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Announcement on the Offering of Fund Units of Minsheng Plus Bank's One year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund

2021-02-26 06:47:11

Fund manager: Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd

Fund Custodian: Postal Savings Bank of China Limited

February, 2021

Important tips

1. The raising application of Minsheng Plus Bank Zhaoli one-year holding period hybrid securities investment fund (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund") has been registered in the document [2020] 2740 issued by the CSRC on October 26, 2020.

2. The Fund is a hybrid securities investment fund. The operation mode of the Fund is contractual and open, with a minimum holding period of one year.

3. The Fund Manager of the Fund is Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), the Fund Custodian is China Postal Savings Bank Co., Ltd., and the registration authority is the Company.

4. The Fund will be publicly offered from March 3, 2021 to March 26, 2021, and the Fund will be publicly offered through the sales agency designated by the Company. The Fund Manager may make appropriate adjustments to the raising period in light of various circumstances, but the entire raising period shall not exceed three months from the date of sale of the Fund units.

5. The Fund is sold to individual investors, institutional investors, qualified foreign institutional investors and RMB qualified foreign institutional investors who can invest in securities investment funds in accordance with laws and regulations, as well as other investors permitted by laws and regulations or the CSRC to purchase securities investment funds.

6. If an investor wants to purchase the Fund, he/she must first open a fund account of the Company and a transaction account with each sales agency before going through the subscription procedures for the Fund. Investors who already have such accounts need not open another one.

7. The investor shall ensure that the source of capital used for subscription is legal, and the investor shall have the right to dispose of it without any legal, contractual or other obstacles. Investors shall not illegally use other people's accounts or funds to subscribe, nor shall they raise funds in violation of regulations or help others to subscribe in violation of regulations.

8. When applying for opening a fund account, an investor shall designate a bank account as its settlement account (hereinafter referred to as the "fund account") for fund redemption, dividend distribution, refund and other fund settlement of the investor. The account name of this account shall be the same as that of the fund account opened by the investor.

9. During the raising period, the investor shall pay the subscription money in full in the manner specified by the sales agency. Subscription is applied by amount, and the minimum amount of each subscription through the company's direct selling organization is 10 yuan (including subscription fee), and there is no amount difference for the part exceeding the minimum subscription amount. Investors can subscribe for fund units for many times during the raising period, but the accepted subscription applications are not allowed to be withdrawn. The investor shall charge for multiple subscriptions on the same day or on a different day according to the corresponding rate level of each subscription. When it is necessary to partially confirm the effective subscription amount by means of proportional allotment, the subscription rate of the investor must be calculated according to the rate corresponding to the confirmed amount of the subscription application, and the confirmed amount of the subscription application is not limited by the minimum subscription limit.

10. During the raising period, there is no limit on the cumulative subscription scale of a single investor, except for the upper limit of the aforesaid raising scale. However, if the cumulative number of fund units subscribed by a single investor of the Fund reaches or exceeds 50% of the total fund units, the Fund Manager may limit the subscription application of such investor by means of proportion confirmation. If the Fund Manager's acceptance of a certain subscription application or some subscription applications may lead investors to evade the above 50% ratio requirement in disguised form, the Fund Manager has the right to reject all or part of such subscription applications. The number of fund units subscribed by investors shall be subject to the confirmation of the registration authority after the fund contract takes effect.

11. The interest generated from the effective subscription funds during the raising period will be converted into fund units and owned by the fund unit holders, of which the transfer of interest units shall be subject to the records of the registration authority.

12. For subscription applications accepted during trading hours on T day (the working day within the offering and raising period, the same below), under normal circumstances, the fund registration authority will confirm the validity of the application on T+1 day. However, the confirmation of the validity of the application only means that the subscription application of the investor has been accepted. The successful confirmation of the subscription application shall be subject to the registration confirmation result of the fund registration agency after the end of the fund raising. After the fund contract comes into effect, the investor shall go to each sales outlet or inquire about the final confirmation in other legal ways specified by it.

The acceptance of the subscription application by the fund sales agency does not mean that the application is necessarily successful, but only that the sales agency has actually received the subscription application. The confirmation of the subscription application shall be subject to the confirmation result of the registration authority. For the subscription application and the confirmation of subscription shares, the investors shall timely inquire and properly exercise their legal rights, otherwise, any losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the investors themselves.

13. This announcement only explains the relevant matters and regulations on the offering and sale of the Fund. Investors who want to know the details of the Fund, please read the details published on February 26, 2021 on the Fund Manager's website (www.msjyfund. com. cn) and the CSRC's fund electronic disclosure website( )The Contract of Minsheng Plus Bank Recruitment Fund for One Year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund, the Custody Agreement of Minsheng Plus Bank Recruitment Fund for One Year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund, and the Prospectus of Minsheng Plus Bank Recruitment Fund for One Year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund. This announcement was simultaneously published on the Securities Times on February 26, 2021.

14. During the raising period, the Company may add new sales agencies. Please pay attention to the recent announcement of the Company or the list of fund sales agencies published on the fund manager's website, or call the Company's customer service telephone for consultation.

15. The Company has opened online account opening and subscription services. Please log on the Company's website (www.msjyfund. com. cn) for specific business rules of the fund.

16. If investors have any questions, they can call the company's customer service telephone 400-8888-388 or the sales agency's customer service telephone for consultation.

17. For details of sales outlets, account opening, subscription and other matters of each sales agency, please consult with each sales agency.

18. The Fund Manager may make appropriate adjustments to the offering and sale arrangements in light of various circumstances.

19. Risk warning

The securities investment fund (hereinafter referred to as "the fund") is a long-term investment tool, whose main function is to diversify investment and reduce the individual risks brought by investing in a single security. Different from bank deposits and bonds and other financial instruments that can provide fixed income expectations, investors who buy funds may share the income generated by fund investment according to their shares, and may also bear the losses caused by fund investment.

The Fund may face various risks in the process of investment operation, including market risk, management risk, technical risk, compliance risk and the unique risk of the Fund. The huge redemption risk is a unique risk of open-end funds, that is, when the net redemption application of a single open day fund exceeds 10% of the total fund shares of the previous open day, investors may not be able to redeem all fund shares held in a timely manner.

The Fund is a hybrid securities investment fund, with expected risks and expected returns higher than those of bond funds and money market funds, but lower than those of equity funds. The Fund will invest in the stocks of the Hong Kong Stock Connect, and will bear the unique risks arising from the differences in the investment environment, investment targets, market systems and trading rules under the Hong Kong Stock Connect mechanism. Investors should carefully read the fund information disclosure documents such as the fund contract, prospectus, fund product information summary, understand the risk return characteristics of the fund, judge whether the fund is suitable for its own risk tolerance according to its own investment purpose, investment period, investment experience, asset status, etc., independently judge the investment value of the fund, and make investment decisions independently, It shall bear its own investment risks and purchase funds through the fund manager or other institutions with fund sales business qualifications entrusted by the fund manager.

The Fund Manager undertakes to manage and use the Fund assets in accordance with the principles of due diligence, honesty, prudence and diligence, but does not guarantee that the Fund will be profitable or the minimum return. The past performance and net value of the Fund do not predict its future performance, nor does the performance of other funds managed by the Fund Manager constitute a guarantee for the performance of the Fund. The Fund Manager reminds investors of the principle of "buyer's responsibility" for fund investment. After making investment decisions, investors should bear the investment risks caused by changes in the operation status of the fund and the net value of the fund. The investment is risky, and investors should carefully read the Prospectus of the Fund when subscribing (or subscribing) the Fund.

The fund assets are invested in Hong Kong stocks and meet with the special risks brought by the differences in investment environment, investment objects, market systems and trading rules under the Hong Kong Stock Connect mechanism, including the risk of large fluctuations in the stock price of the Hong Kong stock market (the Hong Kong stock market implements T+0 reverse trading, and there is no limit on the rise and fall of individual stocks, and the stock price of Hong Kong stocks may show more violent fluctuations than that of A-shares) Exchange rate risk (exchange rate fluctuations may cause losses to the investment returns of the Fund), risks that may arise from the discontinuity of trading days under the Hong Kong Stock Connect mechanism (in the case of the opening of the mainland market and the closing of Hong Kong market, the Hong Kong Stock Connect cannot be traded normally, and Hong Kong shares cannot be sold in time, which may bring certain liquidity risks), etc. For specific risks, please refer to the specific contents of the "Risk Disclosure" section of the Prospectus of the Fund.

The Fund may choose to invest some of its assets in Hong Kong stocks or not to invest its assets in Hong Kong stocks according to the needs of its investment strategy or the changes in the market environment of different allocation places. The Fund's assets are not necessarily invested in Hong Kong stocks, and there is a possibility of not investing in Hong Kong stocks.

For each fund unit of the Fund, the Fund has set a minimum holding period of one year, and investors can only apply for redemption from (including) the next working day after the end date of the minimum holding period.

Investors should carefully read the fund contract, prospectus and other fund information disclosure documents, understand the risk return characteristics of the fund, and judge whether the fund is suitable for investors' risk tolerance according to their own investment purpose, investment period, investment experience, asset status, etc., independently judge the investment value of the fund, and make investment decisions independently, Take the investment risk. Investors shall purchase the Fund through the Fund Manager or indirect sales institutions. If the sales institution is changed during the offering period, please refer to the relevant announcements of the Fund or the Fund Manager's website for the specific list of fund sales institutions.

The number of fund units held by a single investor of the Fund shall not reach or exceed 50% of the total number of fund units, except for those passively reaching or exceeding 50% due to redemption of fund units during the operation of the Fund. If laws and regulations or regulatory agencies have other provisions, such provisions shall prevail.

20. Within the scope of laws and regulations, the Fund Manager has the final right to interpret the announcement of the sale of the Fund units.

1、 Basic information of this offering

(1) Fund name: Minsheng Jiayin Zhaoli one-year holding period hybrid securities investment fund

(2) Fund Abbreviation and Fund Code:

Fund abbreviation: Minsheng Plus Bank Zhaoli One year holding period hybrid A, fund code: 010574;

Fund abbreviation: Minsheng Plus Bank Zhaoli One year holding period hybrid C, fund code: 010575.

(3) Fund type: hybrid securities investment fund

(4) Operation mode of the fund: contractual open-ended, single transaction locking and continuous operation with a minimum holding period of one year

(5) Duration of the Fund: irregular

(6) The selling face value of fund units: RMB 1.00

(7) Target

Individual investors, institutional investors, qualified foreign institutional investors and RMB qualified foreign institutional investors who can invest in securities investment funds in accordance with laws and regulations, and other investors who are permitted by laws and regulations or the CSRC to purchase securities investment funds.

(8) Sales channels and locations

1. Direct selling institution: Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd

Address: 13A, Floor 13, Minsheng Financial Building, No. 2005, Fuzhong Third Road, Lianhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Office address: 13A, Floor 13, Minsheng Financial Building, No. 2005, Fuzhong Third Road, Lianhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Legal representative: Zhang Huannan

Customer service telephone: 400-8888-388

Contact: Lin Yongjiang

Tel.: 0755-23999809

Fax: 0755-23999810


Investors can open accounts and subscribe for the Fund through the direct sales outlets of Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. Please log on to the Company's website (www.msjyfund. com. cn) to inquire about the business rules for opening and subscribing the Fund.

2. Indirect sales organization

For the contact information of non direct selling institutions, please refer to the relevant contents of "4. Non direct selling institutions" in "IX. Relevant parties and intermediaries of this offering".

(9) Offering period and offering period

The offering and raising period of the Fund is from March 3, 2021 to March 26, 2021. The Fund will be publicly offered during this period, and the raising period shall not exceed 3 months from the date of offering of fund units.

The Fund Manager has the right to extend or shorten the offering and raising period according to the actual situation of the fund raising in accordance with the relevant procedures, and such changes are applicable to all sales institutions.

(10) Raising scale

The minimum total number of units raised by the Fund is 200 million, and the amount raised by the Fund is not less than RMB 200 million.

2、 Offering method and relevant regulations

(1) The direct sales outlets of the Company sell the Fund to individual investors and institutional investors. If the fund manager increases non direct sales institutions, the direct sales outlets and non direct sales institutions of the Company will sell the fund to both individual investors and institutional investors.

(2) Acceptance of subscription: During the sale of fund units, direct selling outlets and non direct selling institutions shall accept the subscription application of investors within the specified time.

(3) Subscription method: The Fund adopts the amount subscription method. Investors can subscribe through direct sales outlets, non direct sales agencies, online entrustment, etc.

(4) Fund payment: The investor must deposit sufficient funds into the fund account during the raising period, and the fund subscription can be successful. An investor may subscribe for fund units several times during the offering period, but the accepted subscription application may not be revoked.

(5) Subscription limit: the minimum amount of each subscription by investors through the direct selling institutions of Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. and other sales institutions is 10 yuan (including subscription fees), and there is no amount difference for the part exceeding the minimum subscription amount; If the sales organization has different regulations, the regulations of the sales organization shall prevail, but the minimum amount shall not be less than 10 yuan.

During the raising period, in addition to the upper limit of the aforesaid raising scale, there is no limit on the cumulative subscription scale of a single investor. However, if the cumulative number of fund units subscribed by a single investor of the Fund reaches or exceeds 50% of the total fund units, the Fund Manager may limit the subscription application of such investor by means of proportional confirmation. If the Fund Manager's acceptance of a certain subscription application or some subscription applications may lead investors to evade the above 50% ratio requirement in disguised form, the Fund Manager has the right to reject all or part of such subscription applications.

3、 Subscription fees and subscription shares

(1) Subscription rate

Subscription fees are charged for Class A fund units of the Fund, and no subscription fees are charged for Class C fund units. The subscription fees for Class A fund units of the Fund are not included in the fund property, and are mainly used for various expenses incurred during the fund raising period, such as marketing, sales and registration.

The Fund implements different subscription rates for pension clients who subscribe Class A fund shares through the direct marketing center and other investors. Pension accounts, including the supplementary pension funds formed by the funds raised by pension funds and legally established pension plans and their investment and operation income, include the national social security fund, local social security funds that can invest in funds, enterprise annuity single plans and collective plans. If a new type of pension fund approved by the pension fund supervision department appears in the future, the Company will include it into the pension account according to the provisions and file it with the CSRC according to the provisions. Non pension customers refer to other investors except pension customers.

The pension account investing in Class A fund units of the Fund can enjoy a discount of 10% of the subscription rate after going through the account certification procedures in the fund manager's direct sales center. If the fund prospectus stipulates that the subscription rate is a fixed amount, it shall be subject to the rate specified in the fund prospectus, and no preferential rate will be enjoyed.

The subscription rate of pension customers who subscribe Class A shares of the Fund through the Fund Manager's direct marketing center is as follows:

The subscription rate for non pension customers to subscribe for Class A fund shares of the Fund is as follows:

Investors who subscribe for Class A fund units multiple times on the same day or on a different day shall be charged separately according to the corresponding rate grade of each subscription. When it is necessary to partially confirm the effective subscription amount by proportional allotment, the subscription rate of the investor shall be calculated according to the rate corresponding to the confirmed amount of the subscription application, and the confirmed amount of the subscription application is not limited by the minimum subscription limit.

The Fund participates in the fund subscription rate preferential activity initiated by each sales agency. The specific rate preferential scheme is subject to the arrangement of the sales agency. Please follow the announcement of the sales agency or ask the sales agency.

(2) Calculation of the Fund's par value, subscription price, subscription fee and subscription units

1. Initial par value of fund units

The initial par value of each fund unit of the Fund is RMB 1.00.

2. Subscription price

The subscription price of the Fund is calculated on the basis of the initial par value of the Fund units.

3. Calculation of subscribed shares

(1) If an investor chooses to subscribe for Class A fund shares, the formula for calculating the subscribed shares is:

1) When the subscription fee is applicable to the proportional rate, the calculation method of subscription shares is as follows:

Subscription fee=(subscription amount × subscription rate)/(1+subscription rate)

Net subscription amount=subscription amount - subscription fee

Subscription unit=(net subscription amount+interest)/initial face value of fund unit

2) When the subscription fee is a fixed amount, the calculation method of subscription shares is as follows:

Subscription fee=fixed amount

Net subscription amount=subscription amount - subscription fee

Subscription unit=(net subscription amount+interest)/initial face value of fund unit

(2) If an investor chooses to subscribe for Class C fund shares, the formula for calculating the subscribed shares is:

Subscription unit=(subscription amount+subscription interest)/initial face value of fund unit

For example, suppose that a non pension client investor invests 100000 yuan to subscribe for Class A fund shares of the Fund, and the interest generated by the subscription amount during the raising period is 10 yuan. Then the investors can get Class A fund shares by subscribing:

Subscription fee=(100000 × 0.80%)/(1 + 0.80%)=793.65 yuan

Net subscription amount=100000 - 793.65=99206.35 yuan

Subscription units=(99206.35+10)/1.00=99216.35 (shares)

That is, a non pension client investor invests 100000 yuan to subscribe for Class A fund shares of the Fund. Assuming that the interest generated by the subscription amount during the raising period is 10 yuan, 99216.35 Class A fund shares (including the interest converted into shares) can be obtained.

For example, suppose an investor invests 100000 yuan to subscribe for Class C fund shares of the Fund, and the interest generated by the subscription amount during the raising period is 10 yuan. Then the investor can subscribe for Class C fund shares as follows:

Subscription shares=(100000+10)/1.00=100010.00 (shares)

That is, an investor invests 100000 yuan to subscribe for Class C fund units of the Fund. Assuming that the interest generated by the subscription amount during the raising period is 10 yuan, 100010.00 Class C fund units (including the interest converted into shares) can be obtained.

Note: "The interest generated by the subscription amount during the raising period is 10 yuan" in the above example is only for illustration and does not represent the actual final interest calculation result. The specific amount of the final interest and the specific amount of the fund shares carried forward by the interest shall be subject to the records of the fund registration authority.

4. The interest generated from the effective subscription funds during the raising period will be converted into fund units and owned by the fund unit holders, of which the transfer of interest units shall be subject to the records of the registration authority.

5. Fund share and balance processing

The above calculation results (including subscription units) shall be kept to 2 decimal places, and the part after 2 decimal places shall be rounded off. The gains or losses arising from this error shall be borne by the fund property.

4、 Investor's account opening and subscription process

(1) Account opening and subscription process of individual investors

1. The account opening and subscription procedures of individual investors in non direct selling institutions shall be subject to the provisions of the non direct selling institutions.

2. The direct sales outlets of the Company accept the application of individual investors for account opening and subscription.

3. Time for accepting account opening and subscription:

Direct sales outlets: the offering and raising period is 9:30-17:00 (Saturday, Sunday and holidays are not accepted).

Online trading system: the offering and raising period is 9:30-17:00 (subscription applications after 17:00 on T day and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are deemed to be accepted on the next working day).

4. Individual investors applying for opening fund accounts must submit the following materials:

Direct sales outlets:

(1) Original of my valid identity certificate (resident identity card, residence booklet, foreigner's permanent residence certificate, etc.);

(2) Completed Account Business Application Form (Individual);

(3) A copy of the account opening certificate or savings passbook of the capital account or a copy of the bank card with personal signature;

(4) Signature confirmed sales applicability questionnaire (individual investor);

(5) Fax Transaction Agreement signed for confirmation.

(6) Provide the individual version of the tax resident identity declaration document.

Online trading system:

(1) Original of my valid identity certificate (resident identity card, residence booklet, foreigner's permanent residence certificate, etc.);

(2) The company has opened bank cards to support online transactions.

5. The individual investor shall handle the subscription application procedures with the transaction password in the online trading system; The following materials must be submitted when applying for subscription at a direct selling outlet:

(1) Original of my valid identity certificate (resident identity card, residence booklet, foreigner's permanent residence certificate, etc.);

(2) The original and copy of the bank payment voucher receipt stamped with the bank acceptance seal;

(3) The completed Transaction Business Application Form shall be signed.

6. Fund allocation

Individual investors do not accept cash when applying for subscription of funds, and should remit the full amount of funds to the direct selling clearing account of Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. through the bank when subscribing.

(1) Account name: Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd

Bank of deposit: Shenzhen Branch Business Department of China Minsheng Bank

Bank account: 182501404000058

Large amount payment No.: 305584018019

(2) Account name: Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd

Bank of deposit: Shenzhen Branch Business Department of China Construction Bank Corporation

Bank account: 44201581500052514917

Large amount payment No.: 105584000021

The bill filled in by the investor must indicate the name and code of the fund purchased in the remittance purpose, and ensure that it is received before 17:00 on the application day.

7. Precautions

(1) After submitting the application for opening an account on T day, the investor shall inquire through the company's customer service center and online inquiry system after T+2 day (including T+2 day, if the outlet is not open on a non working day, it shall be postponed). If the application for opening an account is submitted through the online trading system, it can also be inquired through the online trading system.

(2) After the investor submits the subscription application on T day, he/she shall inquire through the customer service center and online query system of the company after T+2 day (including T+2 day, if the outlet is not open on non working days, it shall be postponed). The subscription confirmation results can be queried at the direct sales outlets of the Company after the fund contract takes effect, or through the customer service center and online query system of the Company.

(3) The investor must handle the account opening and subscription procedures in person.

(4) The application of individual investors to subscribe for the fund shall be handled within the subscription time announced by individual investors.

8. If the investor fails to comply with the above provisions and the subscription is invalid, Minsheng Bank Plus Fund Management Co., Ltd. and the bank that opened the clearing account of the direct sales outlet will not bear any responsibility.

(2) Account opening and subscription process of institutional investors

1. The account opening and subscription procedures of institutional investors in non direct selling institutions are as follows:

The regulations shall prevail.

2. The direct sales outlets of the Company accept the application of institutional investors for account opening and subscription.

3. Time for accepting account opening and subscription: 9:30-17:00 during the offering and raising period (not accepted on Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays).

4. The institutional investor shall submit the following materials when applying for opening a fund account:

(1) A copy of the business license or registration certificate of the enterprise as a legal person (stamped with the official seal). The financial institution shall also show the qualification certificate for conducting financial related business, and provide a copy stamped with the official seal.

(2) The original of the organization code certificate and the copy affixed with the official seal of the unit;

(3) The original of the tax registration certificate and the copy affixed with the official seal of the unit;

(4) Copy of ID card of legal representative/unit head;

(5) Power of attorney of legal representative/unit head;

(6) The original and photocopy of the valid ID card of the business operator (resident ID card, residence booklet, foreigner's permanent residence card, etc.);

(7) The Seal Card affixed with the reserved seal (one official seal and one private seal) is in triplicate;

(8) The original and photocopy of the Bank Account Opening Permit or the Bank Account Opening Application Form of the designated bank account fund account (or the account opening certificate issued by the designated bank);

(9) Completed Account Business Application Form (Institution) and stamped with reserved transaction seal;

(10) Signature confirmed sales applicability questionnaire (institutional investor);

(11) Fax Transaction Agreement confirmed by signature;

(12) Provide the "Institutional Version" of the tax resident identity declaration document (if it is a financial institution, it is not necessary to provide). If it is a passive non-financial institution, it is also required to provide the "Controller's Tax Resident Identity Declaration Document".

(13) Copy of the certificate of the actual shareholder or controller (stamped with the official seal of the account opening institution);

(14) Information Registration Form of Beneficial Owner of Non natural Person Customers with official seal and relevant supporting materials shall be provided.

5. Institutional investors shall submit the following materials when applying for subscription:

(1) The completed Transaction Business Application Form shall be stamped with the reserved seal;

(2) For intra city cheque settlement, a copy of the "acceptance receipt" stamped with the bank's acceptance seal; In case of cross region telegraphic transfer settlement, a copy of "telegraphic transfer voucher receipt" stamped with the bank's acceptance seal;

(3) The original and photocopy of the identity certificate of the agency agent who came to handle the subscription application.

6. Fund allocation

Institutional investors shall remit sufficient funds to the direct selling clearing account of Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. through the bank when handling subscription.

(1) Account name: Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd

Bank of deposit: Shenzhen Branch Business Department of China Minsheng Bank

Bank account: 182501404000058

Large amount payment No.: 305584018019

(2) Account name: Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd

Bank of deposit: Shenzhen Branch Business Department of China Construction Bank Corporation

Bank account: 44201581500052514917

Large amount payment No.: 105584000021

The bill filled in by the investor must indicate the name and code of the fund purchased in the remittance purpose, and ensure that it is received before 17:00 on the application day.

7. Precautions

(1) After the investor submits the application for opening an account on the T day, he/she can inquire through the company's customer service center and online query system after the T+2 day (including the T+2 day, if the outlet is not open on a non working day, it will be postponed).

(2) After submitting the subscription application on T day, the investor shall inquire the subscription acceptance results at the direct sales outlets of the Company on T+2 day, or through the customer service center and online query system of the Company. The confirmation results of subscribed shares can be queried at the Company's direct sales outlets after the fund contract comes into effect, or through the Company's customer service center and online query system.

(3) The application for fund subscription by institutional investors must be handled within the announced subscription time of institutional investors.

8. If the investor fails to comply with the above provisions and the subscription is invalid, Minsheng Bank Plus Fund Management Co., Ltd. and the bank that opened the clearing account of the direct sales outlet will not bear any responsibility.

5、 Clearing and settlement

(1) The Fund Manager shall deposit the funds raised during the fund raising into a special account, and no one may use them before the end of the fund raising. The interest generated from the effective subscription funds during the raising period will be converted into fund units and owned by the fund unit holders, of which the transfer of interest units shall be subject to the records of the registration authority.

(2) The registration of the rights and interests of the Fund shall be completed by the registration agency after the end of the offering.

6、 Refund

(1) The following circumstances will be deemed as invalid subscription:

1. The investor transfers funds, but fails to handle account opening procedures within the time limit or fails to open an account;

2. The investor who has opened an account has transferred funds, but has not gone through the subscription procedures within the time limit;

3. The subscription fund transferred by the investor is less than the subscription application amount;

4. The investor's subscription capital is received later than the latest account time specified by the Company;

5. Other invalid funds confirmed by the Company.

(2) Refund

The investor's invalid subscription funds will be transferred to the designated bank account of the investor when opening the account within seven working days after the subscription application is confirmed to be invalid.

7、 Effectiveness of the Fund Contract

(1) Conditions for Fund Filing

Within three months from the date of sale of the Fund units, if the total number of units raised by the Fund is not less than 200 million, the amount raised by the Fund is not less than 200 million yuan and the number of subscribers of the Fund is not less than 200, the Fund raising period expires or the Fund Manager may decide to stop the sale of the Fund in accordance with laws, regulations and the prospectus, and employ a statutory capital verification agency to verify the capital within 10 days, Within 10 days from the date of receiving the capital verification report, go through the fund filing procedures with the CSRC.

If the fund raising meets the requirements for fund filing, the Fund Contract shall come into force as of the date when the fund manager completes the fund filing procedures and obtains the written confirmation from the CSRC; Otherwise, the Fund Contract will not take effect. The Fund Manager shall announce the effectiveness of the Fund Contract on the next day after receiving the confirmation document from the CSRC. The Fund Manager shall deposit the funds raised during the fund raising into a special account, and no one may use them before the end of the fund raising.

(2) Handling method of raised funds when the fund contract fails to take effect

If the raising period expires and the fund filing conditions are not met, the fund manager shall bear the following responsibilities:

1. Bear the debts and expenses arising from the raising with its inherent property;

2. Return the funds paid by the investors within 30 days after the expiration of the fund raising period, plus the interest of the current deposit of the bank for the same period;

3. If the fund raising fails, the fund manager, the fund custodian and the sales institution shall not request remuneration. All expenses paid by the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and the Sales Agency for the Fund raising shall be borne by each party.

8、 Selling expenses

Information disclosure fees, accountants' fees, lawyers' fees and other fees during the fund raising period shall not be disbursed from the fund assets.

9、 Relevant parties and intermediaries of this offering

(1) Fund related parties and sales institutions

1. Fund manager

Name: Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd

Address: 13A, Floor 13, Minsheng Financial Building, No. 2005, Fuzhong Third Road, Lianhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Office address: 13A, Floor 13, Minsheng Financial Building, No. 2005, Fuzhong Third Road, Lianhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Legal representative: Zhang Huannan

Contact: Zhang Dongmei

Tel.: 010-68960030

Fax: 010-88566500

2. Fund Custodian

Name: Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd

Address: No. 3, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Office address: Block A, No. 3, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Legal representative: Zhang Jinliang

Time of establishment: March 6, 2007

Organizational form: limited liability company

Registered capital: RMB 81.031 billion

Duration: continuous operation

Approval authority and approval document number: CBRC YJF [2006] No. 484

Approval document and document number of fund custody qualification: ZJXK [2009] No. 673

Contact: Ma Qiang

Tel: 010 - 68857221

3. Direct selling mechanism

Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd

Address: 13A, Floor 13, Minsheng Financial Building, No. 2005, Fuzhong Third Road, Lianhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Office address: 13A, Floor 13, Minsheng Financial Building, No. 2005, Fuzhong Third Road, Lianhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Legal representative: Zhang Huannan

Customer service telephone: 400-8888-388

Contact: Lin Yongjiang

Tel.: 0755-23999809

Fax: 0755-23999810


4. Indirect sales organization

1) Non direct sales organizations with Class A shares:

(1) Postal Savings Bank of China Limited

Registered address: No. 3, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Office address: No.3, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Legal representative: Zhang Jinliang

Customer service telephone: 95580

Contact: Li Xueping

Tel.: 010 - 68858097


(2) Shenzhen Zhonglu Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Floor 8, Material Holding Land Building, Liyuan Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen

Office address: 4F, HALO Plaza, No. 8, Liyuan Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen

Legal representative: Xue Feng

Customer service hotline: 400-6788-887

Contact: Tong Caiping

Tel.: 0755-33092861

Fax: 0755-33227951

Company website: and

(3) Ant (Hangzhou) Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 202, Building 1, No. 1218, Wenyi West Road, Cangqian Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou

Office address: 12/F, Hang Seng Building, 3588 Jiangnan Avenue, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Legal representative: Chen Baiqing

Customer service hotline: 4000-766-123

Contact: Gu Xiangbai

Tel.: 021-60897840

Fax: 0571-26698533

Company website:

(4) Shanghai Tiantian Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Floor 2, Building 2, No. 190, Longtian Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

Office address: 10/F, Building 3C, No. 195, Longtian Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

Legal representative: actually

Customer service hotline: 400-1818-188

Contact: Ding Shanshan

Tel.: 010-65980380-8010

Fax: 020-87597505

Company website:

(5) Hexun Information Technology Co., Ltd

Address: 10th Floor, Fanli Building, No. 22 Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Legal representative: Wang Li

Customer service hotline: 400-920-0022

Contact:? Chen Huihui

Tel.: 0755-82721106


(6) Zhejiang Tonghuashun Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: 903, Yuanmao Building, No. 1, Wener West Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Office address: Floor 2, Building 2, E-commerce Industrial Park, No. 7 Cuibai Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Legal representative: Ling Shunping

Contact: Lin Haiming

Tel.: 0571-88911818

Fax: 0571-86800423


(7) Shanghai Lufax Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Unit 09, Floor 14, No. 1333, Lujiazui Ring Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Office address: No. 1333, Lujiazui Ring Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Legal representative: Wang Zhiguang

Customer service hotline: 4008-2190-31

Contact: Ning Boyu

Tel.: 021-20665952

Fax: 021-22066653


(8) Zhuhai Yingmi Wealth Management Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 105 - 3491, No. 6, Baohua Road, Hengqin New District, Zhuhai

Office address: B1201-1203, Floor 12, South Tower, Poly International Plaza, No. 1, Pazhou Avenue East, Haizhu District, Guangzhou

Legal representative: Xiao Wen

Customer service telephone: 020-89629066

Contact: Wu Yuhao

Tel.: 020-89629021

Fax: 020-89629011


(9) Shenzhen Xinrand Securities Investment Consulting Co., Ltd

Registered address: 1006, Floor 10, Building 4, Saige Science Park, Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen#

Office address: Floor 16, Fuzhuo Building, No. 28, Xuanwumenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Legal representative: Yang Yi

Customer service hotline: 400-166-1188

Contact: Zhang Yan

Tel.: 010-83363099

Fax: 010-83363072


(10) Company name: JD Kentury Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: No.17 bungalow, No.12 Jiancai Chengzhong Road, Xisanqi, Haidian District, Beijing

Office address: 17/F, Block A, Jingdong Group Headquarters, 18 Kechuang 11th Street, Yizhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Tongzhou District, Beijing

Legal representative: Wang Suning

Tel.: 95118

Fax: 010-89189566

Business contact: Chen Longxin

Customer service hotline: 95118

Company website:

(11) Shanghai Jiyu Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 6153, Building 2, No. 1800, Panyuan Road, Changxing Town, Chongming County, Shanghai (Taihe Economic Development Zone, Shanghai)

Office address: Room A1002, No. 518 Kunming Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai

Legal representative: Wang Xiang

Customer service hotline: 400-820-5369

Contact: Wu Hongfei

Tel.: 021-65370077

Fax: 021-55085991


(12) Beijing Huicheng Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: 1108, Floor 11, No. 11, Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing

Office address: 1108, Floor 11, No. 11, Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing

Legal representative: Wang Weigang

Customer service hotline: 400-619-9059

Contact: Ding Xiangkun

Tel.: 010-56282140

Fax: 010-62680827


(13) Beijing Tangding Yaohua Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 236, Building 2, No. 10 Baiquan Street, Yanqing Economic Development Zone, Yanqing County, Beijing

Office address: 38/F, Taikang Financial Center, No. 1, Yard 38, East Third Ring Road North, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Legal representative: Zhang Guanyu

Customer service hotline: 400-819-9868

Contact: Wang Guozhuang

Tel.: 010-85870662

Fax: 010-59200800


(14) Beijing Zhixin Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 106 - 67, Building 2, Yard 8, Xingsheng South Road, Miyun County, Beijing

Office address: No. 10 Shengshilongyuan, Huihe South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Legal representative: Yang Jifeng

Customer service telephone: 4006-802-123

Contact: Wu Peng

Tel.: 010-56075718

Fax: 010-67767615


(15) Beijing Eggroll Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: 222507, Floor 21, Unit 2, Building 6, Yard 1, Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Office address: 17/F, Building C, Rongxin Technology Center, No. 34 Chuangyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102

Legal representative: Zhong Feifei

Customer service hotline: 400-0618-518

Contact: Qin Yanqin

Tel.: 18600764131

Fax: 010-61840699


(16) Nanjing Suning Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: No. 1-5, Suning Avenue, Xuanwu District, Nanjing

Office address: No. 1-5, Suning Avenue, Xuanwu District, Nanjing

Legal representative: Liu Hanqing

Customer service hotline: 95177

Contact: Zhao Ye

Tel: 18551602256

Fax: 025-66996699699-884131


(17) Beijing Hengtian Mingze Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 5122, Floor 5, No. 10, Hongda North Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone

Office address: Room 3001, 30/F, SOHO Jiasheng Center, No. A19, East Third Ring North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Legal representative: Zhou Bin

Contact: Hou Yanhong

Tel: 13910678503

Customer service telephone: 400-898-0618

Fax: 010-53509643


(18) Beijing Duxiaoman Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 103, Floor 1, Building 4, West District, Yard 10, Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Legal representative: Ge Xin

Office address: Building 4, West Area, Yard 10, Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Organization contact: Sun Bochao

Tel.: 010-59403028

Fax: 010-59403027

Customer service telephone: 95055-4


2) Non direct sales organizations with Class C shares:

(1) Postal Savings Bank of China Limited

Registered address: No. 3, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Office address: No.3, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Legal representative: Zhang Jinliang

Customer service telephone: 95580

Contact: Li Xueping

Tel.: 010 - 68858097


(2) Shenzhen Zhonglu Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Floor 8, Material Holding Land Building, Liyuan Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen

Office address: 4F, HALO Plaza, No. 8, Liyuan Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen

Legal representative: Xue Feng

Customer service hotline: 400-6788-887

Contact: Tong Caiping

Tel.: 0755-33092861

Fax: 0755-33227951

Company website: and

(3) Ant (Hangzhou) Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 202, Building 1, No. 1218, Wenyi West Road, Cangqian Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou

Office address: 12/F, Hang Seng Building, 3588 Jiangnan Avenue, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Legal representative: Chen Baiqing

Customer service hotline: 4000-766-123

Contact: Gu Xiangbai

Tel.: 021-60897840

Fax: 0571-26698533

Company website:

(4) Shanghai Tiantian Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Floor 2, Building 2, No. 190, Longtian Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

Office address: 10/F, Building 3C, No. 195, Longtian Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

Legal representative: actually

Customer service hotline: 400-1818-188

Contact: Ding Shanshan

Tel.: 010-65980380-8010

Fax: 020-87597505

Company website:

(5) Hexun Information Technology Co., Ltd

Address: 10th Floor, Fanli Building, No. 22 Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Legal representative: Wang Li

Customer service telephone: 400-920-0022

Contact:? Chen Huihui

Tel.: 0755-82721106


(6) Zhejiang Tonghuashun Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: 903, Yuanmao Building, No. 1, Wener West Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Office address: Floor 2, Building 2, E-commerce Industrial Park, No. 7 Cuibai Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Legal representative: Ling Shunping

Contact: Lin Haiming

Tel.: 0571-88911818

Fax: 0571-86800423


(7) Shanghai Lufax Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Unit 09, Floor 14, No. 1333, Lujiazui Ring Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Office address: No. 1333, Lujiazui Ring Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Legal representative: Wang Zhiguang

Customer service hotline: 4008-2190-31

Contact: Ning Boyu

Tel.: 021-20665952

Fax: 021-22066653


(8) Zhuhai Yingmi Wealth Management Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 105 - 3491, No. 6, Baohua Road, Hengqin New District, Zhuhai

Office address: B1201-1203, Floor 12, South Tower, Poly International Plaza, No. 1, Pazhou Avenue East, Haizhu District, Guangzhou

Legal representative: Xiao Wen

Customer service telephone: 020-89629066

Contact: Wu Yuhao

Tel.: 020-89629021

Fax: 020-89629011


(9) Shenzhen Xinrand Securities Investment Consulting Co., Ltd

Registered address: 1006, Floor 10, Building 4, Saige Science Park, Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen#

Office address: Floor 16, Fuzhuo Building, No. 28, Xuanwumenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Legal representative: Yang Yi

Customer service hotline: 400-166-1188

Contact: Zhang Yan

Tel.: 010-83363099

Fax: 010-83363072


(10) Company name: JD Kentury Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: No.17 bungalow, No.12 Jiancai Chengzhong Road, Xisanqi, Haidian District, Beijing

Office address: 17/F, Block A, Jingdong Group Headquarters, 18 Kechuang 11th Street, Yizhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Tongzhou District, Beijing

Legal representative: Wang Suning

Tel.: 95118

Fax: 010-89189566

Business contact: Chen Longxin

Customer service hotline: 95118

Company website:

(11) Shanghai Jiyu Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 6153, Building 2, No. 1800, Panyuan Road, Changxing Town, Chongming County, Shanghai (Taihe Economic Development Zone, Shanghai)

Office address: Room A1002, No. 518 Kunming Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai

Legal representative: Wang Xiang

Customer service hotline: 400-820-5369

Contact: Wu Hongfei

Tel.: 021-65370077

Fax: 021-55085991


(12) Beijing Huicheng Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: 1108, Floor 11, No. 11, Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing

Office address: 1108, Floor 11, No. 11, Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing

Legal representative: Wang Weigang

Customer service hotline: 400-619-9059

Contact: Ding Xiangkun

Tel.: 010-56282140

Fax: 010-62680827


(13) Beijing Tangding Yaohua Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 236, Building 2, No. 10 Baiquan Street, Yanqing Economic Development Zone, Yanqing County, Beijing

Office address: 38/F, Taikang Financial Center, No. 1, Yard 38, East Third Ring Road North, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Legal representative: Zhang Guanyu

Customer service hotline: 400-819-9868

Contact: Wang Guozhuang

Tel.: 010-85870662

Fax: 010-59200800


(14) Beijing Zhixin Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 106 - 67, Building 2, Yard 8, Xingsheng South Road, Miyun County, Beijing

Office address: No. 10 Shengshilongyuan, Huihe South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Legal representative: Yang Jifeng

Customer service telephone: 4006-802-123

Contact: Wu Peng

Tel.: 010-56075718

Fax: 010-67767615


(15) Beijing Eggroll Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: 222507, Floor 21, Unit 2, Building 6, Yard 1, Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Office address: 17/F, Building C, Rongxin Technology Center, No. 34 Chuangyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102

Legal representative: Zhong Feifei

Customer service hotline: 400-0618-518

Contact: Qin Yanqin

Tel.: 18600764131

Fax: 010-61840699


(16) Nanjing Suning Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: No. 1-5, Suning Avenue, Xuanwu District, Nanjing

Office address: No. 1-5, Suning Avenue, Xuanwu District, Nanjing

Legal representative: Liu Hanqing

Customer service hotline: 95177

Contact: Zhao Ye

Tel: 18551602256

Fax: 025-66996699699-884131


(17) Beijing Hengtian Mingze Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 5122, Floor 5, No. 10, Hongda North Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone

Office address: Room 3001, 30/F, SOHO Jiasheng Center, No. A19, East Third Ring North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Legal representative: Zhou Bin

Contact: Hou Yanhong

Tel: 13910678503

Customer service telephone: 400-898-0618

Fax: 010-53509643


(18) Beijing Duxiaoman Fund Sales Co., Ltd

Registered address: Room 103, Floor 1, Building 4, West District, Yard 10, Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Legal representative: Ge Xin

Office address: Building 4, West Area, Yard 10, Xibeiwang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Organization contact: Sun Bochao

Tel.: 010-59403028

Fax: 010-59403027

Customer service telephone: 95055-4


(2) Registration Authority

Name: Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd

Address: 13A, Floor 13, Minsheng Financial Building, No. 2005, Fuzhong Third Road, Lianhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Office address: 13A, Floor 13, Minsheng Financial Building, No. 2005, Fuzhong Third Road, Lianhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Legal representative: Zhang Huannan

Tel.: 0755-23999888

Fax: 0755-23999833

Contact: Cai Haifeng

(3) Law firm and handling lawyer issuing legal opinion

Name: Shanghai Tongli Law Firm

Address: 19/F, Times Financial Center, 68 Yincheng Middle Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Office address: 19/F, Times Financial Center, 68 Yincheng Middle Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Person in charge: Han Jiong

Handling lawyers: An Dong, Chen Yinghua

Tel.: 021-31358666

Fax: 021-31358600

Contact: Chen Yinghua

(4) The accounting firm that audits the fund property and the certified public accountant in charge

Name: KPMG Huazhen Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)

Domicile: Floor 8, KPMG Building, Oriental Plaza, No. 1, East Chang'an Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Office address: 8/F, KPMG Tower, Oriental Plaza, No. 1, East Chang'an Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Executive partner: Zou Jun

Handling CPA: Dou Youming, Wang Lei

Tel.: 010-85085000 0755-25471000

Fax: 010-85085111 0755-82668930

Contact: Cai Zhengxuan

February 26, 2021