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Prospectus of Fullrich Pure Bond Securities Investment Fund

2019-11-04 06:48:15

Fund Manager: Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd

Fund Custodian: Bank of Communications Co., Ltd

November 2019

Important tips

Fullrich Pure Bond Securities Investment Fund (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund") was established in May 2019

On August 8, it obtained the reply of the CSRC on approval of registration (ZJXK [2019] No. 883) on approval of Fuguohua

Reply to the registration of pure bond securities investment funds).

The Fund Manager guarantees that the contents of this Prospectus are true, accurate and complete. This prospectus is in the middle of

It is registered by the CSRC, but the registration of the Fund raised by the CSRC does not indicate its investment in the Fund

Making substantive judgments or guarantees on the value and market prospects does not mean that there is no risk in investing in the Fund.

Risks in the investment of the Fund include: economic factors, political factors, investment psychology and trading system, etc

Market risk caused by various factors; The fund is in default of settlement or invested by the fund in the transaction process

The credit risk caused by the default of the issuer of capital bonds and refusal to pay the due principal and interest; Bond yield curve

Change risk; Reinvestment risk; Management risk; Operational or technical risks; Compliance risk; Liquidity risk;

The Fund's unique risks; Tax risks such as value-added tax in the process of investment and operation of fund assets; Laws of the Fund

The risk that the statement of risk return characteristics of the document may be inconsistent with the fund risk assessment of the sales agency. Base metal

In bond funds, the risk and return are lower than those of equity funds and hybrid funds, and higher than those of money market funds.

The investment is risky, and investors should carefully read this prospectus and the fund when subscribing (or subscribing) the fund

Information disclosure documents such as contracts and fund product information summaries. The fund manager reminds investors of the "buy

The principle of "self conceit", after investors make investment decisions

The investment risk shall be borne by the investors themselves.

The past performance of the Fund does not predict its future performance. The performance of other funds managed by the fund manager and

It does not constitute a guarantee for the performance of the Fund.

The Fund Manager shall manage and use the Fund assets in accordance with the principles of due diligence, honesty, prudence and diligence,

However, it does not guarantee that the fund will be profitable, nor does it guarantee the minimum return.

The compilation, disclosure and update of the fund product information summary in this prospectus will be no later than

Implemented from September 1, 2020


Important Notes one

catalog............................................................... two

Part I Preface three

Part II Definitions Error! Bookmark not defined.

Part III Fund Manager four

Part IV Fund Custodian twenty-two

Part V Relevant Service Organizations twenty-six

Part VI Fund Raising twenty-eight

Part VII Effectiveness of the Fund Contract thirty-two

Part VIII Subscription and Redemption of Fund Units thirty-three

Part IX Investment of the Fund forty-five

Part X Assets of the Fund fifty-one

Part XI Valuation of Fund Assets fifty-two

Part XII Income and Distribution of the Fund fifty-eight

Part XIII Fees and Taxes of the Fund sixty

Part XIV Accounting and Audit of the Fund sixty-two

Part XV Information Disclosure of the Fund sixty-three

Part XVI Risk Disclosure seventy

Part XVII Change and Termination of the Fund Contract and Liquidation of the Fund Assets seventy-five

Part XVIII Summary of the Fund Contract seventy-seven

Part XIX Summary of the Fund Custody Agreement ninety-three

Part XX Services for Fund Unitholders one hundred and six

Part XXI Storage and Reference Methods of Prospectus one hundred and eight

Part XXII Documents for future reference one hundred and nine

Part I Preface

This Prospectus is prepared in accordance with the Securities Investment Fund Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund Law")

Administrative Measures for the Operation of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds (hereinafter referred to as the "Operating Measures"), Securities Investment

Management Measures for Fund Sales (hereinafter referred to as "Sales Measures"), Information Disclosure of Publicly Raised Securities Investment Funds

Disclosure Management Measures (hereinafter referred to as "Information Disclosure Measures"), Public Offering of Open ended Securities Investment Fund Flow

Liquidity Risk Management Regulations (hereinafter referred to as "Liquidity Risk Management Regulations") and other relevant laws and regulations

And Fuguohua Li Pure Bond Securities Investment Fund Contract (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund Agreement")

Same as ").

This prospectus describes the investment objectives, strategies

All necessary matters related to the investor's investment decision, such as risk and rate

You should read this prospectus carefully.

The Fund Manager promises that this Prospectus does not contain any false content, misleading statement or material legacy

And bear legal responsibility for its authenticity, accuracy and integrity.

The Fund is applied for raising in accordance with the information specified in this Prospectus. This prospectus is prepared by Fuguo

Explanation of Fund Management Co., Ltd. The Fund Manager has not entrusted or authorized any other person to provide

Information specified in the Prospectus, or any explanation or explanation of this Prospectus.

This Prospectus is prepared in accordance with the Fund contract of the Fund and registered with the CSRC. Fund contract

It is a legal document that stipulates the rights and obligations between the parties to the fund contract. The fund investor withdraws from the fund contract

Obtaining fund units means becoming a fund unit holder and a party to the fund contract

It means that it recognizes and accepts the fund contract, and in accordance with the Fund Law, the fund contract and others

The relevant provisions provide for the enjoyment of rights and obligations. Fund investors want to know the rights and obligations of fund share holders,

The fund contract should be consulted in detail.

Part II Interpretation

In this prospectus, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words or abbreviations have the following meanings:

1. Fund or the Fund: Fuguohua Li pure bond securities investment fund

2. Fund Manager: Wells Fargo Fund Management Co., Ltd

3. Fund Custodian: Bank of Communications Co., Ltd

4. Fund contract: refers to the Fund Contract of Fullrich Pure Bond Securities Investment Fund and the fund contract

Any valid amendments and supplements to the

5. Custody Agreement: refers to the Fuguohua Pure Bond signed between the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian for the Fund

Securities Investment Fund Custody Agreement and any effective amendments and supplements to the Custody Agreement

6. Prospectus or this Prospectus: refers to the Recruitment of Fullrich Pure Bond Securities Investment Fund

Manual and its updates

7. Announcement on the sale of fund shares: refers to the sale of fund shares of Fullrich Pure Bond Securities Investment Fund


8. Laws and regulations: refer to the laws, administrative regulations, normative documents

Judicial interpretations, administrative rules and other decisions, resolutions and notices that are binding on the parties to the fund contract

9. Fund Law: refers to the Law of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on October 28, 2003

Adopted at the Fifth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress on December 28, 2012

Revised at the 30th meeting, implemented since June 1, 2013, and approved by the 12th National Congress on April 24, 2015

The 14th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

Securities Investment of the People's Republic of China

Fund Law of the People's Republic of China and amendments made by the promulgating authority from time to time

10. Sales Measures: promulgated by the CSRC on March 15, 2013 and implemented on June 1 of the same year

Measures for the Administration of the Sale of Securities Investment Funds and amendments made by the promulgating authority from time to time

11. Information Disclosure Measures: promulgated by the CSRC on July 26, 2019, and September 1, the same year

The Administrative Measures for Information Disclosure of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds implemented and the regulations issued by the promulgating authority from time to time


12. Operation Measures: promulgated by the CSRC on July 7, 2014 and implemented on August 8 of the same year

Administrative Measures for the Operation of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds and amendments made by the promulgating authority from time to time

13. Liquidity Risk Management Regulations: promulgated by the CSRC on August 31, 2017

Provisions on Liquidity Risk Management of Publicly Offered Open ended Securities Investment Funds implemented on January 1 and the issuing authority

As amended from time to time

14. China Securities Regulatory Commission: China Securities Regulatory Commission

15. Banking regulatory authority: refers to the People's Bank of China and/or the Insurance Regulatory Commission of the Bank of China


16. Parties to the Fund Contract: refer to those who are bound by the Fund Contract and enjoy rights and assume obligations under the Fund Contract

The legal subjects of the Fund, including the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and the Fund Unitholders

17. Individual investor: refers to a natural person who can invest in securities investment funds according to relevant laws and regulations

18. Institutional investors: refer to those who can invest in securities investment funds according to law and are located in the People's Republic of China

Enterprise legal person, public institution legal person and society legally registered and existing or established and existing with the approval of relevant government departments

Groups or other organizations

19. Qualified foreign institutional investor: refers to the qualified foreign institutional investor who meets the requirements of the Management of Domestic Securities Investment

The Measures and relevant laws and regulations provide that it can invest in the securities investment funds legally raised in China

Institutional investors outside China

20. RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor: refers to the qualified foreign institutional investor in China

The Pilot Measures for Securities Investment and relevant laws and regulations stipulate that RMB funds from overseas shall be used for domestic investment

Foreign legal persons investing in securities

21. Investors, investors: individual investors, institutional investors, qualified foreign institutional investors and

RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors and those permitted by laws and regulations or the CSRC to purchase securities investment funds

Collective name of other investors

22. Fund share holder: refers to the investment legally obtained from fund shares in accordance with the fund contract and prospectus


23. Fund sales business: refers to the promotion of funds and the sale of fund shares by fund managers or sales agencies,

Handle the subscription, redemption, conversion, re custody and fixed investment of fund units

24. Sales agency: Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd. and the CSRC

Other conditions stipulated by the Fund Management Committee, obtaining the qualification of fund sales business and signing the fund sales service with the fund manager

Agreement, the institution handling fund sales business

25. Registration business: refers to fund registration, custody, transfer, clearing and settlement business, including

Establishment and management of investor's fund account, registration of fund shares, confirmation, liquidation and settlement of fund sales business

Calculate and distribute dividends on behalf of others, establish and keep the register of fund share holders and handle non trading transfer, etc

26. Registration agency: refers to the agency that handles registration business. The registration authority of the fund is Wells Fargo Fund Management Co., Ltd

Limited company or agency entrusted by Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd. to handle registration business

27. Fund account: refers to the fund manager's account opened by the registration institution for investors, which records their holdings

Account for the balance of fund units under management and their changes

28. Fund transaction account: it refers to the account opened by the sales agency for the investor to record the investor's passing through the sales machine

Fund shares arising from the organization's handling of subscription, subscription, redemption, conversion, fixed investment and custody transfer

Accounts for changes in amounts and balances

29. The effective date of the fund contract: means that the fund raising meets the conditions stipulated by laws and regulations and the fund contract,

The fund manager has completed the fund filing formalities with the CSRC and obtained the written confirmation of the CSRC


30. Fund contract termination date: refers to the date when the fund contract termination causes specified in the fund contract occur

The date on which the liquidation results are reported to the CSRC for filing and announcement after the completion of liquidation

31. Fund raising period: refers to the period from the date of offering of fund units to the date of closing the offering, with the longest

Not more than 3 months

32. Duration: refers to the indefinite period between the effectiveness and termination of the fund contract

33. Working day: refers to the normal trading day of Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange

34. T day: refers to that the sales agency accepts the investor's application for subscription, redemption or other business within the specified time

open house

35. T+n day: refers to the nth working day from T day (excluding T day)

36. Open day: refers to the working day for investors to handle the subscription, redemption or other business of fund units

37. Opening Hours: refers to the time period during which the fund accepts subscription, redemption or other transactions on the open day

38. Business Rules: refer to the Business Rules of Wells Fargo Fund Management Co., Ltd

The business rules on the registration of open-ended securities investment funds managed by the fund manager shall be determined by the fund manager and

Joint compliance of investors

39. Subscription: during the fund raising period, investors apply for

Please purchase fund shares

40. Subscription: after the Fund Contract comes into effect, the investor applies for

Please purchase fund shares

41. Redemption: refers to that after the Fund Contract comes into effect, the Fund Unitholders shall comply with the provisions of the Fund Contract and the Prospectus

The act of converting fund units into cash under specified conditions

42. Fund conversion: refers to the Fund Unitholders' effective announcement at that time in accordance with the Fund Agreement and the Fund Manager

To apply for converting the fund units of a fund managed by the fund manager into funds

Behavior of other fund units managed by the manager

43. Custody transfer: refers to the change place implemented by the Fund Unitholders between different sales agencies of the Fund

Operation of sales institutions holding fund units

44. Regular and quota investment plan: refers to the application submitted by the investor through the relevant sales agency, and the agreement on each application

On the purchase date, the amount of deduction and the method of deduction, the sales agency shall, on the agreed deduction date of each period, place the amount of deduction in the bank account designated by the investor

An investment method for automatically completing deduction and accepting fund purchase applications in the account

45. Large redemption: refers to the net redemption application of the Fund on a single open day (the total number of redemption application units plus

After deducting the total number of subscription application units and the transfer in application in fund conversion from the total number of transfer out application units in fund conversion

The balance after the total number of shares) exceeds 10% of the total fund shares on the previous open day

46. RMB: refers to RMB

47. Fund income: refers to the bond interest obtained from fund investment, the price difference between buying and selling securities, bank deposit interest

Other legal income realized and cost and expense savings arising from the use of fund assets

48. Total value of fund assets: refers to various securities owned by the fund, principal and interest of bank deposits, and fund receivables

Total value of subscription funds and other assets

49. Net Asset Value of the Fund: the value of the total asset value of the Fund minus the liabilities of the Fund

50. Net value of fund units: refers to the net value of fund assets on the calculation date divided by the total number of fund units on the calculation date

51. Fund asset valuation: It refers to calculating and evaluating the value of fund assets and liabilities to determine the net value of fund assets

Value and net value of fund units

52. Designated media: national newspapers and periodicals designated by the CSRC for information disclosure

Internet website (including fund manager website, fund custodian website, CSRC fund electronic disclosure

Website) and other media

53. Liquidity restricted assets: refer to assets that cannot be used due to laws and regulations, supervision, contracts or operational barriers

Assets realized at reasonable prices, including but not limited to reverse repos and

Fixed bank deposits (including bank deposits that are conditionally withdrawn in advance as agreed in the agreement), suspended shares, and restricted circulation

New shares, non-public offerings, asset-backed securities, and inability to transfer or trade due to the issuer's debt default

Bonds, etc

54. Swing pricing mechanism: when open-end funds are subject to large purchase and redemption

In the form of net amount, the market shock cost of the fund's adjusted portfolio is allocated to the actual subscription and redemption investments

Investors, so as to reduce the adverse impact on the interests of stock fund share holders and ensure the legitimate rights and interests of investors

Be protected and treated fairly

55. Force majeure: refers to objective events that the parties to the fund contract cannot foresee, avoid and overcome


56. Summary of fund product information: refers to the fund product capital of Fullrich Pure Bond Securities Investment Fund

Information Summary and its update (the preparation, disclosure and update of the fund product information summary in this prospectus

Content, which will be implemented no later than September 1, 2020)

Part III Fund Manager

(1) Overview of the Fund Manager

Name: Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd

Address: 27-30, Block 2, Shijihui Office Building, No. 1196, Shiji Avenue, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone


Office address: Block 2, Shijihui Office Building, No. 1196, Shiji Avenue, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

27-30 floors

Date of establishment: April 13, 1999

Legal representative: Pei Changjiang

General Manager: Chen Ge

Tel.: (021) 20361818

Contact: Zhao Ying

Registered capital: 520 million yuan

Equity structure (as of August 20, 2019):

Name of shareholders Proportion of capital contribution

Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. 27.775%

Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd. 27.775%

Bank of Montreal, Canada 27.775%

Shandong International Trust Co., Ltd. 16.675%

The Company has established professional committees such as the Investment Decision making Committee and the Risk Control Committee. Investment Decision making Committee

It will be responsible for making major decisions and investment risk management of fund investment. The Risk Control Committee is responsible for the daily work of the company

Risk control and management of operations to ensure that the company's daily business activities comply with relevant laws and regulations and industry supervision

Manage rules, prevent and resolve operational risks, compliance and moral risks.

At present, the company has 28 departments, three branches and two subsidiaries, respectively: equity investment

Department, Fixed Income Investment Department, Fixed Income Special Account Investment Department, Fixed Income Credit Research Department, Fixed Income Policy

Strategic Research Department, Multi Asset Investment Department, Quantitative Investment Department, Overseas Equity Investment Department, Equity Account Investment Department

Pension Investment Department, Equity Research Department, Centralized Trading Department, Institutional Business Department, Pension Business Department, Banking

Business Department, Institutional Service Department, Retail Business Department, Marketing Management Department, Customer Service Department, E-commerce Department, Strategy Department

With the Product Department, Compliance Audit Department, Risk Management Department, Planning and Finance Department, Human Resources Department and General Management Department (Director

Council Office), Information Technology Department, Operation Department, Beijing Branch, Chengdu Branch, Guangzhou Branch, Fu

State Asset Management (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., Fuguo Asset Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Equity Investment Department: responsible for the investment management of equity fund products; Fixed income investment department: responsible for fixed income

Bonds of income public offering products and non fixed income public offering products (including the company's own funds, etc.)

Investment management; Fixed income special account Investment Department: responsible for one-to-one, one to many and other non-public fixed income special accounts

Investment management; Fixed Income Credit Research Department: establish and improve the bond credit rating system and carry out credit research

Research, etc., to provide research support for the company's fixed income investment decisions; Fixed Income Strategy Research Department:

Research on fixed income investment strategy, unify the middle management of fixed income investment, and make decisions for the company's fixed income investment

And implementation to provide development suggestions, research support and risk control; Multi Asset Investment Department: according to laws and regulations

The company's rules and regulations and contractual requirements, within the scope of authorization, are responsible for FOF fund investment operations and cross asset and cross asset

Investment management of diversified asset allocation products with variety and cross strategy; Quantitative Investment Department: responsible for the quantification of the company

Investment management business; Overseas Equity Investment Department: responsible for equity investment management of the company outside China (including Hong Kong)

Reason; Equity Account Investment Department: responsible for social security, insurance, QFII, one-to-one, one to many and other non-public equity

Investment management of special account; Pension Investment Department: responsible for pension (enterprise pension, occupational pension, basic pension

Fund, social security, etc.) and similar pension accounts; Equity Research Department: responsible for industry research

Research on listed companies and macro research; Centralized Trading Department: responsible for investment trading and risk control; Institutional business

Department: responsible for insurance, finance companies, listed companies, sovereign wealth funds, foundations, securities companies, trusts, private

Sales and services of customers such as fund raising, inter-bank pension managers, inter-bank mutual fund FOF, overseas customers, etc; raise

Laojin Business Department: responsible for the sales and

Services; Banking Department: Financial Market Department, Interbank Department, Asset Management Department and Private Banking Department responsible for bank customers

Non commissioned sales and services of the Bank and other departments; Institutional Service Department: responsible for coordinating the connection between the three institutional sales departments

Resources of the company to achieve project implementation, provide professional support and project management, and continue to provide institutional customers of the company

Professional services; Retail Business Department: manage East China Marketing Center, Central China Marketing Center, Guangdong Marketing Center, Shenzhen

Shenzhen Marketing Center, Beijing Marketing Center, Northeast Marketing Center, West Marketing Center, North China Marketing Center

Responsible for the retail business of mutual funds; Marketing Management Department: responsible for the formulation and implementation of marketing plans, brand building and

Media relationship management, providing one-stop sales support for retail and institutional business teams, subsidiaries, etc; Customer service

Business Department: formulate customer service strategies, formulate customer service specifications, build customer service teams, and improve customer satisfaction

Sense, collect customer information, analyze customer needs, and support the company's decision-making; E-commerce Department: responsible for fund electricity

Analyze the development trend of sub businesses, formulate and implement the company's e-commerce development strategy and implementation rules, and effectively promote

E-commerce business of the company; Strategy and Product Department: responsible for developing and maintaining public and non-public products, and assisting in management

The management research, formulate, implement and adjust the company's development strategy, establish a data collection and analysis platform for the company

Provide integrated data support for investment decisions, sales decisions, business development, performance analysis, etc; Compliance Audit Department:

Perform compliance review, compliance inspection, compliance consultation, anti money laundering, compliance propaganda and training, compliance monitoring and other compliance

Regulate management responsibilities, carry out internal audit, manage information disclosure, legal affairs, etc; Risk Management Department: Executive Company

The company's overall risk management strategy, take the lead in drafting the company's risk management system and process, organize risk identification

Evaluate, report, monitor and respond, and be responsible for the compliance monitoring of all investment portfolios under the company; Information Technology Department:

Responsible for software development and system maintenance; Operation Department: responsible for fund accounting and liquidation; Planning and Finance Department: responsible for

Financial planning and management of the Company; Human Resources Department: responsible for human resources planning and management; General Management Department (Director

Board office): responsible for the daily affairs of the board of directors of the company, company secretary management, company (internal) publicity

Information research, administrative and logistics management; Wells Fargo Asset Management (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.: securities trading

Providing advice and asset management for securities; Fuguo Asset Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.: operating specific customers

Asset management and other businesses recognized by the CSRC.

As of July 31, 2019, the company has 464 employees, of which more than 70% have master's degree or above


(2) Key personnel

1. Board members

Mr. Pei Changjiang, Chairman of the Board of Directors, has a postgraduate degree. He is now the Deputy General Manager of Haitong Securities Co., Ltd.

He has successively served as a researcher in the Research Department of Shanghai Wanguo Securities Co., Ltd., assistant to the general manager and general manager of Zhabei Business Department, and Shen Yinwan

General Manager of Zhabei Business Department of China Securities Corporation, Deputy General Manager of Zhejiang Management Headquarters, Deputy General Manager of Brokerage Headquarters, Hua

Investment Director of Treasure Trust Investment Co., Ltd., Director and General Manager of Huabao Industrial Fund Management Co., Ltd.

Mr. Chen Ge, director, general manager, has a postgraduate degree. Successively served as the research institute of Guotai Jun'an Securities Co., Ltd

Researcher, researcher of Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd., fund manager, general manager of research department, assistant to general manager

Deputy General Manager, fund manager of Fuguo Tianyi Value Securities Investment Fund from April 2005 to April 2014.

Ms. Constance Mak, Director, Bachelor of Arts and Business, Canadian Chartered Accounting

Division. Currently, he is the General Manager of BMO Financial Group's Asian business, Asia, International, BMO

Financial Group), Director of China Canada Trade Council and member of the advisory group of Canadian Chinese Television. Successive posts

St. Margaret's College teacher, partner of KPMG accounting firm in Canada.

Mr. Fang Rongyi, director, doctor, graduate, senior accountant. Current Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd

Deputy General Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Risk Officer and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Company. Successively served as Beijing UFIDA Electronic Finance

Deputy Director of Information Center of Research Institute of Technology Co., Ltd., Associate Professor of Business Administration Education Center of Xiamen University, China

Deputy Director of Accounting Department of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Branch of the People's Bank of China (Shenzhen Central Sub branch), Shenzhen City, People's Bank of China

Head of the Non bank Financial Institutions Division of the Central Sub branch, Finance Committee of Shenzhen Regulatory Bureau of China Banking Regulatory Commission

Director of Planning Division, Director of State owned Bank Supervision Division, and Chief Financial Officer of Shenyin Wanguo Securities Co., Ltd.

Mr. Zhang Xinjun, director, has a postgraduate degree. Currently, he is the Chief Financial Officer of Haitong Securities Co., Ltd

Deputy General Manager and Chief Financial Officer of Tong International Holdings Co., Ltd. Successively served as member of the Finance and Accounting Department of Haitong Securities Co., Ltd

Deputy Manager/Manager of the Asset Management Department of the Planning and Finance Department, Chief Financial Officer of Haitong International Securities Group Co., Ltd

Chief Risk Officer of Haitong International Holdings Co., Ltd.

Mr. Edgar Normund Legzdins, director, bachelor's degree, Canadian chartered accountant. incumbent

SVP&Managing Director, International, BMO

Financial Group). From 1980 to 1984, he worked as an auditor at Coopers&Lybrand; 1984

Joined BMO Bank of Canada Financial Group Bank of Montreal.

Mr. Zhang Ke, director, bachelor's degree, economist. Currently, Shandong International Trust Co., Ltd

There is a general manager of the business management department. Successively served as the salesperson of the Fund Loan Department of Shandong International Trust Co., Ltd

Salesman of the Financial Investment Department, Salesman of the Infrastructure Fund Management Department, Trust Manager of the Infrastructure Fund Management Department, and Infrastructure Fund

Deputy General Manager of Management Department, Deputy General Manager of Inherent Business Management Department.

Mr. He Zonghao, Director, Master. Current head of Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd. Plan and Financial Management Headquarters

Manager. He has successively served as a member of the Planning and Credit Section and the Organization Section of the Shanghai Xuhui District Office of the People's Bank of China; ICBC Xu

Acting Secretary of the Party Branch, Secretary of the Party Branch and Deputy Director of the Banking Office of Jianguo West Road Banking Office of the Hui District Office

Work); Employee of Finance Department of Shanghai Shenyin Securities Company; Shanghai Shenyin Securities Co., Ltd. Pudong Company Finance Department is responsible for the preparation

People; Deputy Manager and Manager of Finance and Accounting Department of Shanghai Shenyin Securities Co., Ltd. Pudong Branch; Shenyin Wanguo Securities Co., Ltd

Manager of the Finance Department of the Pudong Branch of the Company, Department Manager of the Finance Management Headquarters of Shenyin Wanguo Securities Co., Ltd

General Manager Assistant, Deputy General Manager and General Manager of Shenyin Wanguo Securities Co., Ltd.

Mr. Huang Ping, an independent director, has a postgraduate degree. Currently, he is the director of Shanghai Shengyuan Industry (Group) Co., Ltd

President of the Bureau. He has successively served as the director of the Political Department of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Reform through Labor; Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Huaxia Lixiang Industrial Co., Ltd;

General Manager and President of Shanghai Shengyuan Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.

Mr. Ji Wenguan, an independent director, has a postgraduate degree. He is now the Executive Vice President of Shanghai Financial Industry Federation.

He has successively served as Deputy Chief of Planning Section, Deputy Director of Office, Director of Office and Deputy Director of Shanghai Instrument and Meter Research Institute;

Deputy Director, Office Director, Assistant Director, Deputy Director

Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group; Director of the Shanghai Pudong New Area Government Office, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office, and Party members of the district government

Member; Member of the Standing Committee of the Songjiang District Committee of Shanghai Municipality, Deputy District Chief; Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Financial Service Office, Shanghai, CPC

Secretary of the Municipal Financial Work Committee; Member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal CPPCC and Director of the Ethnic and Religious Committee of the Shanghai Municipal CPPCC.

Mr. Cary S. Ng is an independent director with a postgraduate degree and a Canadian chartered accountant. present

Retired. In 1976, Thorne Riddell, the predecessor of KPMG Canada, served as auditor

He has more than 30 years of experience in financial management and information system project management, and once worked in Neo Materials

Technologies Inc., formerly AMR Technologies Inc, MLJ Global Business Developments

Inc., UniLink Inc. and other international companies are Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Vice President of Finance

Professor of Accounting, Finance and Finance, Department of Business, Seneca College.

Mr. Li Xianming is an independent director with a postgraduate degree. Currently, he is a lawyer of Shanghai Jintiancheng Law Firm

Senior Partner. He has been a teacher of Jilin University Law School.

2. Members of the Board of Supervisors

Mr. Fu Jiguang, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, has a postgraduate degree. Current risk control of Shandong International Trust Co., Ltd

chief inspector. He has successively served as a member of the investment department of Jining Trust and Investment Company, a director and deputy general manager of Jining Liuzhuang Port Transportation Corporation

Manager, Business Manager and Deputy Manager of Investment Banking Business Department of Shandong International Trust and Investment Co., Ltd., Shandong International

Manager of the Audit and Legal Department of Trust Investment Co., Ltd., CFO of Shandong Zhonglu Ocean Fisheries Co., Ltd,

Manager of the fourth trust business department of Shandong International Trust Co., Ltd.

Mr. Shen Yin, supervisor, has a bachelor's degree. Currently, Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd. is in compliance and risk management

Deputy General Manager of the Legal Compliance Headquarters, Deputy Director of the Risk Management Office, and Company lawyer. Successively held senior posts in Shanghai

Assistant researcher of the People's Court, assistant judge of Shanghai Intermediate People's Court and Shanghai Second Intermediate People's Court

Member, judge, leader of the judge, head of the general section of the office, and arbitrator of Shanghai Arbitration Commission.

Ms. Zhang Xiaoyan, supervisor, doctor. The current Bank of Montreal in Asia and Bank of Montreal (China)

Chief Risk Officer, LLC. He has successively served as a researcher in the Department of Chemistry of California Institute of Technology and the University of Toronto, Canada

Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department, Senior Manager of Model Development and Risk Review of Market Risk Management Department of Bank of Montreal,

Director of Operational Risk Capital Management of Bank of Montreal, Vice President and Director of Trading Risk Management Department of Dominion Securities,

Head of Market Risk Control of OCBC Group, Senior Vice President and Head of Risk Management Department of Singapore Exchange.

Mr. Shi Xu, supervisor, has a postgraduate degree. He is now the Deputy General Manager of the Audit Department of Haitong Securities Co., Ltd,

He has successively served as Deputy Manager, Manager and Assistant General Manager of the Audit Department of Haitong Securities Co., Ltd

Management, etc.

Ms. Li Xuewei, supervisor, has a postgraduate degree. Currently, he is the Deputy General Manager of Operation Department of Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd

Li. Successively served as fund liquidator, registration and settlement supervisor, assistant to operation director, and operation manager of Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd

Deputy Operation Director of the Operation Department, Operation Director of the Operation Department.

Mr. Xiao Kai, supervisor, doctor. He is currently the risk control director of the centralized trading department of Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd.

He has successively served as department manager of Shanghai Jinxin Financial Engineering Research Institute, department manager of Youlian Strategic Management Center, and Fullrich Fund

Risk control supervisor, senior risk control supervisor and deputy audit director of the Supervision Department of the Management Co., Ltd.

Ms. Yang Yiqin, supervisor, has a bachelor's degree. The current retail business department of Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd

Assistant Director. Successively served as the customer manager of Beijing West Road Business Department of Liaoning Securities Company and Fuguo Fund Management Co., Ltd

Customer Service Manager, Marketing Planning Manager, Sales Support Manager and Senior Sales Support Manager.

Ms. Shen Zhanhui, supervisor, has a bachelor's degree. Currently, he is the Deputy General Manager of General Management Department of Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd

Manager. He has successively served as a teacher of Nanyang Middle School of Shanghai Jiaotong University, recruitment supervisor of Bolang Software Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Head of HR&Administration Department of Siyuan Electric Co., Ltd., HR Manager and Director of Fuguo Fund Management Co., Ltd


3. Inspector General

Ms. Zhao Ying has a postgraduate degree and a master's degree. He once worked in the International Business Department of Haitong Securities Co., Ltd

Shanghai Guosheng (Group) Co., Ltd. Asset Management Department/Risk Management Department, Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. Compliance

With the Risk Management Headquarters and the Compliance and Risk Control Department of Shanghai Haitong Securities Asset Management Co., Ltd; July 2015 plus

Joined Fuguo Fund Management Co., Ltd., served successively as the General Manager of the Supervision and Audit Department, and now is Fuguo Fund Management Co., Ltd

Inspector General.

4. Management personnel

Mr. Chen Ge, General Manager (refer to the introduction of directors above for resume).

Mr. Lin Zhisong has a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in business administration. Former secretary of Zhangzhou Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau

The head of the office of Jinjiang Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau and the business manager of Xiamen Securities Company; October 1998

In June, he participated in the preparation of Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd. and successively served as the inspector, senior inspector and department of the Supervision and Audit Department

Deputy Manager, Department Manager, Chief Inspector, and now the Deputy General Manager and Chief Information Officer of Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd.

Ms. Lu Wenjia has a master's degree. He used to be an employee of China Construction Bank Shanghai Branch,

Marketing Director and Vice Marketing President of Hua'an Fund Management Co., Ltd; Joined Wells Fargo Fund Management in May 2014

He is now the Deputy General Manager of Fuguo Fund Management Co., Ltd.

Ms. Li Xiaowei, with a postgraduate degree, a doctor's degree, is a senior economist. Previously worked as a foreign loan of the State Education Commission

Office Project Officer, MSCI BARRA BARRA

Senior Researcher of Risk Assessment Department, a senior researcher of Barclays Global Investors

China Active Equity Investment Director, Senior Fund Manager and Senior Researcher; Joined Wells Fargo Fund in June 2009

Management Co., Ltd., successively served as fund manager, general manager of quantitative and overseas investment department, and assistant general manager of the company. Now

Deputy General Manager and Fund Manager of Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd.

Mr. Zhu Shaoxing has a master's degree and a doctor's degree. Joined Wells Fargo Fund Management Co., Ltd. in June 2000

He has successively held the posts of product development director, fund manager assistant, fund manager, general manager of research department and equity investment department

General Manager, Assistant to the General Manager of the Company, now the Deputy General Manager and General Manager of Equity Investment Department of Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd

Manager and fund manager.

5. Fund Manager of the Fund

Yu Xiaobin, master, Shanghai International Monetary Brokerage Co., Ltd. from July 2007 to October 2012

agent; In October 2012, he joined Wells Fargo Fund Management Co., Ltd. and served as a senior trader and senior trader

Member and research assistant, Fuguo Taili Regular Open Bond Sponsored Securities Investment Fund since December 2016

Fund manager, Fuguo Tianyuan Shanghai Hong Kong Shenzhen Balanced Hybrid Securities Investment Fund, Fuguo Tiancheng since November 2017

Fund manager of dividend flexible allocation hybrid securities investment fund, from August 2018 to October 2019

Optimize and strengthen bond securities investment funds, Wells Fargo convertible bond securities investment funds, Wells Fargo Yili pure bonds

Fund manager of securities investment fund, who has been working as Fuguo Zhenxuan Growth Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities since August 2018

Fund manager of investment fund, Fuguo two-year wealth management bond securities investment fund, Fuguo

Fund Manager of China Financial Bond Securities Investment Fund, Fullrich Tianying Bond Securities Investment since March 2019

Asset Management Fund (LOF), Wells Fargo Robust Enhanced Bond Securities Investment Fund, Wells Fargo Yield Enhanced Bond Securities Investment

Asset fund, Fuguo new income flexible allocation hybrid securities investment fund, Fuguo Xiangli regular open bond issuance

Start up securities investment fund, Fuguo New Premium Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment Fund, Fuguo Jiali Robust Allocation

Fund manager of regular open-end hybrid securities investment fund, serving as the target income of Wells Fargo for one year from May 2019

Pure bond securities investment fund, Wells Fargo New Trend Flexible allocation hybrid securities investment fund, Wells Fargo New Return

Report to the Fund Manager of the Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment Fund, and assume the role of Fuguo New Energy Flexible Allocation since June 2019

Hybrid Sponsored Securities Investment Fund, Wells Fargo New Opportunities Flexible Allocation Hybrid Sponsored Securities Investment Fund

Fuguo Science and Innovation Theme 3-year Closed Operation Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment Fund Fund Manager, June 2019

Until September 2019, he will be the fund manager of Fuguo New Preferred Flexible Allocation Regular Open Hybrid Securities Investment Fund. have

Have fund practice qualification.

6. Investment Decision making Committee

Members of the Investment Committee of the Company: Chen Ge, the general manager, Zhu Shaoxing, the deputy general manager in charge, and Li Xiaowei, the deputy general manager in charge.

7. There is no close relative relationship between the above personnel.

(3) Responsibilities of the Fund Manager

1. Raise funds in accordance with the law, and handle the sale and registration of fund units;

2. Handling the fund filing procedures;

3. To manage, account for and invest in securities of different fund assets under their management;

4. Determine the fund income distribution plan in accordance with the fund contract and distribute it to fund share holders in a timely manner


5. Conduct fund accounting and prepare fund financial accounting reports;

6. Prepare quarterly report, interim report and annual report;

7. Calculate and announce the net value of the fund, and determine the subscription and redemption prices of fund units;

8. To handle information disclosure matters related to fund property management business activities;

9. Convene the general meeting of fund unit holders in accordance with the provisions;

10. Keep records, account books, statements and other relevant materials of fund property management business activities;

11. In the name of the Fund Manager, on behalf of the Fund Unitholders, exercise their litigation rights or enforce their rights

Other legal acts;

12. Other responsibilities stipulated by laws and regulations and the CSRC or agreed in the fund contract.

(4) The Fund Manager's commitment to comply with laws and regulations

1. The Fund Manager undertakes not to engage in activities that violate the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, the Fund Law and the Operation

Measures, Sales Measures, Information Disclosure Measures and other laws and regulations, and promises to establish a sound internal

Department control system, take effective measures to prevent the occurrence of illegal acts.

2. The Fund Manager promises not to engage in the following acts in violation of the Fund Law, and promises to establish a sound internal

Department risk control system, take effective measures to prevent the following behaviors:

(1) Mixing the inherent property of the fund manager or the property of others with the fund property for securities investment;

(2) Unfairly treat different fund assets under management;

(3) Seeking benefits for a third party other than the fund unit holders by taking advantage of the fund property or position;

(4) Committing gains or bearing losses to fund share holders in violation of regulations;

(5) Embezzlement and misappropriation of fund assets;

(6) Disclose the unpublished information obtained for the convenience of his position, use the information to engage in or express or imply that he

Person engaged in relevant trading activities;

(7) Neglect of duty and fail to perform duties according to regulations;

(8) Other acts prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and the CSRC.

3. The Fund Manager promises to strengthen personnel management, strengthen professional ethics, and urge and constrain employees to abide by the state

Relevant laws, regulations and industry norms, being honest, trustworthy, diligent and responsible, and not engaging in the following activities:

(1) Ultra vires or illegal operation;

(2) Violation of fund contract or custody agreement;

(3) Deliberately damaging the legitimate rights and interests of fund share holders or other fund related institutions;

(4) Practicing fraud in the materials submitted to the CSRC;

(5) Refuse, interfere, obstruct or seriously affect the supervision of the CSRC according to law;

(6) Neglect of duty, abuse of power, and failure to perform duties in accordance with regulations;

(7) Violation of relevant laws, regulations, rules, fund contracts and CSRC

It is required to disclose business secrets related to securities and funds that are known during the term of office, and funds that have not been disclosed according to law

Investment content, fund investment plan and other information, or use the information to engage in or express or imply that others engage in

Trading activities related to customs;

(8) Assist, accept entrustment or conduct securities trading for other organizations or individuals in any other form;

(9) Violate the business rules of the stock exchange, manipulate the market price by means of counter check, position dumping, etc

Disorderly market order;

(10) Disparage peers to improve themselves;

(11) Intentionally containing false, misleading and fraudulent elements in public information disclosure and advertising;

(12) Seeking business development by improper means;

(13) It goes against social morality and damages the image of securities investment fund practitioners;

(14) Other acts prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

(5) Commitment of the Fund Manager on Prohibited Sexual Behaviors

In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of fund share holders, the Fund is prohibited from engaging in the following acts:

(1) Underwriting securities;

(2) Lending or providing guarantee to others in violation of regulations;

(3) Investment with unlimited liability;

(4) Buying and selling other fund units, except as otherwise stipulated by the CSRC;

(5) Make capital contributions to its fund manager and fund custodian;

(6) Engaging in insider trading, manipulating securities trading prices and other improper securities trading activities;

(7) Other activities prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and the CSRC.

The Fund Manager uses the Fund property to buy and sell the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and their controlling shareholders

Securities issued by the controller or a company with a significant stake in it or securities underwritten during the underwriting period, or

Those engaged in other major related party transactions shall comply with the investment objectives and investment strategies of the Fund, and follow the

The principle of giving priority to the interests of shareholders, preventing conflicts of interest, establishing and improving the internal approval mechanism and evaluation mechanism

Implement according to fair and reasonable market price. Relevant transactions must be approved by the fund custodian in advance and in accordance with the law

Disclosure of regulations. Major connected transactions shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Fund Manager for review, and shall be subject to two thirds

Approved by the independent directors on. The Board of Directors of the Fund Manager shall review related party transactions at least every six months.

Laws and regulations or regulatory authorities cancel or change the above restrictions. If applicable to the Fund, the Fund Manager shall

After due process, the investment of the Fund will no longer be subject to relevant restrictions or the changed regulations.

(6) Fund manager commitment

1. In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Agreement, and in the principle of prudence

Seek the best interests;

2. Do not take advantage of their positions to seek benefits for themselves, employees or any third party;

3. Do not violate the relevant laws and regulations in force, the fund contract and the relevant provisions of the CSRC

Disclose the business secrets related to securities and funds known during the term of office, the fund investment content that has not been disclosed according to law

Fund investment plan and other information, or use the information to engage in or express or imply others to engage in related transactions


4. Do not conduct securities trading for other organizations or individuals in any form.

(7) Risk management system and internal control system of the fund manager

1. Risk management system

The risks faced by the Fund in its operation mainly include market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk

Management risk, operational or technical risk, compliance risk and other risks.

For the above risks, the fund manager has established a complete risk management system, including

The following:

(1) Establish a risk management environment. Specifically, it includes formulating risk management strategies and objectives, and setting up corresponding groups

Organization, equipped with corresponding human resources and technology systems, and set the time and space scope of risk management

And so on.

(2) Identify risks. Identify the risks in the organizational system and business processes and the reasons for the risks.

(3) Analyze risks. Check the existing control measures, analyze the possibility of risk occurrence and its causes


(4) Measure risk. To assess the level of risk, there are both qualitative and quantitative measures

Quantitative means. Qualitative measurement is to divide the risk level into several levels, and each risk is based on its possibility

The severity of sex and consequences are classified into corresponding levels. The quantitative method is to design some risk indicators,

Measure the value.

(5) Handling risks. Compare the risk level with the established standard. For those risks with lower level,

We should undertake it, but we need to monitor it. For more serious risks, a certain management plan will be implemented

For some risks with extremely serious consequences, corresponding emergency measures shall be prepared.

(6) Monitoring and inspection. Monitor and evaluate the management performance of the existing risk management system, if necessary

Change when necessary.

(7) Reporting and consulting. Establish a reporting system for risk management, so that the company's shareholders, the company's board of directors

The company's senior management and supervision department understand the company's risk management status and seek advice.

2. Internal control system

(1) Principles of internal control

① Principle of comprehensiveness. The internal control system covers all businesses, departments and personnel at all levels of the company,

And it permeates into decision-making, implementation, supervision, feedback and other business links.

② The principle of independence. The company sets up independent chief inspector and supervision and audit functional departments, and keeps them

High independence and authority.

③ The principle of mutual restriction. The company's departments and posts are set up with clear rights and responsibilities, mutual checks, and

Feasible measures of mutual checks and balances to eliminate the blind spots in internal control.

④ Importance principle. The development of the company must be based on sound and stable risk control

Risk control is as important as the company's business development.

(2) Main contents of internal control

① Control environment

The Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors of the Company attach importance to the establishment of a sound corporate governance structure and internal control system. Fund management

The manager shall set up a risk committee under the board of directors with the participation of independent directors to evaluate and improve the company's internal

Control system; The board of supervisors of the company is responsible for reviewing the audit report of the external independent auditor to ensure the company's financial report

The authenticity and reliability of the audit report, and urge the implementation of relevant audit recommendations.

Under the leadership of the general manager, the company's management carefully implements the internal control strategy determined by the board of directors, in order to

Effectively implement the business policy and development strategy formulated by the board of directors of the company, and set up the general manager office meeting and investment decision-making

The committee, risk control committee and other committees are respectively responsible for the company's operation, fund investment and risk management

Major decisions.

In addition, the company has an inspector general who is fully responsible for the supervision and audit of the company

Conduct comprehensive inspection and supervision on the legality, compliance and rationality of the work, participate in the risk control work of the company

Report to the chairman of the board of directors of the company and the China Securities Regulatory Commission when a major risk event occurs.

② Risk assessment

The internal auditors of the company regularly assess the risk status of the company and the fund, including the ability to

Internal and external factors that have a negative impact on the investment objectives may have an impact on the overall business objectives of the company

The evaluation report shall be submitted to the General Manager's office meeting and the Risk Control Committee.

③ Operation control

The design of the company's internal organizational structure reflects the division of responsibilities between departments, but also the similarity between departments

The principle of mutual cooperation and checks and balances. The fund investment management, fund operation, market and other business departments have clear authorization

Division of labor, the operation of each department is independent, and there is an independent reporting system. Mutual verification among business departments

Right, check each other.

Each business department's internal job division is reasonable, responsibilities are clear, and mutual inspection and restriction are formed

To reduce the risk of fraud or error, each job post has developed a corresponding written management system.

On the basis of a clear post responsibility system, set up scientific, reasonable and standardized business operation processes,

Each business operation has a clear and written operation manual, and at the same time, complete processing procedures are stipulated and saved

Complete business records and establish strict inspection and review standards.

④ Information and communication

The company has established an internal office automation information system and business reporting system, and through the establishment of effective information

Communication channels to ensure that employees and managers at all levels can fully understand the information related to their responsibilities

The certificate information shall be timely delivered to the appropriate personnel for processing.

⑤ Supervision and internal audit

The Fund Manager has set up a functional department of supervision and audit independent of each business department to perform internal audit

Yes, check and evaluate the rationality, completeness and effectiveness of the company's internal control system, and supervise the company's internal control

The implementation of the system, reveals the risks in the company's internal management and fund operation, and puts forward suggestions for improvement in a timely manner,

Promote the effective implementation of the company's internal management system. Internal auditors are relatively independent and supervise audit

The report shall be submitted to all directors for review and submitted to the CSRC.

3. Statement of the Fund Manager on Internal Control

(1) The Fund Manager is sure that the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the internal control system is the responsibility of the Board of Directors and

Management's responsibilities;

(2) The above disclosure of internal control is true and accurate;

(3) The Fund Manager promises to continuously improve internal control according to the changes of market environment and the development of the Company


Part IV Fund Custodian

(1) Basic information

Name: Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Bank of Communications")

Address: No. 188, Yincheng Middle Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (postcode: 200120)

Legal representative: Peng Chun

Time of establishment: March 30, 1987

Organizational form: limited liability company

Registered capital: 74.262 billion yuan

Duration: continuous operation

Approval document and document number of fund custody qualification: ZJJZ [1998] No. 25 of China Securities Regulatory Commission

(2) Key personnel

Mr. Peng Chun, Chairman, Executive Director and Senior Accountant.

Mr. Peng has been the Chairman and Executive Director of Bank of Communications since February 2018. Traffic since November 2013

Executive Director of the Bank. Vice Chairman and Executive Director of Bank of Communications from November 2013 to February 2018, 2013

President of Bank of Communications from October 2008 to January 2018; China Investment from April 2010 to September 2013

Deputy General Manager of the Limited Liability Company and Executive Director and General Manager of Central Huijin Investment Co., Ltd; 2005

Executive Director and Vice President of Bank of Communications from August to April 2010; September 2004 to August 2005

Vice President of Bank of Communications; From June 2004 to September 2004, he served as the director and assistant president of Bank of Communications; two thousand and one

From September 2004 to June 2004, he served as the Assistant President of Bank of Communications; From 1994 to 2001, he served successively in Ulu, Bank of Communications

Vice President and President of Muqi Branch, President of Nanning Branch and President of Guangzhou Branch. Mr. Peng was born in China in 1986

The Graduate Department of the People's Bank of China obtained a master's degree in economics.

Mr. Ren Deqi, Vice Chairman, Executive Director, President and Senior Economist.

Mr. Ren has been the Vice Chairman, Executive Director and President of Bank of Communications since August 2018. July 2014

Vice President of Bank of China from November 2016, Executive Director of Bank of China from December 2016 to June 2018

Director and Vice President, including: from October 2015 to June 2018, concurrently served as BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Co., Ltd

Non executive director of the company, concurrently served as the head of RMB trading business of Bank of China in Shanghai from September 2016 to June 2018

President of the department; From August 2003 to May 2014, he successively served as Deputy General Manager of Credit Approval Department of China Construction Bank, Feng

General Manager of Insurance Monitoring Department, General Manager of Credit Management Department, President of Hubei Branch, General Manager of Risk Management Department; one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight

From July, 2003 to August, 2003, he successively worked in China Construction Bank Yueyang Changling Sub branch, Yueyang Central Sub branch, Yueyang

Branch, China Construction Bank Credit Management Committee Office and Credit Risk Management Department. Mr. Ren 1988

He received a master's degree in engineering from Tsinghua University in.

Ms. Yuan Qingwei, President of Asset Custody Business Center, Senior Economist.

Ms. Yuan has been the President of the Asset Custody Business Center of Bank of Communications since August 2015; December 2007 to 2015

In August 2008, he successively served as the assistant to the general manager and deputy general manager of the asset custody department of Bank of Communications, and the asset custody industry of Bank of Communications

Vice President of the Business Center; From December 1999 to December 2007, successively served as the finance officer of Urumqi Branch of Bank of Communications

Deputy section chief, section chief, director assistant, deputy director of the accounting department, senior manager of the accounting and settlement department. Ms. Yuan 1992

Graduated from Computer Science Department of China University of Petroleum with a bachelor's degree, and obtained a master's degree from Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics in 2005

Scholars degree.

(3) Development overview and financial situation

Bank of Communications, founded in 1908, is one of the oldest banks in China and also the development of modern China

One of the bank notes. The Bank of Communications, which was re established in 1987, officially opened its business, becoming the first nationwide bank in China

A state-owned joint-stock commercial bank headquartered in Shanghai. In June 2005, Bank of Communications in the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong

It was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in May 2007. According to the British Banker 2017

According to the report of the world's top 1000 banks released by the magazine, Bank of Communications ranked 11th in tier one capital, up 2% over the previous year

Bit; According to the ranking of Fortune Global 500 companies published in 2017, Bank of Communications operates

Revenue ranked 171st.

As of September 30, 2018, the total assets of Bank of Communications were 9391.537 billion yuan. 2018

From January to September, Bank of Communications realized a net profit (attributable to shareholders of the parent company) of 57.304 billion yuan.

(4) Department setting and management system of Custody Business Department

The head office of Bank of Communications has an asset custody business center (hereinafter referred to as the "custody center"). Existing employees have

He has many years of experience in fund, securities and banking industry, and is qualified for fund industry, as well as economist, accountant

Middle and senior professional and technical titles such as engineer and lawyer, employees with high educational level, reasonable professional distribution

With excellent professional skills and excellent professional ethics, it is an honest, diligent, enterprising, pioneering and innovative team

An upward team of asset custody practitioners.

(5) Operation of fund custody business

As of September 30, 2018, BOCOM has managed 384 securities investment funds in total. In addition, Bank of Communications

The Bank also has custody of specific customer asset management plans of fund companies, customer asset management plans of securities companies, banks

Wealth management products, trust plans, private investment funds, insurance funds, national social security funds, pension security management

Fund, enterprise annuity fund, QFII securities investment assets, RQFII securities investment assets, QDII securities investment

Assets, RQDII securities investment assets, QDLP funds and other products.

(6) Fund Custodian's Internal Risk Control System

1. Internal control objectives

BOCOM strictly abides by national laws and regulations, industrial rules and relevant management regulations within the Bank, and strengthens internal

To manage and ensure the integrity of the business rules of the Custody Center and the implementation of various rules

Sort out, evaluate and monitor, effectively manage and control various business risks, ensure the steady operation of business, and ensure

Protect the legitimate rights and interests of fund holders.

2. Internal control principle

(1) Principle of legality: various systems formulated by the Trusteeship Center comply with national laws and regulations and the regulatory authority's

The regulatory requirements run through the operation and management activities of the custody business.

(2) Comprehensiveness principle: the Custody Center establishes the self monitoring and risk control system of the secondary departments

The internal control mechanism covers all businesses, all departments and personnel at all levels, and penetrates into decision-making, implementation and supervision

Establish a comprehensive risk management and supervision mechanism for all business links such as supervision and feedback.

(3) Principle of independence: The Custodian Center is independently responsible for the custody of the entrusted fund assets to ensure that the fund assets and

The self owned assets of Bank of Communications are independent from each other, and different accounts are set up for different entrusted fund assets for independent accounting,

Dimension management.

(4) The principle of checks and balances: the Trusteeship Center implements the principle of appropriate authorization and mutual restriction

In terms of setting, ensure that each secondary department and each post have clear rights and responsibilities, check each other, and adopt effective checks and balances

Eliminate blind spots in internal control.

(5) Principle of effectiveness: the Trusteeship Center has three levels of internal control management: post management, business secondary department and risk compliance department

On the basis of the model, a scientific and reasonable internal control decision-making mechanism, implementation mechanism and supervision mechanism are formed

Effective control processes and measures, establish reasonable internal control procedures, and ensure the effective implementation of internal control management

that 's ok.

(6) Principle of efficiency: internal control of the Custodian Center and fund custody scale, business scope and business operation

The risk control requirements of the link should be adapted to reduce the operating costs as much as possible, and achieve the best results with reasonable control costs

Good internal control objectives.

3. Internal control system and measures

In accordance with the Securities Investment Fund Law, the Commercial Bank Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations

The Center has formulated a set of strict and efficient rules and regulations for the custody management of securities investment funds to ensure fund custody

The business operation is standardized, safe and efficient, including the Management Measures for Asset Custody Business of Bank of Communications

Measures for Risk Management of Bank Asset Custody Business, Measures for Management of Bank of Communications Asset Custody Business System Construction

Information Disclosure System of the Asset Custody Department of Bank of Communications, Business Secret Management Regulations of the Asset Custody Business of Bank of Communications

Decision, Code of Conduct for Employees of Bank of Communications Asset Custody Business, and Archives of Bank of Communications Asset Custody Business

Interim Management Measures, and constantly improve them in accordance with market changes and the development of fund business. Do business

Rational division of labor, standardized management of technical system, institutionalized business management, closed management of core operation area

Special personnel shall be responsible for the disclosure of relevant information.

The Custody Center takes measures to guide, control and check the fund custody business in advance

Realize the risk control and management of the whole process and chain, and employ internationally famous accounting firms to manage the fund custody industry

The business operation shall conduct internal control review of international standards.

Part V Relevant Service Organizations

(1) Fund unit selling institution

1. Direct selling institution: Fuguo Fund Management Co., Ltd

Address: 27-30, Block 2, Shijihui Office Building, No. 1196, Shiji Avenue, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone


Office address: Block 2, Shijihui Office Building, No. 1196, Shiji Avenue, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

27-30 floors

Legal representative: Pei Changjiang

General Manager: Chen Ge

Date of establishment: April 13, 1999

Direct sales outlet: Direct sales center

Address of direct sales center: 27F, Building 2, Century Plaza, No. 1196, Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Customer service unified hotline: 95105686, 4008880688 (national unified, toll free)

Fax: 021-20513177

Contact: Sun Di

Company website:

2. Other sales organizations

The Fund Manager may, in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, choose other institutions that meet the requirements to sell the Base

Jin, and publicized on the fund manager's website.

(2) Registration Authority

Name: Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd

Address: 27-30, Block 2, Shijihui Office Building, No. 1196, Shiji Avenue, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone


Office address: Block 2, Shijihui Office Building, No. 1196, Shiji Avenue, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

27-30 floors

Legal representative: Pei Changjiang

Date of establishment: April 13, 1999

Tel.: (021) 20361818

Fax: (021) 20361616

Contact: Xu Hui

(3) Law firm issuing legal opinion

Name: Shanghai Tongli Law Firm

Address: 19/F, Times Financial Center, 68 Yincheng Middle Road, Shanghai

Office address: 19/F, Times Financial Center, 68 Yincheng Middle Road, Shanghai

Person in charge: Yu Weifeng

Tel: (021) 31358666

Fax: (021) 31358600

Contact: Chen Yinghua

Handling lawyers: Liming, Chen Yinghua

(4) Accounting firm auditing fund assets

Name: Ernst&Young Huaming Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)

Registered address: 16/F, Ernst&Young Building, Oriental Plaza, No. 1, East Chang'an Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Office address: 50/F, Global Financial Center, 100 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Executive partner: Mao Anning

Tel: 021-22288888

Fax: 021-22280000

Contact: Jiang Yanhua

Handling CPA: Jiang Yanhua, Fei Zexu

Part VI Fund Raising

The Fund Manager shall, in accordance with the Fund Law, the Operation Measures, the Sales Measures, the Fund Contract and

Other relevant regulations, the application for raising was approved by the CSRC on May 8, 2019 [2019] 883

Document registration.

The Fund is classified as bond securities investment fund.

The operation mode of the Fund is contractual open-ended.

The duration of the fund is irregular.

(1) Raising period

The maximum period of time from the date of sale of fund units shall not exceed 3 months. See the specific time of sale of fund units


During the offering period, the Fund is open to individual investors, institutional investors, qualified foreign institutional investors and

RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors are also sold. The fund manager may, according to the fund sales

Within the time limit, appropriately extend or shorten the time of fund sale, and make an announcement in a timely manner.

(2) Target

Individual investors, institutional investors, contract investors who can invest in securities investment funds in accordance with laws and regulations

Qualified foreign institutional investors and RMB qualified foreign institutional investors, as well as laws and regulations or permitted by the CSRC

Other investors who purchase securities investment funds.

(3) Total minimum raised shares of the Fund

The minimum total number of units raised by the Fund is 200 million.

(4) Way of sale

Through the public offering of each sales agency, the specific list of each sales agency can be found in the fund unit offering announcement and

Relevant publicity information.

(5) Subscription principle

1. When investors subscribe, they shall pay in full in the way specified by the sales agency.

2. Investors may subscribe for fund units for many times during the raising period, but the accepted subscription applications are not allowed to be withdrawn


3. The acceptance of the subscription application by the fund sales agency does not necessarily mean that the application is successful, but only represents the sales

The institution did receive the subscription application. The confirmation of subscription shall be subject to the confirmation result of the registration authority. For subscription

Investors shall timely inquire about the application and confirmation of subscription shares and properly exercise their legal rights.

(7) Subscription fee

During the raising period, investors may subscribe to the Fund for many times, and the subscription rate shall be calculated separately for each subscription application.

The Fund's contribution to the pension customers who subscribe to the Fund through the direct marketing center and other investors

Subscription rate of the fund. The details are as follows:

The subscription rate of pension customers who subscribe the Fund through the Fund Manager's direct marketing center is shown in the following table:

Subscription amount (M) Subscription rate

M < 1 million yuan 0.06%

1 million yuan ≤ M < 5 million yuan 0.04%

M ≥ 5 million yuan 1000 yuan/transaction

The above specific subscription rate is applicable to pension customers who subscribe the Fund through the Company's direct marketing center, including

Including the capital raised by basic pension funds and legally established pension plans and the supplement formed by their investment and operation income

Pension funds, including: National Social Security Fund; Local social security funds that can invest in funds;

Single plan and collective plan of enterprise annuity; Asset management plan for specific clients entrusted by the enterprise annuity council;

Enterprise annuity pension products; Personal tax deferred commercial endowment insurance and other products; Pension target fund; post

Occupational pension plan.

If there are new pension fund types recognized by the pension fund supervision department in the future, the company will release the temporary

They will be included in the scope of pension customers.

In addition to the above pension customers, the subscription rates for other investors to subscribe to the Fund are shown in the table below:

Subscription amount (M) Subscription rate

M < 1 million yuan 0.60%

1 million yuan ≤ M < 5 million yuan 0.40%

M ≥ 5 million yuan 1000 yuan/transaction

Subscription fees are used for various fees incurred during the raising period such as marketing, sales and registration of the Fund

Used, not included in fund assets.

(8) Treatment of subscription funds and interest during subscription period

The fund manager shall deposit the funds raised during the fund raising period into a special account, and shall settle the fund raising

No one is allowed to use it before restraint. The interest generated from effective subscription funds during the raising period will be converted into fund units

It shall be owned by the fund share holder, and the transfer of interest to share shall be subject to the records of the registration authority.

(9) Calculation of Fund Subscription Units

The selling face value of the Fund units is RMB 1.00.

Fund subscription shall be in the form of amount subscription. The subscription amount of fund units includes subscription fees and net subscriptions

amount of money.

When the subscription fee is applicable to the proportional rate, the calculation method of subscription shares is as follows:

Net subscription amount=subscription amount/(1+subscription rate)

Subscription fee=Subscription amount - Net subscription amount

Subscription unit=(net subscription amount+subscription interest)/selling face value of fund unit

When the subscription fee is a fixed amount, the calculation method of subscription shares is as follows:

Subscription fee=fixed amount

Net subscription amount=subscription amount - subscription fee

Subscription unit=(net subscription amount+subscription interest)/selling face value of fund unit

The calculation of subscribed shares shall be reserved to 2 decimal places, and the part after 2 decimal places shall be rounded off

The gains or losses arising from this error shall be borne by the fund property.

Example 1: If an investor (non pension client) invests 100000 yuan to subscribe to the Fund, the corresponding subscription

The rate is 0.60%. Assuming that the interest generated during the raising period is 55.00 yuan, the fund units that can be subscribed are:

Net subscription amount=100000/(1+0.60%)=99403.58 yuan

Subscription fee=100000-99403.58=596.42 yuan

Subscribed shares=(99403.58+55.00)/1.00=99458.58

That is, the investor (non pension client) invested 100000 yuan to subscribe the Fund, assuming that

The interest is 55.00 yuan, and 99458.58 fund shares can be obtained.

Example 2: An investor (pension client) invested 2000000 yuan to subscribe for this through the company's direct marketing center

Fund, the corresponding subscription rate is 0.04%. Assuming that the interest generated during the raising period is 1100.00 yuan, then

The subscribed fund units are:

Net subscription amount=2000000/(1+0.04%)=1999200.32 yuan

Subscription fee=2000000-1999600.32=799.68 yuan

Subscribed shares=(1999200.32+1100.00)/1.00=2000300.32

That is, the investor (pension client) invested 2000000 yuan to subscribe the capital through the direct marketing center of the company

If the interest generated during the raising period is 1100.00 yuan, 2000300.32 fund shares can be obtained.

(10) Limitation on Fund Subscription Amount

The Fund Manager stipulates that the starting point of the subscription amount of the Fund is RMB 10 (including the subscription fee).

When an investor subscribes the Fund through a sales agency, it shall meet the minimum subscription amount limit of the Fund Manager

In addition, when the minimum amount set by the sales agency is higher than the above amount limit, investors should also follow the relevant sales

Business regulations of the organization.

The minimum amount for the fund manager's direct sales outlet to accept an initial subscription application is 50000 yuan for a single transaction

(including subscription fee), the minimum amount of additional subscription is 20000 yuan (including subscription fee) for a single transaction. Already straight

Investors who have subscribed to other funds managed by the Fund Manager at the sales outlets will not be subject to the minimum amount for initial subscription

The minimum subscription amount of a single direct sale outlet of the Fund may be adjusted by the Fund Manager at its discretion; Via base

The fund manager's online trading system handling the fund subscription business is not subject to the minimum amount of a single subscription of a direct selling outlet

The minimum amount of a single subscription for the first time is 10 yuan (including subscription fees), and the minimum amount of a single subscription for additional subscriptions

The purchase amount is 10 yuan (including subscription fee).

(11) Subscription and holding limits of fund units

If the cumulative number of fund units subscribed by a single investor of the Fund reaches or exceeds 50% of the total fund units,

The Fund Manager may limit the subscription application of such investor by means of proportional confirmation. fund management

The acceptance of a certain subscription application or certain subscription applications may lead investors to evade the above 50% ratio requirement in disguised form,

The Fund Manager has the right to reject all or part of such subscription applications. Number of fund units subscribed by investors

The registration authority's confirmation shall prevail after the contract comes into effect.

The Fund Manager may adjust the restrictions on the subscription of each account and the holding of fund units

Please refer to relevant announcements for details.

Part VII Effectiveness of the Fund Contract

(1) Conditions for Fund Filing

The total number of units raised in the Fund shall not be less than 200 million within three months from the date of sale of the Fund units,

If the fund raised amount is not less than 200 million yuan and the number of fund subscribers is not less than 200

The offering period expires or the Fund Manager may decide to stop the sale of the Fund in accordance with laws, regulations and the Prospectus, and

Engage a legal capital verification institution to verify the capital within 10 days, and report to the CSRC within 10 days from the date of receiving the capital verification report

It will handle the fund filing procedures.

If the fund raising meets the conditions for fund filing, the fund manager shall complete the fund filing procedures and obtain

The Fund Contract shall come into force from the date of written confirmation by the CSRC; Otherwise, the Fund Contract will not take effect. fund

The Manager shall announce the effectiveness of the Fund Contract on the next day after receiving the confirmation document from the CSRC. base

The fund manager shall deposit the funds raised during the fund raising into a special account,

No one can use it.

(2) Handling method of raised funds when the fund contract fails to take effect

If the raising period expires and the fund filing conditions are not met, the fund manager shall bear the following responsibilities:

1. Bear the debts and expenses arising from the raising with its inherent property;

2. Return the funds paid by investors within 30 days after the expiration of the fund raising period, plus the bank

Term deposit interest;

3. If the fund raising fails, the fund manager, the fund custodian and the sales institution shall not request remuneration. base

All expenses paid by the fund manager, fund custodian and sales institution for the fund raising shall be borne by each party.

(3) Number of fund share holders and asset size within the duration of the fund

After the Fund Contract comes into force, the number of fund share holders is less than 200 for 20 consecutive working days

Or if the net asset value of the fund is less than 50 million yuan, the fund manager shall disclose it in the regular report;

In case of any of the above circumstances for 60 consecutive working days, the Fund Manager shall report to the CSRC and propose solutions

Scheme, such as changing the operation mode, merging with other funds or terminating the fund contract, and convening fund units

The shareholders' meeting shall vote.

Where laws and regulations or the CSRC provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

Part VIII Subscription and Redemption of Fund Units

(1) Place for subscription and redemption

The subscription and redemption of the Fund will be conducted through the sales agency. The specific sales agency will be managed by the fund manager

Listed in the prospectus or other relevant announcements. The fund manager can change or increase or decrease the sales machine according to the situation

And publicized on the fund manager's website. The fund investor shall handle the fund sales business at the sales institution

The subscription and redemption of fund units shall be handled at the business premises or in other ways provided by the sales agency.

If the fund manager or its designated sales agency opens telephone, fax or online trading methods

People can apply for and redeem through the above methods, see the relevant announcement of the sales agency for details.

(2) Opening day and time of subscription and redemption

1. Open Day and Opening Hours

The investor shall handle the subscription and redemption of fund units on the open day, and the specific handling time is Shanghai Stock Exchange

The trading hours of the Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange on normal trading days, but the Fund Manager shall, in accordance with laws and regulations

Except for the suspension of subscription and redemption as required by the CSRC or the provisions of the fund contract.

After the Fund Contract comes into effect, if there is a new securities trading market, a change in the trading time of the stock exchange, or

Under other special circumstances, the Fund Manager will adjust the aforesaid opening days and hours accordingly, but

It shall be announced on the designated media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures before the implementation date.

2. Start date of subscription and redemption and business handling time

The Fund Manager shall handle the subscription within 3 months from the effective date of the Fund Agreement, and the specific business shall be handled

The processing time shall be specified in the announcement of subscription start.

The Fund Manager shall handle the redemption within 3 months from the effective date of the Fund Contract

The processing time shall be specified in the announcement of redemption commencement.

After determining the start time of subscription and redemption, the Fund Manager shall, before the opening day of subscription and redemption

The starting time of subscription and redemption shall be announced on the designated media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures.

The fund manager may not handle the subscription of fund units

Redemption or conversion. The investor puts forward the subscription, redemption or conversion on a date and time other than that specified in the fund contract

If the application is made and the registration authority confirms its acceptance, the subscription and redemption price of the fund units shall be the fund units on the next open day

Purchase and redemption prices.

(3) Principles of subscription and redemption

1. The principle of "unknown price", that is, the subscription and redemption prices are based on the net value of fund units calculated after the closing of the application day

Calculate for reference;

2. The principle of "amount subscription and share redemption", that is, subscription is applied for by amount, and redemption is applied for by share;

3. The application for subscription and redemption on that day may be withdrawn within the time specified by the Fund Manager;

4. Redemption follows the principle of "first in, first out", that is, it is carried out in the order of investors' subscription and subscription


5. The Fund Manager has the right to determine the maximum amount of the Fund held by the Fund Unitholders and the total amount of the Fund

Scale limit, but shall be specified in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures at the latest before the implementation of the new limit

Announcement on the media;

6. When handling subscription and redemption business, the principle of giving priority to the interests of fund unit holders shall be followed to ensure that the investment

The legitimate rights and interests of the investors shall not be damaged and shall be treated fairly.

The Fund Manager may adjust the above principles if permitted by laws and regulations. Fund manager

It must be announced on the designated media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures before the implementation of the new rules.

(4) Procedures for subscription and redemption

1. Application method for subscription and redemption

The investor must propose within the specific business handling time on the opening day according to the procedures specified by the sales agency

Application for subscription or redemption.

When subscribing for fund units, investors shall prepare sufficient subscription funds in the manner prescribed by the sales agency

When submitting the redemption application, there must be sufficient fund unit balance, otherwise the submitted application for subscription and redemption has no

It is valid but not concluded.

Documents to be submitted by investors when handling subscription, redemption and other businesses, as well as handling procedures, handling time and handling

On the premise of complying with the provisions of the fund contract and the prospectus, the specific provisions of each sales agency are


2. Payment of subscription and redemption funds

When subscribing for fund units, the investor must pay the subscription amount in full within the specified time

Subscription funds, subscription establishment; The subscription takes effect when the fund share registration authority confirms the fund share.

The redemption is established when the fund unit holder submits the redemption application; When the fund share registration institution confirms the redemption,

Redemption takes effect. After the investor's redemption application takes effect, the fund manager will pay the redemption within T+7 days (including that day)

Repayment. In case of major redemption or other suspension of redemption or deferred payment of redemption amount specified in the fund contract

Under such circumstances, the payment method shall be handled with reference to the relevant provisions of the fund contract.

In case of data transmission delay, communication system failure, bank data exchange system failure

Or other factors beyond the control of the fund manager and the fund custodian affect the business process

The payment time shall be postponed accordingly.

3. Confirmation of application for subscription and redemption

The Fund Manager shall take the day when valid subscription and redemption applications are accepted before the end of trading hours as the day of subscription or

On the redemption application date (T day), under normal circumstances, the Fund's registration institution will be effective for the transaction within T+1 day

Sex. For the valid application submitted on T day, the investor should arrive at the sales network in time after T+2 day (including that day)

Click the counter or inquire about the confirmation of the application in other ways specified by the sales agency. If the subscription is unsuccessful or invalid,

The subscription amount shall be returned to the investor. If the relevant laws and regulations and the CSRC provide otherwise


The acceptance of the application for subscription and redemption by the fund sales agency does not necessarily mean that the application is successful, but only represents that

The sales agency has received the application for subscription and redemption. The confirmation of subscription and redemption is based on the confirmation result of the registration authority

Shall prevail. For the confirmation of the application, investors should timely inquire and properly exercise their legal rights.

The Fund Manager may, within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, not cause damage to the interests of Fund Unitholders

On the premise of damage, adjust the rules such as the time and method of handling the above business. The Fund Manager shall

Before the implementation of the rules, they shall be announced in the designated media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures.

(5) Quantity limit of subscription and redemption

1. The Fund Manager stipulates that the minimum amount of a single subscription of the Fund is 1 yuan (including the subscription fee),

When an investor subscribes the Fund through a sales agency, in addition to meeting the minimum subscription amount limit of the Fund Manager,

When the minimum amount set by the sales agency is higher than the above amount limit, investors should also follow the relevant sales agency

Business regulations.

The minimum amount for the first subscription of a single account of a direct sales outlet is 50000 yuan (including the subscription fee)

The minimum amount of additional subscription is 20000 yuan (including subscription fee) for a single transaction; The fund has been in the direct sales outlets

Investors with subscription records are not subject to the minimum amount of initial subscription. Investors from other sales outlets want to transfer in

The transaction of a direct selling outlet shall be subject to the minimum subscription amount of the direct selling outlet. Fund income distributed by investors in the current period

The conversion of profits into fund units shall not be subject to the minimum subscription amount. Through the fund manager's online trading system

The fund subscription business is not limited by the minimum amount of a single subscription of a direct selling outlet. The minimum amount of a single subscription is

RMB 1 (including subscription fee). The Fund Manager may adjust the minimum subscription amount of the Fund according to market conditions


Investors can subscribe for multiple times, but the number of fund units held by a single investor shall not reach or exceed the number of fund units

50% of the total amount (passively reaching or exceeding 50% due to redemption of fund shares and other circumstances during fund operation

Except for).

2. When the fund unit holder redeems the fund at the sales institution, each redemption application for the fund shall not be less than

0.01 fund shares. Basis retained by fund unit holders at the sales institution (outlet) at the time of redemption or after redemption

If the balance of gold shares is less than 0.01 shares, it is necessary to apply for redemption in one time. However, each sales agency

If there are other provisions on the minimum share balance of the account, the business provisions of each sales agency shall prevail.

3. The fund manager may stipulate the upper limit of the fund units held by a single investor in total. For details, please refer to

See the updated prospectus or related announcements.

4. When accepting the application for subscription has a potentially significant adverse impact on the interests of the holders of stock fund units

The fund manager shall set the upper limit of the amount of subscription of a single investor or the upper limit of the net subscription proportion of a single day of the fund, and refuse to

The legal rights and interests of the holders of stock fund units shall be effectively protected by taking measures such as super large purchase and suspension of fund purchase.

The fund manager can take the above measures to control the fund size based on the needs of investment operation and risk control

System. See the relevant announcement of the Fund Manager for details.

5. The Fund Manager may adjust the above specified subscription amount and redemption shares if permitted by laws and regulations

The quantity limit of the amount. The fund manager must comply with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures before the implementation of the adjustment

Announce on the designated media.

(6) Subscription fees and redemption fees

1. Subscription rate

Investors shall pay subscription fees when subscribing for the Fund units. Applicable if investors have multiple subscriptions

The rates are calculated separately for each transaction.

The Fund's contribution to the pension customers who purchase the Fund through the direct marketing center and other investors

Rate of application for different facilities. The details are as follows:

See the following table for the subscription rates of pension customers who subscribe to the Fund through the Fund Manager's direct marketing center:

Subscription amount (M) Subscription rate

M < 1 million yuan 0.08%

1 million yuan ≤ M < 5 million yuan 0.05%

M ≥ 5 million yuan 1000 yuan/transaction

Note: The above specific subscription rate is applicable to pension customers who subscribe to the Fund through the Company's direct marketing center,

Including the funds raised by basic pension funds and legally established pension plans, as well as the compensation formed by the income from investment and operation

It is used as pension fund, including: National Social Security Fund; Local social security base that can invest in funds

Gold; Single plan and collective plan of enterprise annuity; Asset management of specific clients entrusted by the enterprise annuity council

Plan; Enterprise annuity pension products; Personal tax deferred commercial endowment insurance and other products; Pension target base

Gold; Occupational pension plan.

If there are new pension fund types recognized by the pension fund supervision department in the future, the company will release the temporary

They will be included in the scope of pension customers.

In addition to the above pension customers, the subscription rates of other investors for the Fund are shown in the table below:

Subscription amount (M) Subscription rate

M < 1 million yuan 0.80%

1 million yuan ≤ M < 5 million yuan 0.50%

M ≥ 5 million yuan 1000 yuan/transaction

The Fund's subscription fees are not included in the Fund's assets and are mainly used for the Fund's market promotion, sales, registration, etc

Various expenses incurred during the raising period.

2. Redemption rate

(1) The redemption expenses shall be borne by the fund unit holders who redeem the fund units. Capital subscribed (applied for) by investors

The redemption rate corresponding to the fund decreases with the holding time. The redemption rate is shown in the table below:

Holding time (N) Redemption rate

N < 7 days 1.50%

7 days ≤ N < 30 days 0.10%

N ≥ 30 days 0.00%

(Note: The holding time of redeemed units shall be calculated from the date of confirmation by the registration authority.)

(2) Redemption expenses shall be borne by the fund unit holders who redeem the fund units

It is collected when the fund units are returned.

The redemption fee charged to investors with a continuous holding period of less than 7 days will be fully included in the fund property; Antithesis

Investors with a continuous holding period of no less than 7 days will include 25% of the total redemption fee in the fund property, not in the fund

Part of the property is used to pay registration fees and other necessary handling fees.

3. The Fund Manager may adjust the rate or charging method within the scope agreed in the Fund Contract and shall, at the latest

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures on the designated media before the implementation date of the new rate or charging method


4. The Fund Manager may, in accordance with the market

Make fund promotion plans and carry out fund promotion activities regularly or irregularly. During the fund promotion period

On the premise that there is no material adverse impact on the interests of the holders of stock fund units

The fund manager may appropriately lower the fund subscription rate and the fund redemption rate after fulfilling the necessary procedures, and

Make an announcement.

(7) Calculation of subscription units and redemption amount

1. Calculation of subscription shares

When the subscription fee applies to the proportional rate, the calculation method of the subscription share is as follows:

Net subscription amount=subscription amount/(1+subscription rate)

Subscription fee=Subscription amount - Net subscription amount

Subscription unit=net subscription amount/net value of fund unit on subscription date

When the subscription fee is a fixed amount, the calculation method of subscription share is as follows:

Subscription fee=fixed amount

Net subscription amount=subscription amount - subscription fee

Subscription unit=net subscription amount/net value of fund unit on subscription date

The above calculation results are rounded to 2 decimal places

The losses shall be borne by the fund property.

Example 3: If an investor (non pension client) invests 40000 yuan to subscribe the Fund, the corresponding subscription

The rate is 0.80%. Assuming that the net value of fund units on the day of subscription is 1.0400 yuan, the subscription units available to it


Net subscription amount=40000/(1+0.80%)=39682.54 yuan

Subscription fee=40000-39682.54=317.46 yuan

Subscription shares=39682.54/1.0400=38156.29

That is, the investor (non pension client) invests 40000 yuan to subscribe the Fund, assuming that the subscription is based on the

The net value of gold shares is 1.0400 yuan, and 38156.29 fund shares can be obtained.

Example 4: An investor (pension client) invested 2000000 yuan to purchase the capital through the company's direct sales center

Fund, the corresponding subscription rate is 0.05%. Assuming that the net value of fund units on the day of subscription is 1.0400 yuan, then

The subscription shares available to them are:

Net subscription amount=2000000/(1+0.05%)=1999000.50 yuan

Subscription fee=200000-1999000.50=999.50 yuan

Subscription shares=1999000.50/1.0400=1922115.87

That is, the investor (pension client) invested 2000000 yuan to purchase the capital through the direct marketing center of the company

If the net value of fund units on the day of subscription is 1.0400 yuan, 1922115.87 fund units can be obtained.

2. Calculation of redemption amount

The redemption amount is calculated as follows:

Total Redemption Amount=Redemption Units × Net Value of Fund Units on the Redemption Date

Redemption fee=total redemption amount × redemption rate

Net redemption amount=total redemption amount - redemption expense

The above calculation results are rounded to 2 decimal places

The losses shall be borne by the fund property.

Example 5: An investor redeems 10000 fund shares of the Fund on T day, assuming that the fund shares on the day of redemption

The net value is 1.2500 yuan, the holding time is 20 days, and the corresponding redemption rate is 0.10%

The amount returned is calculated as follows:

Total redemption amount=1.2500 × 10000=12500.00 yuan

Redemption fee=12500.00 × 0.10%=12.50 yuan

Redemption amount=12500.00 - 12.50=12487.50 yuan

That is, investors redeem 10000 fund units of the Fund for 20 days, assuming that the redemption is

If the daily net value of fund units is 1.2500 yuan, the redemption amount available is 12487.50 yuan.

3. Calculation of the net value of the Fund units:

The net value of the Fund units shall be calculated to the fourth decimal place and the fifth decimal place shall be rounded off

The income or loss arising therefrom shall be borne by the fund property. Net value of fund units on T day after the close of the day

Calculate and announce within T+1 days. In case of special circumstances, the calculation can be postponed or

Notice. If the relevant laws and regulations and the CSRC provide otherwise, the provisions shall prevail.

If the subscription or redemption of investors is confirmed according to the net value of shares with the above reserved digits, it may cause

If the net value of fund units fluctuates sharply, in order to safeguard the interests of fund unit holders, the fund manager and the fund are entrusted

After consensus, the reserve number of the net value of fund units can be temporarily increased and confirmed, and

It will be restored after recognition, and the specific number of reserved digits shall be subject to the announcement at that time.

4. Calculation of subscription shares and processing method of balance:

The effective unit of subscription is the net subscription amount divided by the net value of fund units on the current day,

The above calculation results shall be rounded to 2 decimal places, resulting in gains or losses

It shall be borne by the fund property.

5. Calculation and handling method of redemption amount:

The redemption amount is the effective redemption unit actually confirmed multiplied by the net value of the fund unit on that day and deducted by the corresponding

The unit of redemption amount is yuan. The above calculation results are rounded to 2 decimal places

The profits or losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the fund property.

6. In case of large amount purchase or redemption of the Fund, the Fund Manager may adopt the swing pricing mechanism,

To ensure the fairness of fund valuation. Specific handling principles and operation specifications shall comply with relevant laws, regulations and supervision

Provisions of departments and self-discipline rules.

(8) Refusal or suspension of subscription

In case of the following circumstances, the Fund Manager may refuse or suspend accepting the subscription application of investors:

1. The fund cannot operate normally due to force majeure.

2. The Fund Manager may suspend the acceptance of investment when the valuation of the Fund assets is suspended as stipulated in the Fund Contract

Subscription application of investors. The assets with more than 50% of the net asset value of the fund on the current valuation date are not available for reference

When the market price is higher and the use of valuation techniques still leads to significant uncertainty in the fair value

After consultation and confirmation, the Fund Manager shall take measures to suspend the acceptance of the Fund subscription application.

3. The trading time of the stock exchange is abnormally closed, which causes the fund manager to be unable to calculate the fund assets of the day

Net worth.

4. When accepting a certain application or some applications for subscription may affect or damage the interests of existing fund share holders.

5. The fund asset scale is too large, which makes the fund manager unable to find suitable investment varieties, or other possible

It has a negative impact on the performance of the Fund, or other circumstances that damage the interests of existing fund share holders occur.

6. The Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian, the Fund Sales Agency or the Registrar's abnormal conditions lead to the Fund

The sales system, fund registration system or fund accounting system cannot operate normally.

7. The Fund Manager's acceptance of certain or certain subscription applications may result in a single investor holding shares of the Fund

The proportion of the amount reaches or exceeds 50%, or evades 50% concentration in disguised form.

8. The application exceeds the total fund size, the upper limit of the net subscription ratio per day, and the single investment set by the fund manager

The upper limit of a person's daily or single subscription amount.

9. Other circumstances specified by laws and regulations or recognized by the CSRC.

The Fund Manager decides to suspend the subscription in any of the above circumstances (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 9)

When an investor applies for subscription, the fund manager shall publish the suspension of subscription on the designated media in accordance with relevant regulations

Notice. If the investor's application for subscription is rejected in whole or in part, the rejected subscription amount will be returned to

investor. When the suspension of subscription is eliminated, the Fund Manager shall resume the subscription business in a timely manner.

(9) Circumstances of suspending redemption or delaying payment of redemption money

Under the following circumstances, the Fund Manager may suspend accepting the redemption application of investors or postpone the payment of redemption


1. The Fund Manager is unable to pay the redemption amount due to force majeure.

2. The Fund Manager may suspend the acceptance of investment in the event that the valuation of the Fund assets is suspended as stipulated in the Fund Contract

The investor's redemption application or deferred payment of redemption money. Assets with more than 50% of the net asset value of the fund on the current valuation date

There is no active market price for reference and the use of valuation techniques still leads to significant uncertainty in fair value

The Fund Manager shall, after consultation and confirmation with the Fund Custodian, postpone the payment of redemption money or temporarily

Measures to stop accepting fund redemption applications.

3. The trading time of the stock exchange is abnormally closed, which causes the fund manager to be unable to calculate the fund assets of the day

Net worth.

4. Huge redemption occurs for two or more consecutive open days.

5. In the event that continuing to accept the redemption application will damage the interests of existing fund unit holders

The manager may suspend accepting the redemption application of the fund unit holder.

6. Other circumstances specified by laws and regulations or recognized by the CSRC.

When one of the above circumstances occurs and the Fund Manager decides to suspend the redemption or postpone the payment of redemption money, the Fund

The Manager shall report to the CSRC for filing on the same day, and the Fund Manager shall pay in full the confirmed redemption application;

If the payment cannot be made in full for the time being, the payable part shall be distributed according to the proportion of the application amount of a single account in the total application amount

To the redemption applicant, the unpaid part can be deferred, and the specific calculation standard will be determined by the fund manager at that time

Notice. In case of the situation described in item 4 above, it shall be handled according to the relevant provisions of the fund contract. Fund share holding

When applying for redemption, a person may choose to cancel the part that may not be accepted on that day in advance. In case of suspension of redemption

When the situation is eliminated, the Fund Manager shall resume the redemption business in a timely manner and make an announcement.

(10) Large amount redemption situation and handling method

1. Recognition of huge redemption

If the net redemption application of the Fund units within a single open day of the Fund (the total number of redemption application units plus the Fund

After deducting the total number of subscription application units from the total number of transfer out application units in the conversion and the total number of transfer in application units in the fund conversion

If the balance exceeds 10% of the total fund shares on the previous opening day, it is considered that a huge redemption has occurred.

2. Treatment method of huge redemption

In case of a huge redemption of the fund, the fund manager can decide according to the current asset portfolio of the fund

Full redemption or partial deferred redemption.

(1) Full redemption: when the Fund Manager believes that it is able to pay all redemption applications of investors

Execution of normal redemption procedures.

(2) Partial deferred redemption: when the fund manager thinks it is difficult to pay the investor's redemption application or thinks

The realization of property due to the payment of redemption application of investors may cause large fluctuations in the net asset value of the fund

If the redemption ratio accepted by the fund manager on the same day is not less than 10% of the total fund shares on the previous open day

The remaining redemption applications can be postponed. For the redemption application on the current day, it shall be redeemed as a single account

The proportion of the application volume in the total redemption application volume, and determine the redemption units accepted on the current day; For the part that cannot be redeemed, invest

The investor can choose to postpone or cancel the redemption when submitting the redemption application. If you choose to postpone redemption, it will automatically

Transfer to the next business day to continue redemption until all redemption; Those who choose to cancel redemption are not accepted on the same day

Some redemption applications will be cancelled. The deferred redemption application shall be processed together with the redemption application on the next open day,

The redemption amount is calculated on the basis of the net value of the fund units on the next open day without priority, and so on until

Redemption in full. If the investor fails to make a clear choice when submitting the redemption application, the investor fails to redeem the part

Carry out automatic deferred redemption. Some deferred redemptions are not limited by the minimum amount of single redemption.

If the fund is redeemed in a large amount, the redemption application of a single fund unit holder on the same day exceeds the previous open day

In the case of 20% of the total fund shares, the fund manager may postpone the application for redemption. In case of such extension

To handle, first confirm the proportion of all redemption applications on the day, that is, redeem according to a single account

The proportion of the amount of redemption applications in the total amount of redemption applications, and the redemption shares to be accepted on the current day shall be calculated; For the above redemption on the same day

The redemption application of fund share holders whose redemption application exceeds 20% of the total fund shares on the previous open day can be made on the same day

The second proportion confirmation shall be conducted based on the redemption units to be accepted, and the unconfirmed redemption application can be postponed

Processing. The deferred redemption application will be processed together with the redemption application on the next business day, without priority, and will be opened as follows

The redemption amount shall be calculated on the basis of the net value of the daily fund units, and so on, until all the funds are redeemed.

(3) Suspension of redemption: massive redemption occurs for more than two consecutive business days (including the number), such as the fund manager

If it deems necessary, it may suspend accepting the redemption application of the Fund; The accepted redemption application can postpone the payment of redemption

The repayment shall not exceed 20 working days and shall be announced on the designated media.

3. Announcement of massive redemption

In the event of the above-mentioned huge redemption and the postponement of the transaction, the Fund Manager shall mail, fax or call

Other methods specified in the Prospectus shall notify the fund share holders within three trading days, stating the relevant processing party

And publish an announcement on the designated media within 2 days.

(11) Announcement of suspension of subscription or redemption and announcement of reopening subscription or redemption

1. In case of the above suspension of subscription or redemption, the Fund Manager shall

The relevant regulations shall publish a notice of suspension on the designated media.

2. When the suspension ends and the fund is reopened for subscription or redemption, the fund manager shall

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China, the announcement of subscription or redemption of the reopening of funds shall be published on the designated media; It can also be based on

The actual situation shall specify the time of reopening subscription or redemption in the suspension announcement, and no further announcement will be made at that time

Open announcements.

(12) Fund conversion

The Fund Manager may decide to open the Fund and the Fund in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Contract

For the conversion business between other funds managed by the fund manager, a certain conversion fee may be charged for fund conversion

The relevant rules shall be formulated and announced by the fund manager in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the fund contract, and

To inform the fund custodian and relevant institutions.

(13) Transfer of Fund Units

If permitted by laws and regulations and conditions are met, the Fund Manager may accept the Fund Unitholders

The application for share transfer through the trading place or trading method recognized by the CSRC shall be handled by the registration authority

Manage the transfer registration of fund units. If the Fund Manager intends to accept the transfer of fund units, it will make an announcement in advance,

Fund unit holders shall handle the transfer of fund units in accordance with the business rules announced by the Fund Manager.

(14) Non trading transfer of funds

Non transaction transfer of funds refers to the acceptance of inheritance, donation and judicial enforcement by the fund registration authority

The resulting non transaction transfer and other non transaction transfer recognized by the registration authority and in compliance with laws and regulations. whether

Under any of the above circumstances, the subject receiving the transfer must be an investment that can hold the fund shares of the Fund according to law


Inheritance refers to the death of the fund unit holder, and the fund units held by him shall be inherited by his legal successor;

Donation means that fund share holders donate their legally held fund shares to welfare foundations or society

Group; Judicial enforcement means that the judicial authority holds the fund share holders

The share of the fund is forcibly transferred to other natural persons, legal persons or other organizations. Funds must be provided for non transaction transfer

Relevant materials required to be provided by the registration authority shall be subject to the fund registration authority for qualified non transaction transfer applications

And charge fees according to the standards stipulated by the fund registration authority.

(15) Custody transfer of funds

Fund share holders can handle the transfer of custody of their held fund shares between different sales institutions

A sales agency may collect the transfer custody fee according to the prescribed standards.

(16) Fixed investment plan

The Fund Manager may handle regular and quota investment plans for investors, and the specific rules shall be separately formulated by the Fund Manager

Line regulations. The investor can agree on the amount of deduction in each period when handling the fixed investment plan

The amount must not be less than the regular quota specified by the fund manager in the relevant announcement or updated prospectus

The minimum subscription amount of the investment plan.

(17) Freezing and unfreezing of fund shares

The fund registration authority only accepts the freezing and unfreezing of fund units required by the competent authorities of the state according to law, and

Freezing and unfreezing under other circumstances recognized by the registration authority and in compliance with laws and regulations. If the fund shares are frozen,

The rights and interests generated by the frozen part are frozen at the same time, and the shares of the frozen part still participate in income distribution and payment. method

Unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations or regulatory authorities.

If relevant laws and regulations allow the fund manager to handle other fund businesses of fund units, the fund manager

The corresponding business rules will be formulated and implemented.

Part IX Investment of the Fund

(1) Investment objectives

Strive to achieve investment return beyond performance benchmark in the long term under the premise of strict control of investment risk


(2) Investment scope

The investment scope of the Fund is financial instruments with good liquidity, including those legally issued and listed domestically

Bond assets (government bonds, local government bonds, government supported institutional bonds, financial bonds, corporate bonds

Central bank notes, non-financial enterprise debt financing instruments (including but not limited to medium-term notes, short-term financing bonds, and super

Short-term financing bonds), subordinated debt, etc.), bond repurchase, asset-backed securities, bank deposits (negotiated deposits

Known deposits, time deposits, etc.), inter-bank deposit receipts, money market instruments, laws and regulations or the CSRC's permission

Other financial instruments invested by Xu Fund (subject to the relevant provisions of the CSRC).

The Fund does not buy stocks or warrants, nor invest in convertible bonds and exchangeable bonds. Investment of the Fund

The portfolio proportion is: the proportion of the Fund's investment in bond assets is not less than 80% of the Fund's assets, cash or maturity

The total investment proportion of government bonds within one year shall not be less than 5% of the net asset value of the fund, of which cash shall not

Including settlement provisions, deposits and subscription receivables.

If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities allow the fund to invest in other varieties in the future, the fund manager shall perform appropriate

After the procedure, it can be included in the scope of investment.

(3) Investment strategy

The Fund will, within the investment scope agreed in the fund contract

Research on monetary and fiscal policies, national industrial policies and capital market capital environment, and actively grasp the macro economy

Economic development trend, interest rate trend, relative yield of bond market, liquidity and credit level of securities

Combined with quantitative analysis method, determine the assets in non credit fixed income securities (treasury bonds, central bank bills, etc.)

And credit fixed income securities.

1. Duration strategy:

The Fund will investigate the dynamic changes and expected changes of market interest rates, as well as the factors related to interest rate changes

Track and analyze, and then formulate corresponding adjustment plans for the duration and position structure of the bond portfolio to reduce

The impact of low interest rate changes on the portfolio. The fixed income team of the Fund Manager will regularly

The structure shall be predicted, and the corresponding duration target shall be formulated. When the expected market interest rate level will rise, it shall be appropriately reduced

Duration of the portfolio; When the market interest rate is expected to decline, the duration of the portfolio should be appropriately increased. In order to make use of the market

The purpose of improving the yield of bond portfolio is to adjust the volatility of bond rate and the duration of bond portfolio.

2. Term structure strategy:

By predicting the shape and change trend of the yield curve, the duration of various types of bonds is allocated; When receiving

When it is difficult to judge the trend of the yield curve, reference the duration of the sample bonds of the benchmark index to build a portfolio duration to ensure that the portfolio

The return exceeds the benchmark return. Specifically, it can be divided into riding strategies that track the yield curve and riding strategies based on the yield curve

Curve changing bullet strategy, barbell strategy and ladder strategy.

(1) Ride strategy: when the yield curve is steep, that is, when the interest margin between adjacent terms is large, buy

Bonds with maturity at the steep part of the yield curve can obtain capital through the decline of the yield of bonds


(2) Bullet strategy: it focuses the bond duration in the portfolio on the yield curve, which is applicable to

When the yield curve is steep; The barbell strategy is to focus the duration of bonds in the portfolio on two aspects of the yield curve

End, applicable to butterfly changes where the two ends of the yield curve decline more than the middle; Ladder strategy is to make investment

The bond duration in the portfolio is evenly distributed on the yield curve, which is suitable for the horizontal movement of the yield curve.

3. Generic configuration policy:

The Fund's credit risk, tax level, market liquidity and market for different types of fixed income varieties

Analyze risk and other factors, and study the treasury bonds, financial bonds, corporate bonds, exchanges and inter-bank markets with the same maturity

The interest margin and change trend of market investment varieties, and formulate the allocation strategy of bond categories to obtain

The investment income brought by the change of inter interest margin.

4. Credit bond investment strategy:

The main factors affecting the yield of credit varieties are the benchmark yield of interest rate varieties and the credit spread. credit spread

It is a source of higher income for credit products compared with interest rate products such as national debt and central bank bills. Main credit spreads

Affected by two aspects, one is the market average credit spread level of the corresponding credit rating of bonds, the other is

The aspect is the credit status of the issuer itself.

The overall credit spread level of the credit bond market and the credit status of the credit bond issuers will change

It has an important impact on the spread level of individual credit bonds. Therefore, on the one hand, the Fund will

The overall change of credit spreads is considered in many aspects, such as national policies, industry prosperity and the supply and demand of the bond market

Trend; On the other hand, the Fund will also focus on internal credit rating, supplemented by external credit rating, namely

Using internal and external credit research and rating system, study the fundamentals of the main enterprise issuing bonds to determine the enterprise

The actual credit status of the owner's corporate debt.

5. Spread income investment strategy

The Fund will consider the risk and return of bond investment, financing costs and other factors,

To earn a certain interest margin through inter-bank market financing within the scope of controllable risks and laws and regulations


6. Individual coupon mining strategy

This part of the strategy emphasizes the importance of the company's value mining, and the risks in the industry cycle characteristics and company fundamentals

On the basis of characteristics, formulate the target strategy of absolute rate of return, identify companies with valuation advantages and improved fundamentals,

We will adopt a highly decentralized strategy, focus on the distribution of advantageous bonds, and strive to increase the space for portfolio excess returns.

7. Asset backed securities investment strategy

The pricing of asset-backed securities is subject to market interest rate, liquidity, terms of issue, composition of underlying assets and

Quality, prepayment rate and other additional terms. The Fund will divide

On the basis of analysis, market liquidity analysis and credit rating support, supplemented by bond varieties such as government bonds and corporate bonds

And prudently invest in asset-backed securities assets.

(4) Investment decision-making and trading mechanism

1. The Fund implements the fund manager responsibility system under the leadership of the investment decision-making committee.

The Investment Decision making Committee is responsible for determining the allocation proportion of the Fund's major assets, the benchmark duration of the portfolio, and the repurchase

And other major investment decisions.

The fund manager formulates and implements specific investment strategies within the investment scope determined by the investment decision-making committee,

Issue investment instructions to the centralized trading room.

The centralized trading room sets up traders who are responsible for executing investment orders, and

Timely feedback to fund managers on issues such as the impact of changes in the scene on the execution of orders, and can put forward suggestions based on the market

Specific recommendations. The centralized trading room is also responsible for the monitoring of various investment restrictions, as well as the assets of the Fund and the company's flag

Control of fair transactions between other funds under the.

2. Investment procedures

The Investment Decision making Committee is responsible for making major decisions on the investment of the Fund. The fund manager shall, within the scope of authorization

Formulate and implement specific portfolio plans. The centralized trading room is responsible for executing investment instructions.

(1) The fund manager shall, according to the market trend, operation pattern and characteristics, and in combination with the fund contract and investment

Style the investment strategy report.

(2) The investment strategy report is submitted to the investment decision-making committee. The investment decision-making committee approves and decides the fund

Investment proportion, distribution proportion of major assets, benchmark duration of portfolio, repurchase proportion and other important matters.

(3) The fund manager determines the final asset distribution proportion and portfolio benchmark according to the approved investment strategy

Investment distribution mode of futures and individual bonds, etc.

(4) Track the invested varieties and dynamically adjust the investment portfolio.

(5) Performance Benchmark

The benchmark for the performance comparison of the Fund is the yield of the comprehensive full price (total value) index of Chinese bonds.

Reasons for the Fund to select the above performance benchmark:

The China Bond Comprehensive Full Price (Gross Value) Index is a comprehensive counter index prepared by the Central Government Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

The cross market bond index of the inter-bank bond market and the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges bond market is reflected, and the index sample is from the inter-bank bond market

Treasury bonds, financial bonds, corporate bonds, medium-term notes, short-term financing bonds

Corporate bonds, etc. According to the investment scope and investment proportion of the Fund, the above performance benchmark can be selected

To reasonably reflect the risk return characteristics of the Fund.

If the future laws and regulations change, or there is a more authoritative and widely accepted performance ratio

The Fund Manager may

In accordance with the principle of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of investors, the Fund Custodian shall negotiate with the Fund Custodian and report to the CSRC for filing

After the case, the performance benchmark should be adjusted appropriately and announced in a timely manner, without the need to convene a general meeting of fund share holders.

(6) Risk return characteristics

The Fund is a bond fund, whose expected return and expected risk level are higher than those of money market funds, and lower than

Hybrid funds and equity funds.

(7) Investment restrictions

1. Combination restrictions

The Fund's portfolio should be subject to the following restrictions:

(1) The Fund's investment proportion in bonds shall not be less than 80% of the Fund's assets;

(2) Keep no less than 5% of the net asset value of the fund in cash or government bonds with a maturity of less than one year,

Cash does not include provisions for settlement, deposits and subscription receivables;

(3) The Fund holds securities issued by a company whose market value does not exceed 10% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(4) All funds managed by the Fund Manager hold securities issued by one company, which shall not exceed

10%, and the fund variety that invests in securities in full accordance with the composition proportion of the relevant index may not be subject to this clause

Specified proportional limit;

(5) The proportion of the Fund's investment in various types of asset-backed securities of the same original equity holder shall not exceed

10% of net asset value;

(6) The market value of all asset-backed securities held by the Fund shall not exceed 20% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(7) The proportion of the same (referring to the same credit rating) asset-backed securities held by the Fund shall not exceed

10% of the size of asset-backed securities;

(8) Various asset support certificates of all funds managed by the Fund Manager invested in the same original equity holder

Securities shall not exceed 10% of the total size of its various types of asset-backed securities;

(9) The Fund shall invest in asset-backed securities with a credit rating of BBB or above (including BBB).

During the period when the Fund holds asset-backed securities, if its credit rating declines and it no longer meets the investment standards, it shall be re evaluated

All of them will be sold within 3 months from the date of release of the level report;

(10) The fund balance of the Fund entering the national inter-bank market for bond repurchase shall not exceed

40% of the net asset value of gold, and the maximum term of bond repo in the national inter-bank market is one year,

No extension is allowed after the maturity of bond repurchase;

(11) The total market value of the Fund's active investment in liquidity restricted assets shall not exceed the net asset value of the Fund

15% of; Discrepancy of funds due to factors other than fund managers such as fluctuations in the securities market and changes in fund size

If the proportion limit is met, the Fund Manager shall not actively increase the investment of liquidity restricted assets;

(12) The Fund, private securities asset management products and other entities recognized by the CSRC are trading pairs

For reverse repurchase transactions, the qualification requirements for acceptable collateral should be consistent with the investment scope agreed in the fund contract

bring into correspondence with;

(13) The total asset value of the Fund shall not exceed 140% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(14) Other investment restrictions stipulated by laws and regulations, the CSRC and the Fund Contract.

Except for the situations in (2), (9), (11) and (12) above, due to the fluctuation of the securities market, the securities issuer

Factors other than the fund manager, such as merger and fund size change, result in the fund investment proportion not meeting the above provisions

The fund manager shall adjust the investment proportion within 10 trading days, but the special

Except in special circumstances. Where laws and regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

The Fund Manager shall, within six months from the effective date of the Fund Contract, make the proportion of the Fund's investment portfolio conform to

Relevant provisions of the fund contract. During the above period, the investment scope and investment strategy of the Fund shall conform to the basic

The agreement of the gold contract. The Fund Custodian's supervision and inspection of the Fund's investment shall commence on the effective date of the Fund Agreement


Laws and regulations or regulatory authorities cancel or adjust the above restrictions. If applicable to the Fund, the Fund Manager shall

After performing the appropriate procedures, the Fund's investment will no longer be subject to the relevant restrictions or the adjusted provisions.

2. Prohibited acts

In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of fund share holders, fund assets may not be used for the following investments or activities:

(1) Underwriting securities;

(2) Lending or providing guarantee to others in violation of regulations;

(3) Investment with unlimited liability;

(4) Buying and selling other fund units, except as otherwise stipulated by the CSRC;

(5) Make capital contributions to its fund manager and fund custodian;

(6) Engaging in insider trading, manipulating securities trading prices and other improper securities trading activities;

(7) Other activities prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and the CSRC.

The Fund Manager uses the Fund property to buy and sell the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and their controlling shareholders

Securities issued by the controller or a company with a significant stake in it or securities underwritten during the underwriting period, or

Those engaged in other major related party transactions shall comply with the investment objectives and investment strategies of the Fund, and follow the

The principle of giving priority to the interests of shareholders, preventing conflicts of interest, establishing and improving the internal approval mechanism and evaluation mechanism

Implement according to fair and reasonable market price. Relevant transactions must be approved by the fund custodian in advance and in accordance with the law

Disclosure of regulations. Major connected transactions shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Fund Manager for review, and shall be subject to two thirds

Approved by the independent directors on. The Board of Directors of the Fund Manager shall review related party transactions at least every six months.

Laws and regulations or regulatory authorities cancel or change the above restrictions. If applicable to the Fund, the Fund Manager shall

After due process, the investment of the Fund will no longer be subject to relevant restrictions or the changed regulations.

(8) Principles and methods for the Fund Manager to exercise creditors' rights on behalf of the Fund

1. The Fund Manager shall independently exercise the creditor's rights on behalf of the Fund in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, and protect the shares of the Fund

The interests of the holder;

2. It is conducive to the safety and appreciation of fund assets;

3. Not for itself, employees, authorized agents or any interested third party through connected transactions

Seeking any improper benefits.

Part X Assets of the Fund

(1) Total Fund Assets

The total value of fund assets refers to the value of various securities and notes purchased, the principal and interest of bank deposits and the amount receivable by the fund

The total value of fund subscription and other investments.

(2) Net Asset Value of the Fund

The net asset value of the Fund refers to the value of the total assets of the Fund minus the liabilities of the Fund.

(3) Account of fund property

The Fund Custodian shall open capital accounts and securities accounts for the Fund in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and normative documents

And other special accounts required for investment. Special fund account opened, fund manager and fund custody

The property accounts owned by the fund sales agency, the fund registration agency and other fund property accounts are independent.

(4) Custody and disposal of fund assets

The assets of the Fund are independent of the assets of the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and the Fund Sales Agency, and

Custody by the gold custodian. The Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian, the Fund Registration Agency and the Fund Sales Agency shall

Some assets bear their own legal liabilities, and their creditors shall not apply for freezing or withholding of the Fund's assets

Pledge or other rights. Unless otherwise disposed of in accordance with laws and regulations and the Fund Contract, the Fund assets shall not be disposed of


The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian were dissolved, dissolved or declared bankrupt according to law

In case of liquidation, the fund assets shall not belong to its liquidation assets. Assets of fund manager management and operation fund assets

The generated creditor's rights may not offset the debts generated by its inherent assets; Different bases for fund manager management and operation

The creditor's rights and liabilities arising from the fund assets of the fund shall not offset each other. Liabilities not due to the fund property itself,

It shall not enforce the fund assets.

Part XI Valuation of Fund Assets

(1) Valuation date

The valuation date of the Fund is the trading date of the relevant securities exchange of the Fund and the national laws and regulations

The non trading day on which it is necessary to disclose the net value of the fund.

(2) Valuation object

Assets and liabilities such as bonds, bank deposit principal and interest, receivables and other investments owned by the Fund.

(3) Valuation principles

When determining the fair value of relevant financial assets and financial liabilities, the Fund Manager shall comply with

Accounting Standards and relevant regulations of regulatory authorities.

1. For investment varieties that have an active market and can obtain quotations for the same assets or liabilities, there are

In case of quotation, the quotation shall be applied to the asset or

Fair value measurement of liabilities. There is no quotation on the valuation date and there is no impact on fair value measurement after the most recent transaction date

For major events, the quoted price on the latest trading day shall be used to determine the fair value. There is sufficient evidence that the valuation date or

If the quotation on the latest trading day cannot truly reflect the fair value, the quotation shall be adjusted to determine the fair value.

The fair value of the same assets or liabilities shall be used if they are the same as the above investment varieties but have different characteristics

And consider the influence of different characteristic factors in the valuation technology. Feature refers to the sale or use of assets

If the limit is for the asset holder, the limit should not be made in the valuation technology

Consider the characteristics. In addition, the fund manager should not consider the risk of

Premium or discount.

2. For investment varieties that do not have an active market, they should be suitable and profitable under current conditions

The fair value is determined by valuation techniques supported by data and other information. When using valuation techniques to determine the fair value,

The observable input value should be used preferentially, only when the observable input value of relevant assets or liabilities cannot be obtained or

The unobservable input value can be used only when it is impracticable.

3. If the economic environment changes significantly or the securities issuer has a major event that affects the securities price

If the impact of potential valuation adjustment on the net asset value of the fund on the previous valuation date is more than 0.25%, the valuation shall be

Adjust and determine the fair value.

(4) Valuation method

1. Valuation of fixed income varieties traded in stock exchanges

(1) The bonds listed on the Exchange for net price trading (unless otherwise specified) shall be evaluated by the third party on the evaluation date

The net price of the corresponding variety provided by the valuation agency shall be evaluated.

(2) The bonds listed on the Exchange but not traded at net price shall be withdrawn according to the closing price on the valuation date or the third-party valuation agency

The estimated full price of the corresponding varieties on the current day minus the bond closing price or the bond interest receivable included in the estimated full price

The obtained net price is estimated; There is no quotation on the valuation date and there is no impact on fair value measurement after the most recent transaction date

In case of major events, the closing price of bonds on the latest trading day or that of the corresponding varieties provided by a third-party valuation agency

The net price obtained by subtracting the closing price of bonds or the interest receivable of bonds included in the full valuation price shall be valued.

If the economic environment has changed significantly since the latest trading day or the securities issuer has a significant impact on the securities price

In case of an event, the current market price and major change factors of similar investment varieties can be referred to to adjust the recent transaction market price,

Determine the fair value.

(3) The fair value of the securities listed on the Exchange without an active market shall be determined by valuation techniques.

The fair value of asset-backed securities listed on the exchange is determined by valuation technology, which is difficult to be reliable

In case of measurement of fair value, it shall be valued at cost.

2. The securities in the unlisted period shall be handled according to the following circumstances:

(1) For the initial public offering of unlisted bonds, the fair value is determined using valuation techniques

If it is difficult to reliably measure the fair value, it shall be valued at cost.

(2) For unlisted or unlisted bonds issued in the exchange market, and for the existence of an active market

In this case, the unadjusted quotation in the active market shall be taken as the fair value on the valuation date; For active market reports

If the price fails to represent the fair value on the valuation date, the market quotation shall be adjusted to confirm the fair value on the valuation date

Allowable value; If there is no active market or few market activities, valuation techniques should be used to determine

Fair value.

3. For fixed income varieties without rights in the national inter-bank market

The estimated net price of the corresponding variety on the current day. For the types of fixed income with rights in the inter-bank market

The only estimated net price or the recommended estimated net price on the current day of the corresponding varieties provided by the valuation agency. For investment included

For the fixed income variety of the investor's right to sell back, if the right to sell back is not exercised after the deadline of the registration period (including the date)

The valuation is based on the price corresponding to the long waiting period. Not listed in the inter-bank market, and the third-party valuation agency is not

There is no significant difference between the issuance interest rate and the secondary market interest rate for bonds with valuation price

If there is no major change in the market interest rate, it shall be valued at cost.

4. If the same bond is traded in two or more markets at the same time, it shall be valued separately according to the market in which the bond is located.

5. Valuation method of deposits

Time deposits or call deposits held by banks are listed as principal, and the total interest listed according to the deposit agreement

Or the agreed interest rate accrues interest every natural day. In case of early withdrawal or interest rate change, account adjustment shall be carried out as required


6. The Fund may adopt the valuation price provided by a third-party valuation agency in accordance with the above fair value determination principles

Grid data.

7. If there is conclusive evidence that the fair value cannot be objectively reflected by the above method

The Manager may, after consultation with the Fund Custodian according to the specific circumstances, value at the price that best reflects the fair value.

8. In case of large amount subscription or redemption, the fund manager can adopt the swing pricing mechanism to ensure

To ensure the fairness of fund valuation.

9. If there are mandatory provisions in relevant laws and regulations and regulatory authorities, such provisions shall prevail. If there are new items, press

The latest national regulations on valuation.

If the fund manager or the fund custodian finds that the fund valuation violates the valuation method and procedure specified in the fund contract

In case of the provisions of relevant laws and regulations or failure to fully protect the interests of fund share holders, it shall immediately notify

The other party shall jointly find out the cause, and the two parties shall solve it through consultation.

According to relevant laws and regulations, the obligations of the Fund Manager to calculate the net asset value of the Fund and to conduct financial accounting of the Fund are

Undertake. The fund manager is the fund accounting responsible party of the Fund

If no agreement can be reached after full discussion on the basis of equality between relevant parties

The Fund Manager shall publish the results of the calculation of the net value of the Fund to the public, thereby providing information to the Fund Unitholders and

The loss caused by the Fund and the loss caused by the error of deferring the calculation of the net asset value of the Fund on the trading day shall be determined by

The fund manager is responsible for compensation.

(5) Valuation procedures

1. The net value of fund units is divided by the net value of fund assets after the market is closed on each working day by the fund units on that day

The balance quantity is calculated to the nearest 0.0001 yuan and rounded to the fifth decimal place. The fund manager can

Establish an emergency adjustment mechanism for net worth accuracy in the case of large redemption. If the state has other provisions, such provisions shall prevail.

The Fund Manager shall calculate the net value of the Fund assets and the net value of the Fund units every working day, and make an announcement in accordance with the provisions.

2. The Fund Manager shall evaluate the assets of the Fund every working day. However, the Fund Manager shall, in accordance with laws, regulations or

Except when the valuation is suspended as stipulated in the fund contract. After the Fund Manager evaluates the assets of the Fund every working day, it will

The net value of fund units is sent to the Fund Custodian, and after the Fund Custodian has checked and found no error, the Fund Manager shall

Public announcement.

(6) Handling of valuation errors

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian will take necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures to ensure the valuation of the Fund assets

Accuracy and timeliness. When the valuation error occurs within 4 decimal places (including the 4th decimal place) of the net value of fund units,

It shall be deemed that the net value of fund units is wrong.

The parties to the fund contract shall deal with it in accordance with the following provisions:

1. Type of valuation error

During the operation of the Fund, if the Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian, or the registration authority, or

If the error in valuation is caused by the fault of the selling institution or the investor itself, causing losses to other parties, the fault

The person responsible for the loss shall assess the direct loss of the party ("the injured party") who suffered losses due to the valuation error as follows:

Value error handling principle ".

The main types of the above valuation errors include but are not limited to: data declaration errors, data transmission errors

According to the calculation error, system failure error, instruction error, etc.

2. Principles for handling valuation errors

(1) When the valuation error has occurred but has not caused losses to the parties, the party responsible for the valuation error shall promptly

Coordinate all parties to correct the valuation errors in a timely manner, and the costs arising from the correction of valuation errors shall be borne by the party responsible for the valuation errors;

If the party responsible for the valuation error fails to correct the valuation error that has occurred in time, causing losses to the party concerned

The party responsible for the value error shall be liable for compensation for the direct loss; If the responsible party for the valuation error has actively coordinated, and

If the party who has the obligation to assist has enough time to make corrections but fails to make corrections, it shall bear the corresponding liability for compensation

Ren. The party responsible for the valuation error shall confirm the correction to the relevant parties to ensure that the valuation error has been obtained

To correct.

(2) The party responsible for the valuation error shall be responsible for the direct losses of the parties concerned, not for the indirect losses,

And it is only responsible for the direct parties involved in the valuation error, not the third party.

(3) The party who has obtained the unjust enrichment due to the valuation error has the obligation to return the unjust enrichment in a timely manner. but

The party responsible for the valuation error shall still be responsible for the valuation error. If the party who has obtained the unjust enrichment does not return or

If the interests of other parties are lost due to the failure to fully return the unjust enrichment (the "injured party"), the party responsible for the valuation error shall

Compensate for the losses of the injured party, and share with the party who gains improper benefits within the compensation amount paid

Have the right to demand the delivery of unjust enrichment; If the party who obtained the unjust enrichment has wrongly benefited this part

If it is returned to the injured party, the injured party shall add the amount of compensation it has received to the amount of unjust enrichment it has received

The difference between the sum of returns and the actual loss shall be paid to the party responsible for the valuation error.

(4) The adjustment of valuation errors shall be made in the way of recovering to the correct situation assuming no valuation errors.

3. Valuation error handling procedure

After the valuation error is found, the relevant parties shall deal with it in a timely manner, and the handling procedures are as follows:

(1) Find out the causes of valuation errors, list all parties involved, and

Determine the responsible party for the valuation error;

(2) According to the principle of handling valuation errors or the method negotiated by the parties

Line assessment;

(3) The responsible party for valuation errors shall make corrections according to the principle of handling valuation errors or the method negotiated by the parties

Zhenghe compensates for losses;

(4) If it is necessary to modify the transaction data of the fund registration agency according to the method of handling valuation errors, the Fund shall

The registration authority shall make corrections and confirm the correction of valuation errors to the relevant parties.

4. The method for handling errors in the valuation of the net value of fund units is as follows:

(1) In case of any error in the calculation of the net value of fund units, the Fund Manager shall immediately correct it and notify the Fund Manager

And take reasonable measures to prevent further expansion of losses.

(2) When the error deviation reaches 0.25% of the net value of fund units, the fund manager shall notify the fund custodian

And report to the CSRC for filing; When the error deviation reaches 0.5% of the net value of fund units, the fund manager shall

Announce and report to the CSRC for record.

(3) If the above contents are otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or the regulatory authority, they shall be handled in accordance with their provisions.

(7) Suspension of valuation

1. When the securities trading market involved in the Fund's investment is closed on statutory holidays or for other reasons;

2. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian are unable to accurately assess the value of the Fund assets due to force majeure;

3. There is no active market price for the assets with more than 50% of the net asset value of the fund on the current valuation date

And if the use of valuation techniques still leads to significant uncertainty in the fair value, it shall be confirmed through consultation with the Fund Custodian

After that, the Fund Manager shall suspend the valuation;

4. Other circumstances identified by the CSRC and the fund contract.

(8) Recognition of net fund value

The fund manager is responsible for calculating the net asset value of the fund and the net value of the fund units used for the disclosure of fund information,

The Fund Custodian shall be responsible for the review. The Fund Manager shall calculate the basis of the day after the end of trading on each open day

The net value of gold assets and the net value of fund units shall be sent to the fund custodian. The Fund Custodian's reply to the net value calculation result

After confirmation, it will be sent to the fund manager, who will publish the net value of the fund.

(9) Handling of special cases

1. Errors caused by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian when conducting valuation according to Item 7 of the valuation method

Not to be treated as an error in the valuation of fund assets;

2. Data error sent by the stock exchange and its registration and clearing company, or other force majeure

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian have

If necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures are taken for inspection, but the error is not found

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian may be exempted from liability for compensation in case of errors in the valuation of gold assets. But the fund manager

The Fund Custodian shall actively take necessary measures to mitigate or eliminate the impact caused thereby.

Part XII Income and Distribution of the Fund

(1) Composition of fund profits

Fund profit refers to fund interest income, investment income, income from changes in fair value and other income deduction

As for the balance after expenses, the realized income of the fund refers to the balance of the fund profit minus the income from changes in fair value.

(2) Profit available for distribution of the fund

The distributable profit of the fund refers to the undistributed profit and undistributed profit of the fund as of the base date of income distribution

The lower of the realized benefits.

(3) Principle of fund income distribution

1. On the premise of meeting the conditions for fund dividends, the Fund Manager can carry out

Income distribution. The specific distribution plan shall be subject to the announcement. If the Fund Contract takes effect less than 3 months ago, it may not be carried out

Income distribution;

2. There are two ways of income distribution of the Fund: cash dividends and dividend reinvestment. Investors can choose cash

Dividends or automatically convert cash dividends into fund shares for reinvestment; If the investor does not choose, the Fund will default

The way of income distribution is cash dividends;

3. After the distribution of fund income, the net value of fund units cannot be lower than the par value, that is, the basis on the base date of fund income distribution

The net value of gold units less the amount of income distribution per unit of fund units cannot be lower than the par value;

4. Each fund share has the same distribution right;

5. If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities have other provisions, such provisions shall prevail.

(4) Income distribution scheme

The fund income distribution plan shall specify the distributable profits and fund income as of the base date of income distribution

Distribution object, distribution time, distribution amount and proportion, distribution method, etc.

(5) Determination, announcement and implementation of income distribution plan

The income distribution plan of the Fund shall be formulated by the Fund Manager and reviewed by the Fund Custodian within 2 days

Specify media announcements.

(6) Expenses incurred in fund income distribution

The dividend reinvestment method is adopted for income distribution, and the reinvestment fee is exempted.

The bank transfer or other handling fees incurred in the distribution of fund income shall be borne by the investors themselves. Dang Tou

When the cash dividend of the investor is less than a certain amount and is insufficient to pay the bank transfer or other handling fees, the fund shall register

A bookkeeping institution may automatically convert the cash dividends of fund share holders into fund shares. Calculation method of dividend reinvestment

Law, in accordance with the Business Rules.

Part XIII Fund Fees and Taxes

(1) Types of fund fees

1. Management fees of the Fund Manager;

2. Custody fees of the Fund Custodian;

3. Information disclosure fees related to the Fund after the Fund Contract takes effect;

4. Accounting fees, attorney fees, legal fees and arbitration fees related to the Fund after the Fund Contract takes effect;

5. Expenses for the general meeting of fund share holders;

6. Securities transaction expenses of the Fund and expenses arising from the investment of the Fund;

7. Bank transfer fees of the Fund;

8. Securities account opening fee and account maintenance fee;

9. Other fees that may be disbursed from the Fund assets in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and the Fund Contract


(2) Fund expense accrual method, accrual standard and payment method

1. Management fee of fund manager

The management fee of the Fund is accrued at the annual fee rate of 0.30% of the net asset value of the Fund on the previous day. Calculation of management fee

The method is as follows:

H = E × 0.30% ÷ Days of the year

H is the daily accrued fund management fee

E is the net asset value of the fund on the previous day

The fund management fee is accrued daily, accumulated day by day to the end of each month, and paid monthly

The financial data that is consistent with the fund manager will be automatically checked according to the designated account within the first 5 working days of the next month

The path is a one-time payment from the fund property, and the fund manager does not need to issue a transfer instruction. In case of legal holidays

Days, public holidays, etc., the payment date shall be postponed.

2. Custody fees of the Fund Custodian

The custody fee of the Fund is accrued at an annual fee rate of 0.10% of the net asset value of the Fund on the previous day. Calculation of custody fee

The calculation method is as follows:

H = E × 0.10% ÷ Days of the year

H is the fund custody fee that should be accrued every day

E is the net asset value of the fund on the previous day

The fund custody fee is accrued daily, accumulated day by day to the end of each month, and paid monthly

The financial data that is consistent with the fund manager will be automatically checked according to the designated account within the first 5 working days of the next month

The path is a one-time payment from the fund property, and the fund manager does not need to issue a transfer instruction. In case of legal holidays

Days, public holidays, etc., the payment date shall be postponed.

Items 3 to 9 of the above "I. Types of fund fees" shall be subject to relevant laws and regulations and corresponding agreements

Yes, it shall be included in the current expenses according to the actual amount of expenses, and the Fund Custodian shall participate in it according to the instructions of the Fund Manager

It shall be paid from the fund property according to the industry practice.

(3) Items not included in fund expenses

The following expenses are not included in the fund expenses:

1. Expenses or funds incurred by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian due to failure to perform or fail to fully perform their obligations

Loss of gold property;

2. Expenses incurred by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian in handling matters unrelated to the operation of the Fund;

3. Relevant expenses before the Fund Contract comes into effect;

4. Other items that may not be included in the fund fees according to the relevant laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the CSRC.

(4) Cost adjustment

To raise the fund management rate and fund custody rate, a general meeting of fund share holders must be convened for deliberation (legal

Unless otherwise specified in the regulations or the CSRC or the fund contract). The fund manager must be no later than the new rate

Prior to implementation, an announcement shall be published on the designated media in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Information Disclosure Measures.

(5) Fund tax

All taxpayers involved in the operation of the Fund shall pay taxes in accordance with national tax laws and regulations

that 's ok. The relevant taxes on the investment of fund assets shall be borne by the fund share holders and deducted by the fund manager or others

The payer shall withhold and remit the tax in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state on tax collection.

Part XIV Accounting and Audit of the Fund

(1) Fund accounting policy

1. The Fund Manager is the fund accounting responsible party of the Fund;

2. The accounting year of the Fund is from January 1 to December 31 of the Gregorian calendar year; The first fund raising meeting

The accounting year shall follow the following principles: if the Fund Contract takes effect less than 2 months, it can be incorporated into the next accounting year

Degree disclosure;

3. The bookkeeping base currency for fund accounting is RMB yuan, and the bookkeeping unit is RMB yuan;

4. The accounting system shall implement the relevant national accounting system;

5. The Fund establishes accounts and accounts independently;

6. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian respectively keep complete accounting accounts and vouchers and conduct daily meetings

Accounting and preparation of fund accounting statements in accordance with relevant regulations;

7. The Fund Custodian shall check with the Fund Manager on the accounting and statement preparation of the Fund every month and

It shall be confirmed in other ways agreed in the custody agreement or agreed by both parties.

(2) Annual audit of the Fund

1. The Fund Manager shall employ securities and futures that are mutually independent from the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian

Certified public accountants with relevant business qualifications and their certified public accountants shall audit the annual financial statements of the Fund.

2. An accounting firm shall obtain the prior consent of the fund manager to change its certified public accountant.

3. The Fund Manager shall notify the Fund Custodian if it believes that there is sufficient reason to change the accounting firm. replace

The accounting firm shall make announcement on the designated media within 2 days.

Part XV Information Disclosure of the Fund

(1) The information disclosure of the Fund shall comply with the Fund Law, the Operating Measures, the Information Disclosure Measures

Liquidity Risk Management Regulations, Fund Contract and other relevant regulations. Relevant laws and regulations

In case of any change in the disclosure provisions, the Fund shall comply with its latest provisions.

(2) Information disclosure obligor

The information disclosure obligors of the Fund include the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and the convening fund unit holders

The fund share holders and their daily institutions of the general meeting are subject to the laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC

People, legal persons and unincorporated organizations.

The information disclosure obligor of the Fund takes the protection of the interests of fund share holders as the fundamental starting point, and in accordance with the law

Disclose fund information in accordance with regulations and the provisions of the CSRC, and ensure the authenticity, accuracy

Completeness, timeliness, simplicity and accessibility.

The information disclosure obligor of the Fund shall, within the time specified by the CSRC, submit the fund letter that should be disclosed

Through the national newspapers and periodicals designated by the CSRC (hereinafter referred to as "designated newspapers and periodicals") and designated Internet websites

(hereinafter referred to as "designated website") and other media, and ensure that fund investors can

Consult or copy publicly disclosed information at the agreed time and in the agreed manner.

(3) The Fund information disclosed by the Fund Information Disclosure Obligor shall not commit the following acts:

1. False records, misleading statements or major omissions;

2. To predict the performance of securities investment;

3. Committing gains or bearing losses in violation of regulations;

4. Slander other fund managers, fund custodians or fund sales agencies;

5. Publish congratulatory, complimentary or recommendatory words of any natural person, legal person or unincorporated organization;

6. Other acts prohibited by the CSRC.

(4) The information publicly disclosed by the Fund shall be in Chinese. If the foreign language version is used at the same time, the fund

The obligor of information disclosure shall ensure that the contents of different texts are consistent. In case of ambiguity between different texts

The text shall prevail.

The information publicly disclosed by the Fund shall be in Arabic numerals; Unless otherwise specified, the currency unit is RMB


(5) Publicly disclosed fund information

The publicly disclosed fund information includes:

1. Fund Prospectus, Fund Contract, Fund Custody Agreement, Fund Product Information Summary

(1) The Fund Contract defines the rights and obligations of the parties to the Fund Contract

The rules and specific procedures for convening the general meeting of fund share holders, specifying the characteristics of the fund products and other matters related to fund investment

Legal documents on matters of major interests of the investors.

(2) The prospectus of the fund shall disclose to the maximum extent all matters affecting the decisions of the fund investors,

Explain fund subscription, purchase and redemption arrangements, fund investment, fund product characteristics, risk disclosure and information disclosure

Disclose the services of fund share holders. After the Fund Contract comes into effect, the information of the Fund Prospectus will be released

In case of any major change, the Fund Manager shall update the Fund Prospectus and publish it in

On the designated website; If other information in the prospectus changes, the fund manager shall update it at least once a year

Times. If the Fund terminates its operation, the Fund Manager will no longer update the Prospectus of the Fund.

(3) The Fund Custody Agreement defines the fund custodian and the fund manager in the custody of the fund property and the operation of the fund

Legal documents on rights and obligations in supervision and other activities.

(4) The fund product information summary is a summary document of the fund prospectus, which is used to provide investors with a brief summary

General information of the fund. After the Fund Contract comes into force, the information in the fund product data summary has changed significantly

The fund manager shall update the summary of fund product information and publish it on the designated website within three working days

Website or business outlet of the fund sales agency; In case of any change in other information of the fund product information summary

The gold manager shall be updated at least once a year. If the fund terminates its operation, the fund manager will no longer update the fund product assets

Material summary.

After the application for fund raising has been registered by the CSRC, the fund manager shall, within three days of the sale of the fund units

The announcement of the sale of fund units, the indicative announcement of the prospectus and the indicative announcement of the fund contract

It shall be published in the designated newspapers and periodicals, including the fund unit offering announcement, fund prospectus, fund product information summary

The fund contract and fund custody agreement are published on the designated website, and the summary of fund product information is published on the fund

Website or business outlet of sales agency; The fund custodian shall simultaneously publish the fund contract and the fund custody agreement

On the specified website.

2. Fund Unit Offering Announcement

The Fund Manager shall prepare an announcement on the sale of fund units on the specific matters concerning the sale of fund units, and

The prospectus was published on the designated media on the day of disclosure.

3. Announcement on the Effectiveness of the Fund Contract

The Fund Manager shall publish the Fund Agreement in the designated newspapers and websites on the next day after the Fund Agreement takes effect

The same as the effective announcement.

4. Net fund value information

After the Fund Contract comes into force and before the subscription or redemption of fund units, the Fund Manager shall

The net value of fund units and the cumulative net value of fund units shall be disclosed at least once a week on the designated website.

After starting to handle the subscription or redemption of fund units, the fund manager shall

On the next day of, disclose the fund shares on the opening day through the designated website, fund sales agency website or business outlet

Net value and cumulative net value of fund units.

The Fund Manager shall disclose the semi annual report on the designated website no later than the next day after the last day of the semi annual report and the annual report

Net value of fund units and accumulated net value of fund units on the year and the last day of the year.

5. Subscription and redemption price of fund units

The Fund Manager shall specify the Fund units in the Fund Contract, Prospectus and other information disclosure documents

Calculation method of subscription and redemption price and relevant subscription and redemption rate, and ensure that investors can

The website or business outlet of the sales institution looks up or copies the above information.

6. Regular reports of the Fund, including annual reports, interim reports and quarterly reports of the Fund

The Fund Manager shall complete the annual report of the Fund within three months from the end of each year

The annual report is published on the designated website, and the advisory announcement of the annual report is published on the designated newspaper. Fund year

The financial and accounting report of the report shall be reviewed by an accounting firm with securities and futures related business qualifications


The Fund Manager shall, within two months from the end of the first half of the year, prepare the interim report of the Fund and

The interim report is published on the designated website, and the indicative announcement of the interim report is published on the designated newspaper.

The Fund Manager shall complete the quarterly report of the Fund within 15 working days from the end of the quarter,

Publish the quarterly report on the designated website, and publish the prompt announcement of the quarterly report on the designated newspaper.

If the Fund Contract takes effect less than two months ago, the Fund Manager may not prepare the current quarterly report

Periodic report or annual report.

If a single investor holds 20% or more of the total fund shares during the reporting period,

In order to protect the rights and interests of other investors, the Fund Manager shall at least regularly report "

The category of the investor, the shares held at the end of the reporting period and the proportion of the investor in the reporting period are disclosed under "other important information"

Changes in holdings and unique risks of the Fund, except for special circumstances recognized by the CSRC.

The Fund Manager shall disclose the fund portfolio assets and their flows in the Fund's annual report and interim report

Dynamic risk analysis, etc.

7. Interim report

If a major event occurs to the Fund, the relevant information disclosure obligor shall prepare an interim report within 2 days,

And published on the designated newspapers and websites.

The term "major event" as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to the possible impact on the rights and interests of fund unit holders or the price of fund units

The following events with significant impact:

(1) The convening and decisions of the general meeting of fund share holders;

(2) The Fund Contract is terminated and the Fund is liquidated;

(3) Conversion of fund operation mode and fund merger;

(4) Change of fund manager, fund custodian, fund share registration agency, and change of fund accounting firm


(5) The fund manager entrusts the fund service agency to handle the registration, accounting and valuation of fund shares on its behalf

Matters: the Fund Custodian entrusts the Fund Service Institution to handle the accounting, valuation, review and other matters of the Fund on its behalf;

(6) The legal names and addresses of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian have changed;

(7) The Fund Manager changes the actual control of shareholders holding more than 5% of the equity and the Fund Manager

Person change;

(8) The fund raising period is extended or the fund raising is terminated in advance;

(9) Senior management of the fund manager, fund manager and special fund custody department of the fund custodian

The person in charge changes;

(10) If the directors of the Fund Manager have changed by more than 50% in the last 12 months, the Fund Manager

The main business personnel of the special fund custody department of the fund custodian have changed by more than one percent in the last 12 months


(11) Litigation or arbitration involving fund management business, fund property and fund custody business;

(12) The fund manager or its senior managers and fund managers are subject to

In case of major administrative punishment or criminal punishment, the Fund Custodian or the head of its special fund custody department shall

Conduct related to business management subject to major administrative punishment and criminal punishment;

(13) The Fund Manager uses the Fund property to buy and sell the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and their controlling shareholders

Securities issued by the actual controller or a company with a significant stake in it or securities underwritten during the underwriting period,

Or engage in other major connected transactions, unless otherwise stipulated by the CSRC;

(14) Fund income distribution matters;

(15) Accrual standards, methods and rates of management fees, custody fees, subscription fees, redemption fees and other fees

Change occurs;

(16) The valuation error of the net value of fund units reaches 0.5% of the net value of fund units;

(17) The Fund begins to handle subscription and redemption;

(18) The Fund is redeemed in large amount and postponed;

(19) The Fund has successively made major redemptions and suspended the acceptance of redemption applications or deferred the payment of redemption funds;

(20) The Fund suspends accepting subscription and redemption applications or re accepts subscription and redemption applications;

(21) Major events involving adjustment of fund subscription and redemption events or potential impact on investors' redemption


(22) The Fund Manager adopts the swing pricing mechanism for valuation;

(23) The fund information disclosure obligor believes that it may affect the interests of fund unit holders or fund units

Other matters that have a significant impact on prices or other matters specified by the CSRC.

8. Clarification announcement

During the duration of the Fund Contract, any public media or market circulation

The interest may have a misleading impact on the price of fund shares or cause major fluctuations, and may damage the fund shares

If the rights and interests of the relevant information disclosure obligor are known, it shall immediately make public clarification on the information,

And immediately report the relevant information to the CSRC.

9. Resolution of the general meeting of fund share holders

The matters decided by the general meeting of fund unit holders shall be reported to the CSRC for record and announced in accordance with the law.

10. Liquidation report

If the fund contract is terminated, the fund manager shall organize a fund assets liquidation team to conduct a review of the fund assets in accordance with the law

Bank liquidation and make liquidation report. The fund assets liquidation team shall publish the liquidation report on the designated website,

And publish the suggestive announcement of the liquidation report on the designated newspaper.

11. Investment in asset-backed securities

When the Fund invests in asset-backed securities, the Fund Manager shall disclose its holdings in the Fund's annual report and interim report

The total amount of some asset-backed securities, the proportion of the market value of asset-backed securities in the net assets of the fund, and all

Details of asset-backed securities. The fund manager shall disclose the asset support certificate held by it in the quarterly report of the fund

The proportion of total bonds, market value of asset-backed securities in the net assets of the fund and the proportion of market value in the net assets of the fund at the end of the reporting period

Details of the top 10 asset-backed securities ranked by proportion.

12. Other information specified by the CSRC.

(6) Information disclosure management

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall establish and improve the information disclosure management system, designate special departments and

Senior management is responsible for managing information disclosure.

The public disclosure of fund information by the fund information disclosure obligor shall comply with the relevant fund information of the CSRC

The disclosure content and format standards and other regulations.

The Fund Custodian shall comply with relevant laws and regulations, the provisions of the CSRC and the provisions of the Fund Contract

Determine the net value of fund assets, net value of fund units, purchase and redemption price of fund units

Fund periodic report, updated prospectus, summary of fund product information, fund liquidation report, etc

The disclosed relevant fund information shall be reviewed and verified, and confirmed in writing or electronically to the fund manager.

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall choose one of the designated newspapers to disclose the information of the Fund.

The fund manager and the fund custodian shall submit the funds to be disclosed to the fund electronic disclosure website of the CSRC

Information, and ensure the authenticity, accuracy, integrity and timeliness of the information submitted.

In addition to disclosing information on designated media according to law, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian may also, as required

Disclose information in other public media, but other public media shall not disclose information earlier than the designated media, and

The content of the same information disclosed on different media shall be consistent.

Special purpose of issuing audit report and legal opinion for the fund information publicly disclosed by the fund information disclosure obligor

Business institutions shall prepare working papers and keep relevant files at least 10 years after the termination of the Fund Contract.

In addition to disclosing information as required by laws and regulations, fund managers and fund custodians can also focus on investment

From the perspective of providing useful information when making decisions, we should ensure that investors are treated fairly, not mislead investors, and not affect the

Under the premise of normal investment operation, independently improve the quality of information disclosure services. The specific requirements shall meet the requirements of

Relevant provisions of the CSRC and self regulatory rules. In case of information disclosure fees arising from the aforesaid independent disclosure, such fees shall not

It may be disbursed from the fund assets.

(7) Storage and reference of information disclosure documents

After the release of the information that must be disclosed according to law, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations

The regulations require that information be kept in their respective residences for public reference and reproduction.

(8) Suspension or delay of disclosure of fund related information

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian may suspend or delay the disclosure of fund related letters in the following circumstances


1. Force majeure;

2. When the securities trading market involved in the Fund's investment is closed on statutory holidays or for other reasons;

3. Laws and regulations, fund contract or the situation stipulated by the CSRC.

(9) Information disclosure of the Fund shall be subject to the provisions of laws and regulations and the provisions of this chapter.

Part XVI Risk Disclosure

(1) Main risks of investing in the Fund

1. Market risk

The price of the securities market is affected by various factors such as economic factors, political factors, investment psychology and trading system

The fluctuation caused by the impact will have potential risks on the Fund's assets, mainly including:

(1) Policy risk

Changes in national policies such as monetary policy, fiscal policy and industrial policy have a certain impact on the securities market

It will lead to market price fluctuation and risk due to impact on fund income.

(2) Business cycle risk

The stock market is the barometer of the national economy, and the economic operation has the characteristics of periodicity. Macroeconomic operation

Bank conditions will have an impact on the return level of the securities market, resulting in risks.

(3) Interest rate risk

Interest rate fluctuations in the financial market will lead to changes in the price and yield of the bond market, and will directly affect the enterprise

The financing cost and profit level of the industry. Therefore, the level of fund investment return will be affected by the change of interest rate.

(4) Purchasing power risk

If inflation occurs, the income obtained by the Fund from investing in securities may be offset by inflation,

This will affect the maintenance and appreciation of fund assets.

2. Credit risk

Credit risk refers to the settlement default of the fund in the transaction process, or the issuer of the bonds invested by the fund

Breach of contract and refusal to pay due principal and interest lead to loss of fund assets.

3. Risk of bond yield curve change

The risk of bond yield curve change refers to the risk related to the non parallel movement of the yield curve

The duration index does not fully reflect the existence of this risk.

4. Reinvestment risk

Reinvestment risk reflects the impact of interest rate decline on the reinvestment income of fixed income securities interest income

And the price risk (that is, the interest rate risk mentioned above) brought by the rise of interest rate. Specifically, when

When the interest rate drops, the Fund will obtain

Less yield.

5. Managing risk

In the process of fund management and operation, the fund manager may have

Incorrect or incomplete information will affect the return level of the fund. Management water of fund manager and fund custodian

Equity, management means and management technology have an impact on the fund income level.

6. Operational or technical risk

It refers to the defects in internal control or human factors of the relevant parties during the operation of each business link

Risks caused by operational errors or violations of operating procedures, such as unauthorized transactions, fraud by the accounting department

Fraud, transaction error, IT system failure and other risks.

In various trading activities or backstage operations of the Fund, it may be due to the failure or poor technical system

Wrong and affect the normal conduct of transactions or affect the interests of investors. This technical risk may come

From fund managers, registration institutions, sales institutions, securities/futures exchanges, securities/futures registration and clearing institutions


7. Compliance risk

It refers to the violation of national laws and regulations or fund investment in the process of fund management or operation

Risks related to regulations and fund contract.

8. Fund valuation risk

It refers to the risk that the daily fund valuation may be wrong.

9. Liquidity risk

On all open days of the Fund, the Fund Manager is obliged to accept the redemption of investors. If the fund

Assets cannot be quickly converted into cash, or the net value of capital will be adversely affected when converted into cash

It affects fund operation and income level. Especially in case of huge redemption, if the liquidity of fund assets is poor,

It may cause difficulties in the adjustment of fund positions, lead to liquidity risks, and may affect the net value of fund shares.

(1) Fund subscription and redemption arrangements

See "Part VIII Subscription and Redemption of Fund Units" in this Prospectus for details of the subscription and redemption arrangements of the Fund

Back to chapter ".

(2) Liquidity risk assessment of the market, industry and assets to be invested by the Fund

1) The investment market of the Fund is mainly the stock exchange and the national inter-bank bond market with good liquidity

The main investment objects are financial instruments with good liquidity

The principle of diversified investment does not have the characteristics of high concentration in terms of individual bonds. Under the normal market environment, the Fund's

Good liquidity.

2) From the perspective of investment restrictions, the Fund contract stipulates: "The Fund actively invests in liquidity restricted assets

The total market value shall not exceed 15% of the net asset value of the fund; Funds due to fluctuations in the securities market and changes in fund size

If the fund does not meet the limit of this proportion due to factors other than the manager, the fund manager shall not actively increase liquidity

Investment in sexually restricted assets; " The proportion of the Fund's liquidity restricted assets is set in accordance with the Liquidity Risk Management Regulations


To sum up, the liquidity of the proposed investment market and assets of the Fund is good, and the liquidity risk is relatively controllable.

(3) Liquidity risk management measures in the case of huge redemption

When the Fund has a huge redemption, the Fund Manager will make internal decisions and work with the Fund Custodian

After consensus, a variety of liquidity risk management tools will be used to appropriately adjust the redemption application to cope with

Liquidity risk, protecting the interests of fund share holders, including but not limited to:

1) Delaying the application for massive redemption;

2) Suspend accepting redemption application;

3) Suspend the payment of redemption money;

4) Other measures approved by the CSRC.

See "(X)" in "Part VIII Subscription and Redemption of Fund Units" of the Prospectus for specific measures

The situation and handling method of massive redemption ".

(4) Implementation of alternative liquidity risk management tools, procedures and potential impact on investors

The Fund Manager may, after consultation with the Fund Custodian and on the premise of ensuring that investors are treated fairly

In accordance with laws and regulations and the fund contract, comprehensive use of various liquidity risk management tools

Please make appropriate adjustments as auxiliary measures for liquidity risk management of fund managers under specific circumstances, including

Including but not limited to:

1) Extension of redemption application

See "(X)" in "Part VIII Subscription and Redemption of Fund Units" of the Prospectus for specific measures

The situation and handling method of massive redemption ".

2) Suspend the acceptance of redemption application or suspend the payment of redemption money

See "(IX)" in "Part VIII Subscription and Redemption of Fund Units" of the Prospectus for the above specific measures

Suspension of redemption or delay of payment of redemption money ".

3) Collection of short-term redemption fee

Investors with a continuous holding period of less than 7 days will be charged a redemption fee of not less than 1.5%, and the above redemption fee will be

It shall be included in the fund property in full.

4) Suspend fund valuation

There is no active market price available for reference for the assets with more than 50% of the net asset value of the fund on the current valuation date, and

When the adoption of valuation techniques still leads to significant uncertainty in the fair value, after consultation and confirmation with the Fund Custodian,

The Fund Manager shall suspend the valuation of the Fund and suspend the payment of redemption funds or the acceptance of the purchase and redemption of the Fund

Measures for returning the application.

5) Swing pricing

In case of large purchase or redemption of the Fund, the Fund Manager may adopt the swing pricing mechanism to ensure that

To ensure the fairness of fund valuation, the specific handling principles and operating specifications shall comply with relevant laws and regulations, as well as the regulatory authorities

Self discipline rules.

10. Unique risks of the Fund

(1) The Fund is a bond fund that invests in bond assets (national debt, local government bonds, government expenditure

Holding institutional bonds, financial bonds, corporate bonds, corporate bonds, central bank bills, non-financial corporate debt financing instruments (including

(including but not limited to medium-term notes, short-term financing bonds, ultra short-term financing bonds), subordinated bonds)

80% of assets; Cash (excluding settlement provisions, deposits, subscription receivables, etc.) or due

Government bonds with a daily life of less than one year shall not be less than 5% of the net asset value of the fund. Therefore, the Fund needs to bear the responsibility for

Interest rate risk caused by market interest rate fluctuation and issuance of credit varieties such as corporate bonds, corporate bonds, medium-term notes, etc

The credit risk caused by the credit deterioration of the debtor; If the bond market falls as a whole, it will not be completely avoided

Systematic risk of bond market.

(2) Investment risk of asset-backed securities

The Fund's investment scope includes asset-backed securities. There are credit risks and interest rate risks in asset-backed securities

Insurance, liquidity risk, prepayment risk, operational risk and legal risk.

1) Credit risk, also known as default risk, refers to the commitment made by the participants of asset-backed securities to them

Possible losses caused by breach of various contracts. In a simple sense, credit risk is represented by securitized assets

The cash flow generated by the asset cannot support the timely payment of principal and interest, which brings losses to investors.

2) Interest rate risk refers to that as a kind of fixed income securities, asset-backed securities also have interest rate risk,

That is, the risk that the price of asset-backed securities is subject to adverse changes in interest rate fluctuations.

3) Liquidity risk refers to the risk that asset-backed securities cannot be realized quickly and at a low cost.

4) Prepayment risk means that if the debtor has the right to repay before the expiration of the product

The possibility of investors suffering losses due to prepayment.

5) Operational risk refers to the risk caused by operational errors or violations of operating procedures by relevant parties in the course of business operations

Risk caused.

6) Legal risk refers to the fact that the transaction structure of asset-backed securities is complex, there are many participants, and the transaction documents

There are many legal risks and performance risks.

11. Value added tax in the process of fund property investment and operation

In view of the fact that the Fund Manager may invest and use the Fund property for the benefit of the Fund due to legal reasons

The investment income, investment return and/

Or the principal bears the tax liability. Therefore, VAT and other taxes incurred during the operation of the Fund due to the above reasons

Negative, which is still borne by the Fund's assets. At that time, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian may

Directly paid by the account, or transferred to the manager's account and completed the tax application from the fund manager according to the requirements of the tax department

Submit for payment.

12. The risk return characteristics of the Fund's legal documents may not be consistent with the fund risk assessment of the sales agency

Risk of

The statements on risk return characteristics in the investment section of the Fund's legal documents are based on the investment scope and investment ratio

Examples, general rules of the securities market, etc., represent the long term

Risk return characteristics of the period. Sales institutions (including fund manager direct sales institutions and other sales institutions) shall comply with relevant laws

Laws and regulations evaluate the risk of the Fund. Different sales agencies adopt different evaluation methods. Therefore

The risk rating evaluation of the selling institution may be different from the expression of the risk return characteristics in the fund legal documents

When purchasing the Fund, the investor shall complete the balance between risk tolerance and product risk according to the requirements of the sales agency

Matching inspection.

(2) Statement

1. The Fund is not guaranteed by any government, institution or department at any level. Investors voluntarily invest in the Fund,

The investment risk must be borne by oneself.

2. The Fund is publicly offered through the Fund Manager's direct sales outlets and designated fund sales agencies

Neither the manager nor the fund sales agency can guarantee the safety of its income or principal.

Part XVII Change and Termination of Fund Contract and Liquidation of Fund Assets

(1) Changes to the Fund Contract

1. The change of the fund contract involves the provisions of laws and regulations or the fund contract shall be subject to the general meeting of fund share holders

If a resolution is passed, a general meeting of fund unit holders shall be convened to pass the resolution. For laws and regulations and

The Fund Manager and the Fund shall

After the custodian agrees, the change shall be announced and reported to the CSRC for filing.

2. The resolution of the General Meeting of Fund Unitholders on the change of the Fund Contract shall not be implemented until it becomes effective, and shall not be executed until

The resolution shall be announced in the designated media within two days after it takes effect.

(2) Reasons for Termination of the Fund Contract

Under any of the following circumstances, the Fund Contract shall be terminated after performing the relevant procedures:

1. The General Meeting of Fund Unitholders decides to terminate;

2. The responsibilities of the fund manager and the fund custodian are terminated, and there are no new fund managers or new funds within 6 months

Undertaken by the gold custodian;

3. Other circumstances stipulated in the Fund Contract;

4. Other circumstances stipulated by relevant laws and regulations and the CSRC.

(3) Liquidation of fund assets

1. Fund asset liquidation team: within 30 working days from the date of termination of the Fund Contract

Establish a fund asset liquidation group, and the fund manager shall organize the fund asset liquidation group and supervise it in the CSRC

Supervise the fund liquidation.

2. Composition of the fund assets liquidation group: the members of the fund assets liquidation group are entrusted by the fund manager and the fund

Persons, certified public accountants and lawyers with securities and futures related business qualifications, and persons designated by the CSRC

Member composition. The Fund assets liquidation team may employ necessary staff.

3. Responsibilities of the Fund Assets Liquidation Team: The Fund Assets Liquidation Team is responsible for the custody, liquidation

Valuation, realization and distribution. The fund assets liquidation team may carry out necessary civil activities according to law.

4. Fund asset liquidation procedures:

(1) In case of termination of the Fund Contract, the Fund Property Liquidation Team shall take over the Fund in a unified manner;

(2) Liquidate and confirm the fund assets, claims and debts;

(3) Valuation and realization of fund assets;

(4) Prepare liquidation report;

(5) Engage an accounting firm to conduct external audit on the liquidation report, and engage a law firm to conduct external audit on the liquidation report

To issue a legal opinion;

(6) Submit the liquidation report to the CSRC for filing and announcement;

(7) Distribute the remaining assets of the Fund.

5. The time limit for the liquidation of the Fund's assets is six months, but the liquidity of the securities held by the Fund is restricted

If the liquidation cannot be realized in time, the liquidation period shall be postponed accordingly.

(4) Liquidation expenses

Liquidation expenses refer to all reasonable expenses incurred by the fund assets liquidation team in the process of fund liquidation,

The liquidation expenses shall be paid by the Fund Assets Liquidation Team in priority from the Fund assets.

(5) Distribution of residual assets in the liquidation of fund assets

Deduct all remaining assets after the liquidation of the Fund assets from the Fund according to the distribution plan for the liquidation of the Fund assets

The fund held by the fund share holder shall be subject to the liquidation expenses, payment of taxes owed and settlement of fund debts

Share proportion.

(6) Announcement of Fund Assets Liquidation

Major issues related to the liquidation process must be announced in a timely manner; The report on the liquidation of the fund assets has been issued with

Certified public accountants with relevant business qualifications shall audit and the legal opinion shall be issued by the law firm and then submitted to the certificate of China

The Regulatory Commission shall put on record and make an announcement. The fund assets liquidation announcement shall be made after the fund assets liquidation report is submitted to the CSRC for filing

The Fund assets liquidation group shall make an announcement within working days.

(7) Preservation of fund assets liquidation books and documents

The fund assets liquidation account book and relevant documents shall be kept by the fund custodian for more than 15 years.

Part XVIII Summary of the Fund Contract

(1) Rights and obligations of fund share holders, fund managers and fund custodians

1. Rights and obligations of fund share holders

The fund investor's holding of the fund shares of the Fund shall be deemed as the recognition and acceptance of the Fund Contract,

The fund investor will become the fund share holder and the fund investor will become the fund share holder

The parties to the Fund Agreement until they no longer hold the Fund units of the Fund. The Fund Unitholders shall serve as the Fund Unitholders

The parties to the Fund Contract shall not be required to sign or seal the Fund Contract in writing.

Each fund unit has the same legal rights and interests.

(1) According to the Fund Law, the Operation Measures and other relevant provisions, the rights of fund share holders

Including but not limited to:

1) Share the fund property income;

2) Participate in the distribution of the remaining fund assets after liquidation;

3) Transferring or applying for redemption of fund units held by them according to law;

4) To call a general meeting of fund unit holders or a general meeting of fund unit holders as required;

5) Attend or appoint representatives to attend the general meeting of fund unit holders and review the general meeting of fund unit holders

Exercise the right to vote on the matter;

6) Consulting or copying publicly disclosed fund information;

7) To supervise the investment operation of the Fund Manager;

8) To lodge a legal complaint against the acts of the fund manager, the fund custodian and the fund service institution that damage their legitimate rights and interests

Litigation or arbitration;

9) Other rights stipulated by laws and regulations, the CSRC and the Fund Contract.

(2) According to the Fund Law, the Operation Measures and other relevant provisions, the obligations of the Fund Unitholders

Including but not limited to:

1) Carefully read and abide by the Fund Contract, Prospectus and other information disclosure documents;

2) Understand the fund products invested, understand their own risk tolerance, and independently judge the investment value of the fund,

Make investment decisions and bear investment risks independently;

3) Pay attention to fund information disclosure, exercise rights and perform obligations in a timely manner;

4) Pay the fund subscription and subscription amount and the fees specified in laws and regulations and the Fund Contract;

5) It is limited to bear fund losses or terminate the Fund Contract within the scope of fund units held by it


6) Do not engage in any activities that may damage the legitimate rights and interests of the Fund and other parties to the Fund Contract;

7) Implement the effective resolutions of the general meeting of fund share holders;

8) Return the improper gains obtained for any reason in the course of fund transactions;

9) Other obligations stipulated by laws and regulations, the CSRC and the Fund Contract.

2. Rights and obligations of the Fund Manager

(1) According to the Fund Law, the Operating Measures and other relevant provisions, the rights of the Fund Manager include

But not limited to:

1) Raising funds according to law;

2) As of the effective date of the Fund Contract, it shall be independently applied and managed in accordance with laws and regulations and the Fund Contract

Managing the fund assets;

3) Collect fund management fees in accordance with the Fund Contract and those prescribed by laws and regulations or approved by the CSRC

other expenses;

4) Sale of fund shares;

5) Convene the general meeting of fund unit holders in accordance with the provisions;

6) Supervise the Fund Custodian in accordance with the Fund Contract and relevant laws and regulations

If it violates the Fund Contract and relevant national laws and regulations, it shall be reported to the CSRC and other regulatory authorities, and

Take necessary measures to protect the interests of fund investors;

7) Nominate a new Fund Custodian when the Fund Custodian changes;

8) Select and replace the fund sales agency, supervise and deal with the relevant acts of the fund sales agency;

9) Served as or entrusted other qualified institutions to act as fund registration agencies to handle fund registration business and obtained

Obtain the fees specified in the Fund Contract;

10) Determine the distribution plan of fund income in accordance with the Fund Contract and relevant laws and regulations;

11) Reject or suspend the acceptance of subscription and redemption applications within the scope agreed in the Fund Contract;

12) Exercise the rights arising from the investment of fund assets in securities for the benefit of the Fund in accordance with laws and regulations;

13) Financing the Fund for the benefit of the Fund in accordance with the law, if permitted by laws and regulations;

14) In the name of the Fund Manager, on behalf of the interests of the Fund Unitholders, exercise the right of litigation

Performing other legal acts;

15) Select and replace law firms, accounting firms, securities brokers or other providers of funds

External institutions of services;

16) Formulate and adjust relevant fund subscription, subscription and redemption on the premise of compliance with relevant laws and regulations

Business rules such as return, conversion and non transaction transfer;

17) Other rights stipulated by laws and regulations, the CSRC and the Fund Contract.

(2) According to the Fund Law, the Operation Measures and other relevant provisions, the obligations of the Fund Manager include

But not limited to:

1) Raise funds according to law, handle or entrust other institutions recognized by the CSRC to handle funds

Sale, subscription, redemption and registration of shares;

2) Handling the fund filing procedures;

3) From the effective date of the Fund Contract, the Fund shall be managed and applied in the principle of good faith, prudence and diligence

Gold property;

4) Allocate sufficient personnel with professional qualifications to conduct fund investment analysis and decision-making

To manage and operate the fund assets in a business mode;

5) Establish and improve internal risk control, supervision and audit, financial management and personnel management systems to ensure that

The assets of the fund under management and the assets of the fund manager are independent of each other, and the different funds under management are managed separately,

Separate bookkeeping and securities investment;

6) Except in accordance with the Fund Law, the Fund Contract and other relevant provisions, the Fund property shall not be used to

They or any third party shall not entrust any third party to operate the fund property for their own benefit;

7) Accept the supervision of the Fund Custodian according to law;

8) Take appropriate and reasonable measures to calculate the subscription, purchase, redemption and cancellation prices of fund units

Comply with the provisions of the Fund Contract and other legal documents, calculate and publish the net value of the Fund in accordance with the relevant provisions, and confirm that

To fix the price for subscription and redemption of fund units;

9) Conduct fund accounting and prepare fund financial accounting reports;

10) Prepare quarterly report, interim report and annual report;

11) Perform information disclosure and reporting in strict accordance with the Fund Law, the Fund Contract and other relevant provisions

Obligation to sue;

12) Keep the business secrets of the fund, and do not disclose the fund investment plan, investment intention, etc. In addition to the Fund Law

Unless otherwise specified in the Fund Contract and other relevant provisions, the Fund information shall be kept confidential before public disclosure

Disclose to others;

13) Determine the fund income distribution plan as agreed in the Fund Contract, and timely report to the fund share holders

Distribution of fund income;

14) Accept the application for subscription and redemption as required, and pay the redemption amount in time and in full;

15) Convene a general meeting of fund unit holders in accordance with the Fund Law, the Fund Contract and other relevant provisions

Or cooperate with the Fund Custodian and the Fund Unitholders to convene a general meeting of the Fund Unitholders in accordance with the law;

16) Keep accounting books, statements, records and other relevant information of fund property management business activities as required

Data more than 15 years;

17) Ensure that all documents or materials required to be provided to fund investors are issued within the specified time, and ensure that

The securities investors can check the funds related companies at any time according to the time and method specified in the Fund Contract

Open documents and obtain copies of relevant documents at reasonable cost;

18) Organize and participate in the fund assets liquidation team, and participate in the custody, liquidation, valuation and change of fund assets

Present and distribution;

19) In case of dissolution, cancellation or bankruptcy according to law, timely report to the CSRC and

Notify the Fund Custodian;

20) Loss of fund assets or damage to the legitimate rights of fund share holders due to violation of the Fund Contract

Yishi shall bear the liability for compensation, and its liability for compensation shall not be exempted by his retirement;

21) Supervise the Fund Custodian to perform its obligations in accordance with laws and regulations and the Fund Contract

When the custodian violates the Fund Contract and causes losses to the Fund property, the Fund Manager shall be the Fund Unitholder

The interests shall be recovered from the Fund Custodian;

22) When the Fund Manager entrusts its obligations to a third party, it shall deal with the relevant funds to the third party

Take responsibility for the conduct of affairs;

23) In the name of the Fund Manager, exercise litigation rights or implement other actions on behalf of the Fund Unitholders

Legal act;

24) The Fund Manager fails to meet the filing conditions of the Fund during the raising period, and the Fund Contract cannot take effect,

The Fund Manager shall bear all the raising expenses and raise the raised funds in the Fund together with the bank deposit interest for the same period

Return to the fund subscriber within 30 days after the end of the set period;

25) Implement the effective resolutions of the general meeting of fund share holders;

26) Establish and maintain the register of fund unit holders;

27) Other obligations stipulated by laws and regulations, CSRC and the Fund Contract.

3. Rights and obligations of the Fund Custodian

(1) According to the Fund Law, the Operating Measures and other relevant provisions, the rights of the Fund Custodian include

But not limited to:

1) As of the effective date of the Fund Contract, it shall be kept safely in accordance with laws, regulations and the provisions of the Fund Contract

Fund assets;

2) Obtaining fund custody fees, laws and regulations or regulatory approval in accordance with the Fund Contract

other expenses;

3) Supervise the investment operation of the Fund Manager in the Fund. If the Fund Manager is found to have violated the Fund Agreement

And national laws and regulations, which have caused significant losses to the fund property and the interests of other parties,

It shall report to the CSRC and take necessary measures to protect the interests of fund investors;

4) In accordance with the relevant market rules, open capital accounts, securities accounts and other investment accounts for the Fund

The Fund handles the clearing of securities trading funds;

5) Propose to convene or convene a general meeting of fund unit holders;

6) Nominate a new fund manager when the fund manager changes;

7) Other rights stipulated by laws and regulations, the CSRC and the Fund Contract.

(2) According to the Fund Law, the Operating Measures and other relevant provisions, the obligations of the Fund Custodian include

But not limited to:

1) Holding and safekeeping fund assets in the principle of good faith and diligence;

2) Set up a special fund custody department, have a business site that meets the requirements, and be equipped with sufficient and qualified funds

Full time personnel familiar with fund custody business shall be responsible for fund property custody matters;

3) Establish and improve internal risk control, supervision and audit, financial management and personnel management systems to ensure

The safety of the fund property, to ensure the fund property under its custody, the fund custodian's own property and different funds

Property independence; Set up separate accounts for different funds under custody, conduct independent accounting, separate account management, and ensure

The different funds are mutually independent in terms of account setting, fund transfer, account book recording, etc;

4) Except in accordance with the Fund Law, the Fund Contract, the Custody Agreement and other relevant provisions

Use the fund assets to seek benefits for themselves and any third party, and may not entrust a third party to trust the fund assets;

5) To keep the major contracts and relevant vouchers related to the Fund signed by the Fund Manager on behalf of the Fund;

6) Open fund accounts, securities accounts and other accounts required for investment of fund assets as required, and

As agreed in the Contract and the Custody Agreement, clearing and delivery shall be handled in a timely manner according to the investment instructions of the Fund Manager


7) Keep fund business secrets, except for the Fund Law, the Fund Contract, the Custody Agreement and other relevant matters

Unless otherwise specified in the regulations, the fund information shall be kept confidential before public disclosure, and shall not be disclosed to others

Except those provided by external professional consultants such as legal consultants;

8) Review and review the net fund asset value, net fund share value and fund share application calculated by the fund manager

Purchase and redemption price;

9) To handle information disclosure related to fund custody business activities;

10) Give opinions and explanations on the financial and accounting reports, quarterly reports, interim reports and annual reports of the Fund

Whether the operation of the Fund Manager in all important aspects is strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Fund Contract and the Custody Agreement

conduct; If the Fund Manager fails to implement the provisions of the Fund Contract and the Custody Agreement, it shall also

State whether the Fund Custodian has taken appropriate measures;

11) Keep records, account books, statements and other relevant materials of fund custody business activities for more than 15 years;

12) Receive and keep the register of fund unit holders from the fund manager or its entrusted registration institution;

13) Prepare relevant account books as required and check with the fund manager;

14) Pay fund income and redemption to fund share holders in accordance with the instructions of the fund manager or relevant regulations


15) Convene the Fund Unitholders in accordance with the Fund Law, the Fund Contract and other relevant provisions

To convene a general meeting of fund unit holders in accordance with the law;

16) Supervise the investment of the Fund Manager in accordance with laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and the Custody Agreement

Capital operation;

17) Participate in the fund assets liquidation team, and participate in the custody, liquidation, valuation, realization and distribution of fund assets


18) In the face of dissolution, legal revocation or bankruptcy declaration, timely report to the CSRC and

The banking regulatory authority and notify the fund manager;

19) If the Fund property is lost due to violation of the Fund Contract, it shall be liable for compensation

The appointment shall not be removed due to his retirement;

20) Supervise the Fund Manager to perform its obligations in accordance with laws and regulations and the Fund Contract,

The Fund Manager shall be in the interests of the Fund Unitholders when it causes losses to the Fund's assets due to its violation of the Fund Contract

Claim compensation from the Fund Manager;

21) Implement the effective resolutions of the general meeting of fund share holders;

22) Other obligations stipulated by laws and regulations, CSRC and the Fund Contract.

(2) Procedures and Rules for Convening, Deliberating and Voting of the General Meeting of Fund Unitholders

The general meeting of fund unit holders shall be composed of fund unit holders, who are legally authorized to act on their behalf

Form A has the right to attend meetings and vote on behalf of fund share holders. Each fund share held by the fund share holder

We have equal voting rights.

The general meeting of the Fund unit holders does not set up a daily institution.

1. Reason for convening

(1) When one of the following events occurs or needs to be decided, a general meeting of fund unit holders shall be convened

Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations and the CSRC:

1) Terminate the Fund Contract;

2) Change the fund manager;

3) Change the Fund Custodian;

4) Change the operation mode of the fund;

5) Raise the remuneration standards of fund managers and fund custodians;

6) Change of fund category;

7) The merger of the Fund with other funds;

8) Change the investment objective, scope or strategy of the Fund;

9) Change the procedures of the general meeting of fund unit holders;

10) The Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian requests to convene a general meeting of Fund Unitholders;

11) Fund units that individually or collectively hold more than 10% (including 10%) of the total fund units

The holder (calculated based on the fund shares on the day when the fund manager receives the proposal, the same below) requests in writing for the same matter

To call a general meeting of fund unit holders;

12) Other matters that have a significant impact on the rights and obligations of the parties to the fund contract;

13) Holding of fund units shall be held as required by laws and regulations, the Fund Contract or the CSRC

Matters of the General Meeting.

(2) Within the scope stipulated by laws and regulations and the Fund Contract and for the interests of fund share holders

On the premise that there is no material adverse effect, the following circumstances may be modified by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian after consultation:,

It is not necessary to convene a general meeting of fund share holders:

1) Reduce other expenses that should be borne by the Fund;

2) Collection of fund fees increased as required by laws and regulations;

3) Adjust the subscription rate of the Fund and lower the redemption rate;

4) Increase or adjust the fund unit category setting of the Fund;

5) The Fund Contract should be modified due to changes in corresponding laws and regulations;

6) The amendment to the Fund Contract has no material adverse effect on the interests of the Fund Unitholders or the amendment does not

Significant changes in the rights and obligations of the parties involved in the Fund Contract;

7) With the permission of the CSRC, the Fund launches new businesses or services;

8) Other circumstances under which it is not necessary to hold a general meeting of fund share holders in accordance with laws and regulations and the Fund Contract


2. Convener and convening method

(1) Unless otherwise stipulated in laws and regulations or the Fund Agreement, the general meeting of fund share holders shall be held by

The fund manager shall convene the meeting.

(2) In the event that the Fund Manager fails to convene or cannot convene the meeting as required, the Fund Custodian shall convene the meeting.

(3) If the Fund Custodian deems it necessary to convene a general meeting of Fund Unitholders, it shall report to the Fund Manager

Make a written proposal. The Fund Manager shall decide whether to convene the meeting or not within 10 days after receiving the written proposal,

And notify the Fund Custodian in writing. If the Fund Manager decides to convene the meeting, it shall issue a written decision 60

Held within the day; The Fund Manager decides not to convene or fails to make a written reply within the specified time, and the Fund is under custody

If the Fund Custodian still considers it necessary to convene the meeting, it shall convene the meeting by itself, and the meeting shall commence from the date of issuing a written decision

The Fund Manager shall be convened and notified within 60 days, and the Fund Manager shall cooperate.

(4) The fund share holders representing more than 10% (including 10%) of the fund shares shall submit a written request on the same matter

A written proposal shall be submitted to the Fund Manager for convening a general meeting of Fund Unitholders. The Fund Manager shall

Decide whether to convene the meeting or not within 10 days from the date of receiving the written proposal, and notify in writing the proposed fund unit holders

There are representatives and fund custodians. If the Fund Manager decides to convene the meeting, it shall issue a written decision 60

Held within the day; The Fund Manager decides not to convene or fails to make a written reply within the specified time, on behalf of the Fund

If the Fund Unitholders with more than 10% (including 10%) of their shares still think it necessary to hold the meeting, they shall submit a request to the Fund Custodian

The administrator puts forward a written proposal. The Fund Custodian shall decide whether to convene the meeting or not within 10 days after receiving the written proposal,

And notify in writing the representatives of the Fund Unitholders and the Fund Manager who put forward the proposal; The Fund Custodian decides to convene

Shall be held within 60 days from the date of issuing the written decision and notify the Fund Manager, who shall

When matching.

(5) Fund share holders representing more than 10% (including 10%) of the fund shares request to call

A general meeting of fund unit holders is held, but neither the fund manager nor the fund custodian convenes it, or within the specified time limit

Failing to make a written reply, the fund shares representing more than 10% (including 10%) of the fund shares alone or in total

Someone has the right to convene the meeting on his own and report to the CSRC for filing at least 30 days in advance. Fund share holders shall, in accordance with the law

If the Bank convenes a general meeting of fund unit holders, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall cooperate, and shall not hinder


(6) The convener of the Fund Unitholders' Meeting shall be responsible for selecting and determining the time, place, method and right of the meeting

Registration date.

3. Time, content and method of notice for convening the general meeting of fund unit holders

(1) To convene a general meeting of fund unit holders, the convener shall, 30 days before the meeting

Notice. The notice of the general meeting of fund share holders shall at least contain the following contents:

1) Time, place and form of the meeting;

2) Matters to be considered, procedures and voting methods at the meeting;

3) The registration date of the rights and interests of fund unit holders who are entitled to attend the general meeting of fund unit holders;

4) Requirements for the content of the authorization certificate (including but not limited to the identity of the agent, agency authority and agency

Validity period, etc.), time and place of delivery;

5) Name and telephone number of the permanent contact person for conference affairs;

6) Documents that must be prepared and procedures that must be performed by the attendees;

7) Other matters to be notified by the convener.

(2) In case of communication meeting and voting, the convener of the meeting shall decide to notify the meeting

The specific means of communication adopted by the National People's Congress of the Fund Unitholders, the entrusted notary authority and its copy

Method and contact person, deadline for submission of voting opinions and collection method.

(3) If the convener is the fund manager, it shall also notify the fund custodian in writing to check the statement at the designated place

Supervise the vote counting of the decision; If the convener is the fund custodian, it shall notify the fund manager in writing separately

Go to the designated place to supervise the counting of votes; If the convener is the fund share holder, it shall be separately

Inform the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian in writing to go to the designated place to supervise the counting of votes. fund

If the manager or fund custodian refuses to send representatives to supervise the counting of votes, the voting opinions will not be affected

Vote counting effect of.

4. Ways of Fund Unitholders Attending the Meeting

The general meeting of fund share holders may be held by means of on-site meeting, communication meeting or laws, regulations and supervision

Other methods allowed by the institution shall be adopted, and the convening method of the meeting shall be determined by the convener.

(1) On site meeting. Appointed by the Fund Unitholders in person or by proxy

The authorized representatives of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall attend the on-site meeting as nonvoting delegates

If the Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian does not send representatives to attend the general meeting, the voting effect shall not be affected. On site opening

The agenda of the general meeting of Fund Unitholders may be held when the following conditions are met simultaneously:

1) The certificate of fund units held by the person attending the meeting in person, and the certificate issued by the person entrusted to attend the meeting held by the trustee

The certificate of fund units and the proxy voting authorization certificate of the trustor comply with laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and

The provisions of the notice of the meeting, and the vouchers for holding fund shares are consistent with the registration materials held by the fund manager;

2) After verification, the voucher presented by the participants for holding fund shares on the equity registration date shows that it is valid

The fund shares of the Fund shall not be less than one-half (including one-half) of the total fund shares of the Fund on the equity registration date. if

The effective fund units represented by the participants on the equity registration date are less than the total fund units of the Fund on the equity registration date

The convener may, three months after the time of the original announcement of the general meeting of fund unit holders

The general meeting of fund unit holders shall be reconvened within 6 months on the matters originally scheduled for consideration. Funds reconvened

The effective fund units represented by the participants of the general meeting of shareholders on the equity registration date shall not be less than the equity of the Fund

One third (including one third) of the total fund shares on the registration date.

(2) Correspondence meetings. Correspondence meeting means that the Fund Unitholders submit their votes on voting matters in writing

Form or other methods agreed in the fund contract shall be delivered to the address designated by the convener or

System. The communication meeting shall be voted in writing or in other ways agreed in the fund contract.

If the following conditions are met at the same time, the method of communication meeting shall be deemed as effective:

1) The convener of the meeting shall publish the notice of the meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Fund Contract, and within 2 working days

Prompting announcement;

2) The convener shall notify the fund custodian in accordance with the fund contract (if the fund custodian is the convener, then

Fund manager) to the designated place to supervise the counting of votes. The convener of the meeting is in the fund custodian

(If the Fund Custodian is the convener, it is the Fund Manager) and under the supervision of the notary office

To receive the voting opinions of fund share holders in the prescribed manner; The Fund Custodian or the Fund Manager has been notified

Failure to participate in the collection of voting opinions shall not affect the voting effect;

3) Fund share holders who directly issue voting opinions or authorize others to issue voting opinions

The fund units held shall not be less than half (including half) of the total fund units on the equity registration date; if

The fund share holders who directly give their voting opinions or authorize others to give their voting opinions

If the fund shares are less than half of the total fund shares on the equity registration date, the convener may

After 3 months and within 6 months of the time of holding the general meeting of shareholders, the meeting shall be reconvened on the matters originally scheduled for consideration

General meeting of gold share holders. The reconvened general meeting of fund unit holders shall have more than one-third of the representatives (including

1/3) The holders of fund units directly issue voting opinions or authorize others to issue voting opinions on behalf of them;

4) The fund share holders or entrusted representatives who directly issue the voting opinions in Item (3) above

Agents with voting opinions, vouchers for holding fund units submitted at the same time, and agents entrusted to issue voting opinions

The certificate of fund shares held by the principal and the certificate of proxy voting authorization issued by the principal are legal

The provisions of laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and the notice of the meeting shall be consistent with the records of the fund registration authority.

(3) On the premise that there is no conflict with laws and regulations, the general meeting of fund share holders can be held via the Internet or telephone

Or in other ways, the fund share holders can use written, online, telephone, SMS or other ways

The specific method of voting shall be determined by the convener of the meeting and listed in the notice of the meeting.

(4) If the fund share holder authorizes others to attend the meeting and vote on his behalf, the authorization may be in writing

In face, network, telephone, SMS or other ways, the specific way shall be listed in the meeting notice.

5. Discussion content and procedure

(1) Discussion content and proposal right

The content of the proceedings shall be major matters related to the interests of fund share holders, such as major amendments to the Fund Contract

Change, decide to terminate the Fund Contract, change the Fund Manager, change the Fund Custodian, merge with other funds

Other matters stipulated in laws and regulations and the Fund Contract, as well as the convener of the meeting believes that it is necessary to submit fund unit holdings

Other matters discussed at the meeting.

After the convener of the general meeting of fund unit holders issues the notice of convening the meeting, the amendment to the original proposal shall

It shall be announced in time before the general meeting of fund share holders is held.

The meeting of the fund unit holders' congress may not vote on the contents of the proceedings that have not been announced in advance.

(2) Proceedings

1) On site meeting

In the form of on-site meeting, the presider of the meeting shall first determine and publish

The supervisor shall then read out the proposal by the presider of the meeting, vote after discussion, and form the resolution of the meeting.

The presider of the meeting is the representative authorized by the fund manager to attend the meeting, but the authorized representative of the fund manager fails to preside

In the case of a general meeting, the representative authorized by the Fund Custodian to attend the meeting shall preside over the meeting; If authorized by the Fund Manager

If neither the representative nor the authorized representative of the Fund Custodian can preside over the meeting, the Fund Unitholders and

More than 50% (including 50%) of the voting rights held by the agent shall elect a fund share holder as this time

The chairperson of the general meeting of fund share holders. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian refuse to attend or preside over the Fund

The general meeting of fund share holders shall not affect the validity of the resolutions made at the general meeting of fund share holders.

The convener of the meeting shall prepare the signature book of the attendees. The name of the participants shall be recorded in the signature book

(or unit name), ID document number, fund shares held or represented with voting rights, and the client's surname

Name (or unit name) and contact information.

2) Communication meeting

In the case of a communication meeting, the convener shall first announce the proposal 30 days in advance, and then

Within 2 working days after the deadline, the convener shall count all valid votes under the supervision of the notary office

The resolution is formed under the supervision of the Customs.

6. Voting

Each fund unit held by the fund unit holder has one vote.

The resolutions of the general meeting of fund share holders can be divided into general resolutions and special resolutions:

(1) The general resolution shall be subject to the form held by the fund share holders or their agents attending the meeting

More than half (including half) of the voting rights are valid only after passing; Except as provided in the second item below

Matters other than those passed by special resolution shall be passed by general resolution.

(2) Special resolution, which shall be held by fund share holders or their agents attending the meeting

It can be made only after being approved by more than two-thirds (including two-thirds) of the voting rights. Change the operation mode of the fund

Fund Manager or Fund Custodian, Termination of the Fund Contract, Merger of the Fund with Other Funds by Special Decision

It is valid only after being approved.

The general meeting of fund share holders shall vote by open ballot.

When voting by means of communication, unless there is sufficient evidence to the contrary when counting votes, submit

The voting for confirming the investor's identity document in accordance with the provisions of the notice of the meeting shall be deemed as effective attendance of investors

The voting opinions that meet the requirements of the notice of meeting shall be deemed as valid voting, and the voting opinions that are ambiguous or contradictory shall be deemed as valid voting

It means abstention from voting, but shall be included in the total number of fund units represented by the fund unit holders who issue voting opinions.

The proposals of the general meeting of fund share holders or the parallel topics in the same proposal shall be examined separately

Discuss and vote item by item.

7. Vote counting

(1) On site meeting

1) If the general meeting is convened by the Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian, the chairperson of the general meeting of the Fund Unitholders shall

When it is announced at the beginning of the meeting that two fund units will be elected among the fund unit holders and agents present at the meeting

The representative of the holder and a supervisor authorized by the convener of the meeting jointly act as the scrutineer; If the general meeting consists of fund shares

The holder itself or the general meeting is convened by the Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian, but the Fund Manager or

If the Fund Custodian is not present at the meeting, the chairperson of the meeting of Fund Unitholders shall announce after the beginning of the meeting

Three representatives of fund share holders shall be elected as scrutineers among the fund share holders present at the meeting. fund

The failure of the manager or fund custodian to attend the meeting shall not affect the effectiveness of vote counting.

2) The scrutineers shall make an inventory immediately after the fund share holders vote and the presider of the meeting shall make a public announcement on the spot

Vote distribution results.

3) If the chairman of the meeting or the fund share holder or agent has doubts about the voting results submitted,

The number of votes required can be counted again immediately after the announcement of the voting results. The scrutineer shall re

Count and re count only once. After re counting, the presider of the meeting shall announce the re counting on the spot


4) The vote counting process shall be notarized by a notary office, and the fund manager or fund custodian refuses to attend the meeting

Shall not affect the validity of counting votes.

(2) Communication meeting

In the case of a communication meeting, the method of counting votes is: two supervisors authorized by the convener of the general meeting are in the fund

Supervised by the authorized representative of the custodian (or the authorized representative of the fund manager if convened by the fund custodian)

The counting process shall be notarized by the notary office. The Fund Manager or the Fund Custodian refuses to appoint a representative

If the voting table supervises the counting of votes, it shall not affect the counting and voting results.

8. Effectiveness and announcement

The convener shall report the resolution of the general meeting of fund unit holders to the CSRC within 5 days from the date of adoption

keep on record.

The resolution of the general meeting of fund share holders shall take effect from the date of voting.

The resolution of the general meeting of fund share holders shall be announced on the designated media within 2 days from the effective date. If using

Vote by means of communication. When announcing the resolution of the general meeting of fund share holders, the full text of the notarial certificate

The name of the certification authority and the notary shall be announced together.

The Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and the Fund Unitholders shall implement the effective Fund Unitholders

General Assembly resolutions. Effective resolution of the general meeting of fund unit holders on the management of all fund unit holders and funds

Both the trustee and the fund trustee are binding.

9. This part deals with the causes, conditions, procedures and voting of the general meeting of fund share holders

Conditions and other contents, which directly refer to laws and regulations or regulatory provisions, such as laws and regulations or regulatory provisions

If the modification results in the cancellation or change of the relevant contents, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall reach an agreement and publish in advance

After the announcement, the contents of this part can be directly modified or adjusted without convening a general meeting of fund share holders.

(3) Reasons and procedures for the change and termination of the Fund contract and the liquidation method of the Fund assets

1. Change of Fund Contract

(1) The Fund Unitholders shall be responsible for the change of the Fund Contract in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations or this Fund Contract

If a resolution is passed at the general meeting, a general meeting of fund share holders shall be convened to pass the resolution. For laws and regulations

The Fund Manager and

The Fund Custodian shall make an announcement of the change upon consent and report it to the CSRC for filing.

(2) The resolution of the General Meeting of Fund Unitholders on the change of the Fund Contract shall not be implemented until it becomes effective,

The resolution shall be announced in the designated media within two days after it takes effect.

2. Reasons for Termination of the Fund Contract

Under any of the following circumstances, the Fund Contract shall be terminated after performing the relevant procedures:

1) The General Meeting of Fund Unitholders decides to terminate;

2) The responsibilities of the fund manager and the fund custodian are terminated, and there are no new fund managers or new funds within 6 months

Undertaken by the gold custodian;

3) Other circumstances stipulated in the Fund Contract;

4) Other circumstances stipulated by relevant laws and regulations and the CSRC.

3. Liquidation of fund assets

(1) Fund asset liquidation team: 30 working days from the date of termination of the Fund Contract

The Fund Manager shall organize the Fund Asset Liquidation Group and establish a fund asset liquidation group in the

Fund liquidation under supervision.

(2) Composition of the Fund assets liquidation group: the members of the Fund assets liquidation group are the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian

Custodians, certified public accountants and lawyers with securities and futures related business qualifications, and those designated by the CSRC

Personnel composition. The Fund assets liquidation team may employ necessary staff.

(3) Responsibilities of the Fund Assets Liquidation Team: The Fund Assets Liquidation Team is responsible for the custody, liquidation

Valuation, realization and distribution. The fund assets liquidation team may carry out necessary civil activities according to law.

(4) Fund asset liquidation procedures:

1) In case of termination of the Fund Contract, the Fund Asset Liquidation Team shall take over the Fund in a unified manner;

2) Liquidate and confirm the fund assets, claims and debts;

3) Valuation and realization of fund assets;

4) Prepare liquidation report;

5) Engage an accounting firm to conduct external audit on the liquidation report, and engage a law firm to conduct external audit on the liquidation report

Issue legal opinions;

6) Submit the liquidation report to the CSRC for filing and announcement;

7) Distribute the remaining assets of the Fund.

(5) The time limit for the liquidation of the Fund's assets is six months, but the liquidity of the securities held by the Fund is limited

If it cannot be realized in time, the liquidation period shall be postponed accordingly.

4. Liquidation expenses

Liquidation expenses refer to all reasonable expenses incurred by the fund assets liquidation team in the process of fund liquidation,

The liquidation expenses shall be paid by the Fund Assets Liquidation Team in priority from the Fund assets.

5. Distribution of residual assets in the liquidation of fund assets

Deduct all remaining assets after the liquidation of the Fund assets from the Fund according to the distribution plan for the liquidation of the Fund assets

The fund held by the fund share holder shall be subject to the liquidation expenses, payment of taxes owed and settlement of fund debts

Share proportion.

6. Announcement of Fund Assets Liquidation

Major issues related to the liquidation process must be announced in a timely manner; The report on the liquidation of the fund assets has been issued with

Certified public accountants with relevant business qualifications shall audit and the legal opinion shall be issued by the law firm and then submitted to the certificate of China

The Regulatory Commission shall put on record and make an announcement. The fund assets liquidation announcement shall be made after the fund assets liquidation report is submitted to the CSRC for filing

The Fund assets liquidation group shall make an announcement within working days.

7. Preservation of fund assets liquidation books and documents

The fund assets liquidation account book and relevant documents shall be kept by the fund custodian for more than 15 years.

(4) Dispute resolution

All parties agree that all disputes arising from or in connection with the Fund Contract

If no settlement can be reached through friendly negotiation, it shall be submitted to the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the effective arbitration rules in Shanghai. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon all parties

The parties shall be binding, and the arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.

During the dispute settlement period, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall strictly abide by their respective responsibilities and continue to be faithful and diligent

To diligently and responsibly perform the obligations specified in the Fund Agreement and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Fund Unitholders.

The Fund Contract shall be governed by the laws of China.

(5) Depository of fund contracts and ways for investors to obtain fund contracts

The Fund Contract can be printed in a volume for investors to register with the Fund Manager, Fund Custodian and Sales Agency

For office and business premises.

Part XIX Summary of the Fund Custody Agreement

(1) Parties to the Fund Custody Agreement

1. Fund manager

Name: Fullrich Fund Management Co., Ltd

Address: 27-30, Block 2, Shijihui Office Building, No. 1196, Shiji Avenue, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone


Office address: Block 2, Shijihui Office Building, No. 1196, Shiji Avenue, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

27-30 floors

Postal code: 200122

Legal representative: Pei Changjiang

Time of establishment: April 13, 1999

Approved by: China Securities Regulatory Commission

Approval No. of establishment: CSRC Zhengjian Jiji Zi [1999] No. 11

Organizational form: limited liability company

Registered capital: 520 million yuan

Duration: continuous operation

Business scope: publicly offered securities investment fund management, fund sales, specific customer asset management

2. Fund Custodian

Name: Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Bank of Communications)

Address: No. 188, Yincheng Middle Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (postcode: 200120)

Office address: No. 18, Xianxia Road, Changning District, Shanghai (postcode: 200336)

Legal representative: Peng Chun

Time of establishment: March 30, 1987

Approval authority and approval document number: State Council GF (1986) No. 81 and People's Bank of China

XYF [1987] No. 40 Document

Approval No. of fund custody business: ZJJZ [1998] No. 25 of China Securities Regulatory Commission

Business scope: absorbing public deposits; Issue short-term, medium-term and long-term loans; Handle domestic and foreign settlement;

Handle bill acceptance and discount; Issuance of financial bonds; Issuing, cashing and underwriting government bonds as an agent; buy

Selling government bonds and financial bonds; Interbank lending; Buying and selling foreign exchange; Engaging in bank card business;

Provide letter of credit service and guarantee; Agency collection and payment business; Provide safe deposit box service; Banking industry under the State Council

Other businesses approved by the regulatory authority; Business of foreign exchange settlement and sales.

Registered capital: 74.262 billion yuan

Organizational form: limited liability company

Duration: continuous operation

(2) The Fund Custodian's business supervision and verification of the Fund Manager

1、 The Fund Custodian exercises supervision over the investment behavior of the Fund Manager

1. The Fund Custodian, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

The investment scope and investment objects of the Fund shall be supervised.

The investment scope of the Fund is financial instruments with good liquidity, including those legally issued and listed domestically

Bond assets (government bonds, local government bonds, government supported institutional bonds, financial bonds, corporate bonds

Central bank notes, non-financial enterprise debt financing instruments (including but not limited to medium-term notes, short-term financing bonds, and super

Short-term financing bonds), subordinated debt, etc.), bond repurchase, asset-backed securities, bank deposits (negotiated deposits

Known deposits, time deposits, etc.), inter-bank deposit receipts, money market instruments, laws and regulations or the CSRC's permission

Other financial instruments invested by Xu Fund (subject to the relevant provisions of the CSRC).

The Fund does not buy stocks or warrants, nor invest in convertible bonds and exchangeable bonds. Investment of the Fund

The portfolio proportion is: the proportion of the Fund's investment in bond assets is not less than 80% of the Fund's assets, cash or maturity

The total investment proportion of government bonds within one year shall not be less than 5% of the net asset value of the fund, of which cash shall not

Including settlement provisions, deposits and subscription receivables.

If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities allow the fund to invest in other varieties in the future, the fund manager shall perform appropriate

After the procedure, it can be included in the scope of investment.

2. The Fund Custodian, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

Fund investment and financing ratio shall be supervised.

According to the Fund Contract, the proportion of the Fund's investment portfolio shall comply with the following provisions:

(1) The Fund's investment proportion in bonds shall not be less than 80% of the Fund's assets;

(2) Keep no less than 5% of the net asset value of the fund in cash or government bonds with a maturity of less than one year,

Cash does not include provisions for settlement, deposits and subscription receivables;

(3) The Fund holds securities issued by a company whose market value does not exceed 10% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(4) All funds managed by the Fund Manager hold securities issued by one company, which shall not exceed

10%, and the fund variety that invests in securities in full accordance with the composition proportion of the relevant index may not be subject to this clause

Specified proportional limit;

(5) The proportion of the Fund's investment in various types of asset-backed securities of the same original equity holder shall not exceed

10% of net asset value;

(6) The market value of all asset-backed securities held by the Fund shall not exceed 20% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(7) The proportion of the same (referring to the same credit rating) asset-backed securities held by the Fund shall not exceed

10% of the size of asset-backed securities; (8) All funds managed by the Fund Manager invest in the same original right

All types of asset-backed securities of the beneficiary shall not exceed 10% of the total size of all types of asset-backed securities;

(9) The Fund shall invest in asset-backed securities with a credit rating of BBB or above (including BBB).

During the period when the Fund holds asset-backed securities, if its credit rating declines and it no longer meets the investment standards, it shall

All of them will be sold within 3 months from the date of release of the level report;

(10) The fund balance of the Fund entering the national inter-bank market for bond repurchase shall not exceed

40% of the net asset value of gold, and the maximum term of bond repo in the national inter-bank market is one year,

No extension is allowed after the maturity of bond repurchase;

(11) The total market value of the Fund's active investment in liquidity restricted assets shall not exceed the net asset value of the Fund

15% of; Discrepancy of funds due to factors other than fund managers such as fluctuations in the securities market and changes in fund size

If the proportion is limited, the Fund Manager shall not actively increase the investment of liquidity restricted assets;

(12) The Fund, private securities asset management products and other entities recognized by the CSRC are trading pairs

For reverse repurchase transactions, the qualification requirements for acceptable collateral should be consistent with the investment scope agreed in the fund contract

bring into correspondence with;

(13) The total asset value of the Fund shall not exceed 140% of the net asset value of the Fund;

(14) Other investment restrictions stipulated by laws and regulations, the CSRC and the Fund Contract.

Except for the situations in (2), (9), (11) and (12) above, due to the fluctuation of the securities market, the securities issuer

Factors other than the fund manager, such as merger and fund size change, result in the fund investment proportion not meeting the above provisions

The fund manager shall adjust the investment proportion within 10 trading days, but the special

Except in special circumstances. Where laws and regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

The Fund Manager shall, within six months from the effective date of the Fund Contract, make the proportion of the Fund's investment portfolio conform to

Relevant provisions of the fund contract. During the above period, the investment scope and investment strategy of the Fund shall conform to the basic

The agreement of the gold contract. The Fund Custodian's supervision and inspection of the Fund's investment shall commence on the effective date of the Fund Agreement


Laws and regulations or regulatory authorities cancel or adjust the above restrictions. If applicable to the Fund, the Fund Manager shall

After performing the appropriate procedures, the Fund's investment will no longer be subject to the relevant restrictions or the adjusted provisions.

The Fund Custodian shall supervise the restrictions on the Fund's investment portfolio and the adjustment period in accordance with the above provisions.

3. The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

Supervise the investment prohibition. The fund assets may not be used for the following investments or activities.

(1) Underwriting securities;

(2) Lending or providing guarantee to others in violation of regulations;

(3) Investment with unlimited liability;

(4) Buying and selling other fund units, except as otherwise stipulated by the CSRC;

(5) Make capital contributions to its fund manager and fund custodian;

(6) Engaging in insider trading, manipulating securities trading prices and other improper securities trading activities;

(7) Other activities prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and the CSRC.

The Fund Manager uses the Fund property to buy and sell the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and their controlling shareholders

Securities issued by the controller or a company with a significant stake in it or securities underwritten during the underwriting period, or

Those engaged in other major related party transactions shall comply with the investment objectives and investment strategies of the Fund, and follow the

The principle of giving priority to the interests of shareholders, preventing conflicts of interest, establishing and improving the internal approval mechanism and evaluation mechanism

Implement according to fair and reasonable market price. Relevant transactions must be approved by the fund custodian in advance and in accordance with the law

Disclosure of regulations. Major connected transactions shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Fund Manager for review, and shall be subject to two thirds

Approved by the independent directors on. The Board of Directors of the Fund Manager shall review related party transactions at least every six months.

Laws and regulations or regulatory authorities cancel or change the above restrictions. If applicable to the Fund, the Fund Manager shall

After due process, the investment of the Fund will no longer be subject to relevant restrictions or the changed regulations.

4. The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

The management participates in the supervision of the inter-bank bond market.

The Fund Manager shall provide the Fund Custodian with carefully selected

List of applicable counterparties in the inter-bank bond market, and agree on the transaction settlement of the counterparties using bond payment

Mode. The Fund Manager updates the list of counterparties in the inter-bank bond market, and the Fund Manager is responsible for

The credit control of counterparties shall be conducted in accordance with the trading rules of the inter-bank bond market, while the fund custodian shall

Supervise the contract performance according to the inter-bank bond market transaction sheet, but do not assume that the counterparty fails to perform the contract

The same as the losses caused. If the fund custodian discovers that the fund manager has failed to comply with the agreed counterparty

Or transaction mode, the Fund Custodian shall timely remind the Fund Manager that the Fund Custodian will not bear

Any losses and liabilities caused thereby.

5. The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

The administrator selects the deposit bank for supervision.

Where a fund invests in a fixed deposit with a bank, the fund manager shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the provisions of the fund contract

Agree to select qualified deposit banks, and the Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Custody Agreement

Supervise whether the deposit complies with relevant regulations.

The investment bank deposits of the Fund shall comply with the following provisions:

(1) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall establish a regular reconciliation mechanism with the deposit bank to ensure that the Fund

The bank deposit business accounts and accounting are true and accurate.

(2) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations, separately deal with the Bank Deposit Business of the Fund

Sign a written agreement to clarify the signing of relevant agreements, account opening and management, and transmission and implementation of investment instructions between both parties

Bank, fund transfer, account verification, due payment, document custody, and the issuance and transmission of deposit certificates

Rights, obligations and responsibilities in custody and other processes to ensure the safety of fund assets and protect the holding of fund shares

The legal rights and interests of people.

(3) The Fund Custodian shall strengthen the supervision and verification of the Fund's bank deposit business, and strictly review and recheck

Relevant agreements, account information, investment instructions, deposit certificates and other relevant documents shall be effectively performed.

(4) The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall strictly abide by the Fund Law

Operation Measures and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as national account management, interest rate management, payment and settlement, etc

The provisions of.

6. The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement

Supervise other aspects of investment.

2、 The Fund Custodian shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Fund Agreement

Net value calculation, net value calculation of fund shares, receipt of funds receivable, recognition of fund expenses and income, fund

Income distribution, relevant information disclosure, fund performance data published in fund promotion materials, etc

Supervision and verification. If the Fund Manager prints false performance data without the approval of the Fund Custodian

If it is based on promotional materials, the Fund Custodian will not bear any responsibility for this and has the right to report after discovery

China Securities Regulatory Commission.

3、 The Fund Manager shall actively cooperate with and assist the Fund Custodian in its supervision and verification, and

Reply and correct, and explain or provide evidence on the Fund Custodian's doubts. As required by laws and regulations

If it is necessary to submit a fund supervision report to the CSRC, the fund manager shall actively cooperate in providing relevant data and materials

And systems.

The Fund Custodian finds that the investment instruction or actual investment operation of the Fund Manager violates the Fund Law and

Other acts specified in relevant laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement shall be notified to the Fund Management in writing in a timely manner

The Fund Manager shall timely check and notify the Fund Custodian by telephone or in writing

The manager shall give feedback, explain the reasons for violation and the time limit for correction, and ensure timely correction within the specified time limit. Within the time limit,

The Fund Custodian has the right to review the notice at any time and urge the Fund Manager to make corrections. Fund manager's right to

If the violation notified by the Fund Custodian fails to be corrected within the time limit, the Fund Custodian has the right to report to the CSRC


If the Fund Custodian finds that the Fund Manager has major violations, it shall immediately report to the CSRC

Notify the fund manager to make corrections within the time limit.

The Fund Custodian finds that the Fund Manager's instructions violate laws, administrative regulations and other relevant provisions, or

If the fund manager violates the Fund Contract, he shall refuse to implement it, immediately notify the fund manager, and have the right to

Report of China Securities Regulatory Commission.

The Fund Custodian finds that the effective instructions of the Fund Manager in accordance with the trading procedures violate laws and administrative laws

In case of violation of the Fund Agreement, the Fund Manager shall be notified immediately,

And has the right to report to the CSRC.

(3) The Fund Manager's business verification of the Fund Custodian

In accordance with the Fund Law and other relevant regulations, the Fund Contract and this Agreement, the Fund Manager

The Fund Custodian shall check the performance of its custody responsibilities, including but not limited to whether the Fund Custodian is

Whether the fund property is safeguarded, and the fund account, securities account and bond custody account of the fund property are opened

Whether the net asset value and net fund share value calculated by the fund manager are reviewed timely and accurately in the account required for capital

Value, whether the clearing and settlement are handled according to the instructions of the fund manager, whether the laws and regulations and the Fund Contract are followed

To provide for the disclosure of relevant information and the supervision of fund investment operations.

The Fund Manager shall regularly and irregularly check the Fund assets under the custody of the Fund Custodian. Gikinto

The custodian shall actively cooperate with the fund manager in the verification, including but not limited to: submitting relevant materials for the fund

The manager shall check the integrity and authenticity of the entrusted property, reply and correct within the specified time.

The Fund Manager finds that the Fund Custodian fails to manage the Fund assets in separate accounts, misappropriates the Fund assets without authorization

Failing to execute or unreasonably delaying the execution of the fund manager's fund transfer instructions, divulging fund investment information, etc

The Fund Custodian shall be notified in writing in a timely manner if the Fund Law, the Fund Contract, this Agreement and other relevant provisions are applicable

The Fund Custodian shall timely check and report to the Fund Manager in writing after receiving the notice

Send a reply. Within the time limit, the fund manager has the right to review the notice at any time and urge the fund to be placed in custody

People correct. If the Fund Custodian fails to correct the violations notified by the Fund Manager within the time limit, the Fund Custodian

The manager shall report to the CSRC. Fund managers need to report to the CSRC for fund supervision in accordance with legal requirements

In case of supervision report, the Fund Custodian shall actively cooperate in providing relevant data and systems.

If the Fund Manager finds that the Fund Custodian has major violations, it shall immediately report to the CSRC

Notify the Fund Custodian to make corrections within the time limit.

(4) Fund property custody

(1) Principles of Fund Property Custody

1. The Fund Custodian shall keep the Fund assets in a safe manner and shall not use

Dispose of and distribute any assets of the Fund.

2. The Fund property shall be independent of the inherent property of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian.

3. The Fund Custodian shall open the fund account, securities account and bond custody account of the Fund assets in accordance with the provisions

Account required for investment.

4. The Fund Custodian shall set up separate accounts for different fund assets under its custody for independent accounting and separate account management,

To ensure the integrity and independence of the Fund's assets.

5. Assets receivable arising from fund investment and assets receivable arising from fund purchase shall be

The Fund Manager is responsible for determining the date of receipt with the relevant parties and notifying the Fund Custodian of the fund assets on the date of receipt

If it fails to reach the fund's bank deposit account, the fund custodian shall timely notify the fund manager to take measures

Collection. If losses are caused to the Fund, the Fund Manager shall be responsible for recovering the losses of the Fund from the relevant parties.

The Fund Custodian shall not bear any responsibility for this.

(2) Verification of fund raised assets

Within 10 days after the expiration of the fund raising period or the early termination of the fund raising

An accounting firm with securities related business qualifications shall verify the capital, issue a capital verification report, and issue a capital verification report

It shall be valid with the signatures of more than 2 (including 2) Chinese certified public accountants participating in the capital verification. Completion of capital verification, fund

The Manager shall deposit all the raised funds into the fund bank deposit account opened by the Fund Custodian for the Fund,

The Fund Custodian shall issue relevant supporting documents on the date of receipt of funds.

(3) Opening and management of the Fund's bank deposit account

1. The Fund Custodian shall be responsible for the opening and management of the Bank Deposit Account of the Fund.

2. The Fund Custodian shall open a bank deposit account of the Fund in its business institution in the name of the Fund, and

The fund manager shall handle the receipt and payment of funds according to the legal and compliant instructions. The reserved seal of the Fund's bank shall be issued by the Fund Custodian

Storage and use.

3. The opening and use of the Fund's bank deposit account shall be limited to meet the needs of conducting the Fund's business. fund

The Custodian and the Fund Manager shall not open any other bank deposit account in the name of the Fund; Neither

Use any bank deposit account of the Fund for activities other than the business of the Fund.

4. The Fund Custodian may apply for the opening of the Fund's bank account through the enterprise online banking business

Cash payment, and use Bank of Communications corporate online banking (hereinafter referred to as "Bank of Communications online banking") to handle custody of assets

Fund settlement and remittance business.

5. The management of the fund's bank deposit account shall comply with the relevant provisions of the banking regulatory authority.

(4) Opening and management of fund securities settlement account and capital settlement account

The Fund Custodian shall be jointly named by the Fund Custodian and the Fund in China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

The company opens a securities account.

The opening and use of the Fund's securities account shall be limited to meeting the needs of conducting the Fund's business. Fund Custodian

And the Fund Manager shall not lend or transfer any securities account of the Fund without the consent of the other party; And shall not

Use any account of the Fund for activities other than the business of the Fund.

The Fund Manager shall not oversold or overbought the securities of the Fund's securities settlement account or the capital settlement account.

The Fund Custodian shall open a settlement in the name of the Fund Custodian in China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

The reserve account is the capital settlement account, which is used for the settlement of securities trading funds. The Fund Custodian

Open a secondary settlement reserve account for the settlement of the fund's securities trading funds at the fund custodian in name.

(5) Opening and management of bond custody account

1. After the Fund Contract comes into effect, the Fund Custodian shall be responsible for reporting to the People's Bank of China and passing the record

Later, the Fund was registered with the Central Government Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. and the Inter bank Market Clearing House Co., Ltd

The Fund Custodian shall be responsible for clearing the bonds and funds of the Fund. fund

The Manager shall be responsible for applying for the Fund to enter the national interbank borrowing market for trading, and the Fund Manager shall

The Foreign Exchange Trading Center shall open a trading account in the interbank borrowing market.

2. The Fund Manager, on behalf of the Fund, signed the Master Agreement on Bond Repurchase in the National Inter bank Bond Market, the original of which was signed by

The Fund Manager shall keep it.

(6) Opening and management of other accounts

If the CSRC or other regulatory authorities allow the Fund to engage in other investments after the date of this Custody Agreement

The fund manager shall assist in the fund custody of the investment business of asset varieties involving the opening and use of relevant accounts

I will open relevant accounts in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the Fund Contract. The account is as follows:

Use and manage relevant rules.

(7) Custody of valuable certificates such as physical securities and time deposit certificates of bank deposits related to the investment of fund assets

Physical securities shall be deposited by the Fund Custodian in the Fund Custodian's vault. Purchase and transfer of physical securities,

It shall be handled by the Fund Custodian according to the instructions of the Fund Manager. The Fund Custodian's response to institutions other than the Fund Custodian

The Fund's assets under actual and effective control shall not bear the custody responsibility.

The Fund Custodian shall be responsible for the custody of certificates of deposit and other valuable certificates.

8. Custody of major contracts related to fund assets

The originals of the major contracts related to the Fund signed by the Fund Manager on behalf of the Fund shall be deposited by the Fund

And the Fund Manager, unless otherwise restricted by relevant business procedures. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Fund

When signing major contracts related to the Fund on behalf of the Fund, the Manager shall ensure to hold more than two originals as far as possible,

In order that the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian each hold at least one original, the Fund Manager shall promptly

The original shall be delivered to the Fund Custodian. The term of custody of the contract shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the State.

If more than two originals cannot be obtained, the Fund Manager shall provide the Fund Custodian with the stamped authorization

The fax of the contract of the business seal shall not be transferred without the negotiation of both parties or within the scope of the contract.

(5) Calculation and review of net fund assets and net fund unit values

The net asset value of the fund refers to the value of the total asset value of the fund minus the liabilities.

The Fund Manager shall evaluate the assets of the Fund every working day

Except when the valuation is suspended according to the provisions of the gold contract. The valuation principle should comply with the Fund Contract and the CSRC's

Guidance on Securities Investment Fund Valuation Business and other laws and regulations. For fund information

The disclosed net fund assets and net fund unit values shall be calculated by the Fund Manager and reviewed by the Fund Custodian. base

The Fund Manager shall calculate the net asset value of the Fund on each working day after the end of trading and send it in the agreed manner

To the Fund Custodian. After reviewing the net value calculation result, the fund custodian will feed back the review result to the fund management

The Fund Manager shall publish the net value of the Fund units.

The Fund is valued as follows:

1. Valuation of fixed income varieties traded in stock exchanges

(1) The bonds listed on the Exchange for net price trading (unless otherwise specified) shall be evaluated by the third party on the evaluation date

The net price of the corresponding variety provided by the valuation agency shall be evaluated.

(2) The bonds listed on the Exchange but not traded at net price shall be withdrawn according to the closing price on the valuation date or the third-party valuation agency

The estimated full price of the corresponding varieties on the current day minus the bond closing price or the bond interest receivable included in the estimated full price

The obtained net price is estimated; There is no quotation on the valuation date and there is no impact on fair value measurement after the most recent transaction date

In case of major events, the closing price of bonds on the latest trading day or that of the corresponding varieties provided by a third-party valuation agency

The net price obtained by subtracting the closing price of bonds or the interest receivable of bonds included in the full valuation price shall be valued.

If the economic environment has changed significantly since the latest trading day or the securities issuer has a significant impact on the securities price

In case of an event, the current market price and major change factors of similar investment varieties can be referred to to adjust the recent transaction market price,

Determine the fair value.

(3) The fair value of the securities listed on the Exchange without an active market shall be determined by valuation techniques.

The fair value of asset-backed securities listed on the exchange is determined by valuation technology, which is difficult to be reliable

In case of measurement of fair value, it shall be valued at cost.

2. The securities in the unlisted period shall be handled according to the following circumstances:

(1) For the initial public offering of unlisted bonds, the fair value is determined using valuation techniques

If it is difficult to reliably measure the fair value, it shall be valued at cost.

(2) For unlisted or unlisted bonds issued in the exchange market, and for the existence of an active market

In this case, the unadjusted quotation in the active market shall be taken as the fair value on the valuation date; For active market reports

If the price fails to represent the fair value on the valuation date, the market quotation shall be adjusted to confirm the fair value on the valuation date

Allowable value; If there is no active market or few market activities, valuation techniques should be used to determine

Fair value.

3. For fixed income varieties without rights in the national inter-bank market

The estimated net price of the corresponding variety on the current day. For the types of fixed income with rights in the inter-bank market

The only estimated net price or the recommended estimated net price on the current day of the corresponding variety provided by the valuation agency. For investment included

For the fixed income variety of the investor's right to sell back, if the right to sell back is not exercised after the deadline of the registration period (including the date)

The valuation is based on the price corresponding to the long waiting period. Not listed in the inter-bank market, and the third-party valuation agency is not

There is no significant difference between the issuance interest rate and the secondary market interest rate for bonds with valuation price

If there is no major change in the market interest rate, it shall be valued at cost.

4. If the same bond is traded in two or more markets at the same time, it shall be valued separately according to the market in which the bond is located.

5. Valuation method of deposits

Time deposits or call deposits held by banks are listed as principal, and the total interest listed according to the deposit agreement

Or the agreed interest rate accrues interest every natural day. In case of early withdrawal or interest rate change, account adjustment shall be carried out as required


6. The Fund may adopt the valuation price provided by a third-party valuation agency in accordance with the above fair value determination principles

Grid data.

7. If there is conclusive evidence that the fair value cannot be objectively reflected by the above method

The Manager may, after consultation with the Fund Custodian according to the specific circumstances, value at the price that best reflects the fair value.

8. In case of large amount subscription or redemption, the fund manager can adopt the swing pricing mechanism to ensure

To ensure the fairness of fund valuation.

9. If there are mandatory provisions in relevant laws and regulations and regulatory authorities, such provisions shall prevail. If there are new items, press

The latest national regulations on valuation.

If the fund manager or the fund custodian finds that the fund valuation violates the valuation method and procedure specified in the fund contract

In case of the provisions of relevant laws and regulations or failure to fully protect the interests of fund share holders, it shall immediately notify

The other party shall jointly find out the cause, and the two parties shall solve it through consultation.

According to relevant laws and regulations, the obligations of the Fund Manager to calculate the net asset value of the Fund and to conduct financial accounting of the Fund are

Undertake. The fund manager is the fund accounting responsible party of the Fund

If no agreement can be reached after full discussion on the basis of equality between relevant parties

The Fund Manager shall publish the results of the calculation of the net asset value of the Fund to the public, thereby providing information to the Fund Unitholders and

The loss caused by the Fund and the loss caused by the error of deferring the calculation of the net asset value of the Fund on the trading day shall be determined by

The fund manager is responsible for compensation, and the fund custodian is not responsible for compensation.

(6) Custody of the Register of Fund Unitholders

The fund manager may entrust the fund registration institution to register and maintain the register of fund unit holders. Fund shares

The contents of the register of holders shall include, but not limited to, the names of fund share holders and the fund units they hold.

The register of fund unit holders, including the register of fund unit holders at the end of the fund raising period, the fund

The register of fund unit holders on the equity registration date, and the holding of fund units on the registration date of the general meeting of fund unit holders

The register of persons and the register of fund share holders on the last trading day of each year shall be compiled by the fund registration authority

And keep it, and be responsible for the authenticity, completeness and accuracy of the register of fund unit holders. Shelf life from

The fund account shall be closed for at least 20 years.

The Fund Manager shall provide funds to the Fund Custodian regularly and irregularly according to the requirements of the Fund Custodian

Register of amount holders.

1. The Fund Manager shall, within 10 working days after the effective date of the Fund Agreement and the termination date of the Fund Agreement

Provide the Fund Custodian with the register of Fund Unitholders prepared by the registration authority;

2. The Fund Manager shall place the fund in custody within 5 working days after the registration date of the rights and interests of the general meeting of fund unit holders

The register of fund share holders prepared by the registration authority;

3. The Fund Manager shall, within 10 working days after the last trading day of each year, provide the Fund Custodian with

The register of fund share holders prepared by the registration authority;

4. In addition to the above agreed time, if it is really necessary for business, the Fund Custodian shall consult with the Fund Manager

After that, the Fund Manager shall provide the Fund Custodian with the register of Fund Unitholders prepared by the registration authority.

The Fund Custodian shall properly keep the register of Fund Unitholders in electronic form, and shall regularly make a CD backup,

The storage life is 15 years. The Fund Custodian shall not use the register of Fund Unitholders under its custody for fund custody

It shall be used for other purposes than business and shall abide by confidentiality obligations. If the Fund Manager or Fund Custodian

If the register of fund share holders cannot be properly kept due to any reason, they shall bear their respective responsibilities in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

(7) Dispute resolution

Both parties agree that all disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation

Good negotiation or mediation. The parties to the trusteeship agreement are unwilling to negotiate or mediate

In case of failure, either party has the right to submit the dispute to Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

The arbitration shall be conducted according to the then effective arbitration rules of the Commission. The place of arbitration shall be Shanghai. The arbitral award shall be final,

And binding on both parties concerned. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.

During the dispute settlement period, both parties shall strictly abide by the responsibilities of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian, continue to be faithful

Fulfill the obligations specified in the Fund Contract and this Agreement diligently and responsibly, and maintain the contract of fund share holders

Legal interests.

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

(8) Change and termination of custody agreement

1. Changes to the Fund Custody Agreement

The parties to this agreement may amend the agreement upon consensus. The revised new agreement, which

The contents shall not conflict with the provisions of the Fund Contract. The revised new agreement shall be reported to the CSRC

keep on record.

2. Termination of the Fund Custody Agreement

1) The Fund Contract is terminated;

2) The Fund Custodian is disbanded, revoked or bankrupt according to law, or is disqualified from fund custody according to law, or for other reasons

Cause causes other fund custodians to take over the fund assets;

3) The Fund Manager is disbanded, revoked, bankrupt, disqualified from fund management or otherwise

Cause causes other fund managers to take over the fund management right.

4) Termination under the Fund Law, the Sales Measures, the Operation Measures or other laws and regulations


Part XX Services for Fund Unitholders

The Fund Manager promises to provide a series of services to the Fund Unitholders. The Fund Manager will

The needs of gold share holders and changes in the market, increase or change of service items. The main services are as follows:

(1) Transaction information service for fund share holders

Investors can query and print transactions through sales outlets 2 working days after the transaction application is accepted

confirmation sheet. The Fund Manager will, according to the customized statement of the holder, report the transaction or statement period within the statement period

The fund share holders who still hold the fund shares of the Company shall send statements regularly or irregularly. Specific business

See the announcement on the fund manager's website or relevant instructions for the rules.

(2) Online transaction and inquiry service

Investors can apply for purchase and redemption through the direct sales outlets of the fund manager and the sales outlets of the sales institutions on a commission basis

In addition to such transactions and account inquiries, the fund manager's website (www.fullgoal. com. cn)

Letter official account (search "FullgoalWeFund" or "FullgoalWeFund"), or client "FullgoalWeFund"

Package "APP to enjoy online transaction and query services. For specific business rules, see the announcement on the fund manager's website or

Off description.

(3) Information customization and information services

Investors can call customer service hotline, online customer service, send email, SMS or log in to the fund manager

Website and other channels, customized statements, fund transaction confirmation information, weekly and other information services. Dang Tou

The information such as the mobile phone number, e-mail address and mailing address of the investor receiving the customized service is unknown, filled in incorrectly or sent

In case of changes, they can be updated and modified through the above channels to avoid failing to receive relevant customized services in time.

(4) Online service

Investors can obtain investment consultation and business consultation through the fund manager's website, WeChat official account or client

Inquiry, information inquiry, information customization, service complaints and suggestions and other online services.

(5) Customer service center telephone service

The automatic voice system of the customer service center provides 7 × 24 hours of fund net value information, account transactions

Information inquiry on gold products and services.

The customer service center provides manual agent service five days a week and no less than eight hours a day

Through this hotline, you can obtain business consultation, information inquiry, service complaint, information customization, data modification, etc

Special services, except holidays.

(6) Customer complaint acceptance service

Investors can go through the counter of each sales agency outlet, the complaint column of the fund company website, and the customer service

The fund can be accessed through various channels, such as hotline, online customer service, WeChat customer service, letter, email, SMS, fax, etc

Complaints or opinions on the services provided by the manager and sales outlets and the company's policies and regulations.

(7) Customer service contact information of fund manager

Customer service hotline: 951056864008880688 (unified nationwide, toll free), working hours

Internal seats can be transferred to manual seats.

Customer service fax: (021) 20513277

Company website:


Address of customer service center: 27/F, Building 2, Century Plaza, No. 1196, Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

(8) If there is any content in this prospectus that you/your institution cannot understand, please contact the fund management

Contact the fund manager through the hotline of the customer service center or by email, fax, letter, etc. please

Ensure that you/your organization has fully understood this prospectus before investing.

Part XXI Storage and Reference Methods of Prospectus

After the prospectus is published, it shall be separately placed on the fund manager, fund custodian and fund sales machine

The residence of the organization shall be available for public reference and reproduction. The above documents can be obtained within a reasonable time after paying the cost of production

The duplicate or photocopy of the fund shall be subject to the original of the fund reference document.

The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian guarantee that the content of the text is completely consistent with the content of the announcement.

Part XXII Documents for future reference

The following documents for future reference are kept in the office of the Fund Manager and can be consulted free of charge during office hours.

(1) Document of China Securities Regulatory Commission approving the offering and registration of Fullrich Pure Bond Securities Investment Fund

(2) Fuguohua Li Pure Bond Securities Investment Fund Fund Contract

(3) Custody Agreement of Fullrich Pure Bond Securities Investment Fund

(4) Business qualification approval document and business license of fund manager

(5) Business qualification approval document and business license of fund custodian

(6) Legal Opinion on Application for Offering and Registration of Fullrich Pure Bond Securities Investment Fund

(7) Other documents required by the CSRC

Wells Fargo Fund Management Co., Ltd

November 4, 2019