Deppon Ruifeng Bond C

(013683) Public offering Bond type
--- --- ---
Net value per unit [---]
Cumulative net value [---]
Net worth estimate[ 2024-09-18     ]
  • Last month: ---
  • Last season: ---
  • Last half year: ---
  • Since this year: ---
  • Last year: ---
  • In the last two years: ---
  • In the last three years: ---
  • Since its establishment: ---
  • Date of establishment: ---
  • Fund Manager: Fan Wenjing
  • Product type: Contractual and open
  • Latest share: ---
  • Subscription status: Can be subscribed
  • Latest scale: ---
  • Investment style:
  • Management company: Deppon
Performance analysis More>>


name Weekly increase Monthly increase Quarterly increase Half year increase Annual increase Increase this year
No data temporarily
Performance conclusion
Fund performance conclusion The fund is a bond fund with low risk and low yield. Its short, medium and long term performance exceeds the average level of the same type, and its performance is relatively stable.
trend chart