun, CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. North Block 95548, Excellence Times Square (Phase II), No. 8, Zhongxin Third Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Zhongyuan Securities Co., Ltd. Kan Mingjun No. 10, Business Outer Ring Road, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province 95377

Wang Jun, Ant (Hangzhou) Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Room 599, Floor 5, Building 3, No. 969, Wenyi West Road, Wuchang Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 400-0766-123

Zhejiang Tonghuashun Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Wu Qiang Room 903, Yuanmao Building, No. 1, Wener West Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 952555

Beijing Snowball Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Li Nan Room 1501, 15/F, Building 6, Yard 34, Chuangyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 400-159-9288

In fact, Shanghai Tiantian Fund Sales Co., Ltd. 95021, Floor 2, Building 2, No. 190, Longtian Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

Dai Yan, Oriental Fortune Securities Co., Ltd. 95357, Building 10, International Headquarters City, Liuwu New District, Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region

Zou Baowei, Jingdong Kentrui Fund Sales Co., Ltd. 1-7-2, Floor 4, Building 1, No. 76 Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing 95118

Beijing Duxiaoman Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Shengchao Room 103, 1/F, Building 4, Yard 10, Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 95055

Zhang Feng, Harvest Wealth Management Co., Ltd., No. 710, Floor 7, Building 1, Fenghuang Island, Tianya District, Sanya City, Hainan Province, 400-021-8850

Shanghai CEIBS Wealth Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Xu Xin Room 1008-1, 479 Lujiazui Ring Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone 400-100-2666

Shanghai Jiyu Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Wang Xiang Unit 3001, Floor 30, No. 500, Guangdong Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 400-820-5369

Shanghai Lide Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Li Xingchun Room 208-36, No. 1, Lane 70, Haiji 6th Road, Lingang New Area, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone 400-032-5885

Shanghai Panying Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Zheng Xinlin Room 306, No. 1207, Guangzhong West Road, Zhabei District, Shanghai 021-68889082

Shanghai Wande Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Jian Mengwen, Building M, Floor 8, No. 1500, Puming Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, 400-799-1888

Tan Guangfeng, Teng'an Fund Sales (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Room 201, Building A, No.1 Qianwan 1st Road, Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong Cooperation Zone, Shenzhen 95017

Noah Zhengxing Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Wu Weiguo, Floor 6, No. 9, Lane 360, Feihong Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai (centralized registration place) 400-821-5399

Shanghai Haomai Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Tao Yi Unit 6211, 501 Dongdaming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai 400-700-9665

Shanghai Lufax Fund Sales Co., Ltd. Chen Yibin, 7th Floor (6th Floor), No. 1088 Yuanshen Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, 400-821-9031

*The above institutions have obtained the qualification certificate for fund sales business issued by the CSRC

The Fund Manager may, in accordance with the provisions of the Fund Law, the Operation Measures, the Sales Measures and the Fund Contract, select other institutions that meet the requirements to sell the Fund, and perform the obligation of announcement in a timely manner.

(4) Registration authority

Name: Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

Registered address: No. 368, Jinling East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

Office address: 13/F, Building 6, Lujiazui Century Finance Plaza, 308 Jinkang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Legal representative: Yang Huahui

Contact: Zhu Ruili

Tel.: 021-20398888

Fax: 021-20398858

(5) Law firm issuing legal opinion

Name: Shanghai Tongli Law Firm

Address: 19/F, Times Financial Center, 68 Yincheng Middle Road, Shanghai

Office address: 19/F, Times Financial Center, 68 Yincheng Middle Road, Shanghai

Person in charge: Han Jiong

Handling lawyers: An Dong, Lu Qi

Tel.: 021-31358666

Fax: 021-31358600

Contact: Lu Qi

(6) Accounting firm auditing fund assets (establishment of capital verification)

Name: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (special general partnership)

Address: Floor 30, No. 222, Yan'an East Road, Shanghai

Office address: 30/F, No. 222, East Yan'an Road, Shanghai

Legal representative: Fu Jianchao

Tel: (021) 61418888

Fax: (021) 63350377

Handling CPA: Wang Fang, Luo Jia

Contact: Wang Fang

Xingzheng Global Fund Management Co., Ltd

April 24, 2024