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China Europe New Trend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (LOF) Fund Product Profile Update

2023-07-13 06:23:35

China Europe New Trend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (LOF)

Fund product information summary update

Prepared on: July 12, 2023

Date of delivery: July 13, 2023

This summary provides important information about the Fund and is part of the Prospectus.

Please read the complete prospectus and other sales documents before making an investment decision.

1、 Product Overview

Fund Abbreviation China Europe New Trend Hybrid (LOF) Fund Code 166001

Subordinate Fund Abbreviation China Europe New Trend Hybrid (LOF) A Subordinate Fund Transaction Code 166001

Subordinate Fund Abbreviation China Europe New Trend Hybrid (LOF) C Subordinate Fund Transaction Code 005787

Subordinate Fund Abbreviation China Europe New Trend Hybrid (LOF) E Subordinate Fund Transaction Code 001881

Subordinate Fund Abbreviation: China Europe New Trend Hybrid (LOF) X Subordinate Fund Transaction Code 011264

Fund Manager China Europe Fund Management Co., Ltd. Fund Custodian Industrial Bank Co., Ltd

Effective date of fund contract: January 29, 2007 Listing date: Shenzhen Stock Exchange April 23, 2007

Fund type Mixed transaction currency RMB

Operation mode: ordinary, open, open, frequency: every open day

The date when Zhou Weiwen, the Fund Manager, began to serve as the Fund Manager of the Fund August 16, 2011

Securities practice date July 1, 1999

2、 Fund investment and net worth performance

(1) Investment objectives and strategies

Please read the "Fund Investment" section of the Prospectus for details

Investment Objective The Fund pursues long-term stable capital appreciation beyond the benchmark of fund performance by investing in companies that may benefit from the new trends of China's economy and capital market, taking into account risks.

Scope of Investment The investment scope of the Fund includes financial instruments with good liquidity, including stocks (including depositary receipts), bonds issued and listed in accordance with the law in China, and other financial instruments approved by the CSRC to allow the Fund to invest. Among them, the scope of stock investment includes all domestic legally issued A shares with good liquidity; The scope of bond investment includes treasury bonds, central bank bills, financial bonds, corporate bonds, convertible bonds and other instruments. If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities allow the fund to invest in other varieties in the future, the fund manager may include them into the investment scope after performing appropriate procedures. The investment proportion of the Fund's major categories of assets is: stock assets account for 60% - 95% of the Fund's assets, bond assets account for 0-35% of the Fund's assets, cash (excluding settlement provisions, deposits, purchase receivables, etc.) and government bonds with a remaining maturity of less than one year are not less than 5% of the Fund's net asset value.

Main Investment Strategies The Fund's investment style is characterized by a positive stock selection strategy, focusing on mining the enterprise value based on future trends. In terms of asset allocation and industry allocation, the Fund does not make active asset allocation adjustments under normal market conditions,

And they tend to hold more industries that conform to the new trend of economic development and market change. At the level of stock selection, the Fund selects appropriate and valuable stocks of listed companies to build the optimal portfolio through objective quantitative analysis, subjective qualitative analysis, securities valuation and other steps. For the investment of depositary receipts, the Fund will select high-quality listed companies according to the stocks listed and traded in China through a combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis; And try to avoid the possible negative effects due to the differences of depositary receipts in trading rules, governance structure of listed companies and other aspects.

Performance benchmark FTSE China A600 index × 80%+FTSE China government bond index × 20%

Risk return characteristics The investment objectives, investment scope and investment strategies of the Fund determine that the Fund is a hybrid securities investment fund with medium to high risks and pursuit of long-term stable capital appreciation. Under the premise of strict risk control, the Fund's investment will grasp the medium and long-term trend of economic development and market reform from a forward-looking perspective, and strive to tap investment opportunities in individual stocks, sectors and industries.

(2) Portfolio Asset Allocation Chart/Regional Allocation Chart

(3) The annual net value growth rate of the Fund in the last ten years and its comparison with the benchmark performance in the same period

Note: The investment scope of this product will be modified in 2020/10, and depositary receipts will be added as the investment object.

Note: 1. The relevant data of the current year when the fund increased shares are calculated according to the actual duration.

2. The investment scope of this product will be modified in 2020/10, and depositary receipts will be added as the investment object.

Note: 1. The relevant data of the current year when the fund increased shares are calculated according to the actual duration.

2. The investment scope of this product will be modified in 2020/10, and depositary receipts will be added as the investment object.

Note: The relevant data of the current year when the Fund increased its shares shall be calculated according to the actual duration.

3、 Expenses involved in investing in the Fund

(1) Fund sales related expenses

The following fees are charged in the process of subscribing/subscribing/redeeming funds:

China Europe New Trend Mix (LOF) A

Charge type share (S) or amount (M)/holding period (N) Charge method/rate remarks

Subscription fee (pre charge) M < 500000 yuan 1.50%-

500000 yuan ≤ M < 1000000 yuan 1.00%-

1 million yuan ≤ M < 5 million yuan 0.50%-

M ≥ 5 million yuan/transaction-

Redemption fee N < 7 days 1.50% of the market share

N ≥ 7 days 0.50% share

N < 7 days 1.50% off market share

7 days ≤ N < 365 days 0.50% off-site share

365 days ≤ N < 730 days 0.25% off-site share

N ≥ 730 days 0.00% off-site share

Note: 1. The floor trading fees shall be subject to the actual charges of the securities company.

2. The above table is applicable to investors (except for pension customers who apply for Class A fund shares of the Fund through the fund manager's direct marketing center)

In the case of Class A fund units of the Fund, the pension client rate for subscribing Class A fund units of the Fund through the Fund Manager's direct marketing center is applicable

See the Prospectus and relevant announcements of the Fund for details.

China Europe New Trend Mix (LOF) E

Cost type share (S) or amount (M)/holding period (N) charge method/rate

Subscription fee (pre charge) M < 500000 yuan 1.50%

500000 yuan ≤ M < 1000000 yuan 1.00%

1 million yuan ≤ M < 5 million yuan 0.50%

M ≥ 5 million yuan/transaction

Redemption fee N < 7 days 1.50%

7 days ≤ N < 365 days 0.50%

365 days ≤ N < 730 days 0.25%

N ≥ 730 days 0.00%

Note: The above table is applicable to investors (except for pension customers who apply for Class E fund shares of the Fund through the fund manager's direct marketing center) who apply for subscription of the Fund

The situation of Class E fund shares, and the application of pension client rate for subscribing Class E fund shares of the Fund through the fund manager's direct marketing center

See the Prospectus and relevant announcements of the Fund for details.

China Europe New Trend Mix (LOF) C

Cost type share (S) or amount (M)/holding period (N) charge method/rate

Redemption fee N < 7 days 1.50%

7 days ≤ N < 30 days 1.00%

N ≥ 30 days 0.00%

Subscription fee

There is no subscription fee for Class C units of the Fund.

China Europe New Trend Mix (LOF) X

Cost type share (S) or amount (M)/holding period (N) charge method/rate

Subscription fee (pre charge) M < 500000 yuan 1.50%

500000 yuan ≤ M < 1000000 yuan 1.00%

1 million yuan ≤ M < 5 million yuan 0.50%

M ≥ 5 million yuan/transaction

Redemption fee N < 7 days 1.50%

7 days ≤ N < 365 days 0.50%

365 days ≤ N < 730 days 0.25%

N ≥ 730 days 0.00%

Note: The above table is applicable to investors (except for pension customers who apply for Class X fund shares of the Fund through the fund manager's direct marketing center) to subscribe for the Fund

The situation of Class X fund shares, and the application of pension client rate for subscribing Class X fund shares of the Fund through the fund manager's direct marketing center

See the Prospectus and relevant announcements of the Fund for details.

(2) Fund operation related expenses

The following expenses will be deducted from the fund assets:

Fee category Charging method/annual fee rate

Management fee 1.20%

Custody fee 0.20%

Sales service fee China Europe New Trend Hybrid (LOF) C 0.80%

Note: The expenses and taxes incurred by the Fund in trading securities and funds shall be deducted from the Fund assets according to the actual amount incurred.

4、 Risk disclosure and important tips

(1) Risk disclosure

The Fund does not provide any guarantee. Investors may lose their investment principal.

The investment is risky, and investors should carefully read the Prospectus and other sales documents of the Fund when purchasing the Fund.

The risks of the Fund mainly include:

-Market risk;

-Liquidity risk;

-Management risk;

-Credit risk;

-Unique risks

As a hybrid fund, the Fund's unique risks will mainly come from the specific implementation process of industry allocation and stock selection:

1. Industry allocation risk

The industry allocation of the Fund's assets is based on the industry allocation with reference to the performance benchmark, and the industry that is optimistic about its future development trend is appropriately increased

Increase investment, and appropriately reduce investment in some industries that are pessimistic about their future development trend. Because the medium and long-term trend of China's industrial structure upgrading will not happen overnight

Can be completed, which may lead to deviation in the Fund Manager's judgment on the upgrading trend of the industrial structure, resulting in the Fund's recovery from the performance benchmark

A certain deviation from the profit level.

In order to control such risks, the Fund Manager will give full play to its professional advantages and team advantages, actively and prudently grasp the new


2. Stock selection risk

The Fund's stock selection aims to build an optimal portfolio, which is characterized by focusing on the measurement of the quality and value of listed companies, rather than just

It is its weight in the index that makes the investment proportion of individual shares of the Fund inconsistent with the weight of individual shares in the performance benchmark, thus causing the

A certain deviation from the benchmark earnings level.

In order to control such risks, the Fund Manager will strictly follow the bottom-up stock selection strategy based on fundamental research, and comprehensively use quantitative analysis

By means of analysis and qualitative analysis, the Fund strictly abides by the buying and selling discipline based on the "target price", so that the Fund can invest in individual stocks with reasonable valuation, thus providing

For the advantages of "lower protection" and "upper growth". Through performance and risk analysis, the Fund Manager will focus on downside risk and risk value,

To evaluate the share of individual stocks or industries in portfolio risk, so as to avoid unnecessary risk concentration and achieve effective balance in the process of stock selection

Risk diversification.

3. Investment risk of depositary receipts

The investment scope of the Fund includes depositary receipts, which are issued by the depositary and issued in China on the basis of overseas securities, representing

Equity of overseas underlying securities. Although the rights and interests actually enjoyed by holders of depositary receipts are basically equivalent to those of holders of overseas underlying securities, they cannot

It is equivalent to directly holding overseas underlying securities. Investing in Depositary Receipts may face the following problems:

Relevant costs and investment risks caused by differences in structure and shareholder rights. Obligations to be undertaken in the process of trading and holding depositary receipts and possible risks

We should pay attention to the macroeconomic risk, policy risk, market risk, force majeure risk, etc. that are common in securities trading.

-Other risks.

(2) Important tips

The approval of the CSRC for the raising of the Fund does not indicate that it makes substantive judgments or guarantees on the value and income of the Fund, nor does it indicate that

There is no risk in investing in the Fund.

The Fund Manager shall manage and use the Fund assets in accordance with the principles of due diligence, honesty, prudence and diligence, but does not guarantee that the Fund will be profitable,

Nor does it guarantee minimum returns.

When a fund investor acquires fund units in accordance with the fund contract, he or she becomes the holder of fund units and the party to the fund contract.

If the summary information of the fund product information changes significantly, the fund manager will update it within three working days. If other information changes

The gold manager is updated once a year. Therefore, the content of this document may lag behind the actual situation of the Fund. If it is necessary to obtain it in a timely and accurate manner

Please also pay attention to the relevant temporary announcements issued by the fund manager.

For disputes arising from the conclusion, content, performance and interpretation of the Fund Contract or related to the Fund Contract, the parties to the Fund Contract shall

Try to solve the problem through negotiation and mediation. If the dispute cannot be settled through consultation or mediation, either party has the right to submit the dispute to China's international economic and trade

Shanghai Branch of the Arbitration Commission shall conduct arbitration in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at that time. The arbitral award is final and binding on the parties.

During the dispute settlement period, the parties to the fund contract shall strictly abide by their respective responsibilities, continue to faithfully, diligently and responsibly perform their obligations under the fund contract, and maintain

Protect the legitimate rights and interests of fund share holders. The Fund Contract shall be governed by the laws of China.

5、 Other data query methods

See the fund manager's website [] [customer service hotline: 400-700-9700] for the following information

1. China Europe New Trend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (LOF) Fund Contract

China EU New Trend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (LOF) Custody Agreement

Prospectus of China Europe New Trend Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (LOF)

2. Regular reports, including quarterly, interim and annual reports of the Fund

3. Net value of fund units

4. Fund sales agency and contact information

5. Other important information

6、 Other information
