Minsheng Plus Bank Zhaoli One year Holding Period Hybrid A

(010574) Public offering mixed type
--- --- ---
Net value per unit [---]
Cumulative net value [---]
Net worth estimate[ 2024-09-18     ]
  • Last month: ---
  • Last season: ---
  • Last half year: ---
  • Since this year: ---
  • Last year: ---
  • In the last two years: ---
  • In the last three years: ---
  • Since its establishment: ---
  • Date of establishment: ---
  • Fund Manager: Lu Xin
  • Product type: Contractual and open
  • Latest share: ---
  • Subscription status: Can be subscribed
  • Latest scale: ---
  • Investment style:
  • Management company: Minsheng Jiayin
  • Net worth trend chart
  • Real time valuation
  • Heavy position holding
  • January
  • March
  • June
  • 1 year
  • 3 years
  • 6 years
  • since this year on
  • maximum
  • Annualized rate of return
  • January
  • March
  • June
  • 1 year
  • 3 years
  • 6 years
  • since this year on
  • maximum
Net value of fund dividend fund Fund split More>>
date Unit net value Accumulated Net Daily growth rate
No data temporarily
Performance analysis More>>


name Weekly increase Monthly increase Quarterly increase Half year increase Annual increase Increase this year
No data temporarily
Fund share analysis More>>
time Total share Number of holders
No data temporarily
Asset allocation More>>

Date of quarterly report:

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Date of quarterly report:

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Lu Xin Date of appointment: February 26, 2021

Mr. Lu Xin: Master of Quantitative Economics, Fudan University, CPA, certified public accountant, and Chinese quasi actuary. He used to be a bond trader and bond researcher of Shanghai Trading Center of Global Financial Market Department of Bank of China; Senior bond researcher, macro analyst, bond fund manager and deputy director of fixed income of Everbright Prudential Fund Management Co., Ltd; Bond Fund Manager and Deputy Director of Fixed Income of ICBC Credit Suisse Fund Management Co., Ltd. In August 2018, he joined Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. and served as the director of the fixed income department, chairman of the fixed income asset line investment decision-making committee, member of the company's investment decision-making committee, and fund manager. Served as Minsheng Jiayin Xinxiang bond certificate since September 2018 Expand ∨ Stow Λ

Latest Fund Announcement More>>
Date of announcement title
2023-05-17 Prompting Announcement of Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. on the Change of Valuation Method of Shares Held by its Funds after Suspension
2022-11-03 Prompting Announcement of Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. on the Change of Valuation Method of Shares Held by its Funds after Suspension
2022-05-07 Announcement on Termination of Beijing Tangding Yaohua Fund Sales Co., Ltd., Beijing Shengshitianxia Fund Sales Co., Ltd., and Beijing Zhixin Fund Sales Co., Ltd. in Handling Related Fund Sales Business
2022-05-05 Prompting Announcement of Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. on the Change of Valuation Method of Shares Held by its Funds after Suspension
2022-04-25 Prompting Announcement of Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. on the Change of Valuation Method of Shares Held by its Funds after Suspension
2021-06-04 Announcement on the Ineffectiveness of the One year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund Contract of Minsheng Plus Bank
2021-04-28 Announcement of Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. on Extending the Raising Period of Minsheng Jiayin's One year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
2021-03-24 Announcement of Minsheng Jiayin Fund Management Co., Ltd. on Extending the Raising Period of Minsheng Jiayin's One year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
2021-02-26 Custody Agreement of Minsheng Bank Plus Zhaoli One year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
2021-02-26 Minsheng Jiayin Zhaoli One year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund Fund Contract
2021-02-26 Minsheng Plus Bank Zhaoli One year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (Minsheng Plus Bank Zhaoli One year Holding Period Hybrid A Shares) Fund Product Profile
2021-02-26 Prospectus of Minsheng Plus Bank's One year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
2021-02-26 Prompting announcement of Minsheng Plus Bank's one-year holding period hybrid securities investment fund contract and prospectus
2021-02-26 Announcement on the Offering of Fund Units of Minsheng Plus Bank's One year Holding Period Hybrid Securities Investment Fund