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Custody Agreement of ICBC Credit Suisse Rising Bond Securities Investment Fund

2024-04-19 07:10:10

ICBC Credit Suisse Rising Bond Securities Investment Fund

Escrow Agreement

Fund manager: ICBC Credit Suisse Fund Management Co., Ltd

Fund Custodian: Ping An Bank Co., Ltd

April, 2014


1、 Parties to the Fund Custody Agreement two

2、 Basis, purpose and principle of fund custody agreement four

3、 Fund Custodian's Business Supervision and Verification of Fund Manager five

4、 Fund Manager's Business Verification of Fund Custodian ten

5、 Custody of Fund Assets eleven

6、 Sending, confirmation and execution of instructions fourteen

7、 Transaction, clearing and settlement arrangements seventeen

8、 Calculation and accounting of fund net asset value twenty-two

9、 Fund income distribution twenty-nine

10、 Fund information disclosure thirty

11、 Fund expenses thirty-two

12、 Custody of the Register of Fund Unitholders thirty-four

13、 Preservation of Fund related documents and archives thirty-five

14、 Replacement of Fund Manager and Fund Custodian thirty-six

15、 Prohibited acts thirty-nine

16、 Change and termination of fund custody agreement and liquidation of fund assets forty

17、 Liability for breach of contract forty-two

18、 Dispute resolution method forty-four

19、 Effectiveness of the Fund Custody Agreement forty-five

20、 Other matters forty-six

21、 Signing of Fund Custody Agreement forty-nine

Whereas ICBC Credit Suisse Fund Management Co., Ltd. is a legally established and validly existing company in accordance with Chinese laws

And has the qualification and ability to act as a fund manager in accordance with relevant laws and regulations,

It is proposed to raise ICBC Credit Suisse Rising Bond Securities Investment Fund (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund" or "the Fund");

Whereas Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. is a bank legally established and validly existing in accordance with Chinese laws

The Bank has the qualification and ability to act as the Fund Custodian in accordance with relevant laws and regulations;

Whereas ICBC Credit Suisse Fund Management Co., Ltd. plans to serve as ICBC Credit Suisse Rising Bond Securities Investment Fund

Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. is proposed to be the fund manager of ICBC Credit Suisse Ruisheng Bond Securities Investment Fund

The Fund Custodian of;

To clarify the relationship between the fund manager and the fund custodian of ICBC Credit Suisse Rising Bond Securities Investment Fund

This Custody Agreement is hereby formulated for the rights and obligations of;

Unless the context otherwise requires, all terms in this Agreement are consistent with the "ICBC Credit Suisse Rising Bond Securities Investment Base"

The corresponding terms defined in the Fund Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Fund Agreement" or "Fund Agreement") have

Same meaning. In case of any conflict, the Fund Contract shall prevail and be interpreted in accordance with its terms.

If the Fund implements the side pocket mechanism, the relevant arrangements during the implementation of the side pocket mechanism are shown in the Fund Contract and

The provisions of the Prospectus of UBS Ruisheng Bond Securities Investment Fund (hereinafter referred to as the "Prospectus").

1、 Parties to the Fund Custody Agreement

(1) Fund manager

Name: ICBC Credit Suisse Fund Management Co., Ltd

Domicile: 901, A-5, 9/F, No. 5 and A-5, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Legal representative: Zhao Guicai

Date of establishment: June 21, 2005

Approval authority and approval document number: CSRC Zhengjian Jiji Zi [2005] No. 93

Organizational form: limited liability company

Registered capital: RMB 200 million

Duration: continuous operation

Tel: 400-811-9999

Business scope: fund raising, fund sales, asset management and other businesses approved by the CSRC

(2) Fund Custodian

Name: Ping An Bank Co., Ltd

Address: 5047 Shennan East Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Office address: 26/F, Block B, Ping An Financial Center, 5023 Yitian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Legal representative: Xie Yonglin

Time of establishment: December 22, 1987

Establishment approval authority and establishment approval document number: Yin Fu [1987] 365 of the People's Bank of China

Organizational form: limited liability company

Registered capital: RMB 19405918198

Duration: continuous operation

Approval document and document number of fund custody qualification: CSRC ZJXK [2008] No. 1037

Contact: Liu Huadong

Tel: (0755) 2216 6388

Business scope: RMB deposit, loan, settlement and exchange; Acceptance and discount of RMB bills;

Various trust businesses; Issuing or trading RMB securities with the approval of regulatory authorities; Foreign exchange deposits and remittances;

Domestic and overseas borrowings; Issuing or acting as an agent to issue foreign currency securities at home and abroad; Trade and non trade settlement;

Acceptance and discount of foreign currency bills; Foreign exchange lending; Buying and selling foreign exchange and foreign currency securities on behalf of customers, and buying and selling foreign exchange on their own

Sale; Credit investigation, consultation and witness business; Concurrent insurance agency business; Gold import business; After relevant supervision

Other businesses approved or permitted by the regulatory authority.

2、 Basis, purpose and principle of fund custody agreement

This agreement is based on the Securities Investment Fund Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund Law")

Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Fund Sales Institutions (hereinafter referred to as "Sales Measures")

Administrative Measures for the Operation of Securities Investment Funds Publicly Offered (hereinafter referred to as the "Operation Measures")

Administrative Measures for Information Disclosure of Securities Investment Funds (hereinafter referred to as "Information Disclosure Measures")

Provisions on Liquidity Risk Management of Open ended Securities Investment Funds (hereinafter referred to as "the Provisions on Liquidity Risk Management")

Standards for the Contents and Forms of Information Disclosure of Securities Investment Funds No. 7 (Contents and Forms of Custody Agreement)

The Fund Contract and other relevant provisions are concluded.

The purpose of this Agreement is to clarify the custody and investment of the Fund property between the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian

Rights, obligations and

To ensure the safety of fund assets and protect the legitimate rights and interests of fund share holders.

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall follow the principle of equality, voluntariness, honesty and credibility, and fully protect the legitimate interests of investors

This agreement is signed by consensus on the principle of benefit.

3、 The Fund Custodian's business supervision and verification of the Fund Manager

(1) The Fund Custodian exercises supervision over the investment behavior of the Fund Manager

1. The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

To supervise the investment scope and investment objects.

The investment scope of the Fund includes government bonds, central bank bills, financial bonds, local government bonds, corporate bonds, and corporate bonds

Corporate bonds, short-term financing bonds, ultra short-term financing bonds, medium-term notes, subordinated bonds, bonds of government supported institutions, securities

Short term corporate bonds, asset-backed securities, bank deposits, inter-bank certificates of deposit, bond repurchase, cash

And other financial instruments permitted by laws and regulations or the CSRC to be invested by the Fund.

The Fund does not invest in assets such as stocks, nor in convertible bonds and exchangeable bonds.

Asset allocation ratio of the Fund's investment portfolio: the proportion of bond assets in the Fund's assets is not less than 80%

The total proportion of cash held by the Fund and government bonds with maturity of less than one year at the end of trading days is not

Less than 5% of the net asset value of the fund, of which cash does not include settlement provisions, deposits and subscription receivables


For other types of investment permitted by laws and regulations or regulatory authorities in the future, the Fund Manager shall perform appropriate

After the procedure, it can be included in the investment scope, and its investment proportion shall comply with the then effective laws and regulations or relevant provisions.

2. The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

To supervise the investment proportion.

According to the Fund Contract, the proportion of the Fund's investment portfolio shall comply with the following restrictions:

(1) The proportion of the Fund's investment in bond assets shall not be less than 80% of the Fund's assets;

(2) Cash held by the Fund at the end of each trading day and government bonds with maturity within one year

The total proportion shall not be less than 5% of the net asset value of the fund, of which cash does not include settlement provisions, deposits

Receivable subscription amount, etc;

(3) The Fund holds securities issued by a company whose market value does not exceed 10% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(4) All funds managed by the Fund Manager hold securities issued by one company, which shall not exceed the amount of the certificate

10% of the bonds, the fund varieties that invest in securities in full accordance with the composition ratio of the relevant index may not be subject to this

The proportion limit specified in the clause;

(5) The proportion of the Fund's investment in various types of asset-backed securities of the same original equity holder shall not exceed

10% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(6) The market value of all asset-backed securities held by the Fund shall not exceed 20% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(7) The proportion of the same (referring to the same credit rating) asset-backed securities held by the Fund shall not exceed

10% of the size of the asset-backed securities;

(8) All funds managed by the Fund Manager invest in various asset supports of the same original equity holder

Securities shall not exceed 10% of the total size of its various asset-backed securities;

(9) The total asset value of the Fund shall not exceed 140% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(10) The market value of the Fund's active investment in liquidity restricted assets shall not exceed the net asset value of the Fund

15%; Non conformance of funds due to factors other than fund managers such as fluctuations in the securities market and changes in fund size

Where the proportion is restricted as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the fund manager shall not actively increase the investment of liquidity restricted assets;

(11) The Fund, private securities asset management products and other entities recognized by the CSRC are trading pairs

For reverse repurchase transactions, the qualification requirements for acceptable collateral should be consistent with the investment scope agreed in the fund contract

bring into correspondence with;

(12) Other investment restrictions stipulated by laws and regulations, the CSRC and the Fund Contract.

Except for the provisions of Items (2), (10) and (11)

The fund investment proportion does not meet the above specified investment proportion due to factors other than the fund manager such as scale change

The fund manager shall make adjustment within 10 trading days, but under special circumstances specified by the CSRC


The Fund Manager shall, within six months as of the effective date of the Fund Contract, make the proportion of the Fund's investment portfolio conform to

Relevant provisions of the mutual fund contract. During the above period, the investment scope and investment strategy of the Fund shall comply with

Agreement of the Fund Contract. The Fund Custodian's supervision and inspection of the Fund's investment shall commence on the effective date of the Fund Agreement


Laws and regulations or regulatory authorities cancel or adjust the above restrictions. If applicable to the Fund, the Fund Manager shall

After performing the appropriate procedures, the Fund's investment will no longer be subject to the relevant restrictions or the adjusted provisions.

If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities have other provisions, such provisions shall prevail.

3. The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

Supervise the investment prohibition. The fund assets may not be used for the following investments or activities.

(1) Underwriting securities;

(2) Lending or providing guarantee to others in violation of regulations;

(3) Investment with unlimited liability;

(4) Buying and selling other fund units, except as otherwise stipulated by the CSRC;

(5) Make capital contributions to its fund manager and fund custodian;

(6) Engaging in insider trading, manipulating securities trading prices and other improper securities trading activities;

(7) Other activities prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and the CSRC.

The Fund Manager uses the Fund property to buy and sell the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and their controlling shareholders

Securities issued by the controller or a company with a significant stake in it or securities underwritten during the underwriting period, or

Those engaged in other major related party transactions shall comply with the Fund's investment objectives and investment strategies, and follow the Fund's

The principle of giving priority to the interests of share holders, preventing conflicts of interest, establishing and improving the internal approval mechanism and evaluation mechanism,

Implement according to fair and reasonable market price. Relevant transactions must be approved by the fund custodian in advance and in accordance with the law

Disclosure of regulations. Major connected transactions shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Fund Manager for review, and shall be subject to two thirds

Approved by the independent directors on. The Board of Directors of the Fund Manager shall review related party transactions at least every six months.

Laws and regulations or regulatory authorities cancel or adjust the above prohibitive provisions, if applicable to the Fund

After the Manager has performed the appropriate procedures, the Fund's investment will no longer be subject to the relevant restrictions or the adjusted provisions.

4. The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

The management participates in the supervision of the inter-bank bond market.

(1) The Fund Custodian shall manage the Fund in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Contract

Supervise the credit risk of counterparties when participating in transactions in the inter-bank market.

The Fund Manager provides the Fund Custodian with inter-bank market transactions that comply with laws, regulations and industry standards

List of counterparties, such as the Fund Manager's failure to provide inter-bank bonds to the Fund Custodian before the fund investment operation

The list of market counterparties shall be deemed as the fund manager's recognition of all market counterparties. After receiving

Confirm receipt of the list by phone or letter within 2 working days after the list. The fund manager can be regular or irregular

Update the list of counterparties and settlement methods of spot bonds and repo transactions in the inter-bank market. Fund custodian is receiving

The new list shall be confirmed by telephone or written reply within 2 working days after arriving at the new list, and the new list shall be born on the day of confirmation by the fund custodian

Effectiveness. The unsettled transactions with the counterparties eliminated this time before the new list takes effect shall still be subject to

Settlement by agreement.

(2) When participating in inter-bank market transactions, the fund manager is responsible for controlling the credit risk of the counterparty,

The fund manager shall be responsible for recovering the losses caused by the credit risk of the counterparty from the relevant responsible person

The fund custodian shall provide necessary assistance and cooperation.

5. The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

The administrator selects the deposit bank for supervision.

Where a fund invests in a fixed deposit with a bank, the fund manager shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the provisions of the fund contract

Agree to select qualified deposit banks, and the Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Custody Agreement

Supervise whether the deposit complies with relevant regulations.

(1) The investment bank deposits of the Fund shall comply with the following provisions: the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall

Establish a regular reconciliation mechanism with the deposit bank to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the fund bank deposit business accounts and accounting.

(2) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, specify that both parties shall

Account opening and management, transmission and implementation of investment instructions, fund transfer, account verification, due payment, documents

The rights, obligations and responsibilities in the process of safekeeping and the issuance, transmission and safekeeping of deposit certificates to ensure that

The safety of the Fund assets and the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the holders of Fund units.

(3) The Fund Custodian shall strengthen the supervision and verification of the Fund's bank deposit business, strictly review and reply

Check relevant agreements, account information, investment instructions, deposit certificates and other relevant documents, and earnestly perform custody responsibilities.

(4) When carrying out fund deposit business, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall strictly observe

Law of the People's Republic of China, Operation Measures and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as relevant national account management, interest rate management and payment settlement

Various regulations on calculation, etc.

6. The Fund Custodian invests in the Fund in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

Other aspects shall be supervised.

(2) The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Agreement

Net asset value calculation, net asset value calculation of various fund units, cumulative net asset value calculation of fund units, receipt of receivable funds

Confirmation of fund expenses and income, distribution of fund income, relevant information disclosure, and fund promotion materials

Publish fund performance data for supervision and verification.

(3) The Fund Manager shall actively cooperate with and assist the Fund Custodian in its supervision and verification, and

The Fund Custodian shall make reply and correct, and explain or provide evidence on the reasonable doubts of the Fund Custodian. In accordance with the law

If it is required by regulations to submit the fund supervision report to the CSRC, the fund manager shall actively cooperate in providing relevant data

According to data and system, etc.

The Fund Custodian finds that the investment instruction or actual investment operation of the Fund Manager violates the Fund Law and

Other relevant regulations, fund contracts and this Agreement shall be notified to the fund manager in writing of the deadline

To correct, the Fund Manager shall check in a timely manner after receiving the notice and counter to the Fund Custodian by telephone or in writing

Explain the reason for the violation and the time limit for correction, and ensure that it can be corrected within the specified time limit. Within the time limit, the fund

The custodian has the right to review the notice at any time and urge the fund manager to make corrections. Fund manager to fund

If the violations notified by the custodian fail to be corrected within the time limit, the fund custodian has the right to report to the CSRC.

If the Fund Custodian finds that the Fund Manager has major violations, it shall immediately report to the CSRC

Notify the fund manager to make corrections within the time limit.

The Fund Custodian finds that the Fund Manager's instructions violate laws, administrative regulations and other relevant provisions, or

If the fund manager violates the fund contract, it shall suspend or refuse to execute the fund according to the circumstances, immediately notify the fund manager, and

Have the right to report to the CSRC.

The Fund Custodian finds that the effective instructions of the Fund Manager in accordance with the trading procedures violate laws and administrative laws

In case of violation of the Fund Agreement, the Fund Manager shall be notified immediately

Right to report to the CSRC.

4、 The Fund Manager's business verification of the Fund Custodian

In accordance with the Fund Law and other relevant regulations, the Fund Agreement and this Agreement, the Fund Manager

The Fund Custodian shall check the performance of its custody responsibilities, including but not limited to whether the Fund Custodian

Safely keep fund assets, open fund accounts, securities accounts, bond custody accounts and other investments of fund assets

Whether the required accounts have timely and accurately reviewed the net value of fund assets, net value of fund units

Whether the accumulated net value of fund units has been cleared and settled according to the instructions of the fund manager, and whether it has been settled in accordance with laws and regulations

The Fund Contract and this Agreement provide for the disclosure of relevant information and the supervision of fund investment operations.

The Fund Manager shall regularly and irregularly check the Fund assets under the custody of the Fund Custodian. Gikinto

The custodian shall actively cooperate with the fund manager in the verification, including but not limited to: submitting relevant materials for the fund

The manager shall check the integrity and authenticity of the entrusted property, reply and correct within the specified time.

The Fund Manager finds that the Fund Custodian fails to manage the Fund assets in separate accounts, misappropriates the Fund assets without authorization

Failing to execute or unreasonably delaying the execution of the fund manager's fund transfer instructions, divulging fund investment information, etc

The Fund Law, the Fund Contract, this Agreement and other relevant provisions shall be timely reminded by telephone or communicated in writing

The Fund Custodian shall actively cooperate and assist the Fund Manager in supervision and

check. After receiving the notice, the Fund Custodian shall check it in a timely manner and send a written reply to the Fund Manager,

Explain the reasons for the violation and the time limit for correction, and ensure that the violation is corrected within the specified time limit. Fund management within the time limit

I have the right to review the notice at any time and urge the Fund Custodian to make corrections. Fund Custodian's Management of the Fund

If the violations notified by the CSRC fail to be corrected within the time limit, the Fund Manager shall have the right to report to the CSRC. Para base

If the fund manager needs to submit the fund supervision report to the CSRC in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, the fund custodian shall actively

Cooperate to provide relevant data and systems.

If the Fund Manager finds that the Fund Custodian has major violations, it shall immediately report to the CSRC

Notify the Fund Custodian to make corrections within the time limit.

5、 Custody of fund assets

(1) Principles of Fund Property Custody

1. The Fund property shall be independent of the inherent property of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian.

2. The Fund Custodian shall keep the Fund assets in a safe and complete manner. Without the legal procedures of the fund manager

The Fund Custodian shall not use, dispose of or distribute any assets of the Fund on its own in accordance with the legal and compliance instructions given in the Order.

3. The Fund Custodian shall open the fund account, securities account and bond custody account of the Fund assets in accordance with the provisions

Account required for investment.

4. The Fund Custodian shall set up accounts for different fund assets under its custody, manage them separately, and independently check

To ensure the integrity and independence of the fund assets.

5. The Fund Custodian shall, according to the instructions of the Fund Manager, keep it in accordance with the Fund Contract and this Agreement

In case of special circumstances, both parties can negotiate separately to solve the fund property.

6. The Fund Manager shall be responsible for communicating with the relevant parties about the assets receivable arising from the fund investment

Determine the date of receipt and notify the Fund Custodian that if the fund property does not reach the fund account on the date of receipt

The custodian shall timely notify the fund manager to take measures for collection. If losses are caused to the fund assets

The Fund Manager shall be responsible for recovering the losses of the Fund assets from the relevant parties, and the Fund Custodian shall provide necessary assistance

Help and cooperate.

7. Except in accordance with laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Contract, the Fund Custodian shall not entrust a third person to custody

Fund assets.

(2) Fund raising period and capital verification of raised funds

1. The funds raised during the fund raising period shall be deposited in the "special account for fund raising" opened by the fund manager. This

The account shall be opened and managed by the fund manager.

2. The total amount of fund units raised, the amount of fund raised

After the number of fund unit holders meets the relevant provisions of the Fund Law and the Operation Measures, the Fund Manager shall

Transfer all funds belonging to the fund property into the fund bank account opened by the fund custodian, and

During the period, an accounting firm conforming to the provisions of the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China was hired to verify the capital and issue

Capital verification report. The capital verification report issued shall be signed by 2 or more Chinese certified public accountants participating in the capital verification

Is valid.

3. If the fund raising period expires and the conditions for the effectiveness of the fund contract are not met, the fund manager shall

The Fund Custodian shall provide full assistance in handling refund and other matters. Fund Manager, Fund Custodian and

A sales agency may not request remuneration. The fund manager, fund custodian and sales institution pay for the fund raising

All costs shall be borne by each party.

(3) Opening and management of fund bank account

1. The Fund Custodian shall be responsible for the opening and management of the Bank Account of the Fund.

2. The Fund Custodian shall open a bank account in its business institution in the name of the Fund in accordance with relevant regulations,

And handle the receipt and payment of funds according to the lawful and compliant instructions of the fund manager. The Fund Manager authorizes the Fund Custodian to handle

To handle the opening, cancellation and change of the Fund's bank account, the Fund's bank account does not need to reserve a seal

The Fund shall comply with the requirements of the Fund Custodian. The opening and use of fund bank accounts are limited to the development of the fund industry

Business needs. The Fund Custodian and the Fund Manager shall not open any other bank account in the name of the Fund

Household; It is also prohibited to use any account of the Fund for activities other than the business of the Fund.

3. The opening and management of the fund bank account shall comply with the relevant provisions of the banking regulatory authority.

(4) Opening and management of fund securities account and settlement provision account

1. The Fund Custodian is located in the Shanghai Branch and Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

Open a securities account jointly named by the Fund Custodian and the Fund for the Fund.

2. The opening and use of the Fund's securities account shall be limited to meeting the needs of conducting the Fund's business. fund

The Custodian and the Fund Manager shall not lend or transfer any securities account of the Fund without the consent of the other party

No account of the Fund may be used for activities other than the business of the Fund.

3. The fund custodian shall be responsible for the opening of the fund securities account and the safekeeping of the securities account card. The account assets

The fund manager shall be responsible for the management and application of the fund.

4. The fund custodian shall open a settlement in the name of its own legal person in China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

The reserve account, and on behalf of the funds under its custody, complete the first level cooperation with China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

The Fund Manager shall actively assist in the liquidation of legal persons. Settlement provisions shall be collected according to China Securities

The provisions of the registration and settlement limited liability company shall be implemented.

5. If the CSRC or other regulatory authorities allow the fund to engage in its

If the investment business of other investment varieties involves the opening and use of relevant accounts, they shall be opened and used in accordance with relevant regulations

Use; If there are no relevant provisions, the Fund Custodian shall implement the above provisions on account opening and use.

(5) Opening and management of special bond custody account

After the Fund Contract comes into force, the Fund Custodian shall have limited liability for registration and settlement according to the People's Bank of China and the Central Government Bonds

As required by the Company and the Interbank Market Clearing House Co., Ltd

The liability company and the inter-bank market clearing house Co., Ltd. shall act as the fund in the name of the Fund in accordance with relevant regulations

Open a bond custody account and conduct settlement of bonds in the inter-bank market on behalf of the Fund. Representative of the Fund Manager

The Fund has entered into the Master Agreement on Bond Repurchase in the National Inter bank Bond Market.

(6) Opening and management of other accounts

1. Other accounts opened for business development may be subject to laws, regulations and fund contract

It shall be opened after the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian discuss. The new account shall be used and managed according to relevant regulations.

2. If laws and regulations and other relevant provisions provide otherwise for the opening and management of relevant accounts, such provisions shall prevail


(7) Custody of relevant valuable certificates of fund property investment

Valuable certificates such as physical securities related to the investment of fund assets shall be deposited by the fund custodian in the fund custodian

And can also be deposited in the treasury of the Central Government Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. and the inter-bank market clearing house

Limited company, China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch/Shenzhen Branch or bill business

The custodian certificate of the fund shall be held by the fund custodian. Purchase and transfer of negotiable instruments such as physical securities,

It shall be handled jointly by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian. The Fund Custodian's actual performance against institutions other than the Fund Custodian

Securities under effective control shall not bear custody responsibility.

(8) Custody of major contracts related to fund assets

The Fund Manager shall be responsible for signing major contracts related to the Fund assets. Represented by the Fund Manager

The originals of the major contracts signed by the Fund and related to the Fund assets shall be respectively submitted by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian

safekeeping. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the Fund Manager shall sign on behalf of the Fund any material agreement relating to the assets of the Fund

The contract includes but is not limited to the annual audit contract of the fund, the fund information disclosure agreement and the fund investment business

The Fund Manager shall ensure that the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian each hold at least one original

original script. The period of custody of major contracts shall not be less than the minimum period prescribed by laws and regulations.

If more than two originals cannot be obtained, the Fund Manager shall provide the Fund Custodian with the stamped authorization

The fax or copy of the contract of the business seal is not negotiated by both parties or is not within the scope of the contract. In principle

The same as the original shall not be transferred.

6、 Sending, confirmation and execution of instructions

The Fund Manager sends fund transfers and other payments to the Fund Custodian when using the Fund assets

The Fund Custodian shall implement the Fund Manager's instructions and handle fund transactions under the name of the Fund.

(1) Written authorization of the Fund Manager to the personnel who send instructions

The Fund Manager shall give a prior written notice (hereinafter referred to as the "Authorization Notice") that the Fund Custodian has the right to send

List, specimen of signature or seal, reserved seal and activation of the instructed personnel (hereinafter referred to as "authorized person")

Date. The notice of authorization sent by the Fund Manager to the Fund Custodian shall be affixed with the official seal. The Fund Manager faxes

Or after the authorization notice is sent in the way agreed by both parties, the fund will be sent to the

The administrator confirms that the notice of authorization takes effect from the date of activation indicated above, and within three working days thereafter

The Fund Manager shall send the original of the authorization notice to the Fund Custodian. After receiving the authorization notice, the Fund Custodian will

After the signature or seal and seal are checked with the reserved sample, the fund manager shall call the fund manager on the day of receiving the authorization notice

Manager confirmation. The activation date indicated in the authorization notice shall not be earlier than the date when the Fund Custodian receives the original authorization notice and

Time point confirmed by telephone. If it is earlier than, the fund custodian shall receive the original authorization notice and confirm it by telephone

The time is the effective time.

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian are obliged to keep confidential the authorization documents, and their contents shall not be disclosed to the authorizer and

Disclosed by any person other than the relevant operator, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations or the CSRC.

(2) Content of instructions

1. Instructions include redemption, dividend payment instructions, repurchase due payment instructions, and investment related payment instructions

Order, physical bond entry and exit order and other fund transfer order, etc.

2. The instructions issued by the Fund Manager to the Fund Custodian shall specify the cause of payment, time of payment, time of receipt

The amount, account, etc. shall be stamped with the reserved seal and signed by the authorized person.

3. The settlement notice sent by the relevant registration and clearing company to the fund custodian shall be deemed as the settlement notice sent by the fund manager to the fund

Instructions issued by the custodian.

(3) Time and procedure for sending, confirming and executing instructions

The Fund Manager shall, in accordance with the Fund Law and other relevant regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement,

The authorized person shall send instructions within its legal operation authority and transaction authority according to its authorized authority

Order. The authorized person determined by the "Authorization Notice" shall use fax or the party approved by both parties on behalf of the fund manager

To the Fund Custodian. After sending, the Fund Manager shall confirm with the Fund Custodian by telephone in a timely manner

Rong. The Fund Manager must send payment instructions to the Fund Custodian before 15:00 and ensure that the Fund's bank account

If the account has sufficient fund balance and sends payment instructions after 15:00 or the account has insufficient fund by 15:00,

The Fund Custodian cannot guarantee the completion of the transfer on the same day, but shall try its best to cooperate with the transfer. Not charging the fund manager

The Fund Custodian may refuse to execute the instructions sent to the Fund Custodian when the funds are sufficient and immediately notify

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall not be liable for any loss caused by failure to execute the instruction. Such as fund management

If the manager requires payment at a certain time of the day, it must send the payment to the fund custodian at least 2 working hours in advance

Order and confirm with the fund custodian by telephone. The transmission and confirmation of the fund manager's instructions are not timely or the account funds are not available

If sufficient execution time is not set aside, resulting in the failure to execute the order in time, the Fund Custodian shall not be liable for

The loss caused by this. The fund manager shall not deny the effectiveness of the order issued by the authorized person. Gikinto

The supervisor can execute the order only after confirming the validity of the order in accordance with the method specified in the "Authorization Notice". Instruction execution

After completion, the Fund Custodian will feed back the implementation results to the Fund Manager.

(4) The circumstances and handling procedures of the Fund Manager sending wrong instructions

The circumstances under which the fund manager sends wrong instructions include that the instruction sender has no right or exceeds the authority to send instructions

The order and delivery information are wrong, and the important information in the order is unclear or incomplete. The Fund Custodian is performing supervision

In case of any error in the instructions of the Fund Manager during the performance of the functions, he has the right to suspend or refuse to execute the instructions as the case may be, and promptly notify

Inform the fund manager to make corrections.

(5) The circumstances and handling procedures under which the Fund Custodian suspends or refuses to execute the order in accordance with laws and regulations

When the Fund Custodian reviews the OTC investment instruction of the Fund, if it finds that the investment instruction of the Fund Manager

If the transaction does not take effect, it will not

Implement and immediately notify the Fund Manager; If the transaction has taken effect, immediately notify the fund manager in writing

Correct within a time limit. After receiving the notice, the Fund Manager shall check it in a timely manner and give feedback to the Fund Custodian in the agreed form;

After timely notification, the Fund Custodian shall not bear the losses and corresponding liabilities caused by failure to implement the instruction.

When reviewing the OTC investment instructions of the Fund, the Fund Custodian finds that the investment instructions may violate

The provisions of laws and regulations, the Fund Agreement and this Agreement shall be suspended and the Fund Manager shall be notified to make corrections.

If the Fund Manager refuses to correct, the Fund Custodian has the right to report to the CSRC.

(6) The handling method for the Fund Custodian's failure to follow the instructions of the Fund Manager

Legal and effective instructions and notices of the Fund Manager, unless in violation of laws and regulations, the Fund Agreement

The Fund Custodian shall not unreasonably refuse or delay the execution of the Custodian Agreement. Due to its own reasons, the Fund Custodian

If it fails to comply with the normal instructions sent by the fund manager, it shall take timely measures to make up for it after it is found

Direct economic losses caused by losses of fund share holders, fund assets or fund managers

Be liable for loss of compensation.

(7) Replacement of authorized person

The Fund Manager shall replace the authorized person or change the authorized person's authority by fax or as agreed by both parties

By sending a notice of change of the authorized person affixed with the official seal to the fund custodian, indicating the date of activation, and calling

Notify the Fund Custodian. The amendment of the Fund Manager to the content of the authorization notice shall be initiated as indicated in the change notice

Effective from. The Fund Manager shall send the original of the notice of change of the authorized person to the Fund Manager within three working days thereafter

Gold Custodian. The activation date indicated in the change notice shall not be earlier than the date when the Fund Custodian receives the original change notice and

Time point confirmed by telephone. If it is earlier than, it shall be deemed that the Fund Custodian has received the original of the change notice and confirmed by telephone

The time is the effective time. If the Fund Manager has revoked or changed the authorization of the person who sent the order, and

If the fund custodian is notified in writing, the person who sends the order after the activation date of the notice of change has no right to send

The Fund Manager shall not be liable for the orders issued by the Fund Manager or the orders sent beyond its authority.

7、 Transaction, clearing and settlement arrangements

(1) Select the securities business organization for securities trading

The Fund Manager shall design the standards and procedures for selecting the securities operating institutions for securities trading. Fund manager

The securities operating agency responsible for selecting the securities trading agency of the Fund and renting its trading unit as the exclusive use of the Fund

Transaction unit. The fund manager and the selected securities operating institution sign a transaction unit lease agreement, and the fund manager

The Manager shall notify the Fund Custodian in advance. The margin of the trading unit shall be delivered by the selected securities operating institution. base

The fund manager shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, list the selected securities operating institutions in the interim report and annual report of the fund

Relevant information, the trading volume of securities purchased and sold by the fund through the securities operating agency, the trading volume of repurchase and the payment

The commission shall be disclosed, and the above information, fund transaction unit number, commission rate and other basic information shall be changed

Further information shall be notified to the Fund Custodian in writing in a timely manner. Due to the modification of relevant laws and regulations or transaction rules

The changes shall be subject to the then effective laws and regulations and relevant transaction rules.

(2) Settlement arrangements after the fund invests in securities

1. Clearing and settlement

According to the Administrative Measures for Settlement Reserves of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited

Measures for the Administration of Securities Deposits and Clearing, and China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. shall settle

Recalculate the minimum settlement reserve limit or settlement margin and securities settlement margin of the participants

For adjustment, the administrator shall estimate the adjustment amount of the minimum reserve and securities settlement margin one trading day in advance

Make sufficient capital position to ensure normal settlement. The Fund Custodian is registered with China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

On the day when the company adjusts the minimum settlement provision and securities settlement margin, it shall reflect the adjusted

Low provisions and securities settlement margins. The Fund Manager shall reserve minimum provisions and securities settlement deposits,

And according to the actual minimum provisions and securities settlement of the next month determined by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited

The margin data is used to adjust the required cash position based on the arrangement of fund operation.

The Fund Custodian shall be responsible for the clearing and settlement of the securities traded by the Fund. The fund custodian shall, according to the

Settlement data processing of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited; The fund custodian shall, according to the

The fund manager's transaction transfer instructions shall be handled specifically.

If the loss of fund property is caused in liquidation only because of the Fund Custodian's own reasons, the Fund Custodian shall

The administrator shall be responsible for compensation; If the Fund Manager fails to notify the Fund Custodian in advance of the increase of trading units,

The Fund Manager shall be responsible for the incompleteness of the data received by the Fund Custodian and the clearing errors; If

Because the fund manager has not notified the transactions that need to be settled separately in advance, the loss of fund assets shall be managed by the fund

Manager undertaking; If the fund manager violates the provisions of the market operation rules for overbought, oversold and other reasons

If it causes difficulties and risks in fund investment liquidation, the Fund Custodian shall immediately notify the Fund Manager upon discovery

The Fund Manager shall be responsible for solving the direct losses caused to the Fund Custodian and the Fund


The Fund Manager shall take reasonable and necessary measures to ensure that there will be sufficient capital positions on T day

Capital settlement of investment transaction on T+1 day; If the fund position is insufficient due to the fund manager, the fund management

I shall make up the overdraft before 10:00 a.m. on T+1 day to ensure the capital clearing. If the above provisions are not followed

The sufficient capital position affects the clearing and settlement of fund assets and the relationship between the fund custodian and China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

The direct losses caused to the Fund Custodian and the Fund assets by the primary liquidation between the responsible companies shall be borne by the Fund

The manager is responsible.

The Fund Manager shall ensure that when the Fund Custodian executes the transfer instruction sent by the Fund Manager, the Fund Bank

There is sufficient funds in the bank account or fund settlement account (except for the funds received by the registration company or frozen). Fund's

When the fund position is insufficient, the Fund Custodian has the right to refuse to execute the transfer instruction sent by the Fund Manager and notify

Inform the fund manager, and regard the time when the account balance is sufficient as the delivery time of the order. The fund manager sends the transfer reference

The fund custodian's transfer processing time should be taken into full consideration at the time of order, which is generally 2 working hours. Funds in the Fund

If the position is sufficient, the Fund Custodian shall comply with laws and regulations, the Fund Agreement and this Agreement with the Fund Manager

No delay or refusal to execute the order of.

2. Time and method of reconciliation of transaction records, capital and securities accounts

1) Reconciliation of transactions

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall check the transaction records on a daily basis. Before the daily disclosure of net worth,

It must be ensured that all the actual transaction records of the day are completely consistent with the transaction records on the fund accounting books. If true

Inconsistency between inter transaction records and accounting book records results in incomplete or untrue fund accounting, which leads to

The direct losses incurred shall be borne by the Fund Manager.

2) Reconciliation of capital accounts

The capital accounts are verified on a daily basis, and the accounts are consistent with the facts. The opening outlet of the fund account does not need to contact the fund manager

Conduct bank enterprise reconciliation.

3) Reconciliation of securities accounts

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall check the fund securities accounts at the end of each trading day to ensure the accounts of both parties


4) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall check the physical securities accounts at the end of each month.

(3) Basic Provisions on Fund Purchase and Redemption

1. Confirmation and liquidation of subscription and redemption of fund units shall be undertaken by the fund manager or its entrusted registration institution


2. The Fund Manager shall transmit the data of subscription, redemption and conversion of open-ended funds on each open day

To the Fund Custodian. The Fund Manager shall be true to the data of subscription, redemption and conversion of open-ended funds transmitted

Sexual responsibility. The Fund Custodian shall check the receipt of subscription and transferred funds in time and according to the instructions of the Fund Manager

Order timely transfer of redemption and transfer out funds.

3. The Fund Manager shall ensure that each work of the registration authority of the Fund (or entrusted by the Fund Manager)

Send the above relevant data of the previous open day to the Fund Custodian before 15:00 on the day of, and ensure the accuracy of the relevant data

Accurate and complete.

4. The registration authority shall send relevant data (including electronic

Data and sealed paper clearing summary), if the system cannot send normally due to various reasons

Can be settled through negotiation. For the data sent by the Fund Manager to the Fund Custodian, both parties shall

Provisions for preservation.

5. If the Fund Manager entrusts other institutions to handle the registration business of the Fund, it shall ensure the above related matters

It should be carried out on time. Otherwise, the fund manager shall bear corresponding responsibilities.

6. Establishment and management of special clearing account

In order to meet the needs of subscription, redemption and dividend capital remittance, the fund manager shall open a special fund clearing

The account is managed by the registration agency.

7. The fund manager shall be responsible for the accounts receivable generated in the process of fund purchase with the relevant parties

Determine the date of receipt and notify the Fund Custodian that if the receivables do not reach the Fund's capital account on the date of receipt, the Fund

The custodian shall timely notify the fund manager to take measures to collect the funds, and the fund management

The manager shall be responsible for recovering the losses of the fund from the parties concerned.

8. Redemption and dividend fund allocation regulations

When the redemption money is allocated or the fund dividends are distributed, if the fund fund account has sufficient funds, the fund custodian

It shall be allocated on time; The Fund Custodian is unable to allocate funds on time due to insufficient funds in the Fund's capital account,

If it is caused by the Fund Manager, the responsibility and corresponding consequences shall be borne by the Fund Manager, and the Fund Custodian

No advance obligation.

9. Capital Instruction

Except that the purchase amount reaches the fund account and needs to be reconciled by both parties according to the agreed method, the due payment for repurchase and

The Fund Manager shall issue instructions to the Fund Custodian when making payment, redemption and dividend capital allocation related to investment.

(4) Net settlement of redemption and purchase

Fund purchase, redemption and other funds shall be offset between the fund custody account and the "registered clearing account"

Settlement method of collection.

The fund settlement between the fund custody account and the "fund clearing account" follows the principle of "full settlement and net settlement"

According to the difference between the funds receivable and the funds payable in the custody account

The amount is used to determine the net receivable amount or net payable amount of the custody account, so as to determine the capital delivery amount. When there is a custody account

In case of net receivables, the Fund Manager shall transfer them from the fund clearing account to the fund custody account before 15:00 on T day

The Fund Custodian shall immediately notify the Fund Manager to conduct accounting management after the funds are received; When hosting exists

When the net amount payable of the account, the Fund Manager shall send the transfer instruction to the Fund Custodian

The money manager's transfer instruction will transfer the net payable amount of the escrow account to the fund clearing account before 15:00 on T day,

The Fund Custodian shall immediately notify the Fund Manager to conduct accounting management after the funds are transferred out.

If the fund is a net receivable on that day, the fund custodian shall timely check whether the funds collected have arrived in the account

The fund manager shall notify the fund manager to transfer the funds that are not received on time due to reasons of the fund manager

The Fund Manager shall assume the responsibilities.

If the fund is net payable on that day, the Fund Custodian shall transfer it in time according to the instructions of the Fund Manager

Pay. The Fund Manager shall timely notify the Fund Custodian of the funds that are not transferred on time due to the Fund Custodian

The fund custodian shall bear the responsibilities arising from the transfer by the custodian.

(5) Settlement arrangements for fund income distribution

1. The Fund Manager shall notify the Fund Custodian of the dividend plan, which shall be approved by both parties in accordance with the Information Disclosure

The relevant provisions of the Measures shall be announced on the media specified by the CSRC.

2. After the fund custodian and the fund manager conduct accounting treatment and check on the fund dividend, the fund management

The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the transfer instruction sent by the Fund Custodian to the Fund Custodian for the transfer of cash dividends

On the payment date, the funds shall be transferred to the account designated by the fund manager in a timely manner.

3. When giving instructions, the Fund Manager shall allow the Fund Custodian the necessary time to transfer funds.

8、 Calculation and accounting of fund net asset value

(1) Calculation and review of net fund assets, net fund unit values and cumulative net fund unit values

The net asset value of the Fund refers to the value of the total assets of the Fund minus the liabilities of the Fund.

The net value of various fund units is calculated by dividing the net value of various fund assets by the current period after the market is closed on each working day

The balance of fund units of the category shall be calculated to the nearest 0.0001 yuan, and the fifth digit after the decimal point shall be rounded off

And the resulting errors shall be included in the fund assets. The fund manager can set the net value in the case of large redemption

Precision emergency adjustment mechanism. If the national laws and regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

The Fund Manager shall calculate the net asset value of the Fund and the net value of various fund units every working day, and

Announce the net value of the fund.

The Fund Manager shall evaluate the assets of the Fund every working day

Except when the valuation is suspended according to the provisions of the gold contract. The valuation principle should comply with the fund contract and the China Securities Regulatory Commission

The Commission's Guiding Opinions on the Valuation of Securities Investment Funds and other laws and regulations. fund

The net asset value, net fund share value and cumulative net fund share value shall be calculated by the fund manager, and the fund shall be placed in custody

Reviewed by. The Fund Manager shall calculate the net asset value of the Fund, the Fund

The net value of units and the cumulative net value of fund units shall be sent to the fund custodian in an agreed manner. Fund Custodian Reconciliation

After the review of the calculation results, the review results shall be fed back to the Fund Manager, who shall publish them as agreed.

The valuation object of the Fund is the principal and interest of bonds and bank deposits owned by the Fund, accounts receivable, interbank deposit receipts

Assets and liabilities such as asset-backed securities and other investments.

The Fund is valued as follows:

1. Valuation of securities listed on stock exchanges

(1) Non equity fixed income varieties listed on the exchange market or transferred by listing (otherwise specified

Except), select the full valuation price of the corresponding varieties provided by the third-party valuation benchmark service agency on the valuation date

Line valuation.

(2) Fixed income varieties with rights listed on the exchange market or transferred by listing (unless otherwise specified

Select the unique full valuation price of the corresponding varieties provided by the third-party valuation benchmark service agency on the valuation date

Or recommend full valuation price for valuation.

(3) The fair value of the securities listed on the Exchange without an active market shall be determined by valuation techniques.

The fair value of asset-backed securities listed and transferred in the exchange market shall be determined by valuation techniques.

(4) For unlisted or unlisted bonds issued in the exchange market

Under such circumstances, the unadjusted quotation in the active market shall be taken as the fair value on the valuation date; For active markets

If the quotation fails to represent the fair value on the valuation date, the market quotation shall be adjusted to confirm the

Fair value; In the case of no or few market activities, valuation techniques should be used to determine

Its fair value.

2. For the initial public offering of unlisted bonds, valuation techniques shall be used to determine the fair value.

3. For the fixed income varieties without rights in the national inter-bank market, the third-party valuation benchmark shall be used

The full price valuation of the corresponding varieties provided by the institution on the current day. For the types of fixed income with rights in the inter-bank market,

According to the unique full valuation or recommended valuation of the corresponding varieties provided by the third-party valuation benchmark service agency on the current day

Full price valuation. For the fixed income varieties that are not listed or transferred without listing and there is no active market, the valuation method is adopted

The fair value is determined by value technology.

4. For fixed income varieties including the investor's right to put back, if the right to put back is exercised

Select the unique full valuation price of the corresponding varieties provided by the third-party valuation benchmark service agency during the actual collection date

Or recommend full price valuation. If the right of resale is not exercised after the deadline of the registration period for resale (including the date)

The price corresponding to the payment period is estimated.

5. If the same security is traded in two or more markets at the same time, it shall be separately evaluated according to the market in which the security is located


6. Other assets shall be valued according to laws and regulations or relevant regulations of the regulatory authority.

7. In case of large amount purchase or redemption of the Fund, the Fund Manager may adopt the swing pricing mechanism,

In order to ensure the fairness of fund valuation, the specific handling principles and operating specifications comply with relevant laws, regulations and supervision

Provisions of departments and self-discipline rules.

8. If there is conclusive evidence that the above method of valuation cannot objectively reflect its fair value

The Fund Manager may, after consultation with the Fund Custodian according to the specific circumstances, conduct valuation by the method that best reflects the fair value.

9. If there are mandatory provisions in relevant laws and regulations and regulatory authorities, such provisions shall prevail. If there are new items,

Valuation according to the latest national regulations.

If the fund manager or the fund custodian finds that the fund valuation violates the valuation method and procedure specified in the fund contract

In case of the provisions of relevant laws and regulations or failure to fully protect the interests of fund share holders, it shall immediately notify

The other party shall jointly find out the cause, and the two parties shall solve it through consultation.

According to relevant laws and regulations, the obligations of the Fund Manager to calculate the net asset value of the Fund and to conduct financial accounting of the Fund are

Undertake. The fund manager is the fund accounting responsible party of the Fund

If no agreement can be reached after full discussion on the basis of equality between relevant parties

The Fund Manager shall publish the calculation results of the net value of the Fund.

(2) Handling of valuation errors

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian will take necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures to ensure the valuation of the Fund assets

Accuracy and timeliness. When the net value of any type of fund unit is within 4 decimal places (including the 4th decimal place)

If the valuation is wrong, it shall be deemed that the net value of such fund units is wrong.

The parties to the fund contract shall deal with it in accordance with the following provisions:

1. Type of valuation error

During the operation of the Fund, if the Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian, or the registration authority, or

If the error in valuation is caused by the fault of the selling institution or the investor itself, causing losses to other parties, the fault

The person responsible for the loss of the party ("the injured party") who suffered losses due to the valuation error shall

It states the "principle of handling valuation errors" to make compensation and bear the liability for compensation.

The main types of the above valuation errors include but are not limited to: data declaration errors, data transmission errors

According to the calculation error, system failure error, instruction error, etc. For errors caused by technical reasons, if

If the existing technical level of the same industry is unforeseeable, unavoidable or insurmountable, it is force majeure

The implementation of relevant provisions on "force majeure" is described.

The investor's transaction information is lost or wrongly handled or other problems are caused due to force majeure

Wrong, the party who made an error due to force majeure shall not be liable for compensation to other parties, but

The party who wrongly obtains the unjust enrichment shall still have the obligation to return the unjust enrichment.

2. Principles for handling valuation errors

(1) When the valuation error has occurred, but has not caused losses to the parties, the party responsible for the valuation error shall

Coordinate all parties to correct the valuation errors in a timely manner, and the costs arising from the correction of valuation errors shall be borne by the party responsible for the valuation errors;

If the party responsible for the valuation error fails to correct the valuation error that has occurred in time, causing losses to the party concerned

The party responsible for the value error shall be liable for compensation for the direct loss; If the responsible party for the valuation error has actively coordinated, and

If the party with the obligation to assist has enough time to make corrections but fails to make corrections, the party with the obligation to assist shall

It shall bear the corresponding liability for compensation. The party responsible for the valuation error shall confirm the correction to the relevant parties,

Ensure that valuation errors have been corrected.

(2) The party responsible for the valuation error shall be responsible for the direct losses of the parties concerned, not for the indirect losses,

And it is only responsible for the direct parties involved in the valuation error, not the third party.

(3) The party who has obtained the unjust enrichment due to the valuation error has the obligation to return the unjust enrichment in a timely manner.

However, the party responsible for the valuation error shall still be responsible for the valuation error. If the party who has obtained unjust enrichment does not return

Or the loss of interests of other parties caused by not returning all the unjust enrichment ("the injured party"), then the valuation is wrong

The responsible party shall compensate the loss of the injured party and, within the scope of the amount of compensation paid by it, shall pay compensation to the injured party

The parties have the right to demand the delivery of unjust enrichment; If the party obtaining unjust enrichment has already transferred this part

If the unjust enrichment is returned to the aggrieved party, the aggrieved party shall add the amount of compensation it has received to the amount of compensation it has received

When the sum of the profits returned exceeds the difference of its actual loss, it shall be paid to the party responsible for the valuation error.

(4) The adjustment of valuation errors shall be made in the way of recovering to the correct situation assuming no valuation errors.

3. Valuation error handling procedure

After the valuation error is found, the relevant parties shall deal with it in a timely manner, and the handling procedures are as follows:

(1) Find out the causes of valuation errors, list all parties involved, and

Determine the responsible party for the valuation error;

(2) Losses caused by valuation errors according to the principle of handling valuation errors or the method negotiated by the parties

Conduct evaluation;

(3) According to the principle of handling valuation errors or the method negotiated by the parties concerned, the party responsible for valuation errors shall

Correction and compensation of losses;

(4) If it is necessary to modify the transaction data of the fund registration agency according to the method of handling valuation errors

The gold registration authority shall make corrections and confirm the correction of valuation errors to the relevant parties.

4. The method for handling errors in the valuation of the net value of fund units is as follows:

(1) In case of any error in the calculation of the net value of any type of fund unit, the Fund Manager shall immediately correct it,

Inform the Fund Custodian and take reasonable measures to prevent further losses.

(2) When the error deviation reaches 0.25% of the net value of such fund units, the Fund Manager shall notify the Fund Manager that

The fund custodian shall also report to the CSRC for filing; When the error deviation reaches 0.5% of the net value of such fund units

The fund manager shall announce and notify the fund custodian and report to the CSRC for filing.

(3) When the calculation error of the net value of fund units causes losses to the funds and fund unit holders

In case of compensation, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall define the responsibilities of both parties according to the actual situation, and upon confirmation

The compensation shall be made according to the following terms:

① The Fund Manager shall be responsible for the accounting of the Fund. Accounting issues related to the Fund,

If no agreement can be reached after full discussion on the basis of equality between the two parties, it shall be implemented according to the proposal of the fund manager

The Fund Manager shall be responsible for making compensation for the losses caused to the Fund Unitholders and the Fund property.

② If the net value of fund units calculated by the Fund Manager has been reviewed and confirmed by the Fund Custodian and announced

If losses are caused to fund share holders, compensation shall be paid to investors or funds in accordance with laws and regulations

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall, according to the amount of compensation actually paid to investors or the Fund

Each degree shall bear corresponding responsibilities.

③ For example, the calculation results of the fund manager and the fund custodian on the net value of fund units, although recalculated many times

If no agreement can be reached, in order to avoid the situation that the net value of fund units cannot be announced on time

The calculation results of the Fund Manager are published to the public, resulting in losses to the Fund Unitholders and the Fund, and

The fund manager shall be responsible for compensating the losses caused by the error of deferring the calculation of the net asset value of the fund on the trading day.

④ Due to the information error provided by the fund manager (including but not limited to the fund purchase or redemption amount),

The Fund Custodian still cannot find the error after performing the normal review procedure, which leads to the calculation of the net value of the Fund units

The Fund Manager shall be responsible for compensating the losses of the Fund Unitholders and the Fund property caused by the miscalculation.

(4) If the above contents are otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or the regulatory authority, they shall be handled in accordance with their provisions. If line

There is a common practice in the industry. On the premise of not violating laws and regulations and not damaging the interests of investors, the fund manager and

The Fund Custodian shall renegotiate on the principle of equality and protection of the interests of Fund Unitholders


5. Suspension of valuation

(1) The securities trading market involved in the Fund's investment is suspended for legal holidays or other reasons


(2) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian are unable to accurately assess the value of the Fund assets due to force majeure


(3) When specific assets account for more than 50% of the net asset value of the fund on the previous valuation date

After consultation and confirmation, the Fund Manager shall suspend the valuation;

(4) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations, recognized by the CSRC and the fund contract.

6. Handling of special cases

(1) When the Fund Manager or Fund Custodian conducts valuation according to Item 8 of the above valuation method

The resulting errors shall not be treated as errors in the valuation of fund assets.

(2) Due to force majeure, or due to the stock exchange, registration authority and other third-party institutions

Although the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian have taken necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures to

If the bank checks but fails to find any error, the resulting valuation error of fund assets, the fund manager and the fund

The trustee is exempted from liability for compensation. However, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall actively take necessary measures to eliminate

Or reduce the impact caused thereby.

7. Fund asset valuation during the implementation of side pocket mechanism

If the Fund implements the side pocket mechanism, the main pocket account assets shall be valued and

Disclose the net fund value information of the main pocket account, and suspend the disclosure of the net fund value information of the side pocket account.

(3) Fund accounting system

The accounting system formulated by relevant national departments shall be followed.

(4) Establishment of fund account book

After the fund contract comes into effect, the fund manager and the fund custodian shall follow the same bookkeeping party agreed by both parties

Methods and accounting treatment principles, independently set up, record and keep the full set of account books of the Fund

Our account books shall be checked regularly and mutually supervised to ensure the safety of fund assets. If both parties make accounting treatment

If there are differences in methods, the fund manager's handling method shall prevail.

(5) Reconciliation of accounting data and financial indicators

Both parties shall check the accounts every trading day. If the accounts of both parties are found to be inconsistent, the fund manager and

The Fund Custodian must promptly identify the causes and correct them to ensure consistency. If the check on the current day is inconsistent, temporarily none

If the cause of wrong account is found through legal investigation, which affects the calculation and announcement of the net asset value of the fund

Volume shall prevail.

(6) Preparation and review of regular reports of the Fund

The financial statements of the Fund shall be independently prepared by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian on a monthly basis. Preparation of monthly statements

It shall be completed within 5 working days after the end of each month.

The Fund Manager shall complete the annual report of the Fund within three months from the end of each year

The annual report is published on the specified website, and the advisory announcement of the annual report is published on the specified newspaper. Fund year

The financial accounting report in the report shall be certified by an accountant who complies with the provisions of the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China

Audit by the firm.

The Fund Manager shall, within two months from the end of the first half of the year, prepare the interim report of the Fund and

The interim report is published on the specified website, and the suggestive announcement of the interim report is published on the specified newspaper.

The Fund Manager shall complete the quarterly report of the Fund within 15 working days from the end of the quarter,

Publish the quarterly report on the specified website, and publish the suggestive announcement of the quarterly report on the specified newspaper.

If the Fund Contract takes effect less than two months ago, the Fund Manager may not prepare the current quarterly report

Periodic report or annual report.

The Fund Manager shall complete the preparation of the statements of the previous month within three working days at the beginning of the month, and shall agree to

To provide relevant statements to the Fund Custodian; The Fund Custodian shall review within 2 working days upon receipt,

And notify the Fund Manager of the review results in writing or in other ways agreed by both parties in a timely manner. For quarters

Report, interim report, annual report and other regular reports, updated prospectus, fund product information summary,

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall complete the preparation, review and announcement within the time specified by the above regulatory authorities.

When the Fund Custodian finds discrepancies in the statements of both parties during the review process, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian

People shall jointly find out the reasons and make adjustments, which shall be subject to the accounting treatment method agreed by both parties. If the fund

The Manager and the Fund Custodian cannot reach an agreement on the relevant statements before the date of announcement

The Fund Custodian has the right to report relevant information to the CSRC for filing


After reviewing the financial statements, quarterly reports, interim reports or annual reports, the Fund Custodian shall

When a recheck confirmation letter (seal) is issued or confirmed in other ways agreed by both parties

Document review and inspection.

9、 Fund income distribution

Fund income distribution refers to the distribution of the distributable income of the Fund in proportion to the number of fund units held

Distribute to fund share holders.

(1) The distribution of fund income shall comply with the provisions of the income distribution principles in the fund contract

As follows:

1. On the premise of meeting the conditions for fund dividends, the fund manager can carry out

For income distribution, see the announcement issued by the fund manager at that time for the specific distribution plan. If the Fund Contract takes effect

No income distribution is required for less than 3 months;

2. There are two ways of income distribution of the Fund: cash dividends and dividend reinvestment. Investors can choose cash

Cash dividends or reinvestment of cash dividends automatically into corresponding types of fund units; If investors do not choose,

The Fund's default income distribution method is cash dividends;

3. Since Class A fund units of the Fund do not charge sales service fees, Class C fund units charge sales service fees

Service fees. The distributable profits corresponding to each fund share category will be different

Fund units enjoy equal distribution rights;

4. If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities have other provisions, such provisions shall prevail.

In the case of no material adverse effect on the interests of fund share holders, the Fund Manager may

If permitted by laws and regulations, appropriate procedures shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities after consultation with the Fund Custodian

After that, the above fund income distribution principles shall be adjusted as appropriate. This adjustment does not require the convening of a general meeting of fund share holders,

However, it shall be announced in the specified media before the change implementation date.

(2) Determination and announcement of fund income distribution plan

The income distribution plan of the Fund shall be formulated by the Fund Manager and reviewed by the Fund Custodian

The relevant provisions of the Disclosure Measures are announced in the specified media. The fund income distribution plan shall specify the income as of

Distributable profits available on the benchmark date, distribution objects of fund income, distribution time, distribution amount and proportion

Configuration method, etc.

(3) Income distribution during the implementation of side pocket mechanism

If the Fund implements the side pocket mechanism, the side pocket account will not carry out income distribution, as detailed in the prospectus.

10、 Fund information disclosure

(1) Confidentiality obligations

Except in accordance with the Fund Law, the Fund Contract, the Information Disclosure Measures, the Liquidity Risk Management Regulations and

In addition to the disclosure of the relevant provisions of the CSRC on fund information disclosure, the fund manager and the fund custody

Fund information before public disclosure, business information obtained from the other party and other funds not suitable for public disclosure

The information shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third party. As otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations

Except for those provided by judicial authorities and those provided by external professional consultants such as audit and law consultants.

The following circumstances shall not be deemed as breach of confidentiality obligations by the Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian:

1. Confidential information is disclosed, divulged or made public for reasons other than those of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian;

2. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall abide by and obey the court judgment or ruling, arbitral award or

Information disclosure or disclosure made by the order and decision of the CSRC and other regulatory agencies;

3. Information disclosure or disclosure with the prior written consent of the opposite party.

(2) Responsibilities and information disclosure procedures of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian in fund information disclosure

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Agreement, bear the responsibility for

Responsibilities for information disclosure. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall actively cooperate, supervise and supervise each other

And ensure that it performs its obligation of disclosure in accordance with the statutory manner and time limit.

The information disclosure content of the fund mainly includes the fund prospectus, the summary of fund product information, and the fund portfolio

I. Fund Custody Agreement, Fund Unit Offering Announcement, Fund Contract Effectiveness Announcement, Fund Net Value Information, Fund

Subscription and redemption prices of gold units, regular reports of the Fund (including annual reports, interim reports and basic reports of the Fund)

Golden quarterly report), interim report, resolution of the general meeting of fund share holders, clarification announcement, liquidation report, investment

Information disclosure of asset-backed securities, information disclosure during the implementation of the side pocket mechanism and the provisions of the CSRC

Other information.

The Fund Custodian shall review the relevant reports in accordance with Article 8 (6) of this Agreement. fund

The financial accounting report in the annual report shall be certified by an accountant meeting the provisions of the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China

It can be disclosed only after audit by the financial office.

The information disclosure announcement of the Fund must be released in the media specified by the CSRC.

(3) Suspension or delay of information disclosure

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian may suspend or delay the disclosure of fund related letters in the following circumstances


1. Force majeure;

2. When the stock exchange involved in the fund investment is suspended on statutory holidays or for other reasons;

3. The valuation is suspended as agreed in the Fund Contract;

4. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations, recognized by the CSRC or the fund contract.

(4) Fund Custodian Report

The Fund Custodian shall issue a report on the custody of the Fund in accordance with the Fund Law and the relevant provisions of the CSRC.

The report of the Fund Custodian describes the performance of the Fund Agreement by the Fund Custodian and the Fund Manager in the semi annual/annual period

Status is an integral part of the Fund's interim report and annual report.

11、 Fund expenses

(1) Management fee of fund manager

The management fee of the Fund is accrued at an annual fee rate of 0.30% of the net asset value of the Fund on the previous day. Calculation of management fee

The calculation method is as follows:

H = E × 0.30% ÷ days of the year

H is the daily accrued fund management fee

E is the net asset value of the fund on the previous day

The fund management fee is accrued daily, accumulated day by day to the end of each month, and paid monthly

After the Fund Custodian checks and agrees, the Fund Custodian shall, on the first day of the following month, negotiate with the Fund Manager

It shall be paid to the fund manager in a lump sum from the fund property within 5 working days. In case of legal holidays and public holidays

In case of holiday or force majeure, the payment date shall be postponed.

(2) Custody fees of the Fund Custodian

The custody fee of the Fund is accrued at an annual fee rate of 0.10% of the net asset value of the Fund on the previous day. Calculation of custody fee

The calculation method is as follows:

H = E × 0.10% ÷ days of the year

H is the fund custody fee that should be accrued every day

E is the net asset value of the fund on the previous day

The fund custody fee is accrued daily, accumulated to the end of each month day by day, and paid monthly

After the Fund Custodian checks and agrees, the Fund Custodian shall, on the first day of the following month, negotiate with the Fund Manager

One time withdrawal from the fund property within 5 working days. In case of legal holidays, public holidays or force majeure

And the payment date shall be postponed.

(3) Sales service fee

There is no sales service fee for Class A fund units of the Fund, and the annual rate of sales service fee for Class C fund units

0.25%. The calculation method of sales service fee is as follows:

H = E × 0.25% ÷ days of the year

H is the daily accrued sales service fee for Class C fund units

E is the net asset value of Class C fund shares on the previous day

The sales service fee is accrued daily, accumulated day by day to the end of each month, and paid monthly

After the Fund Custodian checks and agrees, the Fund Custodian shall, on the first day of the following month, negotiate with the Fund Manager

It shall be paid to the fund manager in a lump sum from the fund property within 5 working days, and the fund manager shall pay it to the fund manager for sale

Seller. In case of legal holidays, public holidays or force majeure, the payment date shall be postponed.

(4) Items not included in fund expenses

The following expenses are not included in the fund expenses:

1. Expenses incurred by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian due to failure to perform or fail to fully perform their obligations or

Loss of fund property;

2. Expenses incurred by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian in handling matters unrelated to the operation of the Fund;

3. Relevant expenses before the Fund Contract comes into effect;

4. Other items that may not be included in the fund fees according to relevant laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the CSRC


(5) Fund tax

All taxpayers involved in the operation of the Fund shall pay taxes in accordance with national tax laws and regulations

that 's ok. The relevant taxes on the investment of fund assets shall be borne by the fund share holders and deducted by the fund manager or others

The payer shall withhold and remit the tax in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state on tax collection.

(6) Fund expenses during the implementation of the side pocket mechanism

If the Fund implements the side pocket mechanism, the expenses related to the side pocket account can be disbursed from the side pocket account, but

It can be disbursed only after the assets of the side pocket account are realized, and the relevant fees can be charged or reduced as appropriate, but cannot be charged

Please refer to the prospectus or relevant announcements for details of fees and other fees.

12、 Custody of the Register of Fund Unitholders

The register of fund unit holders shall at least include the names of fund unit holders and the fund units they hold.

The register of fund unit holders shall be prepared and kept by the fund registration agency in accordance with the instructions of the fund manager

The Manager and the Fund Custodian shall respectively keep the register of Fund Unitholders for a period not less than that prescribed by laws and regulations

Minimum deadline of. If it cannot be properly kept, it shall be liable according to relevant regulations.

The Fund Custodian has the right to collect information from the Fund Manager before preparing the interim report and annual report according to law

The Fund Manager shall deliver the relevant information to the Fund Custodian, and shall not refuse or delay the provision without reason, and shall ensure that

To prove its authenticity, accuracy and integrity. The Fund Custodian shall not transfer the names of the holders of the Fund units under its custody

The Register shall be used for purposes other than fund custody business and shall comply with confidentiality obligations.

13、 Preservation of Fund related documents and archives

The Fund Manager shall keep records, account books, statements and other relevant information on the business activities of fund property management

The Fund Custodian shall keep records, account books, statements and other relevant materials of the Fund custody business activities.

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall keep the original vouchers, accounting vouchers, fund account books

The retention period of accounting reports, transaction records and important contracts shall not be less than the minimum period prescribed by laws and regulations.

After the Fund Manager signs a major contract, it shall promptly deliver the original of the contract to the Fund Custodian.

The Fund Manager shall timely fax the contracts and agreements related to the accounting treatment and fund allocation of the Fund to the Fund

Gold Custodian.

After the change of the Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian, the party that has not changed is obliged to assist the successor in receiving the Fund

Related documents of.

14、 Replacement of Fund Manager and Fund Custodian

(1) Replacement of Fund Manager

1. Termination of the Fund Manager's duties

Under any of the following circumstances, the duties of the fund manager shall be terminated:

(1) Having been disqualified from fund management according to law;

(2) Dismissed by the general meeting of fund unit holders;

(3) It is dissolved, canceled or declared bankrupt according to law;

(4) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations, CSRC and the Fund Contract.

2. Replacement procedure of fund manager

(1) Nomination: The new Fund Manager is held by the Fund Custodian or by more than 10% (including

10%) Nomination of fund unit holders of fund units;

(2) Resolution: The General Meeting of Fund Unitholders shall, within 6 months after the termination of the duties of the Fund Manager

Of fund managers form a resolution, which is subject to the voting rights held by fund share holders attending the meeting

More than two thirds (including two thirds) of the votes are passed, and the resolution shall come into force as of the date of voting;

(3) Temporary Fund Manager: The CSRC shall designate a temporary fund manager before the new fund manager is appointed

Fund manager;

(4) Filing: five days from the date of adoption of the resolution of the General Meeting of Fund Unitholders to change the Fund Manager

Internal report to the CSRC for filing;

(5) Announcement: After the replacement of the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian shall replace the Fund Manager's shares of the Fund

After the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders takes effect, it shall be announced in the specified media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures;

(6) Handover: Where the duties of the fund manager are terminated, the original fund manager shall properly keep the fund management industry

And timely handle the transfer procedures of fund management business to the temporary fund manager or the new fund manager,

The temporary fund manager or the new fund manager shall take over in a timely manner. New fund manager or temporary fund management

The person shall check the total value and net value of the fund assets with the fund custodian;

(7) Audit: if the duties of the fund manager are terminated, the fund manager shall employ an accounting firm in accordance with laws and regulations

The financial office shall audit the fund assets, announce the audit results, and report to the CSRC for filing and review

Accrued expenses shall be disbursed from the fund assets;

(8) Change of fund name: after the change of fund manager, if the original or new fund manager requires,

The name words related to the original fund manager in the fund name shall be replaced or deleted as required.

(2) Replacement of Fund Custodian

1. Circumstances of termination of the Fund Custodian's duties

Under any of the following circumstances, the duties of the Fund Custodian shall be terminated:

(1) The fund custody qualification is canceled according to law;

(2) Dismissed by the general meeting of fund unit holders;

(3) It is dissolved, canceled or declared bankrupt according to law;

(4) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations, CSRC and the Fund Contract.

2. Procedures for replacing the Fund Custodian

(1) Nomination: The new Fund Custodian is held by the Fund Manager or more than 10% (including

10%) Nomination of fund unit holders of fund units;

(2) Resolution: The General Meeting of Fund Unitholders shall, within 6 months after the termination of the duties of the Fund Custodian

The Fund Custodian shall form a resolution, which shall be subject to the voting rights held by the Fund Unitholders attending the meeting

More than two thirds (including two thirds) of the votes are passed, and the resolution shall come into force as of the date of voting;

(3) Temporary Fund Custodian: Before the new Fund Custodian is appointed, the CSRC shall appoint a temporary fund custodian

Fund custodian;

(4) Filing: The resolution on replacing the Fund Custodian adopted at the general meeting of the Fund Unitholders is five days from the date of adoption

Internal report to the CSRC for filing;

(5) Announcement: After the replacement of the Fund Custodian, the Fund Manager shall change the Fund shares of the Fund Custodian

After the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders takes effect, it shall be announced in the specified media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures;

(6) Handover: Where the duties of the Fund Custodian are terminated, the original Fund Custodian shall properly keep the Fund assets

And fund custody business information, and timely handle fund assets and

The new Fund Custodian or the temporary Fund Custodian shall take over the handover procedures of the Fund custody business in a timely manner. new

The fund custodian or temporary fund custodian shall check the total value and net value of the fund assets with the fund manager;

(7) Audit: If the duties of the Fund Custodian are terminated, an accounting firm shall be employed in accordance with laws and regulations

The financial office shall audit the fund assets, announce the audit results, and report to the CSRC for filing and review

The accrued expenses shall be disbursed from the fund assets.

(3) Conditions and procedures for simultaneous replacement of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian

(1) Nomination: if the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian change at the same time

Fund share holders with more than 10% (including 10%) of total fund shares nominate new fund managers and fund custody


(2) The replacement of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall be carried out in accordance with the above procedures respectively;

(3) Announcement: The new Fund Manager and the new Fund Custodian shall change the Fund Manager and the Fund

After the resolution of the general meeting of fund unit holders of the custodian takes effect, it shall be regulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures

Joint announcement on fixed media.

(4) The new fund manager or temporary fund manager receives fund management business, or the new fund trust

Before the custodian or temporary fund custodian receives the fund property and fund custody business, the original fund manager or the original fund

The custodian shall continue to perform relevant duties in accordance with laws and regulations and the provisions of the fund contract, and ensure that it will not make

The act of harming the interests of gold share holders. The original fund manager or the original fund custodian is continuing to perform

During the period of relevant duties, he still has the right to collect fund management fees and fund custody fees in accordance with the provisions of the fund contract.

(5) The provisions of this part on the conditions and procedures for the replacement of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian

The reference to laws and regulations or regulatory rules, such as the revision of laws and regulations or regulatory rules in the future

In case of cancellation or change, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian may directly

The corresponding contents shall be modified and adjusted without convening a general meeting of fund share holders for deliberation.

15、 Prohibited acts

The prohibited acts of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian under this Agreement are as follows:

(1) Acts prohibited by the Fund Law.

(2) Unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations and the CSRC, the parties to the custody agreement shall not use the fund property

It is engaged in investment or activities prohibited by the Fund Law.

(3) Unless otherwise specified in the Fund Law and other relevant regulations, the Fund Contract and the CSRC

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall not take advantage of the Fund property or position to seek profits for themselves or any third party


(4) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian have not yet complied with the relevant laws and regulations in the operation of the Fund

The information publicly disclosed in the form of shall not be disclosed to others.

(5) The Fund Manager shall not send transfer instructions to the Fund Custodian when the fund position is insufficient


(6) If the fund position is sufficient and sufficient time is allowed for the fund custodian to execute the instructions

The Fund Custodian shall not delay or refuse the Fund Manager's instructions that comply with laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement


(7) Unless otherwise specified in the fund manager's instructions or the fund contract, the fund custodian shall not use

Or dispose of fund assets.

(8) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall not be the same institution, nor shall they make capital contributions to each other or hold shares

Copies. The Fund Custodian and the Fund Manager shall be administratively and financially independent from each other

Employees or other employees shall not take part-time jobs with each other.

(9) Prohibited investment in the fund contract investment restrictions.

(10) Other behaviors prohibited by laws and regulations, fund contract and this agreement.

If laws, regulations and regulatory authorities cancel or change the above prohibitive provisions, if applicable to the Fund

The Fund will not be subject to the above restrictions or the changed regulations after performing the appropriate procedures.

16、 Change and termination of fund custody agreement and liquidation of fund assets

(1) Changes to the Fund Custody Agreement

The parties to this agreement may modify the agreement after performing appropriate procedures upon consensus. repair

The contents of the revised new agreement shall not conflict with the provisions of the fund contract in any way.

(2) Termination of the Fund Custody Agreement

1. The Fund Contract is terminated;

2. The Fund Custodian is disbanded, revoked or bankrupt according to law, or is disqualified from fund custody according to law, or for other reasons

Cause causes other fund custodians to take over the fund assets;

3. The Fund Manager is disbanded, revoked, bankrupt, disqualified from fund management according to law or due to other reasons

Cause causes other fund managers to take over the fund management right;

4. Occurrence of the Fund Law, Sales Measures, Operation Measures or other laws and regulations, fund contracts

The same as the agreed termination matters.

(3) Liquidation of fund assets

1. Fund asset liquidation team: within 30 working days from the date of termination of the Fund Contract

Establish a fund asset liquidation group, and the fund manager shall organize the fund asset liquidation group and supervise it in the CSRC

Supervise the fund liquidation.

2. Composition of the Fund Assets Liquidation Team: the members of the Fund Assets Liquidation Team are entrusted by the Fund Manager and the Fund

People, certified public accountants and lawyers who meet the provisions of the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, and the CSRC

Fixed personnel composition. The Fund assets liquidation team may employ necessary staff.

3. During the liquidation of the Fund assets, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall perform their respective duties and continue to

Faithfully, diligently and responsibly perform the obligations specified in the Fund Agreement and the Custody Agreement, and maintain the holding of fund units

The legal rights and interests of people.

4. Responsibilities of the Fund Assets Liquidation Team: The Fund Assets Liquidation Team is responsible for the custody, liquidation

Valuation, realization and distribution. The fund assets liquidation team may carry out necessary civil activities according to law.

5. Fund asset liquidation procedures:

(1) In case of termination of the Fund Contract, the Fund Property Liquidation Team shall take over the Fund in a unified manner;

(2) Liquidate and confirm the fund assets, claims and debts;

(3) Valuation and realization of fund assets;

(4) Prepare liquidation report;

(5) Engage an accounting firm to conduct external audit on the liquidation report, and engage a law firm to conduct liquidation

The report shall issue a legal opinion;

(6) Submit the liquidation report to the CSRC for filing and announcement;

(7) Distribute the remaining assets of the Fund.

6. The time limit for the liquidation of the Fund's assets is six months, but the liquidity of the securities held by the Fund is restricted

If the liquidation cannot be realized in time, the liquidation period shall be postponed accordingly.

7. Liquidation expenses

Liquidation expenses refer to all contracts incurred by the fund assets liquidation team in the process of fund assets liquidation

The fund assets liquidation team shall pay the management fees and liquidation fees from the remaining assets of the fund in priority.

8. Distribution of residual assets of fund assets liquidation

Deduct all remaining assets after the liquidation of the Fund assets from the Fund according to the distribution plan for the liquidation of the Fund assets

The fund held by the fund share holder shall be subject to the liquidation expenses, payment of taxes owed and settlement of fund debts

Share proportion.

9. Announcement of Fund Asset Liquidation

Major issues related to the liquidation process must be announced in a timely manner; The liquidation report of the fund assets is in accordance with

The accounting firm stipulated in the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China shall audit and the legal opinion shall be issued by the law firm and then submitted

The CSRC shall record and announce. The fund assets liquidation announcement shall be submitted to the CSRC in the fund assets liquidation report for filing

The Fund Assets Liquidation Group shall make a public announcement within 5 working days after the case, and the Fund Assets Liquidation Group shall liquidate

The report is published on the specified website, and the suggestive announcement of the liquidation report is published on the specified newspaper.

10. Preservation of fund assets liquidation books and documents

The fund asset liquidation account book and relevant documents shall be kept by the fund custodian for a period not less than that prescribed by laws and regulations

The minimum number of years specified.

17、 Liability for breach of contract

(1) If the Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian fails to perform this Agreement or the performance of this Agreement is inconsistent with the agreement,

It shall bear the liability for breach of contract.

(2) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian violate the Fund Law in the process of performing their respective duties

And other laws and regulations or the Fund Agreement and this Custodian Agreement

If anyone causes damage, he shall be liable for compensation according to law for his own acts; Fund due to joint action

If property or fund share holders cause damage, they shall be jointly and severally liable for compensation for the loss,

Only for direct losses, one party has the right to claim compensation from the other party according to the degree of fault of the other party after assuming joint and several liability.

However, the parties shall be exempted from liability under the following circumstances:

1. Force majeure;

2. The Fund Manager and/or the Fund Custodian conduct transactions in accordance with the then effective laws, regulations, rules and market

Rules or regulations of CSRC, State Financial Supervision and Administration and other regulatory bodies

Loss, etc;

3. The Fund Manager exercises or does not exercise its investment right in accordance with the investment principles specified in the Fund Contract

Loss caused, etc.

In case of breach of contract by one or more parties

On the premise that this agreement can continue to be performed, it shall continue to be performed. The non breaching party has

Obligation to take necessary measures in time to prevent the expansion of losses. Failure to take appropriate measures resulted in further losses

In case of expansion, no claim may be made for compensation for the expanded losses. Reasonable expenses paid by the non defaulting party to prevent the loss from expanding

The cost shall be borne by the defaulting party.

Due to factors beyond the control of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian, business errors occur

Although the Fund Custodian and the Fund Custodian have taken necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures for inspection, they have failed to find

Loss of fund assets or investors caused by errors or failure to avoid or correct errors due to the above reasons

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall be exempted from liability for compensation. However, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall actively adopt

Necessary measures shall be taken to eliminate or mitigate the impact caused thereby.

(3) If a party to the trusteeship agreement violates the trusteeship agreement and causes losses to the other party, it shall bear


(4) If the breach of contract has occurred, but this custody agreement can continue to be performed

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall continue to perform this Agreement on the premise of protecting the interests of the Fund Unitholders.

(5) The losses referred to in this agreement are direct losses.

18、 Dispute resolution

The parties agree that all disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement, if amicable

If no settlement can be reached through consultation, the dispute shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, and the arbitration place shall be North

Beijing shall conduct arbitration in accordance with the then effective arbitration rules of the Commission. The arbitral award is final and binding on all parties

Everyone is binding. Unless otherwise specified in the arbitration award, the arbitration fee and attorney fee shall be borne by the losing party.

During the dispute settlement period, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall strictly abide by their respective responsibilities and continue to be faithful and diligent

Fulfill the obligations stipulated in the Fund Contract and this Agreement with due diligence and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Fund Unitholders.

This Custody Agreement is governed by the laws of China (for the purpose of this Custody Agreement, Hong Kong and Macao are excluded here

Administrative Region and Taiwan Law).

19、 Effectiveness of the Fund Custody Agreement

(1) The Fund Custodian Association submitted by the Fund Manager when applying to the CSRC for offering and registration of the Fund

The draft resolution shall be sealed by both parties to the trusteeship agreement and signed or signed by the legal representatives or authorized representatives of both parties

The two parties to the agreement shall revise the draft custody agreement according to the opinions of the CSRC. Escrow Agreement

The text registered by the CSRC is the official text.

(2) The Fund Custody Agreement shall be established as of the date of establishment of the Fund Contract and shall be effective as of the date of entry into force of the Fund Contract

Effectiveness. The term of validity of the Fund Custody Agreement shall be from the date of its entry into force to the date when the liquidation results of the Fund assets are reported to the CSRC for recordation

The case shall be announced at the same time.

(3) The Fund Custody Agreement shall have the same legal binding force on the parties to the Custody Agreement as of the effective date.

(4) The original of the fund custody agreement is in triplicate. In addition to one copy submitted to the relevant regulatory authority, the fund management

The Fund Custodian and the Fund Custodian each hold one copy, each of which has the same legal effect.

20、 Other matters

If the competent judicial authority freezes the fund units of the fund unit holders according to law, the fund manager shall

Cooperate and undertake the obligation of judicial assistance.

Unless explicitly defined in this Agreement, the definitions of terms in this Agreement shall apply to the provisions of the Fund Contract. This agreement does not

All matters shall be handled through consultation by the parties in accordance with the fund contract, relevant laws and regulations, etc.

(1) Anti false propaganda clause

Both parties are clear and willing to strictly abide by the Copyright Law, Trademark Law and Patent Law of the People's Republic of China

Law of the People's Republic of China, Anti Unfair Competition Law and other intellectual property laws, Civil Code, Advertising Law and other relevant laws and laws

Regulation. Both parties have the right to conduct authentic

Reasonable use or publicity, but not involving the confidential content agreed in this agreement. To avoid trademark infringement and

When risks such as publicity occur, both parties agree to use the other party's trademark, brand, enterprise name, etc

Prior written approval of the other party shall be obtained before publicity, otherwise, such use or publicity shall not be carried out. both sides

We hereby promise to actively respond to the other party's application for reasonable use or publicity of cooperation matters. Both parties undertake

It is recognized that without the prior written consent of the other party, it uses its trademark, brand and enterprise name to conduct commercial publicity

It is a violation of this agreement to constitute cooperation matters and exaggerate the scope, content, effect, scale and degree of cooperation,

And may constitute unfair competition due to false publicity, the observant party or the infringed party will retain the corresponding legal liability


(2) Anti commercial bribery clause

1. The Fund Custodian and the Fund Manager are clear about and willing to strictly abide by the anti commercial laws of the People's Republic of China

According to the law on bribery, both parties know that any form of bribery and corruption will violate the law and will be subject to

To the severe punishment of the law.

2. Neither the Fund Custodian nor the Fund Manager shall report to the other party or its handling department or other relevant personnel

Ask for, receive, provide and give any benefits other than those agreed in this agreement, including but not limited to explicit withholding, secret withholding

Cash, shopping cards, physical objects, negotiable securities, tourism or other non-material benefits and other properties or properties paid

Other interests, but if such interests belong to industry practice or common practice

Expressed in.

3. The Fund Custodian and the Fund Manager strictly prohibit any commercial bribery of the staff of the handling department.

Any act listed in Paragraph 2 of this article committed by the staff of the handling department is against the company's system

Will be punished by the company system and national laws.

4. Solemnly remind: the Fund Custodian and the Fund Manager oppose the staff of the handling department for the purpose of this Agreement

If any of the behaviors listed in Clause 2 of this clause occurs with any third party other than this agreement

All of them are against national laws and will be punished by national laws.

5. If one party or the staff of the department in charge of one party violates the provisions of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 above,

If losses are caused to the other party, it shall be liable for damages.

6. The "other relevant personnel" mentioned in this article refers to the personnel other than the staff of the handling departments of both parties who are directly related to this agreement

Persons who have direct or indirect interests, including but not limited to relatives and friends of employees of the handling department of this agreement.

7. If the Fund Custodian asks for bribes, the Fund Manager must refuse and report to the Fund Custodian

Department complaints or reports. Contact information of Ping An Bank's head office for reporting: 0755-22168838; Email:

(3) Anti money laundering, anti terrorist financing and anti tax evasion clauses

Based on laws, regulations and regulatory requirements, the Fund Manager hereby confirms and promises to the Fund Custodian as follows:

1. Recognition premise

The Fund Manager understands, recognizes and agrees that anti money laundering, anti terrorist financing and anti tax evasion are the People's Republic of China

The Fund Custodian, as a financial institution, shall carry out relevant management in accordance with the laws, regulations and regulatory requirements of the PRC,

And has the right to inform and prompt the contracting parties of relevant contracts of risks and require fund management in accordance with these provisions

People observe and comply with these regulations.

2. Compliance with regulation

(1) The Fund Manager agrees to accept the Fund Custodian's anti money laundering, anti terrorist financing and anti tax evasion

Regulation of. The Fund Manager hereby confirms and promises that the Fund Custodian has clearly proposed to it anti money laundering and anti-terrorism measures

Relevant requirements for terrorist financing and anti tax evasion; The Fund Manager further confirms and agrees that it will strictly comply with

Anti money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China, Anti money Laundering Regulations of Financial Institutions, Due Diligence of Financial Institutions' Customers

Management Measures for the Preservation of Customer Identity Data and Transaction Records, Report on Large sum Transactions and Suspicious Transactions of Financial Institutions

Supervision in the Administrative Measures, the Anti Terrorism Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations

Requirements and regulations of the management party.

(2) The Fund Manager promises to carry out or handle various businesses and projects with the Fund Custodian in accordance with laws and regulations

The application materials submitted are accurate, legal, effective, and free from major omissions

Directly or indirectly conceal illegal or non compliant purposes in a legal form.

3. Obligation of assistance and cooperation

The Fund Manager agrees that, under the premise of laws and regulations, anti money laundering, anti terrorist financing and anti tax evasion

Party A has the obligation to assist and cooperate with the Fund Custodian.

The Fund Manager undertakes that it knows and agrees that it has the obligation to assist and cooperate with the Fund Custodian in performing all

Inspection, investigation, additional business processes or procedures for the purpose of anti money laundering, anti terrorist financing and/or anti tax evasion

Supplement and provide relevant materials as required, and agree to bear the possible processing time or cost for such compliance purposes

Reasonable increase of cost.

The Fund Manager promises that it knows and agrees that the Fund Custodian has the right to

Use, summarize or report to competent regulatory authorities for anti money laundering, anti terrorist financing and/or anti tax evasion

Data and information related to the fund manager.

4. Suspension and Termination of Services

The Fund Manager undertakes that it knows and agrees that during the existence of any business relationship between the Fund Custodian and the Fund Custodian, if

The Fund Manager has incurred or been involved (or is suspected to have incurred or been involved) in any relationship with the Fund Custodian (or other banks, etc

Financial institutions) anti money laundering and/or anti-terrorism financing and/or anti tax evasion matters or investigations

The consequences shall be borne by the Fund Manager.

The Fund Manager understands that the above anti money laundering, anti terrorist financing and anti tax evasion requirements may be subject to relevant laws and regulations

The rules and regulations and the changes in the macro financial environment are updated and improved from time to time, and the fund manager promises to continue

Pay attention to and understand the latest version of such laws, regulations and regulatory provisions, and conduct business with the fund custodian

Maintain continuous compliance.

The Fund Manager understands and understands that counter-terrorism, anti money laundering and anti tax evasion, as a complex project, may involve

Cross border and cross sovereign cooperation, and may be subject to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations of international organizations and/or other sovereign countries

Seeking; The Fund Manager hereby confirms that, within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, the above-mentioned anti-terrorism, anti money laundering and anti laundering

The special provisions on money are also applicable to international anti-terrorism, anti money laundering and/or anti tax evasion compliance requirements; When the Fund Custodian is involved in

And international anti terrorist and anti money laundering cooperation, the Fund Custodian has the right to, within the scope permitted by laws and regulations

To conduct corresponding investigation, inspection or take appropriate action.

21、 Signing of Fund Custody Agreement

Signature or seal of legal representatives or authorized representatives of both parties to this agreement and official seal of the unit or special for contract

See the signature page for the seal, signing place and signing date.

(There is no text on this page, which is the signature page of the Custody Agreement of ICBC Credit Suisse Rising Bond Securities Investment Fund)

Fund manager: ICBC Credit Suisse Fund Management Co., Ltd. (seal)

Legal representative or authorized representative (signature or seal):

Fund Custodian: Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. (seal)

Legal representative or authorized representative (signature or seal):

Signed at:

Signed on: