Dongfanghong No. 2

(910002) Collective financing mixed type
one point three four nine two 0% zero
Unit net value [2009-07-06]
two point four seven nine two
Accumulated net value [2009-07-06]
  • Last month: 2.30%
  • Last season: 7.51%
  • Last half year: 23.80%
  • Since this year: 30.86%
  • Last year: 0.84%
  • In the last two years: -5.82%
  • In the last three years: 136.40%
  • Since its establishment: 136.40%
  • Date of establishment: 2006-07-05
  • Fund Manager: Jiang Heze
  • Product type: Collective financing of securities companies
  • Management company: Orient red
Performance analysis More>>

Updated on: July 6, 2009

name Weekly increase Monthly increase Quarterly increase Half year increase Annual increase Increase this year
Dongfanghong No. 2 --- --- --- --- --- ---
Same type ranking --- --- --- --- --- ---
Shanghai Stock Exchange Index -1.94% -3.56% 14.59% 14.27% 18.71% 9.23%
Shenzhen Stock Index -4.12% -6.06% 20.02% 22.34% 49.30% 28.22%
CSI 300 -2.67% -4.48% 16.82% 17.07% 26.46% 13.57%
Stock 0.18% 0.70% 10.39% 10.34% 19.22% 17.55%
mixed type -0.54% 0.53% 8.06% 8.65% 17.08% 9.46%
Bond type 0.07% 0.43% 1.16% 1.32% 1.69% 1.80%
FOF -0.88% 0.50% 12.39% 14.02% 22.02% 15.93%
QDII 0.01% -1.37% 9.14% 1.57% 12.92% 1.87%
Performance conclusion
Fund performance conclusion The fund is a hybrid fund. Most of the funds of this type belong to high-risk and high-yield funds. Their short, medium and long term performance lags behind, and their performance needs to be improved.
trend chart