Guodu Gathering and Mixing

(009996) Public offering mixed type
--- --- ---
Net value per unit [---]
Cumulative net value [---]
Net worth estimate[ 2024-09-18     ]
  • Last month: ---
  • Last season: ---
  • Last half year: ---
  • Since this year: ---
  • Last year: ---
  • In the last two years: ---
  • In the last three years: ---
  • Since its establishment: ---
  • Date of establishment: ---
  • Fund Manager: Liao Xiaodong
  • Product type: Contractual and open
  • Latest share: ---
  • Subscription status: Can be subscribed
  • Latest scale: ---
  • Investment style:
  • Management company: Guodu Securities
Real time situation
Guodu Gathering and Mixing Shanghai Stock Exchange Index Deep index CSI 300
present price
Real time quotation of funds' heavy positions
S/N Stock code Stock name Daily increase Proportion in net worth Number of shares held (10000 shares) Market value of shareholding (10000 yuan) Proportion in stock market value Position change