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China Canada Pure Bond One year Fixed Open end Bond Securities Investment Fund Fund Product Summary Update

2023-09-27 09:58:41

China Canada Pure Bond One year Fixed Open end Bond Securities Investment Fund Fund Product Summary Update

Prepared on: September 27, 2023

Date of delivery: September 27, 2023

This summary provides important information about the Fund and is part of the Prospectus.

Please read the complete prospectus and other sales documents before making an investment decision.

1、 Product Overview

Fund Abbreviation One year China Canada Pure Bond Fund Code 000552

One year pure debt added in the subordinate fund unit category A subordinate fund unit category code 000552

One year pure debt added to the subordinate fund unit category C Subordinate fund unit category code 000553

Fund Manager China Canada Fund Management Co., Ltd. Fund Custodian Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd

Effective date of fund contract March 24, 2014

Fund type Bond transaction currency RMB

Operation mode Regular opening Frequency Regular opening for 1 year

Date when the fund manager starts to serve as the fund manager of the fund Date of securities practice

Yan Peixian March 24, 2014 October 15, 2007

2、 Fund investment and net worth performance

(1) Investment objectives and strategies

On the basis of controlling risks and maintaining asset liquidity, the investment objective is to strive to achieve investment returns that exceed performance benchmarks.

Investment Scope The investment scope of the Fund includes national debt, central bank bills, policy financial bonds, local government bonds, non policy financial bonds, corporate bonds (including private placement bonds of small and medium-sized enterprises), corporate bonds, short-term financing bonds, medium-term notes, subordinated debt, pure debt of separable trading convertible bonds, asset-backed securities, bank deposits Fixed income financial instruments such as bond repurchase, and other fixed income financial instruments allowed by laws and regulations or the CSRC to be invested by funds (subject to the provisions of the CSRC). The convertible bonds of the Fund only invest in the pure debt part of convertible bonds with separable transactions. If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities allow the fund to invest in other varieties in the future, the fund manager may include them into the investment scope after performing appropriate procedures. The proportion of the Fund's investment portfolio is: the proportion of bond assets in the Fund's assets is not less than 80%, but within the first three months of each opening period, the opening period and three months after the end of the opening period, the Fund's investment is not subject to the above proportion restrictions; During the opening period, the proportion of cash or government bonds with a maturity date of less than one year in the net asset value of the fund shall not be less than 5%, of which cash does not include settlement provisions, deposits and subscription receivables. stay

During the closing period, the Fund is not subject to the above 5% limit.

Main investment strategies The main investment strategies of the Fund include: term allocation strategy, term structure strategy, generic allocation strategy, securities selection strategy, investment strategy in short-term and medium and long-term market environment, asset backed securities and other investment strategies. Under the premise of strict risk control, explore and utilize investment opportunities provided by market imbalances, Realize the appreciation of portfolio assets.

Performance benchmark one-year bank fixed deposit (after tax) yield+1.3%

Risk return characteristics The Fund is a bond fund, and its expected risk and expected return level is higher than that of money market funds, and lower than that of hybrid funds and equity funds.

Note: For details, please refer to Part X "Fund Investment" of the Prospectus for China Canada Pure Bond One Year Regular Open ended Bond Securities Investment Fund.

(2) Portfolio Asset Allocation Chart/Regional Allocation Chart

Note: Due to rounding, there may be a tail difference between the sum of the sub items and the total of the market value in the asset proportion in the figure.

(3) The net value growth rate of the fund every year since the fund contract came into effect and the comparison chart with the benchmark performance of the same period

3、 Expenses involved in investing in the Fund

(1) Fund sales related expenses

The following fees shall be charged in the process of subscribing/subscribing/redeeming funds:

China Canada pure debt one year A

Charge type share (S) or amount (M)/holding period (N) Charge method/rate remarks

Subscription fee (pre charge) M < 10000000.57%

1 million ≤ M < 3 million 0.38%

3 million ≤ M < 5 million 0.19%

M ≥ 5 million 950.00 yuan/transaction

Redemption fee N < 7 days 1.50%

7 days ≤ N < 60 days 1.00%

N ≥ 60 days 0.00%

China Canada pure debt one year C

Charge type share (S) or amount (M)/holding period (N) Charge method/rate remarks

Subscription fee (pre charge) No subscription fee will be charged for Class C shares

Redemption fee N < 7 days 1.50%

7 days ≤ N < 60 days 1.00%

N ≥ 60 days 0.00%

(2) Fund operation related expenses

The following expenses will be deducted from the fund assets:

Fee category Charging method/annual fee rate

Management fee 0.68%

Custody fee 0.19%

Sales service charge C 0.38%

Other expenses Accounting fees, attorney fees, audit fees, etc

Note: The expenses and taxes incurred by the Fund in trading securities and funds shall be deducted from the Fund assets according to the actual amount incurred.

4、 Risk disclosure and important tips

(1) Risk disclosure

The Fund does not provide any guarantee. Investors may lose their principal.

The investment is risky, and investors should carefully read the Prospectus and other sales documents of the Fund when purchasing the Fund.

1. Specific risks of the Fund

(1) The Fund operates in a regular open mode. The closing period of the Fund is from the effective date of the Fund Agreement (including

The effective date of the fund contract) or from the next day (including that day) after the end of each opening period to the effective date of the fund contract in the next calendar year

The day before the corresponding day of the day (if the day is a non working day or the corresponding day does not exist in the calendar year, it shall be postponed to the next working day).

During the closing period, no subscription and redemption business will be handled, nor will it be listed for trading. During the closing period of the Fund, the Fund Unitholders are confronted with the following problems:

The risk of redemption of fund units.

(2) If a large amount of net redemption application occurs during the opening period, it will make it difficult to realize the fund assets, and the fund may face certain flow

Dynamic risk, there is a risk of fluctuations in the net value of fund shares. For the Fund, a large redemption is the net redemption of the Fund on a single open day

If the return application exceeds 20% of the total fund shares on the last open day, the investor may not be able to redeem all the fund shares held in time


(3) The Fund invests in private placement bonds of small and medium-sized enterprises, which are purchased by unlisted small and medium-sized enterprises according to relevant laws and regulations

Bonds issued in a non-public manner. Due to the inability to make public transactions, generally, the transactions are not active and there is a large potential liquidity risk.

When the credit quality of the issuer deteriorates, the Fund may not be able to sell its private placement bonds of SMEs due to market liquidity,

This may bring greater negative impact and loss to the net value of the fund.

(4) The Fund invests in asset-backed securities. As asset-backed securities are generally issued for specific institutional investors, they are only issued on special

The liquidity of this product is poor and the liquidity of the mortgaged assets is poor, so we hold assets

The supporting securities may bring certain risks to the net asset value of the portfolio.

2. Other risks of the Fund mainly include: market risk (mainly including policy risk, economic cycle risk, interest rate risk

Purchasing power risk, bond yield curve change risk, reinvestment risk), credit risk, management risk, liquidity risk (including

Including but not limited to liquidity risk management tools such as the risk of poor liquidity of some investment targets, huge redemption risk, and the use of side pocket mechanism

Risks), operational and technical risks, compliance risks, model risks, risk return characteristics of the Fund's legal documents

Risks and other risks that may be inconsistent with the risk assessment of the selling institutional fund.

(2) Important tips

The registration of the Fund raised by the CSRC does not indicate that it makes substantive judgments or guarantees on the value and income of the Fund,

It does not mean that there is no risk in investing in the Fund.

The Fund Manager shall manage and use the Fund assets in accordance with the principles of due diligence, good faith, prudence and diligence, but does not guarantee that the Fund

Fixed profit, and no minimum income is guaranteed.

When a fund investor acquires fund units in accordance with the fund contract, he or she becomes the holder of fund units and the party to the fund contract.

The parties agree that all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Fund Contract, such as

If the dispute cannot be settled, it shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in force at the time

The arbitration award is final and binding on all parties, and the arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.

The Fund Contract shall be governed by the laws of China.

If the summary information of the fund product information changes significantly, the fund manager will update it within three working days, and other information changes

Moreover, the fund manager is updated once a year. Therefore, the contents of this document may lag behind the actual situation of the Fund, such as

It is necessary to obtain the relevant information of the fund in a timely and accurate manner. Please also pay attention to the relevant temporary announcements issued by the fund manager.

5、 Other data query methods

For the following information, please refer to the fund manager's website:, Tel: 400-00-95526

1. Fund contract, custody agreement, prospectus

2. Regular reports, including quarterly, interim and annual reports of the Fund

3. Net value of fund units

4. Fund sales agency and contact information

5. Other important information

6、 Other information
