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Announcement of Deppon Fund Management Co., Ltd. on Valuation Adjustment of Securities Investment Funds

2023-05-17 09:19:38

In accordance with the CSRC's Guiding Opinions on the Valuation of Securities Investment Funds (CSRC Announcement [2017] No. 13) and the China Securities Investment Fund Association's Notice on the Issuance of the Stock Valuation Index of the China Foundation Association (AMAC) Fund Industry To protect the interests of fund share holders reasonably and to the maximum extent, Deppon Fund Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund Manager") will make valuation adjustment on the stock "* ST Zhongtian" (stock code: 000540) held by some of its funds from May 16, 2023 after consultation with the fund custodian and accounting firm, and the valuation price will be adjusted to 0.12 yuan. The Fund Manager will pay close attention to the follow-up business status of "* ST Zhongtian" and other major issues, make a reasonable assessment, and further determine its valuation price when necessary.

Investors can consult relevant details through the following channels:

Deppon Fund Management Co., Ltd. Website:

Customer service hotline: 400-821-7788

Risk tip: The company promises to manage and use the fund assets in the principle of honesty, credit, diligence and responsibility, but does not guarantee that the fund will be profitable, nor does it guarantee the minimum return. The past performance of the Fund does not predict its future performance. When investing in the funds managed by the Company, investors should carefully read the Fund Contract, Prospectus (updated) and other legal documents, and pay attention to investment risks.

It is hereby announced.

Deppon Fund Management Co., Ltd

May 17, 2023