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Custody Agreement of Minsheng Bank Plus Zhaoli One year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund

2021-02-26 06:47:11

Minsheng Plus Bank Zhaoli One year holding period hybrid securities investment


Escrow Agreement

Fund manager: Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd

Fund Custodian: Postal Savings Bank of China Limited

February, 2021


1、 Parties to the Fund Custody Agreement ---------------------------------------------- 3

2、 Basis, Purpose and Principle of the Fund Custody Agreement --------------------------------- 4

3、 Fund Custodian's Business Supervision and Verification of Fund Manager ------------------------- 5

4、 Fund Manager's Business Verification of Fund Custodian -------------------------------- 13

5、 Custody of Fund Property ------------------------------------------------- 14

6、 Sending, Confirmation and Execution of Instructions ------------------------------------------ 17

7、 Transaction and Settlement Arrangement ------------------------------------------------- 21

8、 Calculation and Accounting of Net Asset Value of the Fund ------------------------------------- 25

9、 Fund income distribution -------------------------------------------------- 33

10、 Fund Information Disclosure -------------------------------------------------- 33

11、 Fund expenses ------------------------------------------------- 35

12、 Registration and Custody of the Register of Fund Unitholders -------------------------------- 37

13、 Preservation of Fund related documents and archives ------------------------------------- 38

14、 Replacement of Fund Manager and Fund Custodian --------------------------------- 38

15、 Prohibited Acts --------------------------------------------------- 41

16、 Change and Termination of Custody Agreement and Liquidation of Fund Assets ------------------------- 42

17、 Liability for breach of contract --------------------------------------------------- 44

18、 Dispute Resolution ------------------------------------------------- 45

19、 Effectiveness of Custody Agreement ---------------------------------------------- 45

20、 Other matters --------------------------------------------------- 45

21、 Signing of Escrow Agreement ------------------------------------------------- 46

Whereas Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. is legally established and validly existing in accordance with Chinese laws

And has the qualification and ability to act as a fund manager in accordance with relevant laws and regulations,

It is proposed to raise and issue a one-year holding period hybrid securities investment fund of Minsheng Plus Bank;

Whereas Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd. is a legally established and effective company in accordance with the laws of China

The surviving bank has the qualification and ability to act as the fund custodian in accordance with relevant laws and regulations;

Whereas Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. plans to serve as a one-year holding period mixed certificate of Minsheng Jiayin Zhaoli

The fund manager of the bond investment fund, Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd., intends to act as Minsheng Plus Bank

Fund custodian of one-year holding period hybrid securities investment fund;

To clarify the one-year holding period hybrid securities investment fund (hereinafter referred to as "the base")

The rights and obligations between the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian of the Fund are hereby formulated

Custody Agreement;

Unless otherwise agreed, Minsheng Plus Bank Zhaoli One year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund

The terms defined in the same (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund Contract") shall have the same meaning when used in this Custodian Agreement

The meaning of; In case of any conflict, the Fund Contract shall prevail and be interpreted in accordance with its terms.

If the Fund implements the side pocket mechanism, please refer to the fund contract and prospectus for relevant arrangements during the implementation of the side pocket mechanism

Provisions of the prospectus.

1、 Parties to the Fund Custody Agreement

(1) Fund manager

Name: Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd

Address: 13A, Floor 13, Minsheng Financial Building, No. 2005, Fuzhong Third Road, Lianhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Legal representative: Zhang Huannan

Time of establishment: November 3, 2008

Establishment approval authority and establishment approval document number: CSRC approval

[2008] No. 1187

Registered capital: RMB 300 million

Organizational form: limited liability company (Sino foreign joint venture)

Duration: continuous operation

Tel.: 010-68960030

Fax: 010-88566500

Contact: Zhang Dongmei

Business scope: fund raising, fund sales, asset management and other businesses permitted by the CSRC

(2) Fund Custodian

Name: Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd

Address: No. 3, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Office address: Block A, No. 3, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Legal representative: Zhang Jinliang

Time of establishment: March 6, 2007

Organizational form: limited liability company

Registered capital: RMB 81.031 billion

Duration: continuous operation

Approval authority and approval document number: CBRC YJF [2006] No. 484

Approval document and document number of fund custody qualification: ZJXK [2009] No. 673

Contact: Ma Qiang

Tel: 010 - 68857221

Business scope: absorbing public deposits; Issue short-term, medium-term and long-term loans; Handle domestic and foreign settlement

Calculation; Handle bill acceptance and discount; Issuance of financial bonds; Issuing, cashing and underwriting government bonds

Coupon; Buying and selling government bonds and financial bonds; Interbank lending; Buying and selling foreign exchange; Engage in banking

Bank card business; Provide letter of credit service and guarantee; Acting for collection and payment and insurance business; Provide insurance

Box service; Other businesses approved by China Banking Regulatory Authority and other regulatory authorities.

2、 Basis, purpose and principle of fund custody agreement

(1) Basis for entering into custody agreement

Securities Investment Fund Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Fund Law), Public Offering

Management Measures for the Operation of Securities Investment Funds (hereinafter referred to as "Operation Measures"), Securities Investment Funds

Sales Management Measures, Management Measures for Information Disclosure of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds (hereinafter referred to as

Measures for Information Disclosure), Provisions on the Management of Liquidity Risk of Open ended Securities Investment Funds Publicly Offered

(hereinafter referred to as "Liquidity Risk Management Regulations"), "One year holding period hybrid certificate of Minsheng Plus Bank of China"

The Securities Investment Fund Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund Contract") and other relevant provisions enter into this custody


(2) Purpose of entering into custody agreement

The purpose of this Agreement is to clarify the custody and investment of the Fund property between the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian

Rights and obligations in matters related to capital operation, net worth calculation, income distribution, information disclosure and mutual supervision

And responsibilities to ensure the safety of fund assets and protect the legitimate rights and interests of fund share holders.

(3) Principles for entering into custody agreement

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall fully protect the holding of fund shares on the basis of equality, voluntariness, honesty and credibility

This agreement is signed based on the principle of the legitimate rights and interests of some people.

(4) Interpretation

Unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement, all terms in this Agreement are the same as those in the "Interpretation" part of the Fund Agreement

Terms shall have the same meaning.

3、 The Fund Custodian's business supervision and verification of the Fund Manager

(1) The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Agreement

The scope of investment, investment proportion and investment restrictions shall be supervised. The fund contract clearly stipulates the fund investment style or

For securities selection criteria, the Fund Manager shall provide a pool of investment varieties in the format required by the Fund Custodian,

So that whether the Fund Custodian's actual investment in the Fund complies with the provisions of the Fund Contract on the securities selection criteria

Executive supervision.

The investment scope of the Fund includes stocks (including the main board, SME board, GEM and other securities

Stocks allowed to invest), Hong Kong stocks, bonds (including national debt, financial bonds, corporate bonds, and companies

Bonds, local government bonds, subordinated bonds, convertible bonds, separately traded convertible bonds, exchangeable bonds, central bank

Notes, medium-term notes, short-term financing bonds (including ultra short-term financing bonds) and other investments permitted by the CSRC

), asset-backed securities, bond repurchase, stock index futures, treasury bond futures, stock options, banks

Deposits, inter-bank certificates of deposit, cash and other financial workers allowed by laws and regulations or the CSRC to invest funds

Yes (subject to the relevant provisions of the CSRC).

If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities allow the fund to invest in other varieties in the future, the fund manager shall perform the following duties:

After the procedure, it can be included in the scope of investment.

The proportion of the Fund's investment portfolio is: the Fund's stock investment accounts for 0-30% of the Fund's assets, and Hong Kong Stock Standard

The investment proportion of the stock is 0% - 50% of the stock assets. The proportion of the Fund's investment in inter-bank deposit receipts shall not exceed

20% of gold assets, and the total proportion of investment in convertible bonds and exchangeable bonds does not exceed the fund assets

20%。 At the end of each trading day, the transactions that need to be paid for deducting stock index futures, treasury bond futures and stock option contracts

Cash that remains no less than 5% of the net asset value of the fund after the deposit or government bonds with a maturity of less than one year

Coupon. Among them, cash does not include settlement provisions, deposits and subscription receivables.

If permitted by laws and regulations or the CSRC, the fund manager may make adjustments after performing appropriate procedures

The investment proportion of the above investment varieties.

If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities allow the fund to invest in other varieties in the future, the fund manager may

It is included in the investment scope, and its investment proportion shall comply with the then effective laws and regulations or relevant provisions.

The Fund's portfolio is subject to the following restrictions:

(1) The share investment of the Fund accounts for 0-30% of the Fund's assets, and the investment proportion of Hong Kong stocks is

0% - 50% of equity assets, and the proportion of the Fund's investment in inter-bank deposit receipts shall not exceed 20% of the Fund's assets

The total proportion of convertible bonds and exchangeable bonds shall not exceed 20% of fund assets;

(2) At the end of each trading day, deduct the amount of stock index futures, treasury bond futures and stock option contracts that need to be paid

After the transaction margin, the amount of cash kept not less than 5% of the net asset value of the fund or the maturity date is within one year

Government bonds, the aforesaid cash does not include settlement provisions, deposits, subscription receivables, etc;

(3) The Fund holds securities issued by a company (the same company is listed in both the Mainland and Hong Kong

A+H shares), whose market value does not exceed 10% of the net asset value of the fund;

(4) All funds managed by the Fund Manager hold securities issued by one company (the same company

A+H shares listed in both the mainland and Hong Kong), no more than 10% of the securities, fully in accordance with

The composition ratio of the relevant index of the fund variety for securities investment may not be subject to the proportion limit specified in this article


(5) All open-ended funds managed by the Fund Manager (including open-ended funds and open funds

The holding of tradable shares issued by a listed company shall not exceed that of the listed company

15% of the company's tradable shares;

(6) Negotiable issued by a listed company held by all investment portfolios managed by the Fund Manager

Shares shall not exceed 30% of the tradable shares of the listed company;

(7) The proportion of the Fund's investment in various types of asset-backed securities of the same original equity holder shall not exceed

10% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(8) The market value of all asset-backed securities held by the Fund shall not exceed the net asset value of the Fund


(9) The proportion of the same (referring to the same credit rating) asset-backed securities held by the Fund shall not exceed

10% of the size of the asset-backed securities;

(10) All funds managed by the Fund Manager invest in various assets of the same original equity holder

Holding securities shall not exceed 10% of the total size of its various asset-backed securities;

(11) The Fund shall invest in asset support certificates with a credit rating of BBB or above (including BBB)

Coupon. During the period when the Fund holds asset-backed securities, if its credit rating declines and it no longer meets the investment standards,

All of them shall be sold within 3 months from the date of rating report release;

(12) The Fund's assets participate in the issuance and subscription of shares, and the amount declared by the Fund does not exceed the amount of

Total assets, the number of shares declared by the Fund shall not exceed the total number of shares issued this time by the company to be issued


(13) The fund balance of the Fund entering the national inter-bank market for bond repurchase shall not exceed

40% of the net asset value of the fund, and the maximum term of bond repo in the national inter-bank market is 1

The bond repurchase period shall not be extended after maturity;

(14) The total market value of the Fund's active investment in liquidity restricted assets shall not exceed the Fund's assets

15% of the net value, due to fund management such as fluctuations in the securities market, stock suspension of listed companies, and changes in fund size

If the fund does not meet the limit of this proportion due to factors other than human factors, the fund manager shall not actively increase liquidity

Investment in restricted assets;

(15) The total asset value of the Fund shall not exceed 140% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(16) The Fund deals with private securities asset management products and other entities recognized by the CSRC

If the counterparty carries out reverse repurchase transactions, the qualification requirements for acceptable collateral should be consistent with the investment agreed in the fund contract

Consistent scope;

(17) The Fund shall comply with the following requirements when participating in the trading of stock index futures and treasury bond futures:

1) At the end of any trading day, the value of stock index futures contracts purchased held by the Fund shall not exceed

10% of net asset value; The contract price of treasury bond futures held by the Fund at the end of any trading day

Value, which shall not exceed 15% of the net asset value of the fund;

2) At the end of any trading day, the value of the purchased stock index futures and treasury bond futures contracts held by the Fund

The sum of market values of securities shall not exceed 95% of the net asset value of the fund; Among them, marketable securities refer to stocks

Bonds (excluding government bonds with a maturity of less than one year), asset-backed securities, redemptory financial assets for sale

Property (excluding pledge repurchase), etc;

3) At the end of any trading day, the value of the sold stock index futures contracts held by the Fund shall not exceed that of the Base

20% of the total market value of shares held by Jin; The selling treasury bond futures held by the Fund at the end of any trading day

The contract value shall not exceed 30% of the total market value of bonds held by the fund;

4) The market value of stocks held by the Fund and the value of stock index futures contracts purchased and sold, total (netting

Calculation) shall comply with the relevant provisions of the fund contract on the proportion of stock investment; Bonds held by the Fund

(excluding government bonds with a maturity date of less than one year) market value and the value of treasury bond futures contracts purchased and sold,

The total amount (netting calculation) shall comply with the relevant provisions of the fund contract on the proportion of bond investment;

5) The transaction amount of stock index futures contracts traded by the Fund on any trading day (excluding closing positions)

Shall not exceed 20% of the net asset value of the Fund on the previous trading day; The Fund trades on any trading day (excluding

The transaction amount of the treasury bond futures contract (including closing position) shall not exceed the net asset value of the fund on the previous trading day


(18) The Fund's participation in stock option trading shall comply with the following investment proportion restrictions:

1) The total amount of premium paid and received by the Fund due to open position option contracts shall not exceed the fund assets

10% of net worth;

2) Where the Fund opens positions to sell call options, it shall hold sufficient underlying securities; Open put option

Should hold the full amount of cash required for the exercise of the contract or the offsetting option margin recognized by the rules of the Exchange

Cash equivalents;

3) The par value of the option contracts with open positions of the Fund shall not exceed 20% of the net asset value of the Fund. Among them,

The nominal value of the contract is calculated by multiplying the exercise price by the contract multiplier;

(19) Other investment restrictions stipulated by laws and regulations, the CSRC and the fund contract.

Except for items (2), (11), (14) and (16) above, due to fluctuations in securities and futures markets

Factors other than the fund manager, such as the merger of the securities issuer and the change of the fund size, result in the non investment proportion of the fund

If the investment proportion meets the above provisions, the fund manager shall make adjustment within 10 trading days, but China

Except for special circumstances stipulated by the CSRC.

The Fund Manager shall, within six months as of the effective date of the Fund Contract, make the proportion of the Fund's investment portfolio conform to

Relevant provisions of the mutual fund contract. During the above period, the investment scope and investment strategy of the Fund shall conform to

Agreement of the mutual fund contract. The Fund Custodian's supervision and inspection of the Fund's investment has taken effect since the Fund Agreement came into force

Starting from.

Laws and regulations or regulatory authorities cancel or adjust the above restrictions. If applicable to the Fund, the Fund Manager

After performing the appropriate procedures, the Fund's investment will no longer be subject to the relevant restrictions or the adjusted provisions.

The Fund Custodian has performed its supervisory duties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Agreement and the Custodian Agreement

The fund manager still violates the laws and regulations, the portfolio ratio agreed in the fund contract or the custody agreement

The Fund Manager shall bear the responsibility for the loss of the Fund property caused by the restriction, and the Fund Custodian shall not assume the responsibility

He is responsible.

(2) The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Contract

Supervise the investment prohibition. Unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement, the Fund Custodian shall conduct post supervision

Supervise the Fund Manager's prohibited acts of fund investment.

In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the fund contract, the fund assets shall not be used for the following investments or


1. Underwriting securities;

2. Loan or provide guarantee to others in violation of regulations;

3. Investment with unlimited liability;

4. Make capital contributions to its fund manager and fund custodian;

5. Buying and selling other fund units, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or the CSRC;

6. Engaging in insider trading, manipulating securities trading prices and other improper securities trading activities;

7. Other activities prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and CSRC.

The Fund Manager uses the Fund property to buy and sell the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and their controlling shareholders

Securities issued by an international controller or a company with other significant interests with it or underwritten during the underwriting period

Securities or other major related party transactions shall conform to the investment objectives and strategies of the Fund,

Follow the principle of giving priority to the interests of fund share holders, prevent conflicts of interest, and establish and improve the internal approval mechanism

And the evaluation mechanism, in accordance with fair and reasonable prices in the market. Relevant transactions must be obtained from the fund custodian in advance

And disclosed in accordance with laws and regulations. Major connected transactions shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Fund Manager for review

And passed by more than two-thirds of the independent directors. The Board of Directors of the Fund Manager shall

Review related transactions.

Laws, administrative regulations or regulatory authorities cancel or change the above prohibitive provisions, if applicable to the Base

After the Fund Manager performs the appropriate procedures, the investment of the Fund will no longer be subject to the relevant restrictions or after the change

Implementation of the provisions of.

(3) The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Contract

The manager participates in the supervision of the inter-bank bond market.

The Fund Manager shall provide the Fund Custodian with information that complies with laws, regulations and industry requirements

List of standard, carefully selected and applicable inter-bank bond market counterparties of the Fund, and agree

The transaction settlement method applicable to each counterparty. The Fund Manager shall strictly follow the list of counterparties

Select counterparties in the inter-bank bond market. The Fund Custodian supervises whether the Fund Manager follows the preconditions

If the fund manager fails to provide the bank as required

The list of counterparties in the bond market between, resulting in the failure of the fund custodian to effectively perform its supervisory duties

The Fund Manager shall bear all losses and liabilities of the Fund.

The Fund Manager shall update the list of counterparties in the inter-bank bond market and the settlement method in a timely manner

Inform the Fund Custodian that the new list will come into effect after the Fund Custodian's confirmation, and the new list has been checked with this time before it comes into effect

The unsettled transactions conducted by the counterparties shall still be settled in accordance with the agreement. E.g. fund management

If we need to adjust the list of counterparties in the inter-bank bond market and the settlement method according to market conditions, we should

The fund custodian shall explain the reasons and confirm with the fund custodian within 3 working days before the transaction with the counterparty

Both parties agree to solve the problem through consultation. If the Fund Custodian finds that the Fund Manager and the bank not on the list

The Fund Manager shall be timely reminded of transactions between market counterparties. After being reminded, the Fund Manager has not yet

In case of correction, the Fund Custodian shall not bear any losses and liabilities arising therefrom.

The fund manager is responsible for controlling the credit control and trading mode of the counterparty

Conduct transactions according to the trading rules of the securities market, and be responsible for resolving disputes caused by the counterparty's failure to perform the contract

And losses. The Fund Custodian shall not bear any legal liability and losses arising therefrom. The Fund Custodian

The inter-bank bond market transaction sheet supervises the performance of the contract, such as the fund custodian finds that the fund management

In the event that the Fund Custodian fails to conduct transactions in accordance with the trading counterparty or trading method agreed in advance, the Fund Custodian shall promptly

The Fund Manager shall be reminded that if the Fund Manager still fails to correct after being reminded, the Fund Custodian shall not be liable for the resulting

For any loss or liability.

(4) The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Contract

The manager selects the deposit bank for supervision.

If the Fund invests in bank deposits, the Fund Manager shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Contract

Determine the list of all eligible deposit banks and provide them to

Whether the Fund Custodian, the counterparty on which the Fund Custodian shall invest in bank deposits, complies with relevant regulations

Regulate supervision. If the Fund Manager fails to provide the list of deposit banks as required, the Fund Custodian has no

The Fund Manager shall be responsible for the losses and liabilities arising from the effective performance of its supervisory duties.

The investment bank deposits of the Fund shall comply with the following provisions:

1. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations, make separate arrangements for the investment bank deposits of the Fund

Sign a written agreement to clarify that the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian are handling the deposit business of the Fund investment bank

To ensure the safety of fund assets and protect the legitimate rights and interests of fund share holders.

2. The Fund Custodian shall strengthen the supervision and verification of the Fund's bank deposit business and strictly review relevant agreements

Discussions, account information, investment instructions, deposit certificates and other relevant documents, and earnestly perform the custody responsibilities.

3. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall strictly abide by the Fund Deposits Agreement

Law of the People's Republic of China, Operation Measures and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as relevant national account management, interest rate management and expenditure

Provisions on payment and settlement.

(5) Supervision of the Fund Custodian over the Fund's investment in restricted securities

1. The Fund's investment in negotiable restricted securities shall comply with the Regulations on Fund Investment in Non public Issuance of Stocks and Other Negotiable Securities

Notice on Issues Related to Restricted Securities and other relevant laws and regulations.

2. The tradable restricted securities are not completely consistent with the liquidity restricted assets mentioned above, including

The offline allotment department of non-public issuance and public issuance of shares regulated by the Administrative Measures for Securities Issuance of Municipal Companies

Classify tradable securities that are locked for a specified period at the time of issuance, excluding those due to the release of major news or

Circulation of securities temporarily suspended for other reasons, issued unlisted securities, pledged bonds in repurchase transactions, etc

Restricted Securities.

3. The Fund Manager shall provide the Fund Custodian with the Fund Fund Fund Fund

Investment decision-making process and risk control of restricted securities for fund investment and circulation approved by the Board of Directors of the Fund Manager

System. The Fund Manager shall also provide the approval of the Board of Directors of the Fund Manager when the Fund invests in non-public issuance of shares

Liquidity risk disposal plan. The above information shall include but not be limited to the investment of the Fund in restricted securities

Control of capital amount and investment proportion.

The Fund Manager shall send the above information in writing at least two working days before the first execution of the investment order

To the Fund Custodian to ensure that the Fund Custodian has enough time to review.

4. Before the Fund invests in restricted securities, the Fund Manager shall provide the Fund Custodian with information that complies with laws and regulations

Relevant written information required by the regulations, including but not limited to the approval document of the CSRC of the proposed securities issuing subject

Pieces, the number of securities issued, the issue price, the lock up period, the number, price, total cost of the fund to be subscribed

The proportion of total cost in the net asset value of the fund, the proportion of the market value of the tradable restricted securities held in the net asset value

Time of fund transfer, etc. The Fund Manager shall guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the above information, and shall at least

The Bank shall send the above information to the Fund Custodian in writing two working days before the investment order to ensure that the Fund Custodian has

Sufficient time for review.

5. The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the Regulations on the Fund's Investment in Non public Issuance of Stocks and Other Circulating Restricted Securities

The Notice on Issues stipulates that the Fund Manager shall supervise whether it complies with laws and regulations and review the fund management

Relevant written information provided by the manager. The Fund Custodian believes that the above information may cause risks to the Fund

Have the right to require the fund manager to take measures to eliminate or prevent the risk before investing in restricted securities

The bank supplements the written statement and keeps checking the fund manager's risk management department's restricted certificate for fund investment circulation

The right to provide the risk assessment report and other materials for future reference. Otherwise, the Fund Custodian has the right to refuse to execute

Off command. The Fund Custodian shall not bear any responsibility for any loss of the Fund property caused by refusing to implement the instruction

And has the right to report to the CSRC.

(6) The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Agreement

Calculation of net asset value, calculation of net asset value of various fund units, receipt of funds receivable, confirmation of fund expenses and income

Fixed, fund income distribution, relevant information disclosure, fund performance published in fund promotion materials

Supervise and verify according to the.

If the fund manager prints false performance data on the

On the promotional materials, the Fund Custodian will not bear any responsibility for this and will report it immediately upon discovery

China Securities Regulatory Commission.

(7) The Fund Custodian discovers the above matters and investment instructions or actual investment operation of the Fund Manager

In case of violation of laws and regulations, the Fund Agreement and this Custodian Agreement, the Fund shall be notified in writing in a timely manner

The manager shall make corrections within a time limit. The Fund Manager shall actively cooperate with and assist the Fund Custodian in its supervision and verification. base

After receiving the notice, the fund manager shall check it in time before the next working day and send it to the fund custodian in writing

Send a reply letter to explain or provide evidence on the Fund Custodian's doubts, explain the reasons for the violation and the time limit for correction, and

Ensure timely correction within the specified period. The Fund Custodian has the right to notify

Review the matter and urge the fund manager to correct it. Violations notified by the Fund Manager to the Fund Custodian

If the fund custodian fails to make corrections within the above prescribed time limit, it shall have the right to report to the CSRC.

The Fund Custodian finds that the instructions of the Fund Manager violate laws, administrative regulations and other relevant provisions,

Or in violation of the provisions of the fund contract, it shall refuse to implement and immediately notify the fund manager to make corrections in a timely manner. as

If the Fund Manager refuses to make corrections, the Fund Custodian has the right to report to the CSRC

The Fund Custodian finds that the effective instructions of the Fund Manager in accordance with the trading procedures violate the laws and administration

In case of violation of laws, regulations and other relevant provisions, or the provisions of the fund contract, the fund manager shall be notified immediately,

And report to the CSRC in a timely manner.

(8) Matters concerning the Fund Custodian's need to submit the Fund Supervision Report to the CSRC as required by laws and regulations

The Fund Manager shall actively cooperate in providing relevant data and systems.

(9) If the Fund Custodian finds that the Fund Manager has major violations of laws and regulations, it shall report them in a timely manner

At the same time, the CSRC shall notify the fund manager to correct within a time limit and report the correction results to the CSRC. base

The fund manager refuses or obstructs the other party to exercise the supervision right in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, or takes measures to delay

Delays, frauds and other means prevent the other party from conducting effective supervision, and the circumstances are serious or the fund custodian has issued a warning

If it fails to make corrections, the Fund Custodian shall report to the CSRC.

4、 The Fund Manager's business verification of the Fund Custodian

(1) The Fund Manager shall check the performance of custody duties by the Fund Custodian, and check the package

Including but not limited to the safe custody of fund assets by the fund custodian, the opening of fund accounts and securities accounts for fund assets

Account and other accounts required for investment, timely and accurately review the net asset value of the fund calculated by the fund manager

The net value of various fund units shall be cleared and settled in accordance with the instructions of the fund manager and shall be promptly reversed in case of problems

Report, disclose relevant information and supervise whether the fund investment operation is confidential to non-public information.

The Fund Manager shall regularly and irregularly check the Fund assets under the custody of the Fund Custodian. fund

The custodian shall actively cooperate with the Fund Manager in its verification activities, including but not limited to: submitting relevant materials for

The Fund Manager shall verify the integrity and authenticity of the custody property, reply to the Fund Manager within the specified time and


(2) The Fund Manager finds that the Fund Custodian misappropriates the Fund assets without authorization and fails to implement

Separate account management, failure to execute or unreasonably delayed execution of fund manager's fund transfer instructions, disclosure of fund investment letter

In case of any violation of the Fund Law, the Fund Contract, this Agreement and other relevant provisions

The Fund Custodian shall be notified to make corrections within a time limit. Upon receipt of the notice, the Fund Custodian shall promptly check

Send a written reply to the fund manager, explain the reasons for the violation, and ensure that it is within the specified time limit

Correct in time. Within the above specified period, the Fund Manager has the right to review the notice at any time and supervise

Promote the Fund Custodian to correct. The Fund Custodian shall actively cooperate with the Fund Manager in its verification activities, including but not limited to

Limited to: submit relevant materials for the Fund Manager to verify the integrity and authenticity of the custody property

Reply to the fund manager and make corrections within the time limit. The Fund Manager has the right to require the Fund Custodian to compensate the Fund for

The loss suffered by this.

(3) If the Fund Manager finds that the Fund Custodian has major violations, it shall report to the CSRC in a timely manner

Will, together with the banking regulatory authority, notify the fund custodian to make corrections within a time limit and report the results of the corrections

China Securities Regulatory Commission. The Fund Custodian refuses or obstructs the other party from exercising supervision in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement without justified reasons

Supervise the authority, or take measures such as delay and fraud to prevent the other party from conducting effective supervision, if the circumstances are serious or the fund is managed

If the fund manager still fails to correct after giving a warning, the fund manager shall report to the CSRC.

5、 Custody of fund assets

(1) Principles of Fund Property Custody

1. The Fund property shall be independent of the inherent property of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian.

2. The Fund Custodian shall keep the Fund assets in safe custody. Without the proper instructions of the Fund Manager, it shall not

To apply, dispose of and distribute any assets of the Fund. If the Fund property is damaged during the custody of the Fund Custodian

In case of damage or loss, the Fund Custodian shall be liable for compensation.

3. The Fund Custodian shall open the fund account, securities account and investment of the Fund property in accordance with the provisions

Other accounts.

4. The Fund Custodian shall set up separate accounts for different fund assets under its custody

Strict separate account management shall be implemented for other businesses and custody businesses of other funds to ensure the integrity and independence of fund assets


5. The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the instructions of the Fund Manager, the provisions of laws and regulations, the Fund Agreement and

The agreement of this agreement is to keep the fund property.

6. Assets receivable arising from fund investment and receivables arising from fund subscription and purchase

Assets, such as the Fund Custodian's inability to obtain accounts from public information or written materials provided by the Fund Manager

In case of date information, the Fund Manager shall be responsible for determining the date of receipt with the relevant parties and notifying the Fund Custodian

If the fund property fails to reach the fund account on the account arrival date, the fund custodian shall timely notify and cooperate with the fund

The manager takes measures to collect. If any loss is caused to the Fund property, the Fund Manager shall be responsible for

The Fund Custodian shall not bear any responsibility for the relevant parties to recover the losses of the Fund.

7. Except in accordance with laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Contract, the Fund Custodian shall not entrust a third person to custody

Fund assets.

(2) Fund raising period and capital verification of raised funds

1. The funds raised during the fund raising period shall be deposited with the fund manager who is qualified for fund sales business

Issued by commercial banks or commercial banks and other business institutions engaged in the depository of customer transaction settlement transaction funds

"Special account for fund raising". The account is opened and managed by the fund manager, and will be opened and managed after the fund raising

No one is allowed to use it. The interest generated from effective subscription funds during the fund raising period will be converted into funds

Units shall be owned by fund unit holders. The interest generated during the fund raising period is recorded by the registration authority


2. When the fund raising period expires or the fund raising ends ahead of schedule, the total amount of fund units raised and the fund raising

After the amount and the number of fund unit holders meet the relevant provisions of the Fund Law and the Operation Measures

The Fund Manager shall transfer all funds belonging to the Fund property to the Fund Bank opened by the Fund Custodian for the Fund

For bank accounts, the Fund Custodian shall issue relevant supporting documents on the date of receipt of funds, and the Fund Manager shall

During the period, an accounting firm qualified to engage in securities related business is employed to verify capital and issue a capital verification report

The capital raised by the fund shall be confirmed in the capital verification report. The capital verification report issued by

Only two or more Chinese certified public accountants can sign the contract.

3. If the fund raising period expires and the conditions for the effectiveness of the fund contract are not met, the fund manager shall

The Fund Custodian shall provide full assistance in handling refund and other matters.

(3) Opening and management of fund bank account

1. The Fund Custodian shall be responsible for the opening and management of the Bank Account of the Fund.

2. The Fund Custodian may open a bank account of the Fund in its business institution in the name of the Fund, and

Handle the receipt and payment of funds according to the legal and compliant instructions of the fund manager. The reserved seal of the Fund's bank shall be

Custodian custody and use. All monetary income and expenditure activities of the Fund, including but not limited to investment, payment and redemption

The amount to be returned, the fund income to be paid, and the subscription amount to be collected shall all be made through the bank account of the Fund.

3. The opening and use of the Fund's bank account shall be limited to meet the needs of conducting the Fund's business. Gikinto

The Custodian and the Fund Manager shall not open any other bank account in the name of the Fund; And shall not be used

Any account of the Fund conducts activities other than the business of the Fund.

4. The opening and management of the fund bank account shall comply with relevant laws and regulations.

(4) Opening and management of fund securities settlement account and settlement provision account

1. The Fund Custodian is located in the Shanghai Branch and Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

Open a securities account jointly named by the Fund Custodian and the Fund for the Fund, and the account name shall be subject to the actual opening.

2. The opening and use of the Fund's securities account shall be limited to meeting the needs of conducting the Fund's business. Gikinto

The custodian and the fund manager shall not lend or transfer any securities account of the fund without the consent of the other party

No account of the Fund may be used for activities other than the business of the Fund.

3. The Fund Custodian shall open a settlement in the name of its own legal person in China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

The reserve account shall open a secondary settlement reserve account in the custodian system of the Fund in the name of the Fund

And complete the clearing with the primary legal person of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited on behalf of the funds under its custody

The Fund Manager shall actively assist in the accounting work. The collection of settlement provisions shall be settled according to the registration of Chinese securities

The regulations of a limited liability company shall be implemented.

4. The Fund Custodian shall be responsible for the opening of the Fund's securities account, and the management and application of the account assets shall be handled by the Fund

The manager is responsible.

5. If the CSRC or other regulatory authorities allow the fund to engage in its

If the investment business of other investment varieties involves the opening and use of relevant accounts, they shall be opened and used in accordance with relevant regulations

Use and manage; In the absence of relevant provisions, the Fund Custodian shall refer to and comply with the above provisions on account opening

Provisions for use.

(5) Opening and management of bond custody account

After the Fund Contract comes into force, the Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the People's Bank of China and the Central Government Securities Depository Trust Co., Ltd

The relevant provisions of the responsible company and the inter-bank market clearing company limited are as follows:

Limited liability companies and inter-bank market clearing houses Co., Ltd. open bond custody and settlement accounts, and

The table funds shall settle the bonds in the inter-bank market.

(6) Opening and management of other accounts

1. Other accounts opened for business development may be subject to laws, regulations and fund contract

The Fund Custodian shall be responsible for the opening after the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian have discussed. New account according to relevant

Use and manage rules.

2. If laws and regulations and other relevant provisions provide otherwise for the opening and management of relevant accounts, such provisions shall prevail


(7) Custody of relevant valuable certificates of fund property investment

Valuable certificates such as physical securities, bank time deposit certificates and other certificates related to the investment of fund assets shall be deposited by the Fund

The custodian shall be responsible for safekeeping, and the custody certificates shall be held by the fund custodian, of which the physical securities shall be held by the fund custodian

The depository in the custodian bank shall be kept separately from other physical securities not belonging to the Fund; Can also be deposited

Register the depository of the clearing institution. The purchase and transfer of physical securities shall be managed by the Fund Custodian

Handle the instructions of the manager. Physical securities under the actual and effective control of the Fund Custodian are insured by the Fund Custodian

The Fund Custodian shall be liable for any damage or loss during the custody period. Fund Custodian to the Fund

Securities and other fund assets actually and effectively controlled by institutions other than the fund custodian shall not bear the custody responsibility.

(8) Custody of major contracts related to fund assets

The originals of major contracts signed by the Fund Manager on behalf of the Fund and related to the Fund shall be

Custody by the Manager and the Fund Custodian, unless otherwise restricted by relevant business procedures. Unless otherwise specified in the Agreement,

When signing major contracts related to the Fund on behalf of the Fund, the Fund Manager shall ensure that one side of the Fund holds two copies

The original of the above, so that the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian each hold at least one original. fund

The manager shall timely encrypt the major contract or other methods agreed by both parties after the signing of the major contract

Fax to the Fund Custodian and deliver the original to the Fund Custodian within 10 working days. Major contract

The storage period shall not be less than the minimum period stipulated by laws and regulations. If more than two originals cannot be obtained,

The Fund Manager shall provide the Fund Custodian with a facsimile of the contract stamped with the authorized business seal without consultation between the two parties

Or if it is not within the scope agreed in the contract, the original contract shall not be transferred.

6、 Sending, confirmation and execution of instructions

The Fund Manager sends fund transfers and other payments to the Fund Custodian when using the Fund assets

The Fund Custodian implements the investment instructions of the Fund Manager and handles the fund transactions under the name of the Fund

Related matters.

The instructions sent by the fund manager include electronic instructions and paper instructions.

The electronic instructions include the electronic instructions sent by the fund manager (using the SZSE financial data exchange platform

Electronic instructions sent, electronic instructions sent through custodian online banking), automatically generated electronic instructions (entrusted

Electronic instructions automatically generated by the business management system through preset business rules). Once the electronic order is issued

It shall be deemed as legal and effective instructions upon delivery, and the paper instructions shall be used as emergency means for backup. The fund manager has passed Shenzhen Securities

The fund custodian is unique according to the user ID of the electronic instructions sent by the financial data exchange platform and the custodian online bank

To identify the identity of the fund manager, the fund manager shall properly keep the User ID, and after the identification of the fund custodian

The Fund Custodian shall not be liable for any loss caused by the implementation of the electronic order.

(1) Written authorization of the fund manager to the person who sends the paper order

1. The Fund Manager shall designate a special person to send instructions to the Fund Custodian.

2. The Fund Manager shall provide the Fund Custodian with a written authorization document, including the name of the authorized person

The seal and signature sample of the authorized person shall be reserved. The authorization document shall indicate the corresponding authority of the authorized person.

3. After the Fund Custodian receives the original authorization document and confirms with the Fund Manager by telephone, the authorization document

Is effective. If the authorization document specifies the specific effective time, the effective time shall not be earlier than the fund custody

The time when the person receives the authorization document and confirms it by telephone. If it is earlier than the time when the fund custodian receives the authorization document

The time point confirmed by telephone is the effective time of the authorization document.

4. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian are obliged to keep confidential the authorization documents, and their contents shall not be disclosed to the authorized person

Leakage by anyone other than the owner and relevant operators.

(2) Content of instructions

1. Instructions include redemption, dividend payment instructions, repurchase payment instructions due, and investment related payments

Instructions and other fund transfer instructions.

2. The instructions issued by the Fund Manager to the Fund Custodian shall specify the reason for the payment, the time of payment and the time of receipt

Room, amount, account information (including the number of large amount payment bank of the receiving bank), etc., and paper instructions need to be stamped with a reserved seal

And signed by the authorized person.

(3) Time and procedure for sending, confirming and executing instructions

1. Sending of instructions

The Fund Manager shall send instructions electronically or by fax or by other Fund Managers and Funds

The method of mutual confirmation in writing by both the custodian parties.

The Fund Manager shall, in accordance with laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Agreement

Send instructions within the trading authority; The authorized person shall send instructions in strict accordance with his/her authorized authority. For the authorized person

The fund manager shall not deny the effectiveness of the order issued in accordance with the agreed procedures. But if the fund manager has

After revoking or changing the authorization of the person who sends the transaction order and the Fund Custodian confirms in accordance with this Agreement,

Then, for the orders that the sender of the transaction order has no right to send, or the orders sent beyond the authority, the fund

The manager does not assume responsibility, and the authorization has been changed but has not been notified to the Fund Custodian and has not been confirmed by the Fund Custodian

Except in the circumstances.

After the order is issued, the Fund Manager shall confirm it to the Fund Custodian by telephone in a timely manner.

For inter-bank market bond transactions, if the transactions generated by the inter-bank bookkeeping system need

The Fund Manager shall notify the Fund Custodian in writing of the cancellation or termination.

The Fund Manager shall send the investment transfer instruction to the Fund Custodian one day before the transfer and confirm it by telephone,

If the investment transfer order needs to be issued on the day of transfer, the fund custodian shall be provided with an execution guide when sending the order

Time required by the order. The order should be sent 2 working hours before the designated time point of receipt (T+0 delivery

The deadline for sending instructions is 15:00 on the same day), and confirm by phone. For fixed receipt at Shanghai Stock Exchange

"Real time transaction by transaction full settlement" and

"For T+0 transaction by transaction full amount non guaranteed settlement business, the fund manager shall transfer funds to

The order is sent to the Fund Custodian. For the order sent by the Fund Manager after the deadline for sending the order,

The Fund Custodian does not guarantee that the execution is completed on the same day and does not assume any responsibility. Due to the reason of the fund manager

Loss caused by untimely transmission and insufficient transfer time, resulting in funds not arriving in the account in time

The loss shall not be borne by the Fund Custodian.

2. Confirmation of instructions

The Fund Custodian shall designate a special person to receive the instructions of the Fund Manager and notify the Fund Manager of his name in advance

And negotiate with the fund manager on the method of sending and receiving instructions. After the order reaches the fund custodian, the fund

The custodian shall appoint a special person to verify the relevant content immediately and prudently. The paper instructions also need to verify the seal and signature, such as

In case of any doubt, the Fund Manager must be notified in a timely manner. The Fund Custodian only conducts formal review on the transfer instructions.

3. Execution of instructions

After the Fund Custodian verifies the instructions, it shall handle them in a timely manner.

The Fund Manager shall ensure that the Fund Custodian has sufficient fund balance in the fund account when executing the instruction

If the fund fund position is sufficient, the fund custodian shall comply with laws and regulations

The instructions of the Fund Contract and this Agreement shall not be delayed or delayed. If the fund fund position is insufficient

The custodian shall immediately notify the Fund Manager, who shall make up the capital and notify the Fund Custodian to continue the implementation

Such order, if the time reserved for the execution of the order after the fund manager has made up the funds is insufficient, or the fund manager

If the Fund Custodian is not notified to continue to execute the instruction after making up the capital, the Fund Custodian does not guarantee that the execution will be completed on that day

No responsibility; If the Fund Manager fails to make up the capital, the Fund Custodian may refuse to execute the instruction

The custodian shall not be liable for any loss caused by failure to execute the order. In particular, for the non

For RTGS T+0 OTC transactions, when the account balance is sufficient, the fund custodian can directly process according to the Zhongdeng data,

There is no need for the fund manager to issue a transfer instruction. If the account balance is insufficient, the fund manager shall pay the transfer order at 16:00 on the same day

Make up the capital before 00, otherwise cause losses to the Fund Custodian or other assets under the custody of the Fund Custodian,

The Fund Manager shall be liable for compensation.

(4) The circumstances and handling procedures of the Fund Manager sending wrong instructions

The circumstances under which the fund manager sends wrong instructions include that the instruction sender has no right or exceeds the authority to send instructions

The order and delivery information are wrong, and the important information in the order is ambiguous or incomplete.

The Fund Custodian has the right to refuse to execute the instruction if it finds any error and prompt the Fund Manager to correct it in time

And then implement it. If the paper order needs to be revoked, the fund manager shall issue a written statement and affix it for business use


(5) The circumstances and handling procedures under which the Fund Custodian suspends or refuses to execute the order in accordance with laws and regulations

If the Fund Custodian finds that the Fund Manager's instructions violate laws, administrative regulations and other relevant regulations

If it decides or violates the provisions of the fund contract, it shall suspend the execution or refuse the execution as the case may be, and notify the Fund immediately

Financial administrator.

If the Fund Custodian finds that the effective instructions of the Fund Manager in accordance with the trading procedures violate the laws and regulations

In case of violation of administrative regulations and other relevant provisions, or the provisions of the fund contract, the fund management shall be notified immediately


(6) The handling method for the Fund Custodian's failure to follow the instructions of the Fund Manager

The Fund Custodian's interest in the Fund is subject to

If any damage is found, measures shall be taken to make up for it in a timely manner, causing losses to fund share holders

The Fund Custodian shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to law.

(7) Procedures for replacing authorized personnel

The fund manager shall change the authorized person, change or terminate the authorization to the authorized person at least in advance

The Fund Custodian shall be notified within one working day, and the Fund Manager shall fax the new authorized person to the Fund Custodian

Name, authority, reserved seal and signature sample, and confirm by telephone in time to ensure that the fund custodian

Upon receipt, the authorization document will become effective. The Fund Manager shall notify the original of the change of authorization within three working days thereafter

And sent to the Fund Custodian. The contents of the original copy shall be completely consistent with those of the fax copy. In case of any inconsistency

The fax shall prevail.

Before the notice of change of the authorized person takes effect, the Fund Custodian shall still execute the order as originally agreed

No one can deny its effectiveness.

The Fund Custodian shall change the personnel receiving the instructions of the Fund Manager at least one working day in advance

Notify the Fund Manager.

(8) Other matters

1. When receiving instructions, the Fund Custodian shall check whether the elements of the instructions are complete, the seal and the authorized person

Check whether it is consistent with the content of the reserved authorization document, and timely report to the fund management if any problem is found


If the fund manager has revoked or changed the authorization of the person who sent the order, and has notified the fund

If the custodian confirms by phone with the fund custodian, the order will be sent after the activation date of the change notice

The Fund Manager shall not be liable for the instructions that the personnel are not authorized to send or sent beyond their authority.

2. After performing the supervision responsibility, the Fund Custodian shall implement the legal instructions of the Fund Manager and

No compensation liability shall be borne for the losses caused by the property.

7、 Transaction, clearing and settlement arrangements

(1) Select securities operating institutions and futures brokerage institutions that act as agents for securities and futures trading

The Fund Manager shall design the standards and procedures for selecting securities operating institutions to act as agents for securities trading. fund

The Manager is responsible for selecting the securities operating institutions that act as agents for the securities trading of the Fund and using their trading units as the basis

A special trading unit for gold.

The Fund Manager and the selected securities operating institution sign the Trading Unit Lease Agreement, and the Fund

The Manager shall notify the Fund Custodian in advance and timely deliver the Transaction Unit Lease Agreement to the Fund Custodian

To ensure that the Fund Custodian applies for receiving settlement data. The margin of the trading unit is operated by the selected securities

Agency delivery. The Fund Manager shall disclose the use of trading units in accordance with relevant regulations and

Such information, special unit number of the fund, commission rate and other basic information of the fund as well as changes shall be written in a timely manner

Inform the Fund Custodian in person.

The Fund Manager is responsible for selecting the futures brokerage institutions that participate in futures trading on behalf of the Fund and signing with them

To enter into a futures brokerage contract, other matters shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations and the Fund Contract. If

In the absence of explicit provisions, the rules on the selection of securities trading and securities brokerage institutions may be referred to.

Changes brought about by the modification of relevant laws and regulations or transaction rules to the then effective laws and regulations

The relevant transaction rules shall prevail.

(2) Settlement arrangements after the fund invests in securities

1. Clearing and settlement

According to the Administrative Measures for Settlement Reserves of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited and

Measures for the Administration of Margin Settlement. Within the first three working days of each month, China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

The minimum settlement provisions and

The settlement margin limit shall be recalculated and adjusted. The Fund Custodian shall make adjustment in China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation

The adjusted minimum settlement reserve shall be reflected in the capital reconciliation statement on the day when the minimum settlement reserve and settlement margin are adjusted

And settlement margin. The Fund Manager shall reserve minimum provisions and settlement deposits, and

The actual minimum reserve and settlement margin data determined by the securities registration and clearing company shall be taken as the basis for arranging fund transportation

Adjust the required cash position.

The Fund Custodian shall be responsible for the clearing and settlement of the securities traded by the Fund. The fund custodian shall be responsible for the settlement of OTC funds

According to the settlement data of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation; The transfer of OTC funds shall be made by the fund custodian according to the fund

The transaction transfer instructions of the manager shall be handled specifically.

If the loss of fund assets is caused in liquidation due to the fund custodian's own reasons

The custodian shall be responsible for compensating the losses of the fund; If the fund manager violates laws, regulations and trading rules

The Fund Custodian shall, upon discovery

Immediately notify the Fund Manager, who shall be responsible for solving the losses caused to the Fund

Undertaken by the Manager.

The Fund Manager shall take reasonable measures to ensure that there is sufficient capital before 10:00 a.m. on T+1

Inch, used for the capital settlement of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Shanghai Branch and Shenzhen Branch on the current day.

The Fund Custodian has the right to refuse fund management when the fund position used for settlement of OTC transactions is insufficient

Transfer instructions sent by.

If the fund manager fails to make up the settlement funds on time for the clearing and settlement of funds for OTC transactions,

The Fund Custodian shall comply with the relevant provisions of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited. Due to fund management

The failure of the manager to make up the settlement funds on time affects the clearing and settlement of fund assets and the relationship between the fund custodian and China Securities

Register and settle the first level liquidation between limited liability companies, thereby giving fund assets, fund custodians and funds

Losses caused by other assets under the custody of the custodian shall be borne by the fund manager.

When the fund position is sufficient, the fund custodian will accept the fund manager in the normal business channel

The instructions that comply with laws and regulations and this Agreement sent within a reasonable time as specified in the order shall not be delayed or refused

Execution. If the fund asset fails to pay the securities clearing amount on time due to the reason of the fund custodian

The losses caused shall be borne by the Fund Custodian, but the balance of the bank custody account is insufficient or if the Fund Custodian encounters

Except for force majeure.

2. Time and method of reconciliation of transaction records, capital and securities accounts

(1) Reconciliation of capital accounts

The fund account is verified by the fund manager and the fund custodian on a daily basis, and the account is consistent with the actual situation.

(2) Reconciliation of securities accounts

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall check the fund securities accounts at the end of each trading day to ensure that both accounts

The purpose is consistent. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall check the types and amounts in the securities accounts of the Exchange on time

Quantity, to ensure that the type and quantity of securities in the securities account after the end of daily trading are consistent with the records in the fund accounting book

Load the same.

For the capital account and securities account, if the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian are inconsistent

The cause shall be found and corrected actively.

(3) Basic Provisions on Fund Purchase and Redemption

1. The registration institution designated by the fund manager shall be responsible for the confirmation and liquidation of the subscription and redemption of fund units.

2. The Fund Manager shall transmit the data of subscription, redemption and conversion of open-ended funds on each open day

To the Fund Custodian. The Fund Manager shall respond to the data transmitted on subscription, redemption and conversion of open-ended funds

Substantial responsibility. The Fund Custodian shall timely check the receipt of subscription funds and transferred funds and

The manager instructs to transfer redemption and transfer out funds in time.

3. The Fund Manager shall ensure that the registration institution entrusted by it must report to the Fund before 15:00 every working day

The custodian sends the above relevant data on the previous opening day and guarantees the accuracy and completeness of the relevant data.

4. The registration authority shall send relevant data through the encryption system established with the fund custodian

The reason is that the system cannot send normally, and both parties can solve the problem through negotiation. Fund manager to fund trust

The data sent by the supervisor shall be kept by both parties in accordance with relevant regulations.

5. If the Fund Manager entrusts other institutions to handle the registration business of the Fund, the above matters shall be managed by the Fund

The manager shall be responsible for and ensure that the above matters are carried out on time.

6. Establishment and management of special clearing account

In order to meet the needs of subscription, redemption and dividend capital remittance, the fund manager shall open a fund for clearing

Special account, which is managed by the registration agency.

7. The fund manager shall be responsible for the assets receivable generated in the process of fund purchase

If the person confirms the date of receipt and notifies the fund custodian that the fund property does not reach the fund account on the date of receipt

The Fund Custodian shall timely notify the Fund Manager to take measures to collect the funds, which causes losses to the Fund,

The Fund Manager shall be responsible for recovering the losses of the Fund from the relevant parties.

8. Redemption and dividend fund allocation regulations

When the redemption money is allocated or the fund dividends are distributed, if the fund bank account has sufficient funds, the fund shall be placed in custody

It shall be appropriated on time; If the Fund Custodian fails to allocate relevant funds on time, the responsibility shall be borne by the Fund Custodian

Undertake. Due to insufficient funds in the Fund's bank account, the Fund Custodian cannot make timely disbursement, such as

If it is caused by the Fund Manager, the Fund Manager shall bear the responsibility, and the Fund Custodian shall not bear the obligation of advance


9. Capital Instruction

Except that the subscription amount shall be reconciled by both parties according to the agreed method when it reaches the fund bank account, the funds shall be transferred out and redeemed

The Fund Manager shall issue instructions to the Fund Custodian when allocating dividend funds.

The format, content, sending, receiving and confirmation methods of capital orders are the same as those of investment orders,

Other parts shall be specified separately.

(4) Net settlement of redemption and purchase

The fund settlement between the fund custody account and the "fund clearing account" follows the principle of "full settlement and net payment

According to the principle of "collection", the funds receivable and payable in the custody account shall be

The net receivable amount or net payable amount of the escrow account is determined by the difference of funds, so as to determine the amount of funds delivered. When exists

When the net receivable amount of the escrow account, the fund manager shall transfer it from the fund clearing account to the base fund before 15:00 on T day

Custody account; When there is a net payable amount in the custody account, the fund custodian refers to

Order the net payable amount of the escrow account to be transferred to the fund clearing account before 15:00 on T day.

As for the fund receivables, the Fund Manager will transfer them in time and notify the Fund Custodian that

The custodian shall timely check and collect the funds, and notify the fund manager of the funds that have not been transferred on time

The responsible party shall bear the responsibility. A fund custodian with serious consequences shall report to the CSRC.

The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the instructions of the Fund Manager, transfer the funds payable in a timely manner. yes

The Fund Manager shall timely notify the Fund Custodian to transfer the funds that are not transferred on time, and the responsibilities arising therefrom

The responsible party shall bear the responsibility. Fund managers with serious consequences shall report to the CSRC.

In case of major redemption or other circumstances of suspending redemption or delaying payment of redemption funds specified in the fund contract

The payment method shall refer to the relevant provisions of the fund contract.

(5) Fund conversion

1. The Fund Custodian will conduct accounting treatment according to the fund conversion data transmitted by the Fund Manager.

2. The Fund shall publish the fund conversion business on the specified media in accordance with relevant regulations.

(6) Fund cash dividends

1. The Fund Manager shall notify the Fund Custodian of the dividend plan, which shall be approved by both parties on the specified media


2. After the fund custodian and the fund manager conduct accounting treatment and check on the fund dividend, the fund management

The Fund Custodian shall timely transfer the funds to the Fund Custodian for special purposes when the Fund Custodian sends the transfer instruction of cash dividends to the Fund Custodian


3. When giving instructions, the Fund Manager shall allow the Fund Custodian the necessary time to transfer funds.

(7) Fund investment futures

Matters related to the Fund's investment in futures shall be separately signed by the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and the futures company

Sign the relevant operation agreement and follow the agreement.

8、 Calculation and accounting of fund net asset value

(1) Calculation and review procedures of the net asset value of the Fund

1. Net value of fund assets

The net asset value of the Fund refers to the value of the total assets of the Fund minus the liabilities of the Fund.

The net value of fund units is divided by the net value of fund assets after the market is closed on each working day by the fund units on that day

Balance quantity calculation of.

The net value of fund units shall be calculated to the nearest 0.0001 yuan, and the fifth decimal place shall be rounded off

The profits or losses incurred shall be borne by the fund property. The fund manager can set up the net amount under the circumstance of large redemption

Emergency adjustment mechanism of value accuracy. If the state has other provisions, such provisions shall prevail.

The Fund Manager calculates the net value of various fund units every working day, and after the Fund Custodian has verified that there is no error,

Announce as required.

2. Review procedure

After the Fund Manager evaluates the Fund assets every working day, the net value of such fund units will be calculated

It shall be sent to the Fund Custodian, and the Fund Manager shall make public after the Fund Custodian has checked and found no error.

(2) Fund asset valuation methods and treatment of special circumstances

1. Valuation object

Stocks, stock index futures contracts, treasury bond futures contracts, stock option contracts and assets owned by the Fund

Support assets and liabilities such as securities, bonds, bank deposit principal and interest, receivables, and other investments.

2. Valuation method

(1) Valuation of securities listed on stock exchanges

1) Securities (including stocks, etc.) listed on the stock exchange shall be listed on the stock exchange on the valuation date

Valuation of market price (closing price); There is no transaction on the valuation date, and the economic environment has not changed since the most recent transaction date

In case of major changes or no major event affecting the securities price occurs to the securities issuer

Price (closing price) valuation; If the economic environment has changed significantly after the recent trading day or the securities issuer

In case of major events affecting the securities price, reference can be made to the current market price and major changes of similar investment varieties

Factor, adjust the market price of the latest transaction and determine the fair price;

2) Fixed income varieties listed on the exchange market or transferred by listing (unless otherwise specified),

Select the net valuation price of the corresponding varieties provided by the third-party valuation agency on the valuation date;

3) Convertible bonds listed and traded on the exchange market shall be calculated by subtracting the closing price of bonds from the closing price on the valuation date

Net price valuation of the included bond interest receivable; There is no transaction on the valuation date, and after the most recent transaction date

There is no significant change in the economic environment. The closing price of bonds on the latest trading day minus the bonds included in the closing price of bonds

Net price valuation obtained from interest receivable of bonds; If the economic environment has changed significantly since the recent trading day

Refer to the current market price and major change factors of similar investment varieties, adjust the recent transaction market price, and determine the fair value


4) The fair value of asset-backed securities listed on the exchange is determined by valuation techniques

If it is difficult to reliably measure the fair value, it shall be valued at cost;

5) The bonds listed on the Exchange but not traded at net price shall be withdrawn according to the closing price on the valuation date or the third-party valuation agency

The estimated full price of the corresponding varieties on the current day minus the bond interest receivable included in the closing price or the estimated full price of the bonds

The net price obtained from the interest rate is estimated.

(2) The securities in the unlisted period shall be handled according to the following circumstances:

1) The new shares issued by the company on the valuation date are listed on the stock exchange

Valuation method of the same stock; If there is no transaction on that day, the market price (closing price) of the latest day shall be used for evaluation


2) For the initial public offering of unlisted shares, the fair value is determined using valuation techniques

If it is difficult to reliably measure the fair value, it shall be valued at cost;

3) Circulating restricted stock (refers to the stock with a certain period of restricted sale specified at the time of issuance, including but not limited to

Private offering of shares, initial public offering of shares, public offering of shares by shareholders of the company, and acquisition through block trading

The stocks with limited sales period obtained do not include the pledged bonds in the transaction of suspension, newly issued unlisted and repurchase

Determine the fair value according to the relevant regulations issued by the regulatory authority or industry association;

4) The fixed income varieties issued by the exchange market that are not listed or not listed for transfer shall be determined by valuation techniques

To determine the fair value, if the valuation technology is difficult to reliably measure the fair value, it shall be valued at cost.

(3) Valuation of transaction varieties in the national inter-bank market

1) For the fixed income varieties of inter-bank market transactions, select the corresponding varieties provided by third-party valuation institutions

The net valuation price on the current day.

2) For bonds that are not listed in the inter-bank market and the third-party valuation agency does not provide valuation prices

There is no significant difference between the bank interest rate and the secondary market interest rate, and the market interest rate has not changed significantly during the unlisted period

In case of any change, it shall be valued at cost.

(4) If the same security is traded in two or more markets at the same time, it shall be separately based on the market in which the security is located


(5) The Fund's investment in stock index futures, treasury bond futures and stock option contracts is generally settled on the valuation date

If there is no settlement price on the valuation date and there is no significant change in the economic environment after the latest trading day

The settlement price on the latest trading day shall be used for valuation.

(6) The interbank deposit receipt is valued at the net valuation price provided by the third-party valuation agency on the valuation date; Selected third

If no valuation price is provided by the valuation agency, it shall be valued at cost.

(7) The fair value of the share allotment right due to the holding of shares is determined by the valuation technique

If it is difficult to reliably measure the fair value, it shall be valued at cost.

(8) On the fund valuation date, the valuation of foreign currency securities assets held by Hong Kong Stock Connect involves Hong Kong dollars versus people

For the exchange rate of RMB, refer to the central parity rate of RMB exchange rate published by the People's Bank of China or its authorized institution on that day.

(9) In case of large amount purchase or redemption of the Fund, the Fund Manager may adopt swing pricing

Mechanism to ensure the fairness of fund valuation.

(10) If there is conclusive evidence that the above method cannot objectively reflect its fair value

The Fund Manager may, after consultation with the Fund Custodian according to the specific circumstances

Price valuation.

(11) For the funds payable according to the laws and regulations of China and the laws and regulations of the place where the fund is invested

The Fund will evaluate all taxes according to the accrual basis principle; For adjustment due to tax regulations or others

If the actual tax paid by the fund is different from the estimated tax payable due to the reason, the fund will adjust the relevant tax

Corresponding valuation adjustment shall be made on the whole day or the actual payment day.

(12) If there are mandatory provisions in relevant laws and regulations and regulatory authorities, such provisions shall prevail. If there is anything new

The valuation is based on the latest national regulations.

If the fund manager or the fund custodian finds that the fund valuation violates the valuation method specified in the fund contract

If the procedures and relevant laws and regulations fail to fully protect the interests of fund share holders

Inform the other party, find out the reason together, and the two parties will solve it through consultation.

According to relevant laws and regulations, the obligation of calculating the net asset value of the fund and accounting of the fund is managed by the fund

People bear. The fund manager is the fund accounting responsible party of the Fund, so it is related to the Fund

If the relevant parties still cannot reach an agreement after full discussion on the basis of equality

See. According to the fund manager's calculation results of the fund net value information, the fund manager shall publish the results in accordance with the regulations

Losses caused by fund share holders and the fund, and errors in deferral of the calculation of the net asset value of the fund on the trading day

The fund manager shall be responsible for the compensation of the losses incurred.

3. Handling of special cases

(1) When the Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian conducts valuation according to Item (10) of the valuation method

The resulting errors shall not be treated as errors in the valuation of fund assets.

(2) Due to force majeure or sent by securities and futures exchanges and registration and clearing companies

Data errors, etc. Although the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian have taken necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures

The Fund Manager and

The Fund Custodian shall be exempted from liability for compensation, but the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall actively take necessary measures

To eliminate or mitigate the impact caused thereby.

(3) Treatment of valuation errors

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian will take necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures to ensure the valuation of the Fund assets

The accuracy and timeliness of the value. When the net value of fund units is valued within 4 decimal places (including the 4th decimal place)

In case of error, it shall be deemed that the net value of fund units is wrong.

The parties to the fund contract shall deal with it in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) Type of valuation error

During the operation of the Fund, if the Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian, or the registration authority, or

Where the error in valuation is caused by the fault of the sales agency or the investor itself, causing losses to other parties,

The person responsible for the fault shall be liable for the direct loss of the party suffering losses due to the valuation error ("the injured party")

Compensation shall be made in accordance with the following "Principles for Handling Valuation Errors" and compensation liability shall be borne.

The main types of the above valuation errors include but are not limited to: data declaration errors, data transmission errors

Data calculation error, system failure error, order issuing error, etc.

(2) Principles for handling valuation errors

1) When the valuation error has occurred but has not caused losses to the parties, the party responsible for the valuation error shall promptly

Coordinate all parties to correct in a timely manner, and the costs arising from the correction of valuation errors shall be borne by the party responsible for the valuation errors

Dan; Loss caused to the parties due to the failure of the responsible party to timely correct the valuation errors that have occurred

The party responsible for the valuation error shall be liable for the direct loss; If the responsible party for the valuation error has been active

Coordination, and the party who has the obligation to assist has enough time to make corrections, but has not made corrections, it has the meaning of assistance

The parties concerned shall bear the corresponding liability for compensation. The party responsible for the valuation error shall report the correction to the relevant party

The parties concerned shall confirm to ensure that the valuation errors have been corrected.

2) The party responsible for the valuation error shall be responsible for the direct losses of the parties concerned, not for the indirect losses,

And it is only responsible for the direct parties involved in the valuation error, not the third party.

3) The party who has obtained the unjust enrichment due to the valuation error has the obligation to return the unjust enrichment in a timely manner. but

The party responsible for the valuation error shall still be responsible for the valuation error. If the party who has obtained unjust enrichment does not return

Or the loss of interests of other parties caused by not returning all the unjust enrichment ("the injured party"), then the valuation is wrong

The responsible party shall compensate the loss of the injured party, and shall, within the scope of the compensation amount paid by it, make improper profits

The party concerned has the right to demand the delivery of unjust enrichment; If the party who has obtained unjust enrichment has

If part of the unjust enrichment is returned to the injured party, the injured party shall add the amount of compensation it has received to the amount of compensation it has received

The difference between the total of the returned unjust enrichment and the actual loss shall be paid to the party responsible for the valuation error.

4) The adjustment of valuation errors shall be made in the way of recovering to the correct situation assuming no valuation errors.

(3) Valuation error handling procedure

After the valuation error is found, the relevant parties shall deal with it in a timely manner, and the handling procedures are as follows:

1) Find out the causes of valuation errors, list all parties involved, and

Determine the responsible party for the valuation error;

2) According to the principle of handling valuation errors or the method negotiated by the parties

Line assessment;

3) The responsible party for valuation errors shall make corrections according to the principle of handling valuation errors or the method negotiated by the parties

Zhenghe compensates for losses;

4) If it is necessary to modify the transaction data of the fund registration agency according to the method of handling valuation errors, the Fund shall

The registration authority shall make corrections and confirm the correction of valuation errors to the relevant parties.

(4) The method for handling errors in the valuation of the net value of fund units is as follows:

1) In case of any error in the calculation of the net value of fund units, the Fund Manager shall immediately correct it and notify the Fund Manager

And take reasonable measures to prevent further expansion of losses.

2) When the error deviation reaches 0.25% of the net value of such fund units, the fund manager shall notify the fund

The custodian shall also report to the CSRC for filing; When the error deviation reaches 0.5% of the net value of such fund units

The administrator shall make an announcement and report to the CSRC for the record.

3) When the calculation error of the net value of fund units causes losses to the funds and fund unit holders, compensation shall be made

At the time of repayment, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall define the responsibilities of both parties according to the actual situation, and upon confirmation

The compensation shall be made according to the following terms:

① The Fund Manager shall be responsible for the accounting of the Fund

If the two parties cannot reach an agreement after full discussion on the basis of equality

It is recommended to implement. The Fund Manager shall be responsible for the losses caused to the Fund Unitholders and the Fund property


② If the net value of the Fund units calculated by the Fund Manager has been reviewed and confirmed by the Fund Custodian and announced

In addition, the Fund Custodian did not raise doubts about the calculation process or require the Fund Manager to explain in writing

If the value is wrong and causes losses to the fund share holders, the investor or the fund share holder shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations

The fund manager and the fund trust

The administrator shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to the degree of fault.

③ For example, the calculation results of the fund manager and the fund custodian on the net value of fund units, although repeated

Calculate and check. If no agreement can be reached, in order to avoid failing to publish the net value of fund units on time,

Losses caused to fund share holders and the fund due to the disclosure of the calculation results of the fund manager

In case of loss, the fund manager shall be responsible for compensation.

④ Due to the information error provided by the fund manager (including but not limited to the fund purchase or redemption amount

And so on), resulting in the calculation error of the net value of fund units

The loss shall be compensated by the fund manager.

4) The net value of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian due to their respective technical system settings

Poor, subject to the calculation result of the fund manager.

5) If the above contents are otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or the regulatory authority, they shall be handled in accordance with their provisions. If the industry

In other general practice, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall act on the basis of equality and protect the interests of Fund Unitholders

The principle of benefit shall be consulted.

(4) Suspension of valuation and announcement of net value of fund units

1. The securities and futures trading market involved in the fund investment is suspended on statutory holidays or for other reasons

Business hours;

2. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian are unable to accurately evaluate the Fund due to force majeure or other circumstances

The asset value;

3. When specific assets account for more than 50% of the net asset value of the fund on the previous valuation date

After confirmation, the Fund Manager shall suspend the valuation;

4. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations, recognized by the CSRC and the fund contract.

(5) Fund accounting system

The accounting system stipulated by relevant national departments shall be followed.

(6) Establishment of fund account book

The Fund Manager shall conduct fund accounting and prepare fund financial accounting reports. Fund Manager, Fund Manager

The Fund Custodian shall independently set up, record and keep the full set of account books of the Fund. If the Fund Manager and the Fund Manager

If the fund custodian disagrees with the accounting treatment method, the treatment method of the fund manager shall prevail. If the day

The calculation and announcement of the net fund value information are affected by the inconsistency of the check and the inability to find the cause of the wrong account for the time being

The account book of the fund manager shall prevail.

(7) Preparation and review of fund financial statements and reports

1. Preparation of financial statements

The Fund Manager shall timely prepare and provide a true and complete financial and accounting report of the Fund. month

The Fund Manager shall complete the preparation of the financial statements within 5 working days after the end of each month; The quarterly report shall be submitted in

The quarterly report shall be prepared and announced within 15 working days from the end of each quarter; The interim report shall

Complete the preparation and make an announcement within two months from the end of the first half of the year; The annual report should be completed every year

The preparation shall be completed and announced within three months from the date of establishment. The financial accounting report of the annual report of the Fund shall

Audited by an accounting firm conforming to the provisions of the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China. Insufficient effectiveness of fund contract

The Fund Manager may not prepare the current quarterly report, interim report or annual report for the period of two months.

2. Report review

On the day when the monthly statements are completed, the Fund Manager shall seal the statements and provide them to the Fund Custodian for review;

The Fund Custodian shall review within 3 working days after receipt. The fund manager completes the quarterly report

On the same day, the relevant report shall be submitted to the Fund Custodian for review, and the Fund Custodian shall, within 7 working days after receiving it

Complete the review within. The Fund Manager shall provide the relevant report to the Fund Custodian on the day when the interim report is completed

The Fund Custodian shall complete the review within 30 days after receipt. When the Fund Manager completes the annual report

The relevant report shall be submitted to the Fund Custodian for review, and the Fund Custodian shall complete the reply within 45 days after receiving it

Nuclear. The above-mentioned documents between the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall be faxed or agreed by both parties

In other ways.

When the Fund Custodian finds discrepancies in the statements of both parties during the review process, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian

The fund custodian shall jointly find out the reasons and make adjustments, which shall be subject to the accounting treatment method agreed by both parties;

If both parties cannot reach an agreement, the accounting treatment of the fund manager shall prevail. After verification, the fund shall be placed in custody

The Fund Manager shall make written or electronic confirmation to the Fund Manager. If the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian cannot

The Fund Manager shall have the right to reach an agreement on the relevant statements before the date of the announcement, and the Fund Manager shall have the right to

The Fund Custodian has the right to report relevant information to the CSRC for filing.

(8) The Fund Manager shall submit the quarterly report, interim report or annual report to the Fund

The custodian provides the basic data and compilation results of the fund performance benchmark.

9、 Fund income distribution

The distribution of fund income shall follow the following principles:

1. On the premise of meeting the conditions for fund dividend, the fund manager can make the payment according to the actual situation

The specific distribution plan shall be subject to the announcement. If the Fund Contract takes effect less than 3 months ago, it may not

Income distribution;

2. The income distribution method of the Fund is: cash dividends;

3. After the distribution of fund income, the net value of fund units cannot be lower than the par value, that is, the base date of fund income distribution

The net value of the fund units less the amount of income distribution per unit fund unit cannot be lower than the par value;

4. Each fund unit of the same category of the Fund has the same right of distribution;

5. If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities provide otherwise, their provisions shall prevail.

In compliance with laws and regulations and the fund contract, and without material adverse effect on the interests of fund share holders

The Fund Manager may adjust the fund income distribution principle and payment method without calling

Hold a general meeting of fund unit holders.

10、 Fund information disclosure

(1) Confidentiality obligations

The Fund Custodian and the Fund Manager shall carry out information disclosure in accordance with laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the Fund Agreement

Disclosure: The information to be publicly disclosed shall be kept confidential before public disclosure. Except according to the Fund Law and Liquidity

Risk Management Regulations, Information Disclosure Measures, Fund Contracts and other relevant regulations

In addition, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian have a good understanding of the information generated in the operation of the Fund and the business obtained from the other party

The information shall be kept confidential.

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian, in addition to legally performing laws and regulations, the Fund Agreement and this Agreement

Shall not use or utilize the confidential letter of the Fund known to them for other purposes except as necessary for their obligations under the

And shall limit the confidential information to the staff who need to know the confidential information in order to fulfill the above obligations

Within the range. However, the following circumstances shall not be deemed as breach of confidentiality obligations by the Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian:

1. Confidential information is disclosed, divulged or disclosed for reasons other than those of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian


2. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall abide by and obey the court judgment or ruling, arbitral award or

Information disclosure or disclosure made by the order and decision of the CSRC and other regulatory agencies.

(2) Contents of information disclosure

The information disclosure of the Fund mainly includes the Fund Prospectus, the Fund Contract, the Fund Custody Agreement and the Fund

Summary of gold product information, announcement on the sale of fund units, net fund value information, subscription and redemption price of fund units

Regular report of the Fund (including annual report, interim report and quarterly report), interim report, fund

Resolutions of the general meeting of unit holders, major persons in the special fund custody department of the fund manager and the fund custodian

Events, litigation, arbitration and clarification involving fund assets, fund management business and fund custody business

Announcement, liquidation report, information disclosure during the implementation of the side pocket mechanism and other letters required by the CSRC

Interest. The financial accounting report in the annual report of the Fund shall comply with the provisions of the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China

Can be disclosed only after being audited by an accounting firm of.

The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the provisions of the CSRC and the Fund Contract

Agree on the net value of fund assets, net value of various fund units and subscription of fund units prepared by the fund manager

Redemption price, regular fund report, updated prospectus, summary of fund product information, fund liquidation

The report and other publicly disclosed relevant fund information shall be reviewed and reviewed, and written or

Electronic confirmation.

(3) Responsibilities and information disclosure procedures of the Fund Custodian and the Fund Manager in information disclosure

1. Responsibilities

The Fund Custodian and the Fund Manager shall protect the interests of the Fund Unitholders in the process of information disclosure

For the purpose, be honest and keep secrets strictly. The Fund Manager shall be responsible for handling information disclosure related to the Fund

It is advisable that matters that should be reviewed by the Fund Custodian as prescribed in Article (2) of this Chapter should be reviewed by the Fund Custodian

If there is no error in the review, the Fund Manager shall publish it.

The fund manager shall, within the time limit prescribed by the CSRC, pass the fund information that should be disclosed

National newspapers and periodicals that meet the requirements of the CSRC (hereinafter referred to as "regulated newspapers and periodicals") and "information publication"

Internet websites (hereinafter referred to as "regulated websites") and other media as specified in the Disclosure Measures. According to the law

Information that should be publicly disclosed by the Fund Custodian according to regulations. The Fund Custodian will use the specified media and fund custody

People's Internet websites are publicly disclosed.

The Fund Custodian shall issue a report on fund custody in accordance with the Fund Law and the relevant provisions of the CSRC

Notice. The report of the Fund Custodian states that the Fund Custodian and the Fund Manager perform the Fund Contract

Information is an integral part of the Fund's interim report and annual report.

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian may suspend or delay the disclosure of the Fund Letter in the following circumstances


(1) Force majeure;

(2) The securities and futures trading market involved in the fund investment is temporarily on statutory holidays or for other reasons

When the business is closed;

(3) Laws and regulations, fund contract or the situation stipulated by the CSRC.

2. Procedure

Information disclosure documents subject to review by the Fund Custodian in accordance with relevant regulations shall be drafted by the Fund Manager and

After being reviewed by the Fund Custodian, it shall be announced by the Fund Manager. Occurrence of events required to be disclosed in the fund contract

Shall be announced in accordance with the provisions of the fund contract.

3. Storage of information text

After the release of the information that must be disclosed according to law, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall comply with relevant laws

The laws and regulations stipulate that the information shall be kept at the company's domicile for public reference and reproduction.

Investors can consult the above documents for free. The above documents can be obtained within a reasonable time after paying the cost of production

A copy or photocopy of. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall ensure that the content of the text is consistent with the published

The content is completely consistent.

11、 Fund expenses

(1) Accrual proportion and method of fund management fee

The management fee of the Fund is accrued at an annual fee rate of 0.80% of the net asset value of the Fund on the previous day. Calculation of management fee

The calculation method is as follows:

H = E × 0.80% ÷ days of the year

H is the daily accrued fund management fee

E is the net asset value of the fund on the previous day

Fund management fees are accrued daily and paid monthly. The Fund Custodian shall check with the Fund Manager according to

The financial data sent to will be automatically paid according to the designated account path within 5 working days at the beginning of the next month. if

In case of legal holidays, rest days, etc., the payment date shall be postponed. After automatic deduction of expenses, the Fund Manager shall pay

If the data is found to be inconsistent, the Fund Custodian shall be contacted in a timely manner for settlement through consultation.

(2) Accrual proportion and method of fund custody fee

The custody fee of the Fund is accrued at an annual fee rate of 0.20% of the net asset value of the Fund on the previous day. Custody fee

The calculation method is as follows:

H = E × 0.20% ÷ days of the year

H is the fund custody fee that should be accrued every day

E is the net asset value of the fund on the previous day

The fund custody fee is accrued daily and paid monthly. The Fund Custodian shall check with the Fund Manager according to

The financial data sent to will be automatically paid according to the designated account path within 5 working days at the beginning of the next month. if

In case of legal holidays, rest days, etc., the payment date shall be postponed. After automatic deduction of expenses, the Fund Manager shall pay

If the data is found to be inconsistent, the Fund Custodian shall be contacted in a timely manner for settlement through consultation.

(3) Accrual proportion and method of sales service fee

There is no sales service fee for Class A fund units of the Fund, and annual sales service fee for Class C fund units

The rate is 0.50%. The calculation method is as follows:

H=E × 0.50% ÷ days of the year

H is the daily accrued sales service fee for Class C fund units

E is the net asset value of the fund on the previous day for Class C fund units

The fund sales service fee is accrued daily and paid monthly. The Fund Custodian shall check with the Fund Manager according to

For consistent financial data, it will automatically disburse according to the specified account path within 5 working days at the beginning of the next month

Pay. In case of legal holidays, rest days, etc., the payment date shall be postponed. Fund management after automatic expense deduction

The Fund Custodian shall check the data and timely contact the Fund Custodian for settlement if any discrepancy is found.

(4) Before paying the fund management fee and sales service fee in the first installment, the fund manager shall pay

The collection account of fund management fee and sales service fee shall be designated by official letter. If the fund manager needs to be changed

For this account, a written notice of change to the collection account shall be issued to the custodian 5 working days in advance.

(5) Fund related information disclosure fees and fund share holders after the Fund Contract takes effect

Conference fees, accounting fees, attorney fees, legal fees and arbitration fees related to the Fund after the Fund Contract takes effect

Discretionary fees, transaction costs of securities and futures of the Fund, account opening costs of the Fund, account maintenance costs

Various expenses arising from investment in Hong Kong stocks, fund bank transfer expenses and national

Other fees that may be included in relevant regulations shall be paid by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian in accordance with relevant regulations and corresponding agreements

The provisions of the Articles of Association shall be included in or amortized into the current fund expenses.

(6) Items not included in fund expenses

Expenses or funds incurred by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian due to failure to perform or fail to fully perform their obligations

Losses of gold property and expenses incurred in handling matters unrelated to the operation of the fund are not included in the fund fees

Use. Lawyer fees, accountant fees and information disclosure fees before the Fund Contract comes into force shall not be transferred from the Fund assets

Chinese listed.

(7) Violation handling method

The Fund Custodian finds that the Fund Manager violates the Fund Law, the Fund Contract, the Operating Measures and

The Fund Custodian may request the Fund Manager to give an explanation when other relevant provisions stipulate that expenses shall be disbursed from the Fund assets

Explicitly explain that the Fund Custodian may refuse to pay if the Fund Manager has no justified reason.

12、 Registration and Custody of the Register of Fund Unitholders

The names of the holders of the Fund units that the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian of the Fund must keep properly respectively

Register, including the effective date of fund contract, the termination date of fund contract, the registration date of fund equity, and the holding of fund units

The register of fund unit holders on the registration date of the rights and interests of the National People's Congress and on June 30 and December 31 of each year. fund

The contents of the register of unit holders shall at least include the names of the holders and the fund units they hold.

The register of fund unit holders shall be prepared by the registration authority, reviewed by the fund manager and submitted to the fund custodian

People keep it. The Fund Custodian has the right to require the Fund Manager to provide the register of Fund Unitholders and the Fund Management

The personnel shall provide in a timely manner without delay or refusal.

The Fund Manager shall submit the register of Fund Unitholders to the Fund Custodian in a timely manner. June 30 every year

And the register of fund unit holders on December 31 shall be submitted within the first ten working days of the next month; Fund contract

Effective Date, Fund Contract Termination Date, Fund Equity Registration Date, Fund Unitholders' Meeting Equity Registration Date

The list of fund unit holders involving the date of important fund events shall be within ten working days after the date of occurrence


The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall properly keep the register of Fund Unitholders for a period of no less than

At the minimum period specified by laws and regulations. The Fund Custodian shall not keep the register of Fund Unitholders

It shall be used for other purposes than fund custody business and shall comply with confidentiality obligations. If the fund manager or fund

If the custodian is unable to properly keep the register of fund unit holders due to its own reasons, it shall

Take corresponding responsibilities.

13、 Preservation of Fund related documents and archives

(1) Archive keeping

The Fund Manager shall keep records, account books, statements and other relevant information on the business activities of fund property management

Information. The Fund Custodian shall keep records, account books, statements and other relevant information of the Fund custody business activities

Materials. Both the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall keep them for the prescribed period. The storage period shall not be less than 15


(2) Establishment of contract archives

After the Fund Manager signs the major contract text related to the Fund on behalf of the Fund, it shall promptly notify the encryption party

Fax the major contract to the Fund Custodian and deliver the original of the contract to the Fund within ten working days

Custodian Division.

(3) Change and assistance

If the Fund Manager/Fund Custodian is changed, the unchanged party is obliged to assist in the reception after the change

Personnel shall receive corresponding documents.

(4) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall keep complete original vouchers and accounting vouchers according to their respective responsibilities

Securities, fund account books, transaction records and important contracts shall be kept confidential and not lower than laws and regulations

The specified minimum period.

14、 Replacement of Fund Manager and Fund Custodian

(1) Replacement of Fund Manager

1. Conditions for replacement of the Fund Manager

Under any of the following circumstances, the duties of the fund manager shall be terminated:

(1) Having been disqualified from fund management according to law;

(2) Dismissed by the general meeting of fund unit holders;

(3) It is dissolved, canceled or declared bankrupt according to law;

(4) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations, CSRC and the Fund Contract.

2. Replacement procedure of fund manager

The replacement of the Fund Manager must be carried out in accordance with the following procedures:

(1) Nomination: The new Fund Manager is held by the Fund Custodian or more than 10% individually or jointly

Nomination of fund share holders of fund shares (including 10%);

(2) Resolution: The General Meeting of Fund Unitholders shall, within 6 months after the termination of the duties of the Fund Manager

A resolution shall be formed by the fund managers, and such resolution shall be subject to the voting rights held by the fund share holders attending the meeting

The resolution shall come into force as of the date when it is passed by more than two-thirds (including two-thirds) of the votes;

(3) Temporary Fund Manager: The CSRC shall designate a temporary fund manager before the new fund manager is appointed

Fund manager;

(4) Filing: the resolution of the general meeting of fund share holders to change the fund manager must be reported to the CSRC for filing


(5) Announcement: After the replacement of the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian shall replace the Fund Manager's shares of the Fund

The resolution of the general meeting of shareholders shall be announced in the specified media within 2 days after it takes effect;

(6) Handover: If the responsibilities of the fund manager are terminated, the fund manager shall properly keep the fund management business

Information, timely transfer of fund management business to the temporary fund manager or the new fund manager

Continued, the temporary fund manager or the new fund manager shall take over in a timely manner. New Fund Manager or Temporary Fund

The Fund Manager shall check the total value and net value of the Fund's assets with the Fund Custodian;

(7) Audit: if the duties of the fund manager are terminated, the fund manager shall employ an accounting firm in accordance with laws and regulations

The financial office shall audit the fund assets, announce the audit results, and report to the CSRC for filing,

Audit fees shall be disbursed from the fund assets;

(8) Change of fund name: if the original or new fund manager wants to

It is required to replace or delete the words related to the original fund manager in the fund name as required.

(2) Replacement of Fund Custodian

1. Conditions for replacement of the Fund Custodian

Under any of the following circumstances, the duties of the Fund Custodian shall be terminated:

(1) The fund custody qualification is canceled according to law;

(2) Dismissed by the general meeting of fund unit holders;

(3) It is dissolved, canceled or declared bankrupt according to law;

(4) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations, CSRC and the Fund Contract.

2. Procedures for replacing the Fund Custodian

(1) Nomination: The new Fund Custodian is held by the Fund Manager or more than 10% individually or jointly

Nomination of fund share holders of fund shares (including 10%);

(2) Resolution: The General Meeting of Fund Unitholders shall, within 6 months after the termination of the duties of the Fund Custodian

The Fund Custodian shall form a resolution, which shall be subject to the voting rights held by the Fund Unitholders attending the meeting

The resolution shall come into force as of the date when it is passed by more than two-thirds (including two-thirds) of the votes;

(3) Temporary Fund Custodian: Before the new Fund Custodian is appointed, the CSRC shall appoint a temporary fund custodian

Fund custodian;

(4) Filing: the resolution of the general meeting of fund share holders to change the fund custodian must be reported to the CSRC for filing


(5) Announcement: After the replacement of the Fund Custodian, the Fund Manager shall change the Fund shares of the Fund Custodian

The resolution of the general meeting of shareholders shall be announced in the specified media within 2 days after it takes effect;

(6) Handover: Where the duties of the fund custodian are terminated, the fund custodian shall properly keep the fund assets and the fund custody industry

To handle the transfer procedures of fund assets and fund custody business in a timely manner

The temporary fund custodian shall accept it in a timely manner. The new fund custodian or temporary fund custodian shall

The manager checks the total value and net value of the fund assets;

(7) Audit: If the duties of the Fund Custodian are terminated, an accounting firm shall be employed in accordance with laws and regulations

The financial office shall audit the fund assets, announce the audit results, and report to the CSRC for filing,

Audit fees shall be disbursed from the fund assets.

3. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian are replaced at the same time

(1) Nomination: if the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian change at the same time

Fund share holders with more than 10% (including 10%) of total fund shares nominate new fund managers and fund custody


(2) The replacement of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall be carried out in accordance with the above procedures respectively;

(3) Announcement: The new Fund Manager and the new Fund Custodian shall change the Fund Manager and the Fund

The resolution of the general meeting of fund unit holders of the custodian shall be jointly announced on the specified media within 2 days after it takes effect.

(3) New Fund Manager Accepts Fund Management or New Fund Custodian or Accepts Fund Property and Fund

Prior to the custody business, the original Fund Manager or Fund Custodian shall continue to perform relevant duties and ensure that no

Any act that harms the interests of fund share holders.

15、 Prohibited acts

The behaviors prohibited by the parties to the custody agreement include but are not limited to:

(1) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian confuse their own property or other people's property with the Fund property

To engage in securities investment.

(2) The fund manager unfairly treats different fund assets under its management, and the fund custodian is unfair

Treat the different fund assets under its custody equally.

(3) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian make use of the Fund assets for the purpose of

Three people seek benefits.

(4) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian make illegal commitments to the Fund Unitholders for income or bear


(5) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian disclose to others any failure to comply with the law during the operation of the Fund

Information disclosed publicly in the manner prescribed by laws and regulations.

(6) The Fund Manager issues investment instructions and

Transfer instructions for redemption and dividend funds, or issuing instructions to the fund custodian in violation of regulations.

(7) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian are not independent in administration and finance, and their senior managers

Employees and other employees take part-time jobs.

(8) The Fund Custodian privately uses or disposes of the Fund assets according to the legal instructions of the Fund Manager

It is not subject to any disposition as stipulated in the Order, the Fund Contract or the Custody Agreement.

(9) Fund assets may not be used for the following investments or activities:

1. Underwriting securities;

2. Loan or provide guarantee to others in violation of regulations;

3. Investment with unlimited liability;

4. Buying and selling other fund units, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or the CSRC;

5. Make capital contributions to its fund manager and fund custodian;

6. Engaging in insider trading, manipulating securities trading prices and other improper securities trading activities;

7. Other activities prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC.

Laws and regulations or regulatory authorities cancel or change the above restrictions, if applicable to the Fund, the Fund Manager

After performing the appropriate procedures, the Fund's investment may no longer be subject to the relevant restrictions or be subject to the changed provisions.

(10) Other acts prohibited by laws and regulations and the Fund Contract, as well as those prohibited by laws and administrative regulations

According to relevant regulations, the CSRC shall prohibit the fund manager and fund custodian from engaging in other acts.

16、 Change and Termination of Custody Agreement and Liquidation of Fund Assets

(1) Change procedure of custody agreement

The parties to this agreement may amend the agreement upon consensus. The revised new agreement,

Its contents shall not conflict with the provisions of the Fund Contract in any way. Changes to the Fund Custody Agreement shall be reported to the CSRC

It will be filed.

(2) Termination of Fund Custody Agreement

1. The Fund Contract is terminated;

2. The Fund Custodian is dissolved, revoked, bankrupt or taken over by another Fund Custodian


3. The Fund Manager is dissolved, revoked, bankrupt or taken over by another Fund Manager


4. The termination event specified by laws and regulations or fund contract occurs.

(3) Liquidation of fund assets

1. Fund asset liquidation team: within 30 working days from the date of termination of the Fund Contract

Establish a fund asset liquidation group, and the fund manager shall organize the fund asset liquidation group and

Fund liquidation under supervision.

2. Composition of the Fund Assets Liquidation Team: the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian are the members of the Fund Assets Liquidation Team

Custodians, certified public accountants, lawyers in line with the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, and China Securities Regulatory Commission

The personnel composition will be specified. The Fund assets liquidation team may employ necessary staff.

3. Responsibilities of the Fund Assets Liquidation Team: The Fund Assets Liquidation Team is responsible for the custody and clearing of the Fund assets

Management, valuation, realization and distribution. The fund assets liquidation team may carry out necessary civil activities according to law.

4. Fund asset liquidation procedures:

(1) In case of termination of the Fund Contract, the Fund Property Liquidation Team shall take over the Fund in a unified manner;

(2) Liquidate and confirm the fund assets, claims and debts;

(3) Valuation and realization of fund assets;

(4) Prepare liquidation report;

(5) Engage an accounting firm to conduct external audit on the liquidation report, and engage a law firm to conduct liquidation

The report shall issue a legal opinion;

(6) Submit the liquidation report to the CSRC for filing and announcement;

(7) Distribute the remaining assets of the Fund.

5. The time limit for the liquidation of the Fund assets is six months, but the liquidity of the securities held by the Fund is restricted

If it cannot be realized in time, the liquidation period shall be postponed accordingly.

(4) Liquidation expenses

Liquidation expenses refer to all reasonable expenses incurred by the fund assets liquidation team in the process of fund liquidation

The liquidation expenses shall be paid by the fund assets liquidation group from the remaining assets of the fund in priority.

(5) Distribution of residual assets in the liquidation of fund assets

According to the distribution plan for the liquidation of the fund assets, all remaining assets after the liquidation of the fund assets shall be deducted from the

After the fund assets liquidation expenses, payment of taxes owed and settlement of fund debts

The proportion of fund units shall be distributed.

(6) Announcement of Fund Assets Liquidation

Major issues related to the liquidation process must be announced in a timely manner; The fund assets liquidation report has been approved in accordance with

The accounting firm stipulated in the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China shall audit and the law firm shall issue a legal opinion

Later, it will be reported to the CSRC for filing and announcement. The fund assets liquidation announcement shall be submitted to the China Securities Regulatory Commission in the fund assets liquidation report

The Fund Assets Liquidation Group shall make an announcement within 5 working days after the Regulatory Commission records, and the Fund Assets Liquidation Group shall

When the liquidation report is published on the specified website, and the suggestive announcement of the liquidation report is published on the specified newspaper


(7) Preservation of fund assets liquidation books and documents

The fund asset liquidation account book and relevant documents shall be kept by the fund custodian not less than

Low deadlines.

17、 Liability for breach of contract

(1) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian, in the process of performing their respective duties, have violated the Fund's

Law of the People's Republic of China, or the Fund Agreement and this Custodian Agreement, to cause losses to fund assets or fund unit holders

Those who have caused damage shall be liable for compensation according to law for their respective acts; To fund assets due to joint act or

Fund share holders who cause damage shall bear joint and several liability for compensation. Compensation for losses shall be limited to

Direct losses. However, in any of the following circumstances, the party concerned shall be exempted from liability:

1. Force majeure;

2. The Fund Manager and/or the Fund Custodian shall comply with the then effective laws and regulations or the CSRC's

Losses caused by specified actions or omissions;

3. Losses caused by the Fund Manager's investment or non investment in accordance with the investment principles specified in the Fund Contract


(2) To protect the holding of fund shares to the greatest extent in the event of default by one or more parties

If the trusteeship agreement can continue to be performed under the premise of human interests, it shall continue to be performed. The non defaulting party shall

Within the scope of responsibility, it is obliged to take necessary measures in time to prevent the expansion of losses. Failure to take appropriate measures

If the loss is further expanded as a result, no claim may be made for compensation for the expanded loss. The non defaulting party prevents losses from expanding

Large and reasonable expenses shall be borne by the defaulting party.

(3) Business errors occur due to factors beyond the control of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian,

Although the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian have taken necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures for inspection

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian failed to find the error, which caused losses to the Fund property or investors

People are exempted from liability for compensation. However, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall actively take necessary measures to eliminate

The impact of this.

18、 Dispute resolution

Disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be settled by both parties through consultation and mediation

If no settlement can be reached through negotiation or mediation, either party has the right to submit the dispute to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

Yes, arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the then effective arbitration rules of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. Place of arbitration

The point is Beijing. The arbitral award is final and binding on all parties, unless otherwise specified in the arbitral award

It is stipulated that the arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.

During the dispute settlement period, both parties shall strictly abide by the responsibilities of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian

Continue to faithfully, diligently and responsibly perform the obligations specified in the Fund Agreement and the Custody Agreement, and maintain the holding of Fund units

The legitimate rights and interests of others.

This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.

19、 Effect of Custody Agreement

Both parties agree on the effectiveness of the custody agreement as follows:

(1) The draft custody agreement submitted by the fund manager when applying to the CSRC for fund raising,

The agreement shall be sealed by both parties to the custody agreement and signed by the legal representatives or authorized representatives of both parties (seal)

Both parties shall revise the draft custody agreement according to the opinions of the CSRC. The custody agreement shall be signed by the CSRC

The registered text is the official text.

(2) The Custody Agreement shall come into force as of the effective date of the Fund Agreement. The term of validity of the Escrow Agreement shall come into force

From the date when the liquidation results of the Fund assets are reported to the CSRC for filing and announcement.

(3) The trusteeship agreement shall have the same legal binding force on the parties to the trusteeship agreement as of the effective date.

(4) This agreement is in sextuplicate, two for each party and two for relevant regulatory authorities

Copies have the same legal effect.

20、 Other matters

Unless explicitly defined in this Agreement, the definitions of terms in this Agreement shall apply to the provisions of the Fund Contract. This Agreement

Matters not covered herein shall be handled through consultation by the parties in accordance with the fund contract, relevant laws and regulations, etc.

21、 Signing of Escrow Agreement

After this Custody Agreement is approved by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian, the two parties shall

The management agreement shall be sealed and signed by their respective legal representatives or authorized representatives, and the fund custody agreement shall be noted

Place and date of signing.