Xin'ao Tiantai Robust Three month Holding Period Hybrid (FOF) A

(019695) Public offering FOF
--- --- ---
Net value per unit [---]
Cumulative net value [---]
  • Last month: ---
  • Last season: ---
  • Last half year: ---
  • Since this year: ---
  • Last year: ---
  • In the last two years: ---
  • In the last three years: ---
  • Since its establishment: ---
  • Date of establishment: ---
  • Fund Manager: Wang Yilei
  • Product type: Contractual and open
  • Latest share: ---
  • Subscription status: Can be subscribed
  • Latest scale: ---
  • Investment style:
  • Management company: Cinda Australia Asia
  • Net worth trend chart
  • Heavy position holding
  • January
  • March
  • June
  • 1 year
  • 3 years
  • 6 years
  • since this year on
  • maximum
  • Annualized rate of return
  • January
  • March
  • June
  • 1 year
  • 3 years
  • 6 years
  • since this year on
  • maximum
Net value of fund dividend fund Fund split More>>
date Unit net value Accumulated Net Daily growth rate
No data temporarily
Performance analysis More>>


name Weekly increase Monthly increase Quarterly increase Half year increase Annual increase Increase this year
No data temporarily
Fund share analysis More>>
time Total share Number of holders
No data temporarily
Asset allocation More>>

Date of quarterly report:

Industry configuration More>>

Date of quarterly report:

fund manager more

Wang Yilei Date of appointment: March 8, 2024

Ms. Wang Yilei: Master of Finance. She has successively served as a researcher in the Research Institute of Founder Securities Co., Ltd., and has successively served as a fixed income analyst and fund analyst. In September 2016, he joined Xinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd. and served as the FOF product investment manager of the special account. He is currently the Director of the Fund Investment Department of Xinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd. He is currently a member of the Investment Decision making Committee of Xinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd. On April 26, 2020, he served as the fund manager of Xinhua Select Growth Theme 3-month holding period hybrid fund (FOF). Expand ∨ Stow Λ